Showing posts with label Speaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speaking. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Rich the Kid"s Estranged Wife He Needs to Pay More, But He"s Ghosting Me, Legally Speaking

Rich the Kid‘s playing hard to get in his divorce case … so claims his estranged wife who wants the judge to make him pay for being a pain in the ass.
Antonette Willis has filed new legal docs claiming she’s been trying to serve the rapper with papers, but he’s nowhere...
Rich the Kid"s Estranged Wife He Needs to Pay More, But He"s Ghosting Me, Legally Speaking

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dikembe Mutombo Says LeBron Should Keep Speaking Up, And He Shouldn"t Be Alone

Dikembe Mutombo says LeBron James shouldn’t “shut up and dribble” — he should continue to take a stand to defeat social injustice … and he’s not the only one, we all should. Mutombo is reacting to the recent comments by FOX News host Laura…


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Taylor Swift"s No Hero for Speaking at Sexual Assault Trial, Says David Mueller

Taylor Swift’s not quite the hero TIME magazine made her out to be, because she didn’t want to take the stand in the “butt grabbing” trial … she was forced to do so, according to David Mueller. Mueller, the accused butt grabber, thinks…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Michael Bennett Incident: Cops Speaking Out (Livestream)

The Las Vegas Metro Police Dept. is about to break its silence on the Michael Bennett incident — and TMZ Sports will be livestreaming the whole thing.  LVMPD undersheriff Kevin McMahill will face the media at 3:30 PM PT to answer questions…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Can Turn White House Debacle into $75k Speaking Engagements

Anthony Scaramucci’s absurdly brief gig in the White House is going to pay off big-time, and help make the rich man even richer … IF he chooses to cash in on making speeches. Multiple sources plugged into the public speaking circuit tell us the…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I"m Never Speaking to My Mother Again!

Jenelle Evans has been quite the busy bee recently, hasn’t she?

She’s been getting into the trashiest feud of all time with David Eason’s sister, she’s been caring for three kids full time — her baby girl, Ensley, her toddler, Kaiser, and David’s daughter, Maryssa.

She’s also been losing her mind over the recent developments in her custody case over her first son, Jace.

Last week, Jenelle went to court with her mother, the legendary Barbara Evans, and while she’s always claimed she was going for full custody of Jace, she settled for mediation.

In the mediation, they decided on an official list of rules they were both required to follow when around Jace — things like “no drugs,” “no excessive drinking,” and “no fighting around him.”

You know, things you wouldn’t automatically know to do around a young child.

They also came up with a visitation schedule: now, Jenelle gets Jace every other weekend, some holidays, and for his summer vacation.

And according to a new interview Jenelle did with E! News, she’s super, super pumped about it.

She says that last Friday was the beginning of her first weekend with Jace in several weeks, and he stayed with her through Memorial Day.

“It felt amazing to finally be reunited,” she explains. “He was so happy he didn’t even know what to do when he first got home.”

“I was nervous a little bit because I didn’t want Jace thinking it was me that didn’t want to visit with him, but when he arrived everything was back to the way it used to be.”

By “the way it used to be,” we’re assuming she means the last time he came to visit her, not all the times in the past several years when she left him with Barb to party or to get arrested.

Jenelle says the visit was emotional her, and “I did cry but not around anyone except for David. I didn’t want any of the kids thinking I was upset.”

“Lots of hugs and kisses were going around all weekend!”

Perhaps we’re reading into this too much (though probably not), but it feels like Jenelle is trying to hard to make us all believe that Jace strongly prefers being with her.

Instead of, you know, the woman who raised him for eight years.

She says that while Jace was with her, he “acted as if he hadn’t missed a beat,” and that she “Couldn’t have asked for a better weekend.”

“Even though having all four kids on our weekends is a lot, I love being a mom and love the responsibility.”

What a lovely new development, right?

“I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone,” Jenelle continues. “Having them all together at once makes me so happy to see everyone playing and bonding.”

“Jace always gets along with everyone and adores David. David teaches Jace a lot of ‘guy’ things that I don’t even know about!”

“Not to mention Jace and David’s daughter are best friends,” she adds.

Sure, Jenelle.

