Showing posts with label Daily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Omarosa Leaves Trevor Noah"s "Daily Show" Set with Nothing But Smiles

Omarosa is getting called every name in the book for leaking secretly recorded convos with and about Trump — but you’d never guess she was bothered, based on her pearly whites. Trump’s former aide-turned-foe was seen leaving Trevor Noah’s ‘Daily…


Friday, June 29, 2018

Kate Middleton Trash-Talks Meghan Markle Daily (Report)

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, there have been rumors about the former actress struggling to fit in with the royals.

These reports were inevitable of course, but they’ve been somewhat more vicious and persistent than we anticipated.

Insiders (or people purporting to be insiders, or tabloid columnists writing as imaginary insiders) claim that Meghan has breached royal protocol several times in her six weeks as a Duchess.

Naturally, these folks insist that the Queen is not happy with Meg’s performance thus far.

Kate Middleton, on the other hand, is reportedly loving every minute of it.

A source tells the never-reliable Star magazine that Kate has been “gleefully watching Meghan’s blunders from the sidelines.” 

Those blunders include such egregious offenses as wearing a dress that didn’t cover her shoulders.

Oh, and let’s not forget the time that Meghan tried to hold Harry’s hand in public!

We’re still clutching our pearls over that one.

Apparently, Kate is supposed to be helping Meghan out with all this confusing nonsense, but when the time came to lend her fellow lapsed peasant a hand, she was all like, nah:

“You’d think that as a fellow commoner, she’d be sympathetic to how Meghan is struggling, but Kate feels threatened by Meghan’s popularity,” the insider reveals.

“Kate takes potshots at Meghan every chance she gets and makes a point to tell the queen about all the things Meghan is doing wrong.”

Oh, what we would give to hear Kate flex that stiff upper lip to spit some royal zingers.

“Ay bish, you used to be on Suits but you couldn’t find a tailor for that baggy-ass wedding dress?”

“I heard you were a model on Deal on No Deal. Maybe you should’ve said no deal to that fugly hat.”

And so forth.

Anyway, it all sounds very far-fetched, but this isn’t the first report we’ve heard that Kate and Meg aren’t exactly beasties:

“Kate feels like Meghan has barely made any effort with her and is more interested in impressing [Queen Elizabeth],” a source recently told some tabloid called Closer Weekly.

“Kate feels left out. She spent years working on her image as ‘the perfect royal,’ and Meghan is stealing her thunder,” 

Yes, a real feud might be taking place among the duchesses.

If only we could convince them to star in a reality show about their beef.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Herschel Walker Still Does 3,500 Sit-Ups Daily, Offers to Train Trump!

Herschel Walker is 56 years old … and he’s still in INSANE shape — telling TMZ Sports his daily routine includes 1,500 push-ups and 3,500 sit-ups.  THAT’S NOT A MISTAKE — HE REALLY DOES THAT!  The ex-NFL star was leaving the White…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Senator Dean Heller Says Vegas Stadium Building Need 800 lbs Of Dynamite Daily

Get ready for your daily testosterone injection … ‘cause U.S. Senator Dean Heller from Nevada is about to tell the world how he’s helping to to build the Raiders new home … and it involves blowing stuff up. We got Heller in D.C. and he…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Daily Stormer, White Supremacist Website, Yanked Down by GoDaddy

The Daily Stormer is no longer a working website on the Internet.

The infamous neo-Nazi, White Supremacy destination was given 24 hours notice by domain hosting company GoDaddy on Monday that it had violated its terms of service and would need to move to another provider if it wished to remain active.


“We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,” GoDaddy wrote on its official Twitter page this morning.

The Daily Stormer article that caused this issue slandered Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman who was run over by a car that drove at full speed into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters in Virginia this past Saturday.

This domestic terrorist act was the tragic culmination of a weekend of protests in Charlottesville.

The protests got underway on Friday night during a “United the Right” gathering organized by a white nationalist group.

