Showing posts with label Raising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raising. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Mac Miller Charity Raising Big Money for Youth $700k and Counting!!!


Mac Miller‘s still making a difference — his charity foundation’s quickly approaching a million bucks in money raised to help kids in his hometown … TMZ has learned.
Folks at The Mac Miller Circles Fund tell us … donations have been pouring in from the...
Mac Miller Charity Raising Big Money for Youth $700k and Counting!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pittsburgh Penguins Honoring Synagogue Victims, Raising Tons of Money

The Pittsburgh Penguins will honor the victims and families of those affected by this weekend’s Synagogue shooting by wearing a special “Stronger Than Hate” patch on their jerseys Tuesday night.  The team says it will also donate $ 50,000 to…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tommy Lee Takes Ugly Shot at Brandon Lee, Bitches About Cost of Raising Him

Tommy Lee is taking the most disgusting shot yet in the war with his son, Brandon Lee – bitching about all the money he’s spent on raising him … including the tab for rehab. The Motley Crue drummer says he spent $ 130k to get Brandon…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Huge Stars Raising Tons of Cash for Waffle House Hero James Shaw Jr.!

The hero who took down the Waffle House shooter is now bringing together Hollywood liberals and famous right wing conservatives — they’ve all joined forces to raise money for him!  Jon Cryer, Kristin Davis and Busy Philipps — along with…


Huge Stars Raising Tons of Cash for Waffle House Hero James Shaw Jr.!

The hero who took down the Waffle House shooter is now bringing together Hollywood liberals and famous right wing conservatives — they’ve all joined forces to raise money for him!  Jon Cryer, Kristin Davis and Busy Philipps — along with…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Wendy Williams to Cardi B: You"ll Be Raising That Kid Alone!

Upon learning that Cardi B is pregnant, most people reacted with a mixture of surprise and happiness.

The popular artist made this reveal by rocking a tight white dress while performing on Saturday Night Live this weekend, making her sizable baby bump noticeable to all.

Here. See for yourself:

But while those with a heart gladly sent their best wishes to Cardi B and her fiance, Offset, Wendy Williams did the exact opposite.

She chose the occasion of this pregnancy announcement to hurl cruel and ignorant shade in the direction of the famous couple instead.

She did what she does best and most frequently, in other words.

“Now I don’t know if you know this, but Cardi’s engagement ring wasn’t on while she was performing [on SNL],” Williams said on air this morning, providing expert in-depth analysis and adding:

“You would think that a baby and an engagement ring would go hand in hand, especially at a time like this, you’re about to do the big reveal!”

Wendy is clearly on to something here.

There’s no reason at all why a woman would not wear an engagement ring while at her job, other than her having questions about the long-term prospects of her engagement.

Williams then went on speculate wildly, just as she did upon saying Travis Scott would leave Kylie Jenner.

“If she’s happy, fine,” Williams said about Cardi B, who she doesn’t know at all of course.

“I don’t think she and Offset will get married,” the terrible talk show host continued. “I think it’s what hip hop/rock and roll people do these days, they just have babies and move along with their lives.”

Got any examples of this, Wendy?

None at all? Okay then!

Williams also pointed out that while this will be Cardi’s first child, it’s Offset’s “fourth baby with four [different] moms.”

She even cited an unverified gossip item and added:

“There might be an alleged 5th on the way, as we speak.”

Sheesh, Wendy!

Yes, it’s true that a woman named Celina Powell came forward to claim that Offset is the father of her child in late December of 2017.

We even wrote about how Offset is supposedly avoiding taking paternity tests to prove whether he is, indeed, this young person’s biological dad.

But we aren’t going on national television to talk about and/or to make baseless accusations!

Especially not when Cardi B has acknowledged her fiance’s infidelity, while also saying she doesn’t exactly have a clean record in this department herself.

We’re pretty sure the status of Cardi B and Offset’s relationship is none of our business.

We’re pretty sure a new life is about to enter the world and we’re definitely sure Cardi is excited about it.

Oh, and we’re even more sure that Wendy Williams is an awful person.


Monday, July 3, 2017

Jessa Duggar on Raising Two Kids: It"s SO Chaotic!

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald are taking her parents’ approach to family planning and seem to be in a race to hit double-digit offspring before they turn 30.

Back in February, Jessa welcomed her second child, a boy named Henry Wilberforce.

Henry’s arrival came just 15 months after the birth of Jessa’s first son, Spurgeon.

So these days, Jessa and husband Ben Seewald are raising two kids under the age of two – an undertaking that no doubt puts their patience to the test on a daily basis.

Jessa isn’t one to complain (We’re pretty sure Duggar women are trained from a young age to keep perma-grins affixed to their faces at all times.), but in a preview for Monday’s episode of Counting On, the 24-year-old confesses that her situation can be trying at times.

“I kind of expected it to be a challenge going from one to two kids — I feel like every day is different,” Jessa says in the clip.

“Some days it’s very, very simple. Other days, it’s a little more chaotic.”

