Showing posts with label Joke…. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joke…. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kate Upton Shades Kardashians With Plastic Surgery Joke

We don’t think anyone would claim that Kate Upton is incredibly talented or exceptionally brilliant, but to her credit, she made it as a model after being rejected by the industry’s mainstream.

It doesn’t hurt that Upton has giant boobs, but there’s more to her success than just her figure.

The girl has a gift for marketing herself and using social media to her advantage.

It’s a skill set that’s occasionally led to comparisons between Kate and the Kardashian clan.

Of course, in Kate’s case, there’s no Kris Jenner manning the controls of her career.

We’re sure these days, Upton has a team of agents, publicists and PR reps to enhance her “brand,” but in the early days, she did it mostly on her own.

Unlike Kim and company, Kate did it without a well-connected momager – or a team of plastic surgeons.

Perhaps that’s why she’s throwing serious shade at the Kards for pretending they haven’t gone under the knife:

Yes, Kate posted the above pic to Snapchat with a caption reading:

“I look like a Kardashian, nose job and all.”

The comment didn’t come entirely out of left field, as there is a brief history of shade here, and naturally, it involves Kanye West.

West lashed out in one of his signature tirades after Upton dressed as Marilyn Monroe for a 2013 Vanity Fair cover.

Kanye felt that Kim should’ve been dressed as Marilyn because “icon” and “best of all time” and blah, blah, blah.

All of that may have factored into Kate’s decision to throw some mild shade, but we think there’s more to it than that.

It’s not the fact that the Kardashian gals have had work done that upsets so many of their fans and colleagues.

It’s the fact that they won’t own up to it.

The Kardashians lie about plastic surgery so often these days, that there are folks out there who really believe that they’ve never had so much as a facial injection.

That can lead to unrealistic beauty standards and body image issues, and it may be what Kate is calling out here.

Or maybe she’s just returning fire because like so many others, she’s sick of Kanye’s crap.

We can definitely relate.

Come to think of it, we’re sure Kim can relate, too.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Demi Lovato Apologizes for Zika Virus Joke

Demi Lovato has issued an apology and an explanation.

In the following Snapchat video – which was shared on Friday and has since been deleted – the singer’s mother, Dianna Hart, jokes about something inappropriate.

 “Everybody down in Rio gonna get the Zika virus,” Hart says, referring to an illness that is prominent in Brazil.

Zika really has resulted in fears at the Olympics, with a handful of golfers and basketball players not participating this summer out of concern for the virus.

You can hear Lovato laughing in the background after her mom makes this quip… and this laughter has drawn a rebuke from followers online.

They don’t think the mention of a serious virus, one that can very likely result in birth defects for newborns, is anything to joke about.

And Lovato agrees.

She said in a subsequent Tweet that she wasn’t guffawing over the content of her mother’s joke, but rather the way in which she said it.

“In no way did I mean to offend anyone last night,” Lovato wrote, explaining:

“I was laughing at how southern my mom sounded, not the issue at hand. Deepest apologies.”

Lovato was basically forced to address this controversy after the hashtag #DemiLovatoIsOverParty started trending on social media.

This might seem like somewhat of a trite issue, but Lovato has been the one in the past to call out celebrities for jokes and references.

Back in 2014, Lovato took Meghan Trainor to task for an eating disorder joke the artist made.

And remember when Lovato referred to Taylor Swift as a fake feminist?

If you’re going to be critical of others for misspeaking, you have to face the music yourself when those critical tables are turned.

So kudos for Lovato for taking responsibility here in a timely manner.

Of course, Demi didn’t exactly sound too regretful over her actions.

She sounded a tad bitter, in fact, adding via Twitter:

“If you watch everything I do, you’re still a fan.. I ain’t goin nowhere bitches. … It’s an awesome feeling when you’re so content with life and yourself that hate doesn’t affect you..

“Feeling’ good y’all.”

We’re glad Demi is feeling good, but we wish she had not added this last part.

A simple, basic apology is always the way to go.

Earlier this year, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took action against the Zika epidemic by issuing a travel advisory.

