Showing posts with label Lowry's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lowry's. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

Kailyn Lowry"s Future Plans: Have More Kids, Stay Single Forever

Saying that a lot has changed for Kailyn Lowry in the past year would be putting it very, very mildly.

The most obvious way in which the Teen Mom 2 star"s life has transformed is that she welcomed her third son, Lux.

But there are many other ways in which Kail"s life is dramatically different than it was just 12 short months ago.

Some are for the better, while some are for the worse, but despite all the dizzying ups and downs, it seems Lowry has a very clear sense of where she"s headed from here…

1. Lux Life

Kailyn lowry and baby lux at the beach

Kail welcomed her third child in 2017. While her relationship with Lux’s father, Chris Lopez, quickly soured, it seems Lowry has had little difficulty adjusting to life as a single mother of three.

2. Mother of Boys

Kailyn lowry with isaac lincoln and lux halloween 2017

Obviously, Kail’s top priority is her kids, but she realizes that children of successful and fulfilled parents are generally happier. As a result, she stays on her grind in a big way.

3. 5-Job Lowry

Kailyn lowry hawaiian mountaintop

These days, Kailyn is not only a reality star, but a best-selling author, a podcast host, and a social media personality with a slew of endorsement deals.

4. The Future

Kailyn lowry at star magazines scene stealers

When asked about the future, however, Kail’s thoughts turn less to her career than to the number one priority in her life – her family.

5. Big Plans

Kailyn lowry smiles

Kail recently revealed that she wants at least one more kid. To the disappointment of many TM2 viewers, she was mostly mum on the subject of who she would like to the father of that child.

6. The Single Life

Kailyn lowry instagram photo

Inerestingly, Kail also said that she has no desire to enter another romantic relationship at any point in the foreseeable future. Needless to say, fans have a wide array of thoughts on her latest remarks…

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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Javi Marroquin Opens Up About Kailyn Lowry"s New Baby!

It’s been over a week now since Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her third child, and there’s still so much we don’t know about the whole situation!

Like, we don’t even know the kid’s name.

But, lucky for us, Kailyn is on a reality show — a reality show about being a mother, no less — so we’re not completely in the dark here.

We know that she gave birth at 3:00 AM on August 5th, and that it was less than two hours from the time her water broke till the time her son was born.

And thanks to some photos she was kind enough to share on social media, we know that the baby is just as precious as her other sons.

We also know, thanks to a new interview with In Touch, that Kailyn’s ex-husband and the father of her second child, Javi Marroquin, is actually pretty cool with the whole thing.

“Lincoln knows he has a new baby brother,” he explains. “Like all kids, they are excited to have a new sibling.”

“I have to remember to say ‘brothers’ now instead of just Isaac.”

Javi also says that “Whatever issues Kail and I had cannot impact Linc’s relationship with his new brother. So I do make him excited about it.”

While we still don’t know how Kailyn’s third baby daddy, Chris Lopez, is going to do with this new baby, it’s nice to know that she chose amazing men to father her first two children, right?

We should have known that even though Javi and Kailyn’s relationship has been extremely volatile since they filed for divorce, he’d put that all aside for the kids — even Baby Lo.

After all, he still spends time with Isaac even though at this point he’s technically just his ex-stepfather.

Oh, but back to the interview — remember the thing about how Javi could legally be considered the father of Kailyn’s baby?

As a lawyer explained it to In Touch, “Delaware law states that the ex-husband is presumed the father of a child if the child is born less than 300 days after the divorce.”

We still don’t know the exact date that the divorce was finalized, but we do know it happened sometime in November or early December.

Meaning that since the baby was born on August 5th … well, it sounds a little too close to call.

However, Javi says “Everything should be taken care of on the legalities of the new baby, I’m pretty sure.”

He doesn’t sound super confident, does he?

But thanks to a recent interview from Kailyn, we do know that she was able to list Chris as the baby’s father on the birth certificate, so hopefully they really have worked everything out.

Precious little Baby Lo doesn’t need any more drama in his life than he already has, that’s for sure.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Javi Marroquin: I Will NOT Be Raising Kailyn Lowry"s Kid!

