Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Javi Marroquin to Appear on Million Dollar Matchmaker?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know there may be real reason to question Javi Marroquin’s mental health.

Javi has gone from sympathetic dad trying to keep his family together to the sort of psycho ex who’s prone to bursting into his baby mama’s house unannounced.

But hey, a bad breakup can drive anyone a little crazy, right?

And the fact that Kailyn is pregnant with her third child so soon after parting ways with Javi has gotta make things even harder.

Unfortunately, Javi’s experience seems to have pushed him off the deep end in a very public way, and it may be tough for him to regain his reputation.

Not only is he crossing the line with Kailyn on a regular basis, we now know that Javi wants to appear on a dating show.

In fact, it seems he’s willing to appear on any dating show, so long as producers promise to help him land a rebound chick.

Last week, Javi made an audition tape for MTV’s Are You The One? and most fans sort of laughed it off as a good-natured stunt.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Javi is in talks to appear on Patti Stanger’s Million Dollar Matchmaker.

Some of those talks took place on Twitter, where matchmaker David Cruz invited Javi on the show:

“If you’re ready for love and some good advice @Pattistanger and I can help!” Cruz tweeted at Javi.

Marroquin wasted no time in posting a very enthusiastic reply:

“Hell yeah I would be open to it! I would have to figure out the logistics, but yeah.”

His excitement should come as no surprise to anyone who saw Javi’s somewhat cringe-worthy audition tape for Are You The One?

“Hey everybody this is Javi, most of you know me from Teen Mom 2,” he said on the Are You The One? after show.

“You know what happened to me and you know I love to love and I’m looking for love and just can’t find it.”

He added:

“I have a 3-year-old little boy, he means everything to me. I’m trying to figure out who is the one. I’m trying to take someone out on a date.”

Look, it’s nice that Javi is so open about his desire to find love post-Kailyn.

But there’s a fine line between earnest and desperate.

Someone needs to tell this dude he’s well-off and relatively famous.

It really shouldn’t be that tough for him to find someone.
