Showing posts with label Terms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terms. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Pam Anderson Takes Ride-hail Apps to Task with "Terms & Conditions"

Pam Anderson says ride-hail apps shirk their responsibility and shift blame to their users … and that’s why she implores you to read the fine print. Pamela is back with a new PSA — obtained in advance by TMZ –  and takes ride-hail…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry & I Are on Good Terms Now ... But My Book"s Still Happening!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are on better terms lately, but that’s not stopping her ex from pushing forward with his tell-all book.

Which, in turn, could threaten to derail the tenuous non-aggression pact between the former Teen Mom 2 spouses. The irony.

The father of Kailyn’s second son Lincoln says they’re playing nice these days, but his side of the story when it comes to their breakup?

Well, it’s not always nice, and he’s telling it like it is.

“I’ve been working on this book for a while,” Marroquin said of Heartlessly Hustled, an obvious play on Lowry’s own Hustle & Heart.

“My story won’t change,” the 24-year-old reality star said, but he insists, “regardless of what’s in my book Kail knows it’s behind us.”

That’s a fine line to walk.

In Marroquin’s mind, it may be easy enough to compartmentalize past and present like that, but if Lowry reads something she dislikes?

The smart thing to do if he’s really committed to co-parenting first would be to put this idea on the shelf (no pun intended) for awhile.

By now, the sad and scandalous story is familiar to those who watch Teen Mom 2 online or read any sort of celebrity gossip at all:

Lowry announced her divorce while he was on deployment in May 2016, after a six-month period that saw their marriage crumble.

Because he was overseas with the U.S. Air Force, their passive-aggressive social media communication became a spectator sport.

Then, only days after he returned home, he caught her with Chris Lopez, later revealed to be the father of Lowry’s third child.

Their split quickly became more and more tumultuous.

An already-strained relationship nearly reached a boiling point upon the reveal of Lowry’s third pregnancy, given their recent divorce.

She and Marroquin divorced in part because she didn’t want any more kids; Javi obvious didn’t take the third-baby-daddy thing well.

It reached a level in which Lowry filed a protection from abuse order after he showed up aggressively and sent her harassing texts. 

Javi denied ever laying a hand on Kailyn, who never accused him of that either, but admitted she sought – and he agreed to – the order.

Basically, he’s not allowed to contact her unless it’s regarding their son for a year. (Again, writing a tell-all book about her won’t help.)

Since then, the two have mended fences somewhat.

Kailyn has included Javi in family activities, both with their son and with Lowry’s older son Isaac, 7, from her relationship with Jo Rivera.

Marroquin, who has accused Lowry of cheating on him, and who says he will not be raising Lowry’s third child, remains close to Isaac.

As for what we can expect in Heartlessly Hustled?

“Expect a story about a man who thought he figured out life. Lies and cheating were swept beneath his nose for a long time!” Javi says.

Javi promises his memoir will “be the truth” of what Lowry – who he has implied wasn’t faithful – did to end their nearly four-year marriage.

“The only reason I was coming out with that book was to make sure my story was out,” he said, following the release of Lowry’s memoir.

In her book, she hit on his jealousy and control issues.

“When he did things like demanding that I unlock my phone to prove I had nothing to hide,” she said, Javi made their marriage unbearable.

She said he began “calling me constantly when I was enjoying time with friends to make sure I wasn’t doing anything ‘sneaky’ behind his back.”

“It became clearer and clearer how little my husband trusted me,” the reality star penned. “I had done nothing to make him doubt me.”

“I never lied, never went behind his back and I was never unfaithful,” Lowry laments, strongly denying that she ever cheated on him.

“For some reason, he was convinced otherwise.”

No word yet on the release date for Javi’s book, but you can expect it will reopen some old wounds that haven’t entirely healed.

You know, exactly the opposite of what he should probably be focusing on, and what he says his outlook on life is these days. 


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Blac Chyna & Rob Kardashian Are Back On Good Terms ... For Now (VIDEO)

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian have seemingly made up for the umpteenth time. Chyna posted a few vids of the two Saturday … and one thing’s clear, there doesn’t appear to be an ounce of ill will between them. TMZ broke the story … Chyna felt she…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Back on Speaking Terms!

While we have a rough idea of the events that prompted Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to end their marriage, we may never know exactly what transpired on that now-notorious private jet flight back in September of 2016. 

What we do know is that there was an altercation between Pitt and his eldest son.

And we also know that whatever happened, it was bad enough that Jolie moved out on Pitt within days, taking the couple’s six kids with her.

Needless to say, this wasn’t a case of two people gradually growing apart and mutually deciding to go their separate ways.

There was a time when it looked as though the Pitt-Jolie custody battle was shaping up to be the ugliest in recent memory.

Now, however, tensions seem to have eased, and the A-list couple appears to have recognized the importance of prioritizing the health and happiness of their kids over their own personal agendas.

According to People magazine, after nearly six months of communicating only through their lawyers, Brad and Angelina are once again speaking directly.