Last week, we reported that Javi Marroquin could actually be legally forced to help raise Kailyn Lowry’s baby by Chris Lopez.

An arcane law that’s still on the books in Delaware – where both Kail and Javi reside – states that in cases where a couple has been divorced for less than 300 days, the ex-husband will be considered the “presumed father” unless steps are taken to indicate that otherwise.

That means that unless Kailyn puts down someone else’s name on the birth certificate (leaving the “father” space blank will not help Javi) and Lopez files a denial of paternity with the Delaware Office of Vital Statistics, Javi is legally the dad.

Needless to say, Marroquin is less than thrilled by the situation.

His divorce from Kailyn was a messy one, and the only thing harder than raising a kid with an ex you don’t get along with is raising someone else’s kid with an ex you don’t get along with.

Fortunately, Javi is making moves to ensure that he doesn’t get roped back into Kailyn’s life any more than he already is.

“I’m doing what I have to in case she doesn’t put him on [the birth certificate],” Javi said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“I’m talking to my attorney right now.”

The good news for Javi is that it doesn’t look like he’ll receive any push-back from Kailyn.

Attorneys for the soon-to-be mom-of-three issued a statement to Radar explaining her stance on the paternity issue:

“In Delaware law when a child is born within 300 days of the legal end of a marriage, if no party does anything for two years, the former husband will be considered the father of the child,” the statement reads.

“All the mother of the child has to do is simply request that the Family Court determine paternity of the child pursuant to Chapter 8 if Title 13 of the Delaware Code to appropriately determine who is actually the father.”

The attorney added that if Lopez doesn’t consent to his being legally deemed the father, than Kailyn will simply request a paternity hearing.

“The Court will then order genetic testing to be done and the father, Chris Lopez, will be lawfully determined according to well-established Delaware law.”

In other words, Javi will almost certainly be off the hook in the eyes of the state.

But Kailyn’s legal woes might just be getting started.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the rocky road that led Ms. Lowry to her current state.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Javi Marroquin: FORCED to Help Raise Kailyn Lowry"s Baby?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’re probably well aware of the recent flurry of developments in the life of Kailyn Lowry.

Kailyn’s third pregnancy hasn’t even been featured on the show yet, but like her co-stars, Lowry lives her life on social media and even when she tries to keep a secret from fans, the attempt is rarely successful.

So Kailyn’s pregnancy drama is out there for all the world to examine.

After months of speculation, we now know that Chris Lopez is the father of Kailyn’s baby, but it doesn’t seem that he’ll have much of a role in the raising of the child.

Sources say Lowry and Lopez broke up after a brief fling several months ago, and she’s complained on social media that she’ll be raising the kid on her own.

“I think I’m most worried about the changes ahead, but also that I will have this baby 24/7 by myself with no help,” Lowry recently wrote on her blog.

“I’m going to be a single parent from the beginning!”

But just because Lopez won’t be doing much co-parenting, that doesn’t mean Kailyn will be completely alone.

After all, she has two other baby daddies – and one of them might be legally obligated to assist Kail in the raising of her third child.

According to Radar Online, an arcane law in Delaware will make Javi Marroquin the “presumed father” of Lowry’s baby unless he takes swift legal action.

“Delaware law states that the ex-husband is presumed the father of a child if the child is born less than 300 days after the divorce,” attorney Brooke A. Camhi tells the site.

Camhi adds that in order for Marroquin to not be viewed as the child’s father in the eyes of the law, he must file a denial of paternity with the Delaware Office of Vital Statistics.

On top of that, he’ll need Lopez to sign a document in order to “discharge the presumed father from all rights and duties of a parent.”

No one knows Kailyn’s exact due date, but insiders believe she’ll give birth in either June or July.

We guess Javi better act fast!

Dude’s situation with Kailyn is already complicated enough!


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Chris Lopez: Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy Caught With Another Woman!

For months after the world learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, the Teen Mom 2 star was bombarded by rumors and speculation.

Much of the scrutiny had to do with the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy, which she struggled in vain to keep a secret.