So it’s not as if people are just making this up. It’s a pretty big deal.

In June, Demi announced she was quitting Twitter and Instagram due to the harassment of idiotic trolls.

Less than 24 hours later, she returned to Twitter, writing: “F–k this.. I’m back bitches. And I’m coming back more honest than ever.”

On that account, she’s been right.

You won’t find many celebrities who speak their minds for often than Demi Lovato.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: I Threw My Fiance"s Phone in the Ocean as a JOKE, You Guys!

In interviews from the time when people actually cared to interview her, Lindsay Lohan said she planned to win an Oscar and be married by the time she turned 30.

Well, Lohan celebrated her 30th birthday last week, and you may be shocked to hear this, but she has yet to take home an Academy Award.

She is, however, soon to be married.

Or, we should say, she’s planning on getting married, but the wedding will likely never come to pass unless she can learn to suppress her urge to, well … act like Lindsay Lohan.

Lindsay is engaged to a Russian real estate agent Egor Tarabasov, who – though not a billionaire, as he’s allegedly claimed – is quite rich.

Therefore, she gets to live the life of a successful movie star despite not having been one in over a decade.

Lindsay spent her birthday partying with Egor in Mykonos, and at what point she allegedlt grabbed his phone and tossed it in the Aegean Sea.

It’s not the kind of behavior one expects when one is financing a high-end vacation in the Greek Islands, but that’s LiLo for you.

Her M.O. has remained unchanged for years:

She does some outrageous sh-t and then lies her ass off when asked about it.

Like we said, the press isn’t exactly clamoring for LiLo interviews these days, but the occasional tabloid takes a passing interest in her shenanigans, so Page Six asked her about the incident.

To the surprise of no one, Lindsay brushed it off as total BS designed to compromise her enviable career:

“It had to do with my friend throwing his phone case in the water as a joke because [guests] were making fun of it,” Lohan said.

“People said I personally threw [the] phone, but it’s all not true. It’s a total fabricated lie!” 

Well, at least all this lying is giving her some valuable acting experience.

That Oscar’s not gonna win itself!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Daily Show Abortion Joke: Too Far or Too Funny?

Did The Daily Show go too far on Monday with a joke it made about abortion?

The controversial ball got rolling yesterday morning after the Supreme Court struck down a restrictive Texas abortion access law.

It “required doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and forced clinics to meet hospital-like standards for outpatient surgery.”

The highest court in the land ruled against this legislation by a 5-3 vote.

Those in the pro-choice movement hailed the landmark ruling, with President Barack Obama celebrating the decision via the following Tweet:

“Every woman has a constitutional right to make her own reproductive choices.

“I’m pleased to see the Supreme Court reaffirm that fact today. Women’s opportunities are expanded and our nation is stronger when all of our citizens have accessible, affordable health care.”

In 1973, of course, Roe v. Wade legalized the practice of abortion across the country.

But some states have tried to make it very challenging for women to actually get abortions, keeping then legal, just making them… difficult to complete.

After this legal decision was announced yesterday, The Daily Show tweeted:

“Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!”

Yikes. It’s not hard to see how this message may have rubbed some the wrong way.

Numerous social media users quickly slammed the satirical news show for its Tweet, with many users dubbed “disgusting,” insisting it went “too far.”

“This tweet is so vile,” Fox News host Meghan McCain wrote, while WWJ Newsradio 950 anchor Jackie Paige added:

“Get a conscience.”

Washington Post opinion writer Alyssa Rosenberg questions whether Trevor Noah himself was to blame for this controversial, writing:

“I sometimes think that the Daily Show just should have ended with Jon Stewart’s departure.”

Do you agree? And do you think this Tweet went too far?

NOTE: The Daily Show later posted a clarification on Twitter, writing:

“Friends, we’re certainly not promoting abortions. Just excited about #SCOTUS reaffirming right to choose.”

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Farrah Abraham SLAMMED For Stripper Joke About Her Daughter!

There’s nothing new about Farrah Abraham making shockingly inappropriate comments about her 7-year-old daughter Sophia. After all, this is the same woman who openly admits that she expects her daughter to make a sex tape someday. 