Within hours of their demonstration on the University of Virginia campus, those who opposite their racist world views came together in solidarity around the school and its town.

With tempers flaring and violence breaking out, a man later identified as James Fields hit his gas pedal and rammed into two slow-moving cars in front of him on the street.

He sent these cars flying into a number of pedestrians… including Heyers.

She died from the injuries sustained in this apparent homicide.

Daily Stormer pic

In a subsequent post on the website he founded, Andrew Anglin alleged that Heyer had been killed in a “road rage incident.”

He also launched into a vitriolic tirade about her appearance, saying she was a “drain on society” due to her age and the fact that she had not given birth to any children.

“Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness,” Anglin, the site’s editor, actually wrote. 

He also claimed that Dodge, the maker of the vehicle used in the incident, may have somehow been behind Fields’ actions as some kind of promotional campaign.

Following the article about Heyer and the announcement that GoDaddy would be ending the Daily Stormer’s service, the website appeared to have been hacked by internet activist group Anonymous.

An article with Anonymous’ signature Guy Fawkes mask appeared at the top of the page on Monday morning with a headline reading:


Daily Stormer headline

The Daily Stormer, which refers to itself as “The World’s Most Genocidal Republican Website,” has been dubbed the “top hate site in America” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It endorsed Donald Trump for President in 2015, publishing a story titled “Heil Donald Trump – The Ultimate Savior” after Trump proposed introducing a total ban on Muslim immigration.

The site publishes content denigrating Jewish people, Muslims, people of color and women.

After failing to identity White Supremacists or their kind by name in his remarks on Saturday, President Trump issues a new statement today that reads as follows:

“Racism is evil – and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.

“Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.”

After Trump’s vague comments over the weekend, The Daily Stormer had shared a post with readers that praised the President and his views, interpreting them to mean he did not see its members as a unique threat to the country.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Conrad Hilton Forced E.G. Daily to Lock Down Her Home Months Before His Arrest

Conrad Hilton’s behavior has been erratic for so long … E.G. Daily’s house was on a security lockdown long before he arrived on her doorstep last weekend. Sources close to E.G. tell TMZ both she and her ex-husband, Rick Salomon,…


Conrad Hilton Forced E.G. Daily to Lock Down Her Home Months Before His Arrest

Conrad Hilton’s behavior has been erratic for so long … E.G. Daily’s house was on a security lockdown long before he arrived on her doorstep last weekend. Sources close to E.G. tell TMZ both she and her ex-husband, Rick Salomon,…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Conrad Hilton"s Ex-GF Hunter Daily Fears Him, I Don"t Know What He"s Capable Of (VIDEO)

Conrad Hilton’s ex, Hunter Daily Salomon, is living in fear … because she believes he has serious mental health issues. The 21-year-old actress was in L.A. Sunday — the day after Hilton was arrested for trying to break into her mother, E.G.…


Saturday, May 6, 2017

E.G. Daily Says Conrad Hilton Needs Help, Arrest Long Overdue (VIDEO)

E.G. Daily feels terrible about Conrad Hilton getting arrested for trying to break into her house, but she’s also concerned for her family … and says something needed to be done this time. E.G. tells TMZ … Conrad’s erratic behavior toward her…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Prince Harry Visits Terminally Ill Children, Inspires Your Daily Cry

Prince Harry has been making a lot of news lately for his adorable relationship with Meghan Markle, and while that’s wonderful and all, we mustn’t forget that in addition to his love life, he’s also a truly great person.

Really, just the best.

He’s always taken his royal duties seriously, and he also always been great with children and animals and veterans and … well, everyone and everything.

But earlier this week, Harry took some time to visit with a couple of terminally ill children, two siblings that are suffering from Batten disease.

And it’s just the sweetest, most heartbreaking thing we’ve seen in a very long time.

Batten disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. People who suffer from the disease deal with seizures, problems with vision and motor function, as well as personality changes.