It wasn’t long before fans came to the conclusion that Chris Lopez is the father of Kail’s third child, and Lowry recently confirmed the news herself.

Now, we may be getting a sense of why Kailyn worked so hard to keep Lopez out of the spotlight.

Initial reports indicated that Lopez and Lowry broke up, but it’s looking more and more as though they never dated at all.

And if they did, it certainly wasn’t anything resembling a serious relationship.

Kaily might be feeling a bit embarrassed that she clearly fell hard for Chris while he seems to have had more “no strings attached” expectations.

In fact, it looks like he’s already moved on from his time with Kailyn and is currently getting very close with a new female friend.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup has photos of Lopez canoodling with an unidentified woman on Snapchat.

There’s no mistaking that Lopez and his lady friend are, well, more than just friends, and apparently there’s more visual evidence where that came from.

“There were a few more photos and some were way more graphic than these,” the source of the photos tells The Ashley.

The site reached out to Kailyn for a reaction to these pics, and not surprisingly, the TM2 star didn’t have much to say.

What is surprising is the fact that she seems to wish Lopez all the best:

“I hope he is figuring his stuff out and making himself happy,” Lowry tells The Ashley.

A pretty mature take on the situation from the soon-to-be mother of three.

Here’s hoping Lowry can maintain that level head as she juggles the demands of raising three young children with three different fathers.

It’s a tough situation for any single mom made considerably easier by the fact that Kailyn is loaded.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to relive Kailyn’s path to where she is today.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Chris Lopez: Everything We Know About Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy!

Chris Lopez had unprotected sexual intercourse with Kailyn Lowry several months ago.

This much we finally know to be 100% true.

On Tuesday, following weeks of speculation, Lowry finally confirmed that Lopez is her third baby daddy.

She did so via a Tweet that said she was taking an “Ancestry DNA” test and which linked to an OK! Magazine story, one whose headline asked:

“Is Chris Lopez REALLY the baby daddy?”

Replied Lowry, putting an end to all rumors and innuendo:

“Yeah he is … stop with the headlines already.”

So there we have it. At last.

Lowry announced to the world back in February that she’s expecting a sibling for three-year old Lincoln and seven-year old Isaac.

She added that she’ll wait until she meets her next child to learn his or her identity, while also saying she won’t reveal the baby’s father until she’s good and ready.

But Kailyn dropped a number of hints about Lopez herself in the following months, climaxing in yesterday’s not-so-shocking news.

So, okay. We know that Chris Lopez is the baby daddy.

But just who is Chris Lopez?!?

We’ve scoured the Internet and come up with the following facts about the man who may or may not be prominently involved in Lowry’s life going forward…

His Twitter handle is @chris3zero2.

He goes by the moniker Humbl H$ tler on that social media platform and has 328 followers.

He apparently likes to remain a mystery. Consider the photo Lopez uses for his Twitter profile:

He’s a sports fan; specifically, based on his social media feed, he appears to be a Cleveland Cavaliers fan.

But Lopez most recently shared highlights and references to the Boston Celtics Game 2 victory over the Washington Wizards, along with highlights of Reggie Bush’s playing career.

He loves both television and GIFs.

On April 29, Lopez shared a GIF of Kevin from NBC’s The Office laughing in delight.

On Tuesday, in response to Kailyn’s announcement we strongly assume, he posted the following animated photo of Dean from Supernatural:

Lopez was actually in an episode of Teen Mom 2.

According to E! News, he was blurred out male at Kailyn and Javi Marroquin’s home the day Javi came back from deployment to see the children after six months away.

He doesn’t want to be involved in his impending son or daughter’s life.

This is an assumption on our part, but it’s based on a recent Lowry blog entry.

“I think I’m most worried about the changes ahead, but also that I will have this baby 24/7 by myself with no help,” she wrote a few weeks ago, adding:

“I’m going to be a single parent from the beginning!”

Kailyn has since deleted these words.

We may never get to know the real Chris Lopez.

This is based on something Lopez himself shared on Twitter late last month.