An insider tells the magazine that the public nature of the split took a profound toll on Pitt in particular, and he and Jolie both resolved to handle all future disputes more privately.

“He’s much happier,” a source says. “He’s very relieved that things are not playing out in public anymore.”

“It was a rough time, but they were able to resolve it,” adds the insider.

“This is a work in progress.”

Sources say the healing began when Jolie publicly praised Pitt as a “wonderful father” last month.

“He’s always been extremely positive about how Angie’s a good mother, and the goal was to resolve everything for the kids and the whole family, and they’re working toward that,” says the tipster.

The source claims that Brad has been spending most of his time at a Santa Barbara beach house he and Jolie purchased together.

The actor has reportedly taken up sculpting and spends most of his time working in his studio.

Pitt and Jolie’s custody deal has the couple’s kids spending the vast majority of their time with their mother, but in recent weeks all parties have reportedly worked together to schedule more visitation time for Brad.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian Faces "Daily Struggle" Coming to Terms With Paris Attack

It’s been six months since news broke that Kim Kardashian was held at gunpoint in a horrifying robbery in Paris. 

Since then, the reality TV personality has kept a relatively low profile. It took her months to return social media and public appearances. 

Rightfully so. She was tied up and gagged by five robbers who took it upon themselves to rob her in her No Address Hotel room. 

We finally got some much-needed insight into what happened on that horrific night on the most recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Even after all this time, a source has confirmed to People that the reality star is still trying to move on with her life, but it’s not an easy task. 

“Kim has come a long way from the robbery but that said, it’s a daily struggle to move past it and she probably never will be past it entirely,” says the source.

It definitely makes sense that she would struggle to get over what happened to her. It’s something she will probably still have to haunt her in many years. 

She has been vocal about thinking she was going to lose her life. That’s the sort of thing that would emotionally scar someone. 

Another source confirmed that “Kim still speaks of the robbery as the most horrific experience she has ever had” and “is still vulnerable and cries about the robbery.”

When Kim first returned to Instagram, she posted a cute family photo which showed she was focusing on family. 

The source even sheds some light on what happened when Kanye West wound up in the hospital. 

“While she would never wish the experience on anyone, it put things into better perspective for her — what really matters, and that family comes first. To have the Kanye situation happen right after was just the worst timing.”

“She wasn’t emotionally equipped to handle that at the time, and it strained their relationship and put a ton of stress and anxiety back into her life. They’ve worked through a lot of that and have gotten even closer. It was hard to relive it for the show, but in a way, it ended up being cathartic and helped her work through and process it even more.”

Now that she is slowly, but surely, returning to her former self, it has been alleged by the source that Kim likes the changes in the wake of the attack. 

“She very much likes her new normal. She knows that if the robbery never happened, these changes wouldn’t have happened either. She is taking the horrific experience and focusing on the good aftermath. Before the robbery, Kim was often stressed out about her family/work balance. She many times felt that work overtook and she often missed her kids,” says the second source. “

This all changed after the robbery. Now, Kim very much enjoys being a mom first. Work comes second. She loves being at home with her kids and is much happier.”

What do you think about all of this?


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Not On Speaking Terms With Twins Maddie and Cara

Someone send Jon Gosselin on an Eat Pray Love retreat.

The former TLC star and unofficial Ed Hardy model hasn’t been in the best place since his 2008 divorce from Kate Gosselin.

A month ago, one could have said that Jon was doing pretty well as an employee with his local T.G.I Friday’s.  Alas, TMZ ruined everything by outing him, a move that made Jon so furious that he quit.

jon gosselin angry tweet tmz

To make matters worse, Jon donated his weekly check to charity (this was confirmed by the restaurant manager).

Jon is allowed to feel a little bitter.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jon revealed what his life is like these days as a single dad. He doesn’t see his kids much, which might affect him more than he lets on.

“Everybody used to come to my house,” Jon said of his eight kids – twins Maddie, Cara, and sextuplets Alexis, Hanna, Leah, Joel, Aaden and Colin.

“You know, it was great, and then Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it. I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

The number of Gosselin visitors then dwindled to six.

“I was just focusing on the ones that did come and then a couple years went by and then Collin stopped coming. I thought, maybe he just wants to do stuff with Mommy or whatever, and then it became long term.”

In fact, Colin and his dad haven’t seen each other in two years.  

The last time Jon saw all eight children at once was three or four years ago.

Jon told ET that he hasn’t seen all eight of his children in one place in three or four years.   

“The kids that I do get are Hannah, Leah, Joel and Aaden. I guess the four have stuck together and said, ‘We’re going to Daddy’s and that’s it.’ And maybe they’ll raise a stink about it or something like that.

“Sometimes I get Alexis but not often.”

As for his first-born daughters, Jon admitted that they’re not on speaking terms right now.

The fractured relationship Jon has with many of his children may stem from the non-existent one he has with Kate.

“I don’t really talk to my ex-wife, so it’s all kind of Helter Skelter,” Jon said.

“I have my life and she has her life. We have our life with our kids separately. We don’t go anywhere together.”