Eventually the disease causes patients to lose the ability to walk and talk, and eventually to breathe. It most commonly affects children, and most of those affected don’t live past the age of 12.

It sounds like a horrible, horrible disease, and six-year-old Ollie suffers from it, along with his little sister, Amelia.

But thankfully, Harry was able to bond with the two children, and it sounds like his visit meant a lot to them.

On Ollie’s Facebook page, his parents explained that last October, the little boy won The Most Inspirational Child award at the Wellchild Awards, and while he was there, he met Harry.

“What happened that day was truly magical,” they wrote, “Ollie used all of his strength to stand on two feet to give Prince Harry a huge hug.”

“We truly believe in that moment a bond was made between Ollie and Prince Harry.”

Shortly after the awards ceremony, Ollie and Amelia were approved to try a new experimental treatment for the disease, and they wrote a letter to Harry about it.

They also thanked him “for giving our son the strength to stand when we thought this was no longer possible.”

On Tuesday, the children were at a hospital getting that treatment when Harry stopped by for a visit.

Their parents wrote that “For an hour Prince Harry sat with us talking and playing with our children, laughing and making memories, The very thing our children want the most in life, to be happy and having fun.”

“We feel so much pride knowing that Ollie and Amelia are touching the lives of the people they meet, with their love and strength.”

“The love, the support and the laughter within that treatment room on Tuesday will stay with us forever.”

“From the bottom of our hearts,” they continued, “we thank Prince Harry for his support, his time and his kindness towards our family and our journey with Batten Disease.”

“It was truly incredible to watch him with our children and to have the opportunity to talk with him about our journey with Battens.”

Since the family shared their story and their precious photos, so many people have been moved by it all.

Many of them have compared Harry to his mother, the late Princess Diana, and it’s easy to see why.

That Meghan Markle sure did land herself a catch, didn’t she?


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Melania Trump Gets Formal Apology From Daily Mail in Defamation Lawsuit

The Daily Mail has formally apologized to Melania Trump for falsely claiming she once worked for an escort service, and it paid a lot of money to boot. The First Lady settled her defamation lawsuit against the outlet … reportedly for $ 2.9 million.…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian Faces "Daily Struggle" Coming to Terms With Paris Attack

It’s been six months since news broke that Kim Kardashian was held at gunpoint in a horrifying robbery in Paris. 

Since then, the reality TV personality has kept a relatively low profile. It took her months to return social media and public appearances. 

Rightfully so. She was tied up and gagged by five robbers who took it upon themselves to rob her in her No Address Hotel room. 

We finally got some much-needed insight into what happened on that horrific night on the most recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Even after all this time, a source has confirmed to People that the reality star is still trying to move on with her life, but it’s not an easy task. 

“Kim has come a long way from the robbery but that said, it’s a daily struggle to move past it and she probably never will be past it entirely,” says the source.

It definitely makes sense that she would struggle to get over what happened to her. It’s something she will probably still have to haunt her in many years. 

She has been vocal about thinking she was going to lose her life. That’s the sort of thing that would emotionally scar someone. 

Another source confirmed that “Kim still speaks of the robbery as the most horrific experience she has ever had” and “is still vulnerable and cries about the robbery.”

When Kim first returned to Instagram, she posted a cute family photo which showed she was focusing on family. 

The source even sheds some light on what happened when Kanye West wound up in the hospital. 

“While she would never wish the experience on anyone, it put things into better perspective for her — what really matters, and that family comes first. To have the Kanye situation happen right after was just the worst timing.”

“She wasn’t emotionally equipped to handle that at the time, and it strained their relationship and put a ton of stress and anxiety back into her life. They’ve worked through a lot of that and have gotten even closer. It was hard to relive it for the show, but in a way, it ended up being cathartic and helped her work through and process it even more.”

Now that she is slowly, but surely, returning to her former self, it has been alleged by the source that Kim likes the changes in the wake of the attack. 