Evidently a fan of Japanese proverbs, he got all profound and re-Tweeted the following saying:

For plenty more on Chris Lopez, his involvement in Kailyn Lowry’s life, the baby they are about to have together and just where things will go from here for the troubled Teen Mom …

… bookmark The Hollywood Gossip!

To see Lopez make his awkward appearance on this MTV hit, follow our link to watch Teen Mom 2 online and track down the episode in which we sort of see his face.

Good luck!


Monday, April 17, 2017

Who is Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy? Meet the Contenders, Ranked!

Ever since we learned that our favorite, combative Teen Mom 2 star is pregnant for the third time, we"ve been asking the same question:

Who is Kailyn Lowry"s baby daddy exactly?!

It goes without saying that the fact that she won"t reveal this – while living a very public life online and on reality TV – has fueled speculation.

Every day, in corners of the Internet near and far, fans of Lowry are parsing every tweet and word she utters, while scouring for clues.

This has actually been effective at times.

Below, we break down all the men linked to Kailyn in the weeks since she revealed she"s expecting, ranked by likelihood of impending fatherhood.

1. Chris Lopez

Chris lopez photo

For starters, sources close to the 25-year-old reality star have identified the baby daddy as “a friend Kail was briefly dating,” which would seem to place him ahead of other candidates, with whom she merely had flings, if that (see persons #2 and #3 below). Then there’s this tweet, posted by Lopez back in January: “To my miracle child, I’m so sorry.” The only person to like the tweet (which has since been deleted)? Lowry. She also referred to “Chris” holding their hypothetical baby Holden, when a fan suggested that as a possible name, and, at another point, she called the unborn child “Baby Lo.” Altogether, it’s easy to see why he’s the consensus pick in many fans’ eyes.

2. Tyler Hill

Tyler hill

Tyler Hill, also known as Ty Jennings, is a classmate of Kailyn Lowry’s at Delaware State University, and the same guy who caused a fight between Kailyn and Javi Marroquin back when they were still married because Javi was suspicious of their relationship. No wonder he emerged as a leading candidate when the baby daddy sweepstakes began to heat up.

3. JC Cueva

Jc cueva

JC Cueva, a producer on Teen Mom 2 who works on Kailyn’s MTV segments, was one of the first people linked to Lowry romantically after she got pregnant. That relationship, or lack thereof, has been shot down by pretty much all parties involved, although even if it were true that he got her pregnant, he would have a pretty good reason to lie – keeping his job and all. Because the format of Teen Mom entails producers interacting with the cast, and often appearing on camera themselves, JC is certainly the most visible of Kailyn’s (rumored) suitors … but does that make him the dad?

4. Cabrell

Kailyn lowry pose

Now we’re starting to reach a little bit. A fan recently contacted Lowry to ask if some dude named “Cabrell” is responsible for the son or daughter growing in her womb. Research indicates that Cabrell is another student at Delaware State University, the same school from which Lowry is slated to graduate this coming May. It’s not clear what Cabrell looks like, or if that’s his first name or his last name, but this time, Kailyn wasted no time in setting this record straight, replying as follows: “no wtf.” Okay then.

5. Jordan Wenner

Kailyn lowry and jordan wenner

Jordan Wenner, whom Kailyn met and dated years ago, may be familiar to fans of Teen Mom 2, as he appeared often in early seasons after Kail and Jo Rivera split up. Not surprisingly, as he is a man who once had a real relationship with Lowry, even he has been mentioned as a speculative baby daddy in 2017.

6. Jo Rivera

Kailyn lowry jo rivera photo

While this would make for one of the all-time scandals, and they have been getting along so much better lately compared to years past (and even compared to Kailyn and her ex-husband, below), it’s not happening. Chances that Jo Rivera – the father of Kailyn’s first-born son Isaac – stepped out on his fiancee Vee Torres, had an affair with Kailyn and got Lowry a second time would be only slightly more believable than the father being …

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Friday, April 7, 2017

Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy: Will He Appear on Teen Mom 2!?

The identity of Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy is still up in the air, but word on the street is that MTV wants her to make the reveal – on camera.

Producers are clamoring to have the mystery man who fathered her unborn third child appear on Teen Mom 2’s upcoming eighth season. 