It seems a little suspicious because up until now, Jace really hasn’t spent all that much time with David or Maryssa, but soon enough, that’s all going to change.

“My next visit with him is this upcoming weekend since his summer school break will begin,” she explains. “We are planning on taking the kids on vacation so that should be lots of fun!”

She’ll be able to do that since, believe it or not, she’ll have Jace all summer long. What could go wrong?!

As for poor Barbara, who’s never been apart from Jace for this long, and who’s also said that she’d planned for him to go to a summer camp that he was really excited about?

“I don’t have much interaction with Barbara anymore,” Jenelle says. “I only speak to her at our drop offs and that’s it.”

“I do not discuss the details of my life with her anymore and it will continue to be that way probably for the rest of my life.”

What a great big pile of sadness at the end of what would otherwise be a happy-ish story.

Oh, Jenelle, you really can ruin everything, can’t you?


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Back on Speaking Terms!

While we have a rough idea of the events that prompted Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to end their marriage, we may never know exactly what transpired on that now-notorious private jet flight back in September of 2016. 

What we do know is that there was an altercation between Pitt and his eldest son.

And we also know that whatever happened, it was bad enough that Jolie moved out on Pitt within days, taking the couple’s six kids with her.

Needless to say, this wasn’t a case of two people gradually growing apart and mutually deciding to go their separate ways.

There was a time when it looked as though the Pitt-Jolie custody battle was shaping up to be the ugliest in recent memory.

Now, however, tensions seem to have eased, and the A-list couple appears to have recognized the importance of prioritizing the health and happiness of their kids over their own personal agendas.

According to People magazine, after nearly six months of communicating only through their lawyers, Brad and Angelina are once again speaking directly.

An insider tells the magazine that the public nature of the split took a profound toll on Pitt in particular, and he and Jolie both resolved to handle all future disputes more privately.

“He’s much happier,” a source says. “He’s very relieved that things are not playing out in public anymore.”

“It was a rough time, but they were able to resolve it,” adds the insider.

“This is a work in progress.”

Sources say the healing began when Jolie publicly praised Pitt as a “wonderful father” last month.

“He’s always been extremely positive about how Angie’s a good mother, and the goal was to resolve everything for the kids and the whole family, and they’re working toward that,” says the tipster.

The source claims that Brad has been spending most of his time at a Santa Barbara beach house he and Jolie purchased together.

The actor has reportedly taken up sculpting and spends most of his time working in his studio.

Pitt and Jolie’s custody deal has the couple’s kids spending the vast majority of their time with their mother, but in recent weeks all parties have reportedly worked together to schedule more visitation time for Brad.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Hammers George Takei for Speaking Gleefully About Child Molestation (AUDIO)

Milo Yiannopoulos says his haters are hypocrites for letting George Takei off the hook when he spoke glowingly about his own teenage sexual encounter with an adult … similar to what Milo did. Of course, it cost Milo a lucrative…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Dana White -- "I"m Not Speaking to Jon Jones" ... Get Your Life In Order First (VIDEO)

Dana White says he hasn’t spoken with Jon Jones since his suspension — and WON’T talk to the former champ — until he clears up all of the issues in his personal life.  Jones was stripped of his interim light heavyweight title this week after…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mady and Cara Gosselin: Not Speaking To Jon Gosselin, Totally Fine With It

Like the rest of America, Mady and Cara Gosselin think their estranged father, Jon is kind of a loser.

The twins don’t have a relationship with Jon because they choose not to, not because their mother, Kate tries to prevent it.

He makes it seem like we’re being kept from him, which is insane,” Mady told People Magazine.

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.”

Jon spoke to Yahoo! and Entertainment Tonight recently about his broken relationship with his eldest daughters, and his account of what happened is completely different from theirs.

“He doesn’t even know us,” Mady adds. “How can he dare to talk about us?”

Cara, who let her sister do most of the talking, was at a loss for words when asked about her fractured relationship with Jon.

“I wouldn’t even know what to say about him,” she said.

Jon thinks that his daughters were being fed lies by his ex-wife, and therefore stopped spending time with him.

“Madelyn and Cara, I don’t see that much, or often. We’re kind of not talking right now,” Jon told ET.

