Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Chris Lopez: Why Won"t He Appear on Teen Mom 2?

Generally, when a new Teen Mom baby daddy enters the fray, he can’t wait to get his sperm-donating face in font of an MTV camera crew.

And honestly, we can’t say we blame them.

After all, it’s an easy job that pays big bucks – a tantalizing prospect for any young guy who just brought another hungry mouth into the world.

As a bonus, it offers the dads an opportunity to defend themselves, rather than sit idly by and watch their Twitter mentions burst into flames every time they’re the subject of an enraged rant from one of the show’s stars.

For reasons that remain somewhat unclear, however, the father of Kailyn Lowry’s third child wants no part in any of that.

As he’s stated from the start, Chris Lopez does not want to appear on Teen Mom 2.

Like, at all.

Lopez has apparently made it clear to producers that he doesn’t even want his face to appear on camera.

What’s less clear is why the first-time dad is so camera shy.

At first, the decision made sense, as sources said Lopez was refusing to play a role in his baby’s life, and not everyone wants to advertise the fact that they’re sort of a sh-tty person.

But now, Lopez has apparently stepped up to the plate in the dad department.

Despite initial reports that he wouldn’t be in the delivery room, Lopez was right by his baby mama’s side, and he even drove Kailyn home from the hospital.

When fans learned that he’d come around and decided to be a dad, many assumed he would also join the cast of TM2.

But apparently he still won’t appear on camera – and he’s using reasoning that must be a little bit offensive to Kailyn:

“Chris continues to not want to be on the current season and he is avoiding the cameras around Kailyn and the baby for now, ” a source close to Lopez tells Hollywood Life.

“He does not want his child to know him as a reality star. Despite the repeated offers for money by the network, Chris prefers to keep a low-profile when the cameras are rolling. Chris is around however and helping with the baby.”

He doesn’t want his child to know him as a reality star.

Not only is that an obnoxious thing to say, it doesn’t make any sense.

It would be like if you were unemployed, and your baby mama was a manager at McDonald’s, so she offered you a job, and you were like, “Nah, I don’t want my kid to have two parents who always reek of McDoubles.”

Also, you don’t want your kid to know you as a reality star?

Well, good news, Chris:

As long as you’re in the kid’s life, he’ll know you as his father for several years before he even has any idea what a reality star is.

Although to be fair, there might be more to the story here.

With his affinity for faulty logic and nonsensical arguments, Lopez may have been offered a position in the Trump White House.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kailyn’s questionable taste in men.