The ratings, of course, would be spectacular.

Could you imagine how high they would go if MTV somehow managed to conceal the identity until an episode aired with the big reveal?

The mystery man has thus far denied any requests to appear on the series.

In fact, whenever filming is underway, he demands not to be in the frame and refuses to sign release forms. 

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, which posted this exclusive earlier, producers view this as an extension of a central show theme:

“Most of the [boyfriend and girlfriends of the stars] just want to be on TV, and are excited to get a little fame, so they instantly agree to go on.”

“This guy has been different.”

“He doesn’t want all the headache that comes with being on the show. He doesn’t want to get picked apart and give up his privacy.”  

The producers have been known in the past to shell out big bucks to get people they want to appear on the show, but the baby daddy has apparently been rejecting all offers. 

“I’d imagine they’ll keep increasing the amount until he agrees or tells them to f**k off,” the source adds.

“Even then, though, they’ll keep trying.”

“The dads of the girls’ children play such a huge role in the show now that they really need him on-board.”

“The relationships with the dads are where all the drama comes from now.”

The source also refuted claims that the baby daddy could be Larry Musnik, Jo Rivera or JC Cueva. 

Ever since the pregnancy was confirmed, fans of the series have questioned the identity of the father. 

Who do you think the father could be?

Sound off below!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Farrah Abraham Reveals Identity of Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy!

In the weeks since we first learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, speculation about the father’s identity has run rampant.

Fans have different theories, and three clear frontrunners have emerged among the candidates.

No one really knows the truth except for Kailyn and the dad, but that’s not stopping Farrah Abraham from acting like the answer is right in front of us, and we’re all idiots for being unsure.

Hollywood Life recently asked Farrah if she has any info regarding the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, her response was obnoxious:

“It’s not a secret, look and you will know,” Abraham told the site.

But … it is a secret?

Farrah acts as though she’s Kailyn’s confidant, but the two women barely know one another.

In all likelihood, she’s pretending to have inside info because she has a Trump-like allergy to the words “I don’t know/”

But just for fun, let’s examine Farrah’s statement, shall we?

She claims that the answer is right before out eyes, but there are two candidates who seem to have presented public evidence that they’re the mystery dad.

Farrah’s comment most likely refers to JC Cueva, the Teen Mom 2 producer who befriended Kailyn over the past season and is now rumored to be the father of her third child.

Kailyn and JC’s relationship has, in part, unfolded on camera, so that’s probably what Farrah means when she says “it’s not a secret.”

Then again she could be referring to the Kailyn’s dalliance with Chris Lopez.

In a recent Instagram live stream, Kailyn appeared to slip up and reveal that Lopez is the father, so maybe he’s the one Farrah is referring to when she says the answer is in front of our faces.

Of course, this may come as a shock, but it’s possible that Farrah just has no idea what the hell she’s talking about and she’s simply dodging the question so as not to appear out of the loop.

It’s important to remember that even if, for some reason, Farrah does know the answer, she’s still clueless with regard to just about everything else under the sun.

Never forget that, folks.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Javi Marroquin: I Might Be Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy!

Ever since the world learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, the question of who baby daddy’s identity has been hotly debated by Teen Mom 2 viewers.

Several candidates have emerged, but some fans refuse to give up on the idea that Kailyn’s estranged husband, Javi Marroquin, is the father.

Based on Javi’s response to Kailyn’s pregnancy, it initially seemed that there was no possibility that Javi and Kailyn had hooked up in a moment of weakness, as so many fans suspected.

Now, however, a tweet that’s been attributed to Marroquin is giving some Kailyn-Javi ‘shippers reason to believe.

On Thursday evening, Marroquin allegedly tweeted and deleted the following:

“There is a strong possibility I’m the father. Kail isn’t sure who the dad is though.”

Source say the tweet was only live for a matter of minutes, but a screenshot quickly made the rounds online:

Javi swears that the tweet isn’t his.

“Wth! No I never tweeted that. Y’all are too much,” Marroquin wrote on the site last night.