“Everybody used to come to my house.

“You know, it was great, and then Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it.  I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

Jon thinks keeping his distance from Mady and Cara is the best thing for them at this point, which is kind of the opposite of what he should be doing.

“They’re moving into womanhood,” he said. “They’ll be 16 in October. I hope I can talk to them and develop a relationship in the future. But there’s a lot of stuff that has to go on before that.”

This guy needs to STFU and start acting like an adult.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Not On Speaking Terms With Twins Maddie and Cara

Someone send Jon Gosselin on an Eat Pray Love retreat.

The former TLC star and unofficial Ed Hardy model hasn’t been in the best place since his 2008 divorce from Kate Gosselin.

A month ago, one could have said that Jon was doing pretty well as an employee with his local T.G.I Friday’s.  Alas, TMZ ruined everything by outing him, a move that made Jon so furious that he quit.

jon gosselin angry tweet tmz

To make matters worse, Jon donated his weekly check to charity (this was confirmed by the restaurant manager).

Jon is allowed to feel a little bitter.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jon revealed what his life is like these days as a single dad. He doesn’t see his kids much, which might affect him more than he lets on.

“Everybody used to come to my house,” Jon said of his eight kids – twins Maddie, Cara, and sextuplets Alexis, Hanna, Leah, Joel, Aaden and Colin.

“You know, it was great, and then Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it. I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

The number of Gosselin visitors then dwindled to six.

“I was just focusing on the ones that did come and then a couple years went by and then Collin stopped coming. I thought, maybe he just wants to do stuff with Mommy or whatever, and then it became long term.”

In fact, Colin and his dad haven’t seen each other in two years.  

The last time Jon saw all eight children at once was three or four years ago.

Jon told ET that he hasn’t seen all eight of his children in one place in three or four years.   

“The kids that I do get are Hannah, Leah, Joel and Aaden. I guess the four have stuck together and said, ‘We’re going to Daddy’s and that’s it.’ And maybe they’ll raise a stink about it or something like that.

“Sometimes I get Alexis but not often.”

As for his first-born daughters, Jon admitted that they’re not on speaking terms right now.

The fractured relationship Jon has with many of his children may stem from the non-existent one he has with Kate.

“I don’t really talk to my ex-wife, so it’s all kind of Helter Skelter,” Jon said.

“I have my life and she has her life. We have our life with our kids separately. We don’t go anywhere together.”

Jon decided to leave reality TV to work odd jobs in between his DJ gigs.

You know, I kind of walked away from everything so that my kids can have a life,” he said. “So that they would be taken care of, in their house, and things wouldn’t change, because I knew I could survive.”

On July 26th, Jon issued a threat to the media via Twitter about protecting his family’s privacy.

“In the future, don’t tag me in posts with my ex,” he tweeted.

“It’s uncalled for and causes drama. Please respect our children’s privacy as well, thank u.”

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Josh Duggar Speaking Tour: Actually Happening?!

On Tuesday night, the second season premiere of Jill & Jessa Counting On  aired on TLC, and it delivered the mix of drama, sentimentality and wholesome family bonding moments that Duggar fans have been clamoring for.

More importantly, it came through on a promise the network made to viewers several weeks ago: Josh Duggar was nowhere to be found.

Yes, Josh is out of rehab, and he’s reportedly taken up residence at the Duggar compound in Tontitown, Arkansas, but he won’t be re-entering the public eye – at least not yet.

Sources tell Life & Style that the plan is for Josh to lie low for the time being – and then address the Duggar faithful at a series of speaking engagements.

“He’s considering going on a public speaking circuit,” an insider told Life & Style. “He has to make money and this could be very lucrative for him. It’s likely Josh will travel the world to talk at Christian fundamentalist events this year.”

Obviously, the Josh speaking tour (if it ever materializes) will be easy to avoid, but if you’re a fan of the Duggar family and you enjoy tour reality TV Josh-free, you may soon be out of luck.

“Everyone is certain Josh will be making an appearance on Counting On,” says the insider. “He’ll bring the show even more viewers.”