“She very much likes her new normal. She knows that if the robbery never happened, these changes wouldn’t have happened either. She is taking the horrific experience and focusing on the good aftermath. Before the robbery, Kim was often stressed out about her family/work balance. She many times felt that work overtook and she often missed her kids,” says the second source. “

This all changed after the robbery. Now, Kim very much enjoys being a mom first. Work comes second. She loves being at home with her kids and is much happier.”

What do you think about all of this?


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston: Texting on a Daily Basis?!

Yesterday, we reported that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have been in contact in the months since his divorce from Angelina Jolie.

Obviously the rumor was greeted with a high degree of skepticism, as Brad and Jen’s marriage ended up in spectacularly ugly fashion and the former couple famously avoided one another for over a decade.

But amazingly, the story is now being confirmed by credible sources, and it seems Pitt and Aniston may be conversing more regularly than we originally thought.

Speaking with People magazine, an anonymous mutual friend confirms that the actors have been texting on a regular basis since shortly after Pitt’s divorce from Jolie.

“They have been friends for a while and often text,” the source says.

The insider disputes some of the claims that Us Weekly made on Thursday, namely, that Pitt and Aniston only started communicating last month, and that the actor had to go to great lengths to track down his ex’s phone number.

“This is nothing new, he didn’t have to jump through hoops to get Jennifer’s number,” the source claims.

The tipster didn’t go into detail with regard to exactly how long Pitt and Aniston have been in communication, but it sounds like their back-and-forth been going on at least for the past few months.

The original report had Pitt navigating his way through a “tangled web of contacts” to track down Aniston’s number so that he could wish her happy birthday.

The actress turned 48 on February 11.

“They started talking once he wished her a happy birthday,” the original source claimed.

He added:

“[Pitt] confided in her … Brad told her he’s having a hard time with his split and they exchanged a few texts reminiscing about the past.”

We may never know which version of events is more accurate, but both accounts concur that despite prior reports of Pitt and Justin Theroux passive-aggressively butting heads, Jen’s current husband is cool with her re-connecting with her ex.

“Justin is OK with them being friends,” Us Weekly’s source says.

There was a time, not all that long ago, when a Pitt and Aniston friendship would have been unimaginable.

Maybe we should all take a page from their books and try to make friends with our exes.

Just kidding that’s a terrible idea.

Despite what many a breathless tabloid headline has told you, stars are not just like us.

Like, not even a little bit.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tomi Lahren: Roasted to a Crisp By Trevor Noah on The Daily Show

Going back to the early days of Jon Stewart"s tenure on The Daily Show, the Comedy Central series has served as a venue for open dialogue between the preternaturally witty host and his usually short-tempered conservative counterparts.

Trevor Noah"s time on the show hasn"t resulted in quite as many instantly viral debates, but the comic"s half-hour interview with shrill Confederate-flag-come-to-life Tomi Lahren resulted in one of the most amusing discourses in TDS history last night.

If you"re unfamiliar with her work, Lahren is a 24-year-old pundit created in Roger Ailes" angry blonde laboratory.

We assume she"s not yet able to pass a Turing test, as instead of making millions railing against Obummer and Killary on Fox News, Lahren is desperately struggling to make a name for herself on The Blaze, which is apparently a cable network.

Lahren went toe-to-toe with Noah on last night"s TDS, and she malfunctioned so badly we assume she"ll be headed back to the workshop for Westworld-style reprogramming.

"For someone who"s not racist, you have to spend a lot of time saying you"re not racist," Noah aptly pointed out at the outset of the interview.

Lahren"s internal volume knob instantly went from 11 to 17, as she loudly declared that she "doesn"t see color," which is basically the rallying cry of people who have loudly and publicly declared that taco trucks are un-American.

She went on to prattle on about "militant actions" from Black Lives Matter supporters and otherwise brand the movement as a violent terrorist organization because it dares to speak out against the murder of black men by increasingly militarized police forces.

Noah not only held his own, but called out Lahren"s hypocrisy at every turn.