Twitter being Twitter, however, the damage was already done, and fans are now more convinced than ever that we’ll be seeing a Javi-Kailyn reconciliation sometime in the near future.

More realistic TM2 obsessives are examining the list of candidates in an attempt to get to the bottom of the mystery, as it’s looking more and more like Kailyn may never reveal the baby daddy’s identity.

At this point, the prime suspects are Tyler Hill, Chris Lopez, and TM2 producer JC Cueva.

The folks who sort through the details of Kailyn’s life with fine-tooth combs have made convincing arguments for all three men.

At the moment, it seems a clear front-runner has emerged, as Teen Mom Twitter is convinced that Cueva is the baby daddy.

You may not recognize Cueva’s name, but if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’ve almost certainly seen him before.

Cueva is a producer on Kailyn’s production unit, and the two of them reportedly hit it off instantly.

Obviously, that’s not enough to conclude that he’s the father of her child, but the fact that neither party has responded to rumors that Cueva is the father may speak volumes.

At this point we’re beginning to think the mystery surrounding Kailyn’s womb deserves its own spinoff show.

Of course, it wouldn’t have much of a conclusion, as we doubt Kailyn will ever spill the tea.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Chris Lopez: Why Might He Be Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy?

Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third baby.

At this point, this really isn’t news to anyone who has been following the life and career of one of MTV’s most controversial Teen Moms.

Lowry herself confirmed that yet another bun was in her busy oven back on February 23, defiantly insisting to critics that she made the “choice” to become a mother once more.

“I already know some won’t agree, but I’ve been showered with support by the ones I love since I found out,” Lowry wrote on her official blog.

Kailyn, who is 17 weeks along, went on to explain that she waited as long as possible to announce this life-altering tidbit to the world because she suffered a miscarriage in 2015 and was afraid it would happen again.

So there we have it.

Kailyn Lowry is pregnant again.

But the reveal of this information has led to a pressing follow-up question, one centered on the identity of Lowry’s most recent unprotected sex partner.

Indeed… Who IS Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy?!?

We know it’s not Jo Rivera, the ex-boyfriend with whom she created her first child, seven-year old Isaac.

And we know it isn’t Javi Marroquin, the ex-husband with whom she made her second child, three-year old Lincoln.

There’s been talk that the father is Tyler Hill, a man Kailyn allegedly slept with while Marroquin was off on his latest deployment with the U.S. Air Force.

The Teen Mom star was spotted FaceTiming with Hill while Marroquin was overseas in last year; not that one can create a new life via mere FaceTiming. But you get the idea.

The second name being discussed as Kailyn’s rumored baby daddy is J.C. Cueva.

Yes, the same J.C. Cueva who actually works as a producer on Teen Mom.

One would have to imagine that MTV has rules that prohibit producers from having sex of any kind with its show’s subjects, meaning Cueva could lose his job if word ever got out about him and Lowry.

This would explain why Kailyn has not yet confirmed her impending child’s father.

HOWEVER, Lowry’s publicist, Casi Densmore-Koon, said the following to Radar Online last week:

“The father is a friend Kail was briefly dating.”

That’s not a lot to go on.

But it’s enough for some to now wonder whether Chris Lopez did the procreating did with Lowry.

Just take a look at his Twitter account, those in this camp claim.

First, in January, Lopez Tweeted: “To my miracle child, I’m so sorry.”

The only person to Liked this message: Yup, Kailyn Lowry! 

Then, later that same month, he took to social media again and wore: “I won the bet.”

He followed up this Tweet with “well, technically, we both called it,” to which Kailyn responded with: “Are you [for real].”

On February 28, meanwhile, it looked very much as if Lopez hurled some shade in the direction of Marroquin.

“Nah yo a book [though],” Chris wrote on Twitter, adding a tears of joy and face palm emoji. “Entertainment.”

He penned this message mere hours after Marroquin announced that he was writing a tell-all book about his ugly divorce titled “Heartlessly Hustled,” which is a shot at his ex-wife’s second book “Hustle and Heart.”

Lopez is clearly aware of the chatter surrounding him, his penis, his sperm and his relationship with Lowry.