We hate to say it, but we could definitely see producers bringing Josh in as a season finale stunt.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online at TV Fanatic to enjoy the Josh-less series while you can.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: FIRED From Speaking Gig Due to Scandals!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar may be experts on home-schooling after educating their 19 offspring, but one prominent home education organization wants nothing to do with the scandal-plagued reality stars.

The Duggars were scheduled to speak at the Alberta Home School Association on in April, but were informed this week that they’d been fired from the gig.

As you’ve probably heard, Jim Bob and Michelle have taken a good deal of flak for their handling of the Josh Duggar sex scandal, and with good reason.

Not only did they help to hide his actions from authorities, Jim Bob defended the decision in an interview back in June.

As a result, the disgraced couple has asked not to attend a a Canadian convention for parents of home-cshooled kids, where they had previously been scheduled to give a speech.

“Although early feedback from our members this summer was supportive of having the Duggars come here, recent feedback from our own members points out that their appearance here would not be in the best interests of home educators,” AHSA president Paul van den Bosch said in a statement.

Apparently in response to claims that the Duggars are rebuilding their reputation and returning to television, van den Bosch offered this stinging rebuke:

“As we have learned, child abuse can happen in any home and is never ‘old news."”

The organization is absolutely right on that score, and while there’s nothing funny about Josh Duggar’s abuse of his own siblings, it’s hard not to be amused by the irony of this situation.

Prior to their recent string of scandals, most of the criticism of the Duggars involved the family’s tendency to cast judgment upon the beliefs and actions of those with whom they disagreed.

We hope Jim Bob and Michelle occasionally take time out from their comeback to consider the lessons that can be learned from their recent twists of fate.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner to Embark on Speaking Tour

Caitlyn Jenner may soon be coming to a city near you.

No, the former Olympian is not about to embark on a singing career. But she will be getting behind a microphone.

A rep for the transgender star has confirmed that will be embarking on a five-stop speaking tour in 2016 with an organization titled “Unique Lives and Experiences.”

Not many details are available regarding the theme of Jenner’s upcoming speeches.

But it’s safe to assume she’ll touch on many of the same themes we applauded her for in the Caitlyn Jenner ESPYs speech.

Acceptance. Tolerance. Self-confidence. Self-belief.

Jenner, of course, came out as a woman in an interview this April with Diane Sawyer.

She then went on to chronicle her life in transition during I Am Cait, an eight-episode reality show on E! that has been picked up for a second season.

The title of Jenner’s lecture will be “Up Close and Personal” and her mini tour is scheduled to place in Toronto, Vancouver, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle beginning in late February.

Tickets are already on sale, ranging from $ 40 to $ 500 for a VIP package, depending on the location.

Back when she was known as Bruce Jenner, after she won a Gold Medal in 1976, Jenner spent many years on the inspirational speaking circuit.

This, however, marks Jenner’s first speaking tour since announcing her transition.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kim Zolciak: Loses Speaking Ability After Suffering From Stroke!!

On the season premiere of the hit reality competition show, Kim Zolciak bombed her performance on Dancing With the Stars.

It was so bad that she even considered leaving the show.

Unfortunately, she might have to leave the show now that Kim has had a serious health scare.

After flying home from Dancing With the Stars on Wednesday, the former star of The Real Housewives of Atlanta suffered a transient ischemic attack (aka a mini stroke).

Kim revealed the news of her scary condition with a selfie posted on Instagram.

She captioned the picture, “The last 24hrs have been whirlwind! I landed yesterday morning from LAX (took the red eye right after DWTS) I got home and within minutes suffered a TIA (mini stroke).”

The stroke was severe enough to cause numbness and a loss of speech.

Kim, 37, added, “the left side of my body went completely numb and my speech was gone.” The reality star also thanked her husband Kroy Biermann and her oldest daughter Brielle for their “quick reactions.”

She ended her Instagram post with a set of prayer hand emojis saying, “I have 100%of my feeling back THANK GOD. Still in the hospital but I just know I’m getting released today!”

Kim has not been a favorite on Dancing With the Stars.  In fact, for most of her performances, she has earned dreadfully low scores.

On Monday night’s show, she told host Erin Andrews, “I still have a heart even though I’m, like, bad. I still have a heart.”

Let’s hope she keeps that positive attitude as she recovers.  Get well soon, Kim!