We imagine “a little more chaotic” is Jessa’s euphemistic way of saying there are days when she looks at the pile of dirty diapers and wants to rip her hair out by the roots.

Things are a bit less hectic on Ben Seewald’s end, as the Duggars’ have basically added an 11th commandment to their Bible that forbids men from lifting a finger around the house.

But being unemployed and under no obligation to assist in the raising of his children didn’t stop Ben from offering his own two cents on life in the Seewald household:

“Since Henry’s birth, things have been a little more busy in the Seewald house,” Ben tells producers in the preview.

“One adjustment going from one child to two is there are so many diapers and they pile up so fast. We gotta take the trash out a lot more often.”

We’re guessing Jessa cracked and let out a terrifying Heath Ledger Joker laugh when she heard Ben complain about taking the trash out more often.

If she didn’t, she deserves some sort of prize.

Ben should probably go ahead and get a job before Jessa disappears with the kids and goes full Gone Girl on his ass.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Katherine Jackson Resurfaces at Mel"s Diner Raising Family Concerns

Katherine Jackson resurfaced late Wednesday night at a famous West Hollywood diner, setting off alarms for some very worried family members. Katherine was seen leaving Mel’s Diner Wednesday night — at 11 PM, no less — with 1 bodyguard…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Javi Marroquin: I Will NOT Be Raising Kailyn Lowry"s Kid!

Last week, we reported that Javi Marroquin could actually be legally forced to help raise Kailyn Lowry’s baby by Chris Lopez.

An arcane law that’s still on the books in Delaware – where both Kail and Javi reside – states that in cases where a couple has been divorced for less than 300 days, the ex-husband will be considered the “presumed father” unless steps are taken to indicate that otherwise.

That means that unless Kailyn puts down someone else’s name on the birth certificate (leaving the “father” space blank will not help Javi) and Lopez files a denial of paternity with the Delaware Office of Vital Statistics, Javi is legally the dad.

Needless to say, Marroquin is less than thrilled by the situation.

His divorce from Kailyn was a messy one, and the only thing harder than raising a kid with an ex you don’t get along with is raising someone else’s kid with an ex you don’t get along with.

Fortunately, Javi is making moves to ensure that he doesn’t get roped back into Kailyn’s life any more than he already is.

“I’m doing what I have to in case she doesn’t put him on [the birth certificate],” Javi said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“I’m talking to my attorney right now.”

The good news for Javi is that it doesn’t look like he’ll receive any push-back from Kailyn.

Attorneys for the soon-to-be mom-of-three issued a statement to Radar explaining her stance on the paternity issue:

“In Delaware law when a child is born within 300 days of the legal end of a marriage, if no party does anything for two years, the former husband will be considered the father of the child,” the statement reads.

“All the mother of the child has to do is simply request that the Family Court determine paternity of the child pursuant to Chapter 8 if Title 13 of the Delaware Code to appropriately determine who is actually the father.”

The attorney added that if Lopez doesn’t consent to his being legally deemed the father, than Kailyn will simply request a paternity hearing.

“The Court will then order genetic testing to be done and the father, Chris Lopez, will be lawfully determined according to well-established Delaware law.”

In other words, Javi will almost certainly be off the hook in the eyes of the state.

But Kailyn’s legal woes might just be getting started.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the rocky road that led Ms. Lowry to her current state.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Slams Baby Daddy: I"ll Be Raising This Kid Alone!

While there’s still no official word on the identity of Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy, each day we’re learning more and more about the mystery man who knocked her up.

Yesterday, we found out that after a brief relationship, Kailyn has officially broken up with the father of her third child.

Today, she’s revealing that the split was far from amicable.

In a lengthy and surprisingly candid blog post, Lowry informed fans that the mystery father will have no part in her child’s upbringing.

She even goes so far as to slam the baby daddy for burdening her with the responsibility of raising a child entirely on her own.

“I think I’m most worried about the changes ahead, but also that I will have this baby 24/7 by myself with no help,” Kailyn writes.

“I’m going to be a single parent from the beginning!”

Kailyn goes on to anticipate the difficulties of raising three children with three different dads, and the ways in which those issues will be exacerbated by the fact that only two of the fathers will be involved in their kids’ lives:

“We won’t be able to pick up and leave to go on spontaneous trips for a while and I will have to schedule our days around the baby’s nap and feeding times,” Lowry writes.

“And even if the boys are with their dads I will have baby #3 in tow so no alone trips for me either.”

We’re sure many single moms out there would like to point out that Kailyn isn’t exactly alone in not being able to take off on “spontaneous trips.”

The fact that the baby’s father apparently has no intention of developing a co-parenting relationship with Kailyn means that there’s a good chance his identity will forever remain a secret.

It’s widely rumored that Chris Lopez got Kailyn pregnant, and fans assumed the news would be confirmed on the next season of Teen Mom 2.

