Showing posts with label Alone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alone. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2018

David Eason: Jenelle Evans is So Happy! Leave Us Alone!

David Eason is the worst.

And we know, that phrase gets thrown around a lot, but this time, it’s definitely true.

David is the worst.

He’s been awful for a long, long time — basically ever since he had his Teen Mom 2 debut.

But this week, things have gotten a whole lot more intense.

The whole thing started when Jenelle shared some photos after what she said was an emergency sinus surgery, but a lot of people didn’t buy it.

A popular theory was that David actually hit her after an old friend of hers went public with claims that he’d slept with her before she married David.

It wasn’t terribly hard to believe, considering that David’s long criminal record includes domestic violence charges.

One of his exes claimed in court documents that he’d pushed her while she was heavily pregnant with their child, which, you know, isn’t great.

A judge also saw it fit to issue a restraining order against David for his own son, so …

He’s clearly not the most stable guy.

A few days after that, the story got even more believable when a report came out claiming that someone had called 911 from Jenelle’s home last weekend to report an assault.

According to that report, Jenelle had been injured, and although an ambulance was called, it was cancelled

Instead, someone drove her to the hospital.

She refused to press charges, which is sad but unsurprising.

It was a scary story to begin with, but when Jenelle’s 911 call was released

It’s really so, so awful.

“My husband, he just assaulted me,” she tells the operator through sobs.

“He pinned me down on the ground in the yard, and I think I heard my f-cking collarbone crack and I can’t move my arms.”

She said that he’d gotten violent because he’d been drinking, and at one point she even referred to him as her ex.

She also told the operator that she was recovering from surgery, so apparently her sinus surgery story was true.

But that means that David would have attacked her just days after undergoing such a serious procedure.

Just when you think this guy couldn’t get any worse, right?

(Just a tip for the future, maybe just don’t ever think that.)

Shortly after the 911 call was released, Jenelle made a statement, calling the whole thing “a drunk and dramatic misunderstanding.”

“Everything is great,” she insisted. “We are totally fine.”

“We are feeling fine. Just taking time off social media … time to focus on ourselves and our family.”

It’s not super believable, right?

Especially since before the 911 call came out, a rep for Jenelle tried to say that she’d actually just tripped and fallen by a bonfire.

But even though she’s deleted her Twitter and Facebook accounts, and even though it’s pretty much been confirmed that he assaulted her, they’re still trying to pretend that everything is fine.

They went on a date last night, and they were sure to post pictures and video on Snapchat.

It’s worth pointing out that she wore a shirt that completely covered her chest and any possible injuries she has in that area.

And today, wouldn’t you know it, everything is still great!

David shared this photo on Instagram of the happy couple with their precious daughter:

“We have never been happier, thanks for asking!” he captioned the picture.

He also disabled the comments, because he’s sensitive like that.

Oh, and Jenelle is all covered up again, as you can see.

Look, we’d love to believe that everyone is blowing this whole thing out of proportion.

Maybe they just got into an argument and it really was a misunderstanding, maybe everything really is fine.

But if you’ve ever watched David on Teen Mom 2, you know that he gives off the creepiest of vibes.

And if you’ve ever watched Jenelle, you know that she’s incapable of being with a guy who isn’t absolutely terrible to and for her.

Let’s just wish the best for her, all right?

As bad as she can be, she doesn’t deserve this.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Party Mom Arrested After Leaving 4-Year-Old Home Alone All Night

The world is full of terrible parents, but only a few stories are so outrageous that they get circulated around the globe.

Like the dad who stuffed his son into the trunk of his car, this woman’s story is grabbing people’s attention in the worst way.

This “party mom” left her 4-year-old child home alone for hours so that she could go out and party all night.

Alex Ciliento 01

Alexandra Ciliento is 29 years old and has a 4-year-old daughter. They live in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Authorities say that she left the house at 11pm on Saturday, leaving her young daughter home alone.

While Ciliento was gone, her daughter managed to escape the home.