Jon decided to leave reality TV to work odd jobs in between his DJ gigs.

You know, I kind of walked away from everything so that my kids can have a life,” he said. “So that they would be taken care of, in their house, and things wouldn’t change, because I knew I could survive.”

On July 26th, Jon issued a threat to the media via Twitter about protecting his family’s privacy.

“In the future, don’t tag me in posts with my ex,” he tweeted.

“It’s uncalled for and causes drama. Please respect our children’s privacy as well, thank u.”

Friday, May 6, 2016

Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt: On Bad Terms?

So…these two were at odds, but I"m not sure anyone was aware.

A preview for an upcoming episode of Kendra On Top features a Come to Jesus between Kendra Wilkinson and her former Girls Next Door co-star/Playboy Mansion roommate, Bridget Marquardt.

Marquardt agreed to a reunion with Wilkinson, who moved out of the Playboy Mansion and married former NFL star Hank Baskett in 2009.  

Things between the two women went sour, but Marquardt had no idea why.

"When I saw things like, "Well, we were never friends," and, "She"s not appreciative," and things like that, I"m thinking all the things that we did together – like all the time at the mansion, from all the traveling around the world," Marquardt explained to Wilkinson.

"We weren"t always best friends, but we definitely had each other"s back, and I definitely consider you a friend." 

Wilkinson admitted to totally f***ing up on their friendship.

"You know, I did have – as we all did, probably, a hard time transitioning into like a world outside the mansion," she confessed.

"When I was saying those things, it was more about like, trying to distance myself from the mansion as much as I could, which was the wrong thing to do."

During her one-on-one confessional, Wilkinson fessed up to totally dropping the ball.

"Bridget"s right. She was part of very special moments in my life that really meant a lot to me."

One person Wilkinson will likely never speak to again?  Her other roommate, Holly Madison.

"There was never a moment where I can say she felt real to me," Wilkinson told Marquardt of Hugh Hefner"s former "#1" girlfriend, who wrote a scathing tell-all about her time at the Playboy Mansion.

Watch the preview below.

Kendra wilkinson and bridget marquardt we made up friends foreve

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Beyonce & Jay-Z On Bad Terms, Hosted Most Awkard Party EVER

They can’t seem to shake rumors of a split, these two.

Back in early February, reports claimed that Beyonce and Jay-Z were getting ready to announce a split after eight years of marriage.

Then came reports that they were sleeping in separate rooms inside their Beverly Hills home.

Now, Radar Online has allegedly confirmed with guests from their recent dinner party that the tension was palpable.

“They had a private dinner on Saturday for about ten people consisting of their inner circle, family and business partners,” a source told the site of Beyonce and Jay-Z.

“They could hardly have been more detached!”

Guests sat by while the two more or less gave each other the silent treatment, with a few jabs thrown here and there.

“Beyonce and Jay Z barely spoke two words to each other the entire evening,” the source added.

“She complained about the food that he had catered, and said that it was not her people that had made the meal.”

Apparently that was enough to make Jay-Z blow that popsicle stand.

He “was very dismissive to Beyonce all night long and had disappeared before all of the guests had left,” the source added.

“Beyonce was left to wrap up the soiree on her own.”

Do you believe this powerful couple is ready to divorce?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Leah Messer and Corey Simms: On GREAT Terms with Kids, Each Other!

Despite reports that Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer “won” custody of her twins from Corey Simms, insiders say it was a mutual decision.

Moreover, the former spouses reached an agreement without any input from a judge, and are said to be on much better terms lately.

As we reported last week, Leah Messer and Corey Simms struck a deal last week regarding custody of the couple’s twin daughters.

Given the contentious history between them – if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you are well aware of it – this was billed as a “win” for Leah.

Yet it wasn’t quite like that – and that’s a good thing for all involved.

Both parties “were told that they had a few minutes to figure the situation out on their own,” a source close to Simms says, and they did just that.

“The judge then left the room and allowed them to talk alone.”

Messer, 23, and Simms, 26, the parents of 6-year-olds Ali and Aleeah, spoke “very civilly” and agreed to share custody of their daughters.

“The judge only signed off on the settlement,” the source insists, adding that when it came to Leah’s custody, “He didn’t order anything.”

Now, Simms and his wife, Miranda Patterson, are dedicated to remaining on good terms with his ex-wife after years of public feuding.

Corey and Miranda, who are parents to a baby daughter, Remington, have accused Leah of abusing drugs while parenting their children.

Messer went to rehab last year for what MTV described as anxiety and depression (and subsequently divorced Jeremy Calvert).

Time, and treatment have apparently healed this rift.

Simms and Messer have agreed to abide by a shared plan, splitting custody of the twin girls almost equally, and co-parenting together.

For all the reunion show squabbling, cheating accusations and shade-throwing on Twitter, it looks like they’re all in a very good place.

“Corey and Miranda think Leah is doing much better now, which makes it easier for them to get along with her,” the insider explains.

“They’re praying Leah stays on a good path … Corey never wanted to take the girls away from … he felt it was in the girls’ best interest.”