("I"m a Millennial; I don"t like labels," Lahren hilariously argued at one point, literally using a label to justify her hatred of labels.)

The whole thing is worth a cringe-watch and ought to be enough to at least temporarily quiet Noah"s critics and remind Lahren"s critics that they were so, so right from the start.

Tomi lahren roasted to a crisp on the daily show

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Daily Show Abortion Joke: Too Far or Too Funny?

Did The Daily Show go too far on Monday with a joke it made about abortion?

The controversial ball got rolling yesterday morning after the Supreme Court struck down a restrictive Texas abortion access law.

It “required doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and forced clinics to meet hospital-like standards for outpatient surgery.”

The highest court in the land ruled against this legislation by a 5-3 vote.

Those in the pro-choice movement hailed the landmark ruling, with President Barack Obama celebrating the decision via the following Tweet:

“Every woman has a constitutional right to make her own reproductive choices.

“I’m pleased to see the Supreme Court reaffirm that fact today. Women’s opportunities are expanded and our nation is stronger when all of our citizens have accessible, affordable health care.”

In 1973, of course, Roe v. Wade legalized the practice of abortion across the country.

But some states have tried to make it very challenging for women to actually get abortions, keeping then legal, just making them… difficult to complete.

After this legal decision was announced yesterday, The Daily Show tweeted:

“Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!”

Yikes. It’s not hard to see how this message may have rubbed some the wrong way.

Numerous social media users quickly slammed the satirical news show for its Tweet, with many users dubbed “disgusting,” insisting it went “too far.”

“This tweet is so vile,” Fox News host Meghan McCain wrote, while WWJ Newsradio 950 anchor Jackie Paige added:

“Get a conscience.”

Washington Post opinion writer Alyssa Rosenberg questions whether Trevor Noah himself was to blame for this controversial, writing:

“I sometimes think that the Daily Show just should have ended with Jon Stewart’s departure.”

Do you agree? And do you think this Tweet went too far?

NOTE: The Daily Show later posted a clarification on Twitter, writing:

“Friends, we’re certainly not promoting abortions. Just excited about #SCOTUS reaffirming right to choose.”

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Texting Daily, "Can"t Live Without Each Other," Friends Say

Just yesterday, Hailey Baldwin claimed Justin Bieber as her bae (Okay, maybe that wasn’t her exact word.) in an interview with Marie Claire.

In fairness, she had good reason to think she and Justin were in an exclusive relationship.

After all, just last week Justin took Hailey to the iHeartRadio Awards.

Sure, he hid her in his dressing room, but that’s beside the point.

Unfortunately, it now seems that Hailey is receiving the same rude awakening endured by Kourtney Kardashian and so many before her.

Yes, it seems she learned the hard way that when it comes to the Biebs, there’s only one true bae in his life:

“Justin and Selena are talking over text but it is a little strained between the two right now,” a source close to Justin tells Hollywood Life.

“But as much as it isn’t getting romantic right now, things change every second with these two that by the weekend if Justin is lonely, he will probably start putting on the charm to get her interested again.”

Though they still won’t discuss their relationship publicly, and Justin recently canceled a planned date with Selena, sources say things are heating up between the exes, and they’ll be back to their unhealthy, co-dependent ways in no time.

“Just another day between these two, they can’t stand each other and they can’t stand being without each other,” says the insider.

So you can expect to hear that they’re officially back together sometime in the next week…and then that they’re broken up again a few days later.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Donald Trump Makes GROSS Comment About Infant Daughter in Clip Unearthed By Daily Show

As you"re probably aware, Donald Trump is no fan of women.

For the most part, the feeling is mutual, which isn"t all that surprising when you remember that the guy recently advocated for women who get abortions to be punished by the government.

But there are some women who are actually fans of the Donald.

In addition to the millions who have showed up to the polls to earn him a baffling first-place spot in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, there are Trump"s own ex-wives and daughters, some of whom think he"s just the bee"s knees.