As recently as March 3, he Tweeted the following message:

“its only valid if it comes from my own mouth not no he say she say.”

That’s fair. We’re not making any final declarations here.

But we are throwing the name Chris Lopez into the possible baby daddy ring when it comes to Kailyn Lowry and her womb.

When might we learn whether this is the case or not?

“I’m not going to talk about that. [I’m] not ready yet,” the 24-year old said on a Teen Mom 2 after-show last week.

The baby is due in late July.

Lowry should likely prepare herself for speculation over which man will be holding the newborn in the hospital until the day he or she enters this world.

That’s just the way things go these days.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

JC Cueva: Did Teen Mom 2 Producer Father Kailyn Lowry"s Baby?

Kailyn Lowry has Teen Mom 2 fans in a frenzy over her third pregnancy, and by extension, the unconfirmed identity of the baby’s father.

While she recently dropped a new key pregnancy detail (she’s 17 weeks along), the mystery of who is Kailyn’s baby daddy lingers.

One man in particular who seemingly fits the description – at least based on what Teen Mom 2 fans have been able to piece together?

Jer MTV producer JC Cueva, who has been rumored to be dating Kailyn before the pregnancy bombshell, though both parties deny it.

They would have good reason to deny it, or keep it on the DL, however; Cueva could be fired for engaging in a relationship with Lowry.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that the producers – atypical of most reality shows – are often akin to cast members themselves. 

In fact, Jeremy Calvert cheating with a producer has been credited with the end of his engagement to Brooke Wehr, on a side note.

That has not been confirmed, but the point remains:

Teen Mom 2’s producers are often very close to the cast.

As such, JC Cueva and his counterparts are better known throughout the Teen Mom universe than most reality show producers would be.

So who is the man, and what is his history with Lowry?

“I think I have a really good relationship with Kail,” he previously said, adding that when they met, “I was a new person coming in.”

“Her previous field producer had been with her for years and years. I had big shoes to fill, but I think I did a good job. I joke around with her a lot.”

“She likes me as a person, but she hates that I have to be a producer sometimes. We get along really great, and I think she respects me.”

Did they ever become more than friendly, though?

With comments like that, it’s not hard to see how her fans got the impression that there’s something going on between Kailyn and JC.

And not in a critical way necessarily.

When her social media following began hitting Kail with questions about dating him, some included the hashtag #IfNotYouShouldBe.

Lowry took her time in replying, as is her custom (Kail wrote Hustle & Heart, but before that, wrote the book on cryptic Twitter replies).

When she did offer a response to this hot topic earlier this year, though, she left no room for interpretation for once, writing:

“Omg no! He’s my producer!”

That’s pretty emphatic, but again, if she were dating Cueva, let alone carrying his kid, that’s exactly how she would need to respond.

Kailyn’s ex, Javi Marroquin, has accused her of sleeping with someone else during (and after) their marriage, but has not named names.

Perhaps he’s saving that for his new book.

In any case, the mother of two sons, Isaac and Javi, shared the controversial news last week in a message on her personal website.

“I am pregnant. I’m sad that I should have known that people in my life would sell me out before I was ready,” the 24-year-old star said.

We now know that was a thinly-veiled shot at Jenelle Evans outing her pregnancy, along with possible others who were aware of it.

In any case, she wrote in her announcement, “Like any normal person, I want it to be a happy time. I wanted this to be a private time.”

Lowry lamented that she just wanted “[to] be excited while not getting chased by paparazzi and bothered with crazy headlines.”

Good luck with that.

Kailyn said that this was not an accident, and defended herself against the inevitable criticism that will come with having a third child:

“Please know this was a choice I made, I already know some won’t agree but I’ve been showered with support by the ones I love since I found out.” 

“Of course, I was filmed on the show saying I didn’t want any more kids but I’m pregnant again,” she acknowledged, referring to last season.

“I know so many will have comments on this but here’s the thing … I didn’t want to bring another child into a failing marriage.”


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Javi Marroquin: I Can"t Stand Kailyn Lowry"s New Boyfriend!

Yesterday, we reported on the considerable drama and confusion surrounding the possibility that Javi Marroquin walked in on Kailyn Lowry with another man during filming for the current season of Teen Mom 2.