Farrah lives to court controversy, and unfortunately, her daughter is a frequent pawn in her game. We should learn to ignore “jokes” like this one, because we know Abraham loves any sort of attention – but we just can’t turn away from the trainwreck:

As you can see, that’s Sophia climbing a pole on a jungle gym, because that’s what kids do.

Farrah seized the opportunity to make a cringe-worthy joke, because that’s what Farrah does.

“So this is why the playground is so popular –  oh boy,” Abraham Snapchat captioned (Snaptioned?) in what we assume was an attempt at humor.

The joke went over about as well as you would expect:

“Are you referring to the pole your child is playing on is like a stripper pole?” wrote one user on Farrah’s Instagram page.

“Do you seriously think that was an appropriate comment? You can’t be that stupid,” wrote another.

“So you’re insinuating your daughter is a stripper. Such a good mom,” added a third.

These, of course, are some of the more polite critiques. 

Other followers full-on went for the jugular:

“This is your child, and post some ss-t like that?” wrote one seriously angry follower. “#CPS please take this baby away from this crazy b–ch!

While the joke obviously fell flat, the fact that Farrah captioned the pic, “#parenthood few do it right” and tagged TMZ, McDonald’s, People magazine and Chelsea Handler is objectively hilarious.

What she says is true, though; few “do parenting” well.

Sadly, Farrah is not among them.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Lisa Vanderpump & Eileen Davidson: Feud Over Dog Joke Heats Up!

Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen Davidson are locked in something bigger than a feud. 

In fact, it’s basically the Battle of Beverly Hills between these two. Neutrality is no longer an option. Pick a side or get blown to bits in the crossfire!

Okay, maybe were being a bit over-dramatic, but seriously, Lisa and Eileen do not like each other these days.

And it all started over some Chinese dogs neither of them has ever met.

Allow us to explain:

Last year, Lisa hosted a fundraising gala to raise money to prevent the mistreatment of dogs at the annual Chinese Yulin Festival.

Eileen skipped the soiree due to a prior engagement.

Last week, Davidson made a joke about Vanderpump’s love of dogs and all hell broke loose.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the feud has gotten so bad the ladies are refusing to film together, and Lisa is demanding that Eileen make things right. 

“Eileen has still not apologized,” says one insider.

“Eileen told the other housewives that all she really meant by the comment was that Lisa should perhaps use her social platform to help actual humans instead of animals.”

The source adds that Lisa refuses to budge on the issue, and the situation has gotten so bad she’s requested that producers gve Eileen the boot.

“Lisa does not want to work with her again next season. She wants her gone,” says the insider.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to see more mountains made out of molehills.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Lisa Vanderpump & Eileen Davidson: Feuding Over Dog Killing Joke!

Just when we thought the feud between Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen Davidson was beginning to die down, it looks like the hot-tempered Housewives are at it again, thanks to a joke that Eileen made on her blog this week.

The ladies recently finished filming The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion show, and now they’re already back to work shooting a new season of the show.

Eileen has been documenting the experience on her Bravo blog, and it seems she royally pissed Lisa off while joking about a trip the ladies will be taking:

“Next week all of us, and our issues, are packing up and headed to Dubai,” Eileen wrote. “I wonder if there are any dogs there I can murder?” 

The comment was a reference to Lisa accusing Eileen of not caring about dogs being murdered in China after Davidson skipped an anti-animal cruelty charity event organized by Vanderpump.

Eileen has gone on record as saying she simply had a prior engagement, but clearly it’s still a touchy subject.

“Lisa and many of her fans were aghast after reading Eileen’s blog post,” one insider tells Radar Online. 

“Making light of Lisa’s passion to stop the barbaric torture of dogs at the Chinese Yulin Festival is just going too far!

“Everyone who knows Lisa knows that she has had many sleepless nights over her efforts so save these dogs from being murdered.”

It’s tough to take sides on this one, because Lisa’s work is certainly admirable, but Eileen’s joke really wasn’t that bad.

