Showing posts with label Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virus. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Celine Dion Canceled Vegas Show Due To Virus, Expected to Return Tuesday

Celine Dion had to cancel her Vegas concert Saturday because, like many Americans right now, she’s sick at home battling a nasty virus. We’re told the virus was serious enough to warrant a visit from the doctor. She was unable to sing clearly…


Monday, August 15, 2016

Demi Lovato Apologizes for Zika Virus Joke

Demi Lovato has issued an apology and an explanation.

In the following Snapchat video – which was shared on Friday and has since been deleted – the singer’s mother, Dianna Hart, jokes about something inappropriate.

 “Everybody down in Rio gonna get the Zika virus,” Hart says, referring to an illness that is prominent in Brazil.

Zika really has resulted in fears at the Olympics, with a handful of golfers and basketball players not participating this summer out of concern for the virus.

You can hear Lovato laughing in the background after her mom makes this quip… and this laughter has drawn a rebuke from followers online.

They don’t think the mention of a serious virus, one that can very likely result in birth defects for newborns, is anything to joke about.

And Lovato agrees.

She said in a subsequent Tweet that she wasn’t guffawing over the content of her mother’s joke, but rather the way in which she said it.

“In no way did I mean to offend anyone last night,” Lovato wrote, explaining:

“I was laughing at how southern my mom sounded, not the issue at hand. Deepest apologies.”

Lovato was basically forced to address this controversy after the hashtag #DemiLovatoIsOverParty started trending on social media.

This might seem like somewhat of a trite issue, but Lovato has been the one in the past to call out celebrities for jokes and references.

Back in 2014, Lovato took Meghan Trainor to task for an eating disorder joke the artist made.

And remember when Lovato referred to Taylor Swift as a fake feminist?

If you’re going to be critical of others for misspeaking, you have to face the music yourself when those critical tables are turned.

So kudos for Lovato for taking responsibility here in a timely manner.

Of course, Demi didn’t exactly sound too regretful over her actions.

She sounded a tad bitter, in fact, adding via Twitter:

“If you watch everything I do, you’re still a fan.. I ain’t goin nowhere bitches. … It’s an awesome feeling when you’re so content with life and yourself that hate doesn’t affect you..

“Feeling’ good y’all.”

We’re glad Demi is feeling good, but we wish she had not added this last part.

A simple, basic apology is always the way to go.

Earlier this year, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took action against the Zika epidemic by issuing a travel advisory.

So it’s not as if people are just making this up. It’s a pretty big deal.

In June, Demi announced she was quitting Twitter and Instagram due to the harassment of idiotic trolls.

Less than 24 hours later, she returned to Twitter, writing: “F–k this.. I’m back bitches. And I’m coming back more honest than ever.”

On that account, she’s been right.

You won’t find many celebrities who speak their minds for often than Demi Lovato.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Duggar Family Compared to Zika Virus as Cancelation Threatens Another Reality Series

Last month, we reported that the the Duggar family’s latest reality series, Jill & Jessa: Counting On, is facing cancelation thanks to  advertisers who made it clear to TLC that they want nothing to do with the controversial show.

In the weeks that followed, more advertisers pulled out of Counting On, and the it’s becoming increasingly difficult for execs to keep the popular spinoff afloat.

In fact, one expert has compared the family’s rising public profile and declining profitability to the situation surrounding a notorious moqsuito-borne illness:

“There is no way TLC can keep this on the air,” said marketing guru David Johnson in a recent interview.

“TLC may think the family is ratings gold, but to advertisers, they’re more like the Zika virus!”

The comparison was likely inspired by the controversy surrounding Jill and Derick Dillard’s decision to stay in Central America despite the growing threat of Zika.

Johnson believes it’s a foregone conclusion that Counting On will be canceled, as the Duggar family remains “tainted” by the Josh Duggar sex scandal, as well as more recent lesser controversies, such as Derick’s poorly-received jokes about Zika.

“People will see that this new show is just a desperate ploy by the Duggars to reclaim the spotlight and hopefully make some dollars off the public,” Johnson said.

Yes, the Duggars may still be counting on for now, but it sounds like their days on television are numbered.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Criticized For Joking About Zika Virus

For the past four months, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have been in Central America with their 11-month-old baby Israel.

The couple is performing missionary work in an undisclosed nation (they’re believed to be in stationed in El Salvador), but while the Dillards are keeping mum on their exact location, they’re definitely living in a part of the world that’s being profoundly affected by the Zika virus.

Jill and Derick briefly returned to Arkansas last month, and it initially looked as though they planned to remain in the States in order to decrease their chances of contracting the mosquito-borne illness, which causes severe birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

The Dillards religious beliefs forbid them to use birth control, and rumors that Jill is pregnant with her second child have been circulating for several weeks.

To the surprise of many, however, the couple returned to Central America after spending just a few days in their hometown, presumably to film scenes for the upcoming TLC reality series Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

Now, some fans are concerned that Jill and Derick aren’t taking threat of contracting Zika seriously:

Derick recently posted the above photo, along with a caption that’s drawn criticism from many of his social media followers:

“I knew I could count on Walmart to have what I need to combat that Zika Virus! #beprepared #zika,” Derick wrote.

Derick is clearly joking, and that’s exactly what has some fans worried.

Those living in Zika hot spots have been advised to avoid getting pregnant for at least two years.

Even if the rumors that Jill is currently expecting turn out to be untrue, it’s very unlikely that the Dillards will go another two years without having a child.

Especially since the couple is almost certainly not heeding all the advice of health experts, it’s not surprising that Derick is being criticized for making flippant remarks about a very serious disease.

Here’s hoping he and Jill are taking their preventative measures more seriously than they seem to be.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: BACK in Arkansas! Zika Virus to Blame?!

Back in September, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard cut their missionary trip short and returned home to Arkansas after just a few weeks in Central America.

A minor scandal ensued, and the Dillards were forced to return funds donated by fans who felt they’d been duped. Jill and Derick resumed their humanitarian efforts shortly thereafter, but now it looks like they’ve once again returned to the States well ahead of schedule.

The above photo – which was recently posted to the Duggar family’s official Facebook page without a caption – appears to show the Dillards posing with 6-year-old niece Mackynzie at the “Duggar compound” in Tontitown, AR.

It is widely believed that Jill and Derick left Central America in order to avoid contracting the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which is known to cause birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

Women in the region have been advised to avoid getting pregnant for at least the next year, and Jill and Derick’s religious beliefs dictate that women should have as many children as possible. 

While there’s no way of knowing when the photo was taken, many fans have pointed out in the comments that it was posted on  January 26, which is the same day that the first case of Zika was reported in Arkansas.

Obviously, there’s no way of knowing if anyone in the Dillard family contracted or has been tested for Zika, but it’s safe to assume the illness played a role in Jill and Derick’s decision to return to the US.

The Duggars have not yet spoken publicly on the matter, but the photo seems to be their way of assuring concerned fans that Jill, Derick, and baby Israel are out of harm’s way.

Jill has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media for the past three weeks.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available.