At the time of the alleged incident, Javi and Kailyn were already living in separate homes and working out the terms of their divorce, but it made for a tense standoff and a lot of he-said, she-said with regard to what really went down.

The problem, it seems, is that Kailyn lied to Javi about her whereabouts, telling him she was at Wal-Mart and he would have to wait to drop off their son, when in fact, she was at home with the new dude in her life.

To make matters worse, he claims that she misled him, and insisted that the mystery man was a platonic friend, when in fact, he’s the new love in her life.

Javi claims he’s pissed not that Kailyn has found someone new, but that she lied both about her whereabouts and about the nature of her relationship, despite having previously expressed a desire for a completely open and honest co-parenting relationship.

Now, Javi has revealed that he also just plain doesn’t like Kailyn’s new man.

“I have my reasons,” Marroquin told Radar when asked why he’s no fan of the guy.

“I don’t care about that. Well I kind of do, but that’s not important.”

The guy apparently won’t be making many appearances on TM2, and he’s asked that his identity be kept under wraps, but it seems he’s wrapped up in the constant drama of Kailyn’s life nonetheless.

A source close to Kailyn confirms that the relationship between Lowry and her new boyfriend has “slowly progressed from friendship into what it is now.”

The same insider adds that both Kailyn and her new man would like to keep their relationship off camera as much as possible:

“For the past eight years her whole life has been public and scrutinized and blasted everywhere, this is something happy she wants to just keep private,” the source says.

“Plus the guy wants nothing to do with the TV world or any of the drama that comes with it.”

So it looks as though Kailyn’s refusal to film until producers agreed to leave certain parts of her life out of the show was successful.

Could be a slippery slope.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online before the other ladies follow her lead, and the show is reduced to 60 minutes of top-notch parenting.

We’re thinking it’s gonna happen fast.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry"s Miscarriage Was Hard For ME!

Last year, Kailyn Lowry suffered a miscarriage shortly after learning that she was pregnant with her third child.

Shortly thereafter, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin separated after three years of marriage.

Both parties have spoken publicly about the ways in which the miscarriage impacted their relationship and may have contributed to the end of their marriage.

But now, Marroquin is revealing for the first time that he believes the misplaced rage the couple directed at one another in the weeks following their tragic loss was the primary reason that they decided to call it quits.

“The miscarriage was a big thing,” Javi said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“She always says I wasn’t there. I apologize to her all the time. I could see where she was coming from.

“I wasn’t there as a husband, as a father, as someone she could count on to cry on my shoulder.”

He added:

“I’ve never experienced that. I was just super excited for the baby and all that happened so it was rough for me.”

During the most recent season of Teen Mom 2, Javi opened up to Kailyn about his feelings following the miscarriage:

“I knew it was no one’s fault — it wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t my fault. But it’s crazy — it’s like I needed someone to blame,” he said.

“That was part of the reason why me and you were fighting so much right after the miscarriage. I needed to blame somebody, and I was taking it out on you.”

At the time, he confessed that he wasn’t as supportive as he should’ve been.

But this new interview is the first time that Javi admitted he believes Kailyn failed to meet his emotional needs as well.

Are his comments shockingly insensitive or admirably honest?

We won’t weigh in, but we’re sure many TM2 fans will be offering up hot takes on social media.

These days, Marroquin is dating Nancy Gisell and taking lots of flak from fans for moving on so quickly after his divorce.

He maintains that the criticism is unwarranted, as he recently learned that Kailyn cheated while the two of them were still married.

At first, it looked as though these two would actually pull off a relatively civil divorce.

Now we’re being reminded that they didn’t end up on TM2 due to their deftness at avoiding drama.

We wish these two all the best, but it looks as though the road to amicable co-parenting may be a long and difficult one.

Hopefully, they can eventually sort things out for the sake of their son, Lincoln, as well as for Kailyn’s son Isaac, whom Javi has described as his “best friend.”

These two may never regain the title of the Teen Mom 2’s most stable couple…

But they can still be the show’s most responsible parents.