What could have ended in tragedy — well, a greater tragedy than this kind of neglect and endangerment — was averted because the girl had the presence of mind to go to a neighbor’s.

The neighbor waited for a full 45 minutes, perhaps hoping that Ciliento had just stepped out and would return. Then, the neighbor called the police.

Alex Ciliento 04

Police were unable to reach Ciliento until after 8am the following morning, which makes it sounds as though Ciliento was partying until after dawn.

Ciliento admitted to police that she left her apartment and that she did not try to get a babysitter for her 4-year-old.

According to court documents, she “was not aware that her child could open a locked door and leave the residence.”

Ciliento normally shares custody with the child’s father.

At present, the child is with him, and Ciliento has been instructed that she is to have no contact with her daughter for the time being.

She is being charged with one count of child abuse.

Alex Ciliento 02

Ciliento reportedly works as a pilates instructor and fitness trainer.

“Always do what makes you happy and be kind to others,” she says in her gym profile. “For everyone is fighting some kind of battle “

She also says that, as a child, she wanted to grow up to be President of the United States.

(There are seemingly no qualifications for that job anymore except for the age limit, so who knows?)

The judge appointed a public defender as Ciliento’s attorney to represent her.

Alex Ciliento 03

Obviously, a huge factor in why this particular story has gone viral is that it reminds so many people of Casey Anthony.

Ciliento, thankfully, did not murder her daughter. And there have been no reports of her binding or drugging her, either.

But leaving a 4-year-old alone for 9 or more hours is a huge risk. Ciliento is a grown adult — she was born in 1988. She should know this.

It is difficult to imagine what sort of excuse she might use to try to justify this. It is almost impossible to imagine any defense being well-received by anyone.

We hope that, whatever happens, the court puts the life and safety of this 4-year-old girl above all other priorities.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jeremy Calvert to Teen Mom Fans: Leave Farrah Abraham Alone!

Farrah Abraham has a lot of critics, but not very many defenders.

The reasons for this are myriad, of course, as Farrah continues to find ways to f-ck up not only her own existence, but that of her 8-year-old daughter.

Sure, it"s Farrah"s life, and if she wants to star in live-streaming online sex shows instead of a popular reality series, that"s her decision to make.

She would probably find at least some fan support for such choices, were it not for the fact that she"s terrible to everyone in her life, especially her mother and daughter.

But now, Farrah has found an unlikely defender in Leah Messer"s second husband, Jeremy Calvert.

As a result, another star of the franchise is attempting to get Calvert to see the light, and Farrah is proving once again that she doesn"t need to star on a Teen Mom series in order to stir up major drama with the shows" cast. Details:

1. A Problem Like Farrah

Farrah abraham is rendered speechless

Where to begin with Ms. Abraham’s many, many flaws as a mother and member of society? For time’s sake, we’ll just stick to the last couple months of Farrah f-ck ups.

2. Keeping Busy

Farrah abraham og

Yes, it was quite the summer for Farrah, who kicked things off by being arrested for attacking a staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel while her daughter was asleep nearby.

3. The Dead Dog Debacle

Farrah abraham and sophia at the vmas

Shortly thereafter, Farrah attempted to show off her comedic chops by making a video in which she encourages Sophia to “prank” a friend by telling the girl her dog has died. Funny stuff!

4. The Boxer

Farrah abrahm boxes in a thong

At the moment, Farrah is preparing or her first “celebrity boxing” match, which mostly consists of charging fans to watch her work out in various stages of undress. Sadly, her career as a nude pugilist may be over before it begins because …

5. Farrah Is Back on Drugs

Farrah abraham tests positive for barbituates freaks the f k out

Come to think of it, we don’t know if she was ever off drugs. Whatever the case, she recently tested positive for barbituates while filming a TV show and then tried to play dumb in hilarious fashion.

6. Farrah Being Farrah

Farrah abraham for mtv

Needless to say, Ms. Abraham is a genius in the art of torpedoing her own public image, but one high-profile defender thinks all the flak Farrah receives is undeserved …

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Monday, August 13, 2018

Chris Lopez to Teen Mom 2 Fans: Leave Me Alone!