One of those women is Tiffany Trump, Donald"s only child from his short-lived marriage to Marla Maples.

There have been rumors about Donald "hiding" Tiffany during his campaign, possibly because she"s not as "accomplished" as his other kids.

There was a time, however, when Donald was very, very proud of his youngest daughter.

And like everything Trump does, it was gross.

In the following segment from last night"s episode of The Daily Show, host Trevor Noah introduces a lost segment from a 1994 episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

We"re guessing Donald wishes it had stayed buried. Check out the clip below if you haven"t eaten recently:

Donald trump makes gross comment about infant daughter in clip u

Thursday, December 3, 2015

God Isn"t Fixing This: N.Y. Daily News Cover Slams "Coward" Politicians in Wake of Massacre

The New York Daily News’ cover in the wake of yesterday’s San Bernardino, Calif., massacre is both provocative and highly political. By design.

The publication calls out those it feels could do something to end the plague of gun violence, but instead revert to useless platitudes, time after time.

The tweet of the Daily News front page, which hits newsstands in print form this morning, is already the most retweeted of 2015 for the paper.

Beneath the headline God Isn’t Fixing This, the cover reads:

“As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.”

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP presidential candidates Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham all responded with “prayers.”

Four pull quotes from the Republican political leaders are plastered on the publication’s front page in eerily similar, arguably meaningless glory.

Think that means a lot to the victims of San Bernardino – 14 dead and 14 wounded – and the victims of the inevitable next mass shooting?

For their part, and by contrast Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders pointedly called for “action” to stop gun violence.

President Barack Obama, meanwhile underscored the need for stronger gun control laws in the United States after Wednesday’s mass murder.

It’s a message he has stressed repeatedly in recent years, and weeks, as he is forced to address tragedies like this with alarming frequency.

While the Daily News is obviously in the business of selling papers and ads and benefits from the viral sensation that is this cover, you tell us:

Is it a viral sensation at least in part because it says what so many people are thinking but are afraid to, and so jarringly hits the nail on the head?

AND VOTE: Time for stronger gun control measures?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Chris Brown: Daily Show Appearance Canceled Amidst Protests

Just last week, we reported that Chris Brown actually did something nice by pledging to donate the proceeds from his new album to the Children’s Miracle Network hospital.

But despite his best efforts, it seems people just can’t forget about that pesky little incident in which Brown brutally beat Rihanna and left her for dead as punishment for looking at his phone. 

Brown was scheduled to appear on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah last night, but his interview segment was canceled at the last minute.

Brown was replaced by Nick Cannon without any explanation to the audience.

But while producers have remained mum on the topic, several sources are reporting that Brown was pulled due to protests from the show’s writing staff and on-air talent.

It seems that when he was initially approved as a guest, the plan was to subject Brown to a hard-hitting interview about his sordid past.

Noah has firsthand experience with the horrors of domestic violence (The host’s ex-stepfather was arrested for shooting his mother while Noah was still a child.), and many believed that he would be uniquely qualified to conduct such an interview.

However, Brown’s desire to focus the conversation on his new album – coupled with a recent controversy involving jokes at the expense of abuse victims that Noah posted to Twitter –  led many many behind the scenes to object to the singer’s appearance.

Looks it may be tougher for Chris to rebuild his image than he initially thought.

Memo to Breezy: You can’t do an apology tour without actually apologizing.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Jon Stewart Goes Out With A Bang As The Daily Show Wins Outstanding Variety Talk Series At The 2015 Emmy Awards!

It looks like Jon Stewart is going out on top!!

It’s no surprise to see The Daily Show getting tons of love in Jon’s last year at the 2015 Emmys, and it took home one of the biggest trophies of the night winning the award for Outstanding Variety Talk Series!

The show was facing some stiff competition in shows like The Colbert Report, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Late Show with David Letterman, and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon!

Jon ended his speech on the perfect note, saying “Thank you! You never have to see my face again!”

We’ll miss you, Jon!

See the ongoing winners list HERE!!