Sounds like Lisa is just angry that someone’s challenging her status as the alpha in the group.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to see more mountains made out of molehills.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jim Carrey Makes Bad Poop Joke About Kim Kardashian, Fails

There are folks who love a good poop joke, and those who don’t.

But even the biggest fans of scatological humor aren’t feeling the funny Jim Carrey just made about Kim Kardashian. Not because it’s gross, but because it just doesn’t make any sense.

This entire damn week in celebrity news has been devoted to the nude selfie Kim Kardashian posted on Monday, with everyone from Amber Rose to Ellen DeGeneres weighing in. So naturally, Jim Carrey had to throw his hat into the ring.

The (former?) comedian tried to make a funny with this tweet:

Jim Carrey tweet about Kim K

If he were on a stage at the Comedy Cellar, you’d hear the proverbial crickets in the room.

Now, this could have been a funny joke, if it had been applied to the appropriate naked Kim Kardashian selfie.

Allow us to break it down for you.

“Thank you @KimKardashian for showing us where you poop” – Okay, we get this. She’s in the bathroom, i.e., “where you poop.” Fair enough.

“…and what you poop with” – Now here’s where Jim gets into trouble. He seems to be referring to her butt, because, ya know, that’s what you poop with. But in this particular naked Kim Kardashian selfie, we don’t see her butt.

“You must have very big poops!” – Again, a reference to Kim’s ass, which we all know is humongous. Big butt = big poops, surmises Jim. But again, her badonkadonk ain’t in the shot, so the joke falls flat.

You see, Jim’s joke would’ve made perfect sense if it followed Kim’s naked photo from Paper magazine – you know the one – where pretty much ALL YOU SEE is her abundant buns.

It’s almost as if Jim had the perfect comeback, but thought of it a year and a half too late.

He waited and waited patiently for another naked Kim selfie so he could drop it – but alas! – this time it was a frontal shot. But damn if he wasn’t going to use this joke he’d been saving for months!

We’re disappointed in you, Jim. If you’re going for poop humor, at least consider the butt of your joke.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ricky Gervais Defends Caitlyn Jenner Joke, Basically Tells Haters to Suck It

Those holding their breath for a Ricky Gervais apology should probably exhale right about now.

There isn’t any sort of Mea Culpa on the way.

As usual, the comedian found himself in pretty hot water after hosting the 2016 Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night, mostly for jokes made during his monologue… and specifically for one joke he made about Caitlyn Jenner.

“I’ve changed. Not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously – now Caitlyn Jenner, of course,” Gervais cracked.

“What a year she’s had. She became a role model for trans people everywhere… She didn’t do a lot for women drivers, but you can’t have everything.”

This was a quip about a fatal car accident in which Jenner was involved in early 2015, back when he still went by “Bruce.”

Gervais has faced a lot of backlash for the remark, prompting him to defend the joke on Twitter as follows:

“Suggesting a joke about Caitlin Jenner is automatically transphobic is like suggesting a joke about Bill Cosby is automatically racist.”

That’s true.

This joke was not about Caitlyn Jenner having become a woman. It was about a motorist being killed in a car crash.

You can go ahead and decide which is more offensive.

As you can see via the above video, Gervais offended quite a few people with his monologue.

But he doesn’t appear to feel very badly about it.

“In the future, everyone will be offended by me for 15 minutes,” he also Tweeted, adding: “You have every right to be offended. Just don’t cry when no one cares.”

Gervais also embarrassed Mel Gibson (below) at the event.

So even if you were offended by his Caitlyn Jenner joke, perhaps this evened everything out in the end.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Drake: Meek Mill is a Joke!

One of the major celebrity feuds of 2015 involved the hit-making juggernaut Drake and the perennial up-and-comer Meek Mill, who’s currently most famous for possibly being engaged to Nicki Minaj and, well…fueding with Drake.

Even though Drake murdered Meek on back-to-back diss tracks (the latter of which was appropriately titled “Back to Back“), Meek continued to fire shots online.

The whole thing reached peak ridiculousness when Meek took to Twitter to tell a story about Drake getting peed on in a movie theater.