Don"t get Chris Lopez wrong, okay?

He almost definitely did not mean to impregnate Kailyn Lowry back in the day, but this doesn"t mean he now regrets it.

Feeling such a way would mean that Lopez wishes his son, Lux, were not alive — and we think it"s very safe to assume this isn"t the case.

Especially of late, it seems as though Lopez has really taken to this parenthood thing, most notably the way he attended Lux"s first birthday party, even posing for a special family photo.

But the unprotected slipping of his P into Kailyn"s V has turned Lopez into a quasi celebrity.

This comes with a few perks, but also with a handul of hindrances.

Based on the Tweets below, it"s clear Lopez wishes he were far less known than he used to be. Scroll down to see what we mean…

1. The Saga of Chris Lopez

Kailyn lowry chris lopez split

Lopez briefly dated Lowry back in 2016. This relationship led to a pregnancy, although Kailyn worked hard to keep her third baby daddy’s identity secret until May of 2017.

2. Were They Ever Together as a Couple?

Chris lopez burns kailyns book

We think so, but not since the pregnancy was revealed to the public and not since little Lux entered the world. For the most part, Chris has barely even been involved in his child’s life.

3. Has Lopez Ever Appeared on Teen Mom 2?

Chris lopez with baby lux

No. But he’s been referenced by Kailyn, often in a negative light. She was very frustrated for the first few months of her son’s life because Lopez made little to no effort to see Lux.

4. But He Would Occasionally Pose on Social Media with Lux

Chris lopez and lux

Yes. This actually annoyed Lowry even more because she thought Chris was merely pretending to be a responsible parent in public. She slammed him as an “Instagram” (and deadbeat) dad.

5. But Now?

Kailyn and her family

Look at the picture above. It was snapped on Lux’s first birthday. Lopez and Lowry must be somewhat amicable at this point, right?

6. Still, There’s Backlash

Lux and his dad

There’s A LOT of backlash against Lopez, in fact. And it sounds as if he’s sick of taking crap from Lowry supporters and/or Teen Mom 2 viewers.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Charles Barkley Says LeBron Can"t Save Lakers Alone, "Won"t Win Next Year"

Dear Lakers fans,  Don’t plan the victory parade just yet.  Love,  Charles Barkley  The NBA legend was leaving Madeo in Beverly Hills on Tuesday when he hit Lakers nation with a cold, hard dose of reality — LeBron James can’t…


Charles Barkley Says LeBron Can"t Save Lakers Alone, "Won"t Win Next Year"

Dear Lakers fans,  Don’t plan the victory parade just yet.  Love,  Charles Barkley  The NBA legend was leaving Madeo in Beverly Hills on Tuesday when he hit Lakers nation with a cold, hard dose of reality — LeBron James can’t…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jenelle Evans: David Eason Doesn"t Abuse Me! LEAVE ME ALONE!

Ever since David Eason first appeared on Teen Mom 2, there have been lots and lots of viewers who believe that he"s abusive in some way to Jenelle Evans.

And that"s for many, many reasons.

Obviously we can"t say for sure what"s going on down in that sinking swamp house, but we can consider what Jenelle herself has to say about it.

Which is convenient, because in her latest Twitter rant, she had a whole mess of things to say about it!

1. Shady Dave

David jenelle eason

So David Eason … he’s never been a likable character on Teen Mom 2, we’ll say that much.

2. "The Worst"

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

He came into Jenelle’s life shortly after a breakup with Nathan Griffith — there were many breakups, but obviously David popped in after that last one. And before too long, Jenelle’s mother, dear Barbara, was proclaiming that he was the worst boyfriend she’s ever had.

3. THAT Bad?!

Jenelle evans hot photo

Which, if you consider Jenelle’s dating history, is a pretty bold claim.

4. Bad News

Jenelle evans david eason and barbara evans

Barbara has said that David is too controlling, and we have to say, based on the footage we’ve seen of him on the show, that seems pretty accurate.

