Thursday, March 30, 2017

Charo: I"m Going to Quit Dancing with the Stars!

Look, Charo is a gift. That little Spanish butterfly is a gift and a gem and a treasure, and those are the facts.

But it’s also a fact that our favorite flamenco guitarist is having a tough time on this season of Dancing with the Stars.

The second week of the dancing competition show just wrapped up, and while actor Chris Kattan was the one eliminated, our beloved Charo came close to going home herself.

And that simply will not stand.

A source tells E! News that “Charo was super upset this week about her scoring and she feels like she’s being treated and scored very unfairly.”

“She is seriously upset.”

“She was telling producers that she doesn’t like how they’re underscoring her,” the source elaborates, “and she feels like she’s been treated so badly so she was threatening to quit.”

Producers managed to calm her down enough to stay on the show, but the source maintains that Charo will leave “unless they started scoring her performances more fairly.”

And all that sounds pretty fair, right?

After all, we’ve heard that the judges are scoring Heather Morris differently than the others since she has tons of professional dance experience, so it would just make sense that they adjust their scoring for Charo, too.

The woman is 71 years old, after all.

She’s showed more energy than nearly anyone else on the show, and though she was a little off during this week’s performance, it’s understandable to think she deserved a better critique than what she got.

And she didn’t just take issue with her own scores — in an interview after the show, she admitted that she felt Chris Kattan was treated unfairly, too.

“I was very upset that they kicked out Chris,” she said. “I was about to make a deal — I go, and he stays. But I don’t think the rules allow that.”

“He tried very hard and it’s so beautiful.”

Again, she has a point — Chris broke his neck, for goodness’ sake, so shouldn’t he have slightly different judging criteria too?

This week, he and Mr. T both received a score of 22 out of 40, and Charo said that she was “very upset” that they were kinder to Mr. T.

And don’t forget, she’s been outspoken about her thoughts on the competition since the beginning.

Ahead of the season premiere, she said in an interview that Heather Morris joining the show “pissed me off. Because how can I prepare with a professional dancer?”

“I think this is not fair,” she said, “but life is not fair. So, what I have to do is move my ass. That’s the only thing.”

And, if nothing else, Charo is definitely moving her ass.