After that bizarre development, things died down a bit, but now sources say Drake is fired up again after hearing the disses on Meek’s latest mixtape.

“[Drake] feels that Meek should worry about making himself a success on his own merits instead of trying to diss him to make himself look good,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Talking a big game and doing varying diss tracks against Drake is only making Drake laugh about everything and he thinks all the stuff that Meek is doing and has been doing is all just lame threats.”

The insider adds that Drake has dismissed Meek as a “complete joke” in conversations with mutual acquaintances.

He reportedly made the comments knowing they would get back to Meek, but (for the time being, at least) Drake has no plans to respond to Meek in song form.

Sounds like Mr. Mill might have to find someone new to beef with if he wants to remain in the spotlight.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Billboard Just Made a Blow Job Joke About North West

Look, we’re very familiar with the Kim Kardashian sex tape.

We’re well aware that it’s easy to make fun of its star at all times and Kim Kardashian is absolutely fair game for any X-rated joke you’d wish to make.

Here’s one, for example:

You know how Kim Kardashian has gotten behind waist training as a supposedly legitimate way to lose weight? That’s sort of like how Ray J got behind her in their sex tape!

See? Easy and hilarious.

But that doesn’t mean it’s fair game, or anything that resembles fair game, to sexualize Kim’s daughter, just because her mom often poses naked.

We bring all this up as a segue because Billboard Tweeted a link yesterday to a story about how North West was attending ballet class this week when she told paparazzi members to stop taking pictures of her.

As you can see above, Billboard ran this story along with a photo of North eating a lollipop, writing as a caption to the image:

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

The Tweet has since been taking down, but not before Twitter users slammed Billboard for being “reprehensible” and “disgusting,” among other insults.

Can you blame this criticism?

The magazine did just imply that a toddler likes to give oral sex in the same way her mother does, didn’t it?

If there’s another way to interpret the Tweet posted above, by all means… let’s hear it!

Monday, October 19, 2015

IHOP Apologizes for Terrible Joke About Small Boobs

IHOP has finally gone too far in its recent attempt to be young, hip and edgy.

Over the past year or so, the beloved breakfast chain has clearly made an effort to change its social media game, Tweeting such messages as “pancakes are on fleek” and asking this delicious menu item to “back that stack up.”

Pretty funny overall, really, and successful too:

Over the course of this unique run, IHOP has seen numerous messages get reTweeted, while AdWeek has praised the business for finding “its voice on Twitter,” saying “it sounds an awful lot like a teenage hip-hop fan.”

But teenage hip-hop fans make dumb jokes sometimes… and IHOP is now guilty of the same.

On Sunday, as seen above, the restaurant chain posted a picture of a stack of pancakes with the caption: “Flat but has a GREAT personality.”

The backlash to this offensive, misogynistic message was swift and harsh, prompting its removal and the following response from IHOP:

“Earlier today we tweeted something dumb and immature that does not reflect what IHOP stands for. We’re sorry.”

Fair enough. Case hopefully closed now.

But hopefully not the end of IHOP’s fun Twitter account because, come on…

“Is it worth it, let me work it. I put my fork down, flip it and reverse it.”

THAT’s funny stuff.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Demi Lovato Claims Her "Mugs" Interview Mishap Was Just A Joke — Are You Buying It??


Demi Lovato had an interview Saturday that she’ll never live down, and now she’s claiming that she was in on the joke the entire time. Very inneresting!!

[ Related: At Least Demi Made This Week’s Best-Dressed List! ]

As we reported yesterday, Demi slipped up and responded with “mugs,” after a reporter asked her about her favorite dish — whoops!! The funny mistake went viral, and all corners of the Internet came down hard on the singer.

But now, Lovato is claiming that she knew all along what she was doing — and it was just her own sense of humor! Early Sunday morning, she tweeted:

Hmm…. Riiiiiiiight, Demi. It’s everybody else who messed up on this one…

What do U guys think?? Was Demi trying to be funny, or did she really misinterpret a question about dishes?!

[Image via YouTube.]