5. What a Creep

David eason on insta

Early in their relationship, David decided that Jenelle shouldn’t be talking to Barbara or Nathan at all, and instead, he’d speak to them regarding anything concerning Jace or Kaiser. It was a great big red flag, but things only got worse from there.

6. Lots and Lots of Claims

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

For instance, remember when we found out about David’s arrest history? And, more importantly, about those awful court documents filed by the woman he dated just before Jenelle?

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Thomas Markle Wants To Be Left Alone After Daughter"s Royal Wedding

Thomas Markle says he’s still being chased by paparazzi days after his daughter’s marriage … and he can’t even go through a drive-thru without getting hounded. Thomas tells TMZ the pictures of him grabbing a drink Monday were taken right after his…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Casey Anthony Drinks Alone at Florida Irish Pub, Chats Up Patrons

If you’ve never heard the one about Casey Anthony walking into a bar by herself, buckle up … ‘cause it’s a real knee-slapper. Casey was drinking for one on Sunday at O’Shea’s Irish Pub in West Palm Beach, FL right around happy hour time … and…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Wendy Williams to Cardi B: You"ll Be Raising That Kid Alone!

Upon learning that Cardi B is pregnant, most people reacted with a mixture of surprise and happiness.

The popular artist made this reveal by rocking a tight white dress while performing on Saturday Night Live this weekend, making her sizable baby bump noticeable to all.

Here. See for yourself:

But while those with a heart gladly sent their best wishes to Cardi B and her fiance, Offset, Wendy Williams did the exact opposite.

She chose the occasion of this pregnancy announcement to hurl cruel and ignorant shade in the direction of the famous couple instead.

She did what she does best and most frequently, in other words.

“Now I don’t know if you know this, but Cardi’s engagement ring wasn’t on while she was performing [on SNL],” Williams said on air this morning, providing expert in-depth analysis and adding:

“You would think that a baby and an engagement ring would go hand in hand, especially at a time like this, you’re about to do the big reveal!”

Wendy is clearly on to something here.

There’s no reason at all why a woman would not wear an engagement ring while at her job, other than her having questions about the long-term prospects of her engagement.

Williams then went on speculate wildly, just as she did upon saying Travis Scott would leave Kylie Jenner.

“If she’s happy, fine,” Williams said about Cardi B, who she doesn’t know at all of course.

“I don’t think she and Offset will get married,” the terrible talk show host continued. “I think it’s what hip hop/rock and roll people do these days, they just have babies and move along with their lives.”

Got any examples of this, Wendy?

None at all? Okay then!

Williams also pointed out that while this will be Cardi’s first child, it’s Offset’s “fourth baby with four [different] moms.”

She even cited an unverified gossip item and added:

“There might be an alleged 5th on the way, as we speak.”

Sheesh, Wendy!

Yes, it’s true that a woman named Celina Powell came forward to claim that Offset is the father of her child in late December of 2017.

We even wrote about how Offset is supposedly avoiding taking paternity tests to prove whether he is, indeed, this young person’s biological dad.

But we aren’t going on national television to talk about and/or to make baseless accusations!

Especially not when Cardi B has acknowledged her fiance’s infidelity, while also saying she doesn’t exactly have a clean record in this department herself.

We’re pretty sure the status of Cardi B and Offset’s relationship is none of our business.

We’re pretty sure a new life is about to enter the world and we’re definitely sure Cardi is excited about it.

Oh, and we’re even more sure that Wendy Williams is an awful person.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Odell Beckham Jr. Tells Haters to Leave Him Alone with New Dance Video

In case you were wondering, Odell Beckham Jr. is STILL dancing … and this time he’s using the art of movement to send a message to all of his haters to LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE. Beckham has been going through it lately … there’s a…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Guns are Great Toys for Toddlers! Leave Me Alone!

If there’s one thing we can say about Jenelle Evans, it’s that she just never knows when to quit.

But, as you probably know, that’s not always a good thing.

Actually, we’d say that when it comes to this girl, it’s rarely a good thing.