Now, however, it looks as though the dad will not be appearing on the show, which means Kailyn might not be legally permitted to publicly reveal his name.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to relive the bumpy road that led Lowry to her current position.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jessa Duggar: My Mom"s Not Raising Spurgeon, I Am!

It’s only been six months since Jessa Duggar gave birth to her first son, but the 23-year-old mother of one already sounds like a seasoned veteran when she discusses her plans for little Spurgeon’s upbringing.

“Spurgeon is still pretty young, but I’m sure that as he continues to grow, I will find that I tend to do some things differently than my mom did,” Jessa tells Us magazine.

“That’s the beauty of the individual family. No one is identical.”

Since her mom is famous for no other reason than the fact that she raised a veritable army of kids, it’s a bit surprising to hear Jessa say she plans to go against Michelle’s teachings in any way.

Even more surprising is the fact that according to Jessa, mom is no meddler:

“Every time I come to my mom for advice, she always reminds me that I’ve got this,” Jessa says.

“There’s no pressure to do things just exactly how she did them, but I’m so grateful for all her advice and help..

“Even when I feel overwhelmed, she’s always there to encourage me and tell me, ‘You’re doing a great job!’ That gives me the courage to trust my instincts and do what I feel is best for my baby.”

Of course, Michelle and Jim Bob may have lost some of their Parents of the Year cred in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

The problem isn’t so much that they raised a deviant, as it is that they covered up Josh’s crimes and allowed his behavior continue unchecked.

We doubt that Jessa intended to throw shade with her remarks, but it’s hard to imagine Josh never crossed her mind when she stated her intention to live her life differently.

Whatever the case, the Seewalds are clearly committed to parenting in their own style.

After all, it doesn’t get any more “different” than naming your kid Spurgeon.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to see the many ways in which Jessa is unlike her mother.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Jill Duggar Opens Up About Raising Her Son in Central America

We’re just a few weeks away from the premiere of Jill and Jessa: Counting On, and the Duggar sisters are promoting the 19 Kids and Counting spinoff by reaching out to fans through social media and their own personal websites.

Jessa Duggar just welcomed her first child, but this week all eyes are on Jill, as for the first time in over a week, she took to her blog to offer fans an update on her life as a new mom living in Central America.

It seems these days Jill’s life consists of learning Spanish, interacting with locals and enjoying all the “new tricks” that baby Israel is learning

“Last week, we were able to have my Spanish teacher and her two young sons (10 and 8 yrs. old) over to our place to watch, “Cuarto de Guerra” (“War Room”) and to have one of our favorite dinners, ‘Chicken Etti,"” Jill wrote in an blog entry posted earlier today.

“We talked about the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We were able to give her a Bible and she asked if she and I could study it together one hour a day in class.”

It’s interesting that Jill mentioned that she and Derick are taking Spanish classes, as their lack of linguistic knowledge was one of the reasons the Dillards were deemed unfit for missionary work the first time they applied.

They were reportedly instructed to take language lessons before they embarked on their mission, but they failed to do so. Better late than never, we guess!

Of course, the Dillards’ life isn’t all Bible study and conjugating verbs. Jessa says she and Derick are thoroughly enjoying life as first-time parents:

“Israel has been busy this week showing us new tricks! Every day for the last three days he has learned something new! First it was clapping, then crawling, pulling up into a standing position and waving!

“He is about to cut his first two teeth, so recently he has been a little fussier than normal. He is usually happy though and loves exploring new areas in the house now that he can move!”

Sounds like the Dillards are having quite the experience down there.

Based on Jill’s updates, a spinoff about her family’s life abroad is something we could get behind!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kardashian Effect is Raising Demand For Dangerous Butt Implants, Doctors Say

Apparently, there’s something called “the Kardashian effect,” and not surprisingly, it has to do with butts.

Yes, it seems women the world over are looking at Kylie Jenner’s butt implants and deciding they’d like a Kardashi-ass of their own.

Unfortunately, cutting a basketball in half and shoving it down the back of your pants is impractical and uncomfortable, so the butt envy epidemic has led to a rise in the demand for surgical booty enhancements.

“It’s the Kardashian effect. The big butts are very ‘in’. I see a lot of young girls want to do the Kylie Jenner thing,” said plastic surgeon  and Botched star Terry Dubrow in a recent interview.

“The butt thing is really concerning, because they want to go big. They’re pushing the envelope of what the buttocks will take. When you put a ton of fat in the buttocks, some of it’s going to dissolve.

“Some of it’s going to die. You can get into fat necrosis and scarring. The buttocks is really, really hard to fix.”

Of course, Kylie claims her ample butt is the result of Spanx and a little creativity, but no one is buying it.

The tabloid that claimed Khloe Kardashian has undergone $ 3 million in plastic surgery may have been exaggerating, but it’s widely agreed that all the gals in the Kardashian-Jenner clan have had some work done.

Those artificial curves may have helped to make them “America’s first family” (HA!), but that doesn’t mean safe – or remotely advisable – to try to achieve that look for yourself.