Friday, March 31, 2017

Jinger Duggar FINALLY Meets New Nephew!

When Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo back in October, it was something of a bittersweet affair.

Jim Bob and Michelle had already married off several of their daughters (Jill to Derick Dillard, Jessa to Ben Seewald, Jana to her duties as a surrogate mother to her younger siblings), but this time was different.

Unlike her sisters, Jinger planned to not only leave the Duggar compound, but to leave the state of Arkansas behind completely.

Shortly after tying the knot, Jinger and Jeremy relocated to Laredo, Texas, where he had been living prior to meeting his future wife.

Jinger admits that the move has been an adjustment, but she says that at the end of the day, she loves her new life in Texas.

Naturally, however, there are downsides to the change in locale, such as the fact that she’s unable to rush to the hospital every time one of her many siblings brings a child into the world.

Back in February, Jessa Duggar gave birth to her second child, and most of her famous family was right there by her side.

Jinger, however, didn’t get to meet little Henry Wilberforce until this week.

Fortunately, she documented the moment for her many Instagram followers.

Jinger posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Our first time seeing baby Henry!”

Naturally, the pic received plenty of positive feedback from fans, but there was also a fair amount of scrutiny.

You see, last week, a rumored “Jinger Duggar baby bump photo” made the rounds on social media and convinced many fans that Jinger and Jeremy are already expecting their first child.

Now, those same fans are putting Jinger’s latest Instagram upload under a microscope, and they can’t seem to agree on what they see.

Some say this photo is conclusive evidence that Jinger is not pregnant (or at least that she’s not showing yet).

Others say Jinger’s posture and heavy coat indicate that she’s doing her best to conceal a bump.

And why would Jinger try to hide a pregnancy from fans?

Why, for ratings, of course!

The Duggars’ reality TV empire thrives on big “reveals” like engagements and pregnancy announcements, and many fans believe Jinger is waiting until the next season of Counting On to share her big news with fans.

Whatever the case, you can be certain that Jinger and Jeremy will begin expanding their family sometime in 2017.