And come to think of it, there’s been occasions when she did quit with varying results — she quit heroin that one time, which was great, but then there were all those times she quit trying to be a decent human being, which was not so great.

Look, this is getting a little convoluted, but all we’re trying to say is that Jenelle has a habit of getting herself into a pickle and then doing everything in her power, consciously or not, to make the situation worse.

And that’s exactly what she’s doing right now.

If you’ve been keeping up with Teen Mom 2’s hottest mess, then you know that she could be losing that title soon — there’s a good chance she could get fired from the show.

It all started a couple of weeks ago, when David shared that photo of Jenelle posing with a gun shortly after the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

When people began to point out that perhaps they should take down the photo out of respect, David refused, and he even mocked those that suggested removing the photo.

Because why be sensitive in the aftermath of such a tragedy when you’ve got big guns to pose with?

For a few days after that, David continued making dumb statements about guns, and eventually he decided to work a bit of homophobia in there as well.

He said some truly terrible things about gay and transgender people, and then he said more terrible things about anyone who dared to call him out for his backwards, ignorant ideas.

He told Chelsea Houska’s dad to “eat a bag of dicks” after he reported him to Twitter, for example.

So that happened, and David was fired from Teen Mom 2.

Jenelle hasn’t been fired yet, but as far as we know, that’s still a possibility. The word is that MTV is done filming her for the upcoming season anyway, so they have more time to decide what to do with her.

If you were Jenelle, god forbid, you’d probably being laying low, right? Trying to be quiet and inoffensive so you don’t lose your high-paying job that supports your entire family?

Trick question: if you were actually Jenelle, you’d just keep right on being awful.

Knowing full well that gun photos were what got her into this mess in the first place, Jenelle still shared these photos of Kaiser earlier this week:

And the photos did not get a positive reaction.

“This is very inappropriate given recent events and you should take it down,” one of her followers advised her.

Another commented “You might want to rethink this post in light of the recent school shootings. Clearly, it’s going to cause a problem. You make your own trouble.”

“So David gets fired over the photo he posted and u come on posting this?” someone else asked. “Like there’s nothing wrong with your son playing with a toy gun but we all know u did this for a reaction?”

“Using ur son too? Sweet move for more haters.”

Isn’t it though?

But despite all the criticism she got for the photos, Jenelle didn’t back down.

She responded to all the comments by explaining “This is a toy gun that I just bought Kaiser and he absolutely loves. Everyday he goes outside to ‘find something to hunt."”

“Let boys be boys. My kids are Country Boys so everyone needs to get over that part.”

There are so many things wrong with what she said that it’s hard to know where to begin, but let’s try anyway, OK?

One, since when were her kids “country boys”? Does her current soulmate determine her children’s identities? Because she was never into “country” stuff before David.

Also one of her kids is a girl?

Two, you can’t write off any valid criticism anyone has about your parenting with the saying “let boys be boys.” It’s not like all boys are required to like guns.

Three, she’s completely ignoring the fact that many people don’t even have an issue with Kaiser having a toy gun — it’s simply an issue of timing.

It’s not hard to not post photos like these when it could affect your livelihood, or after so many people were killed in such a tragic shooting.

As many of her followers pointed out, it’s pretty clear that she’s just looking for some attention with this.

Well, we hope you enjoy it, Jenelle. After all, if you get fired, you’ll only get so much more of it.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dikembe Mutombo Says LeBron Should Keep Speaking Up, And He Shouldn"t Be Alone

Dikembe Mutombo says LeBron James shouldn’t “shut up and dribble” — he should continue to take a stand to defeat social injustice … and he’s not the only one, we all should. Mutombo is reacting to the recent comments by FOX News host Laura…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lil Pump Arrested for Shooting Gun While Home Alone

Lil Pump was arrested Wednesday night at his home after he fired a gun, but the reason he discharged the weapon is in dispute … TMZ has learned. According to law enforcement, Pump’s manager reported 3 men were jimmying the rapper’s front door,…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Pam Anderson Says Don"t Ride Uber, Lyft Alone

Pamela Anderson is pleading with you all — if you’re gonna ride Uber/Lyft, keep an eye out and don’t do it alone. Pamela doubled down on her apprehension for ride-hail apps like Uber and Lyft … claiming they’re a haven for predators. She…


Monday, January 8, 2018

"Home Alone" Dad John Heard Had Various Narcotics in System at Time of Death

“Home Alone” dad John Heard a pharmacy of drugs in his system when he died … TMZ has learned. The actor died in July at age 71, and now the toxicology results are in. Among the drugs in his system — Tramadol, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Xanax,…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Colin Kaepernick: Meek Mill Is Getting Screwed (And He"s Not Alone)

Colin Kaepernick is going to bat for Meek Mill — saying the rapper is a victim of the same “radicalized injustice” that has been screwing black men for years.  FYI, Meek was sentenced to 2 to 4 years in prison after a judge ruled he violated…


Colin Kaepernick: Meek Mill Is Getting Screwed (And He"s Not Alone)

Colin Kaepernick is going to bat for Meek Mill — saying the rapper is a victim of the same “radicalized injustice” that has been screwing black men for years.  FYI, Meek was sentenced to 2 to 4 years in prison after a judge ruled he violated…


Monday, October 23, 2017

"Veep" Star Diedrich Bader Says Oswald Acted Alone in Kennedy Assassination

“Veep” star Diedrich Bader thinks the thousands of soon-to-be-released secret documents relating to the Kennedy assassination will not change the government’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Diedrich — who played Rex Kwando in…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Amber Portwood to Matt Baier: Leave Me ALONE!

We’ve heard all about it, we’ve seen the proof on social media, it’s official: Amber Portwood has herself a brand new boyfriend.

And while we don’t know too terribly much about this new fella, it’s already clear that he’s miles better than Matt Baier.

Which, to be fair, isn’t exactly a feat.

She’d have to really try to find a guy worse than Matt.

Like, she’d have to start perusing Indiana’s finest crack dens, or she’d have to start up a correspondence with Charles Manson.

But so far — on paper, anyway — this new guy, Andrew Glennon, actually seems to be a big catch for her.

He’s got a long-standing career in television production, he doesn’t have an arrest history, he doesn’t seem to have a slew of children that he fathered and then ghosted.

Basically, Amber and Andrew forever.

But still, even though it’s been a few months now since she dumped Matt, and even though she seems to have a great thing going with Andrew, Matt still can’t seem to let her go.

And, according to a new report from Hollywood Life, she has had it.

“She wishes Matt would just move on and leave her alone,” a source reveals.

“Amber gave Matt opportunity after opportunity to make their relationship work, but he just kept messing up.”

And isn’t that the understatement of the year?

We’d have probably dumped Matt after Farrah Abraham called her to let her known that he tried hooking up with her before he got with Amber.

Or when she found out that he’d lied to her about how many kids he had.

Or, at the very least, after she found out all those terrible things he’d said about her when she refused to marry him that time in Las Vegas.

“The relationship was toxic,” the source continues, “she could never trust him and they were constantly fighting.”

“She finally managed to get the strength to walk away from him for good, but he’s still trying to pull her back in.”

Terrifyingly enough, the source claims that Matt is “constantly calling and texting Amber, begging her to give him another chance, but she’s done with him.”

“He had his chance and he blew it.”

Boy, did he ever.

All this is definitely easy to believe, and not just because Matt is the worst.

Ever since we learned that Amber got herself a new boyfriend, Matt has been giving interview after interview about her to anyone who will listen.

He’s said that he can’t help but to “hold out hope for a reconciliation,” and that he misses her so much because she was his “best friend” and his “family.”

Which is funny, considering that he has multiple children that are his actual family that he doesn’t have anything to do with.

It seems like Matt is having a really hard time letting go of Amber — or at least he’s having a hard time letting go of that sweet Teen Mom gig.

Here’s hoping Amber is able to stay strong, because goodness knows how long it will take for him to finally slither away into oblivion for good.
