Showing posts with label Arkansas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arkansas. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Duggar Family: Response to Arkansas Abortion Law Stuns Fans

Earlier today, the Supreme Court cleared the way for the nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion law to go into effect.

The justices declined to hear an appeal against the Arkansas law, which would severely limit the ability of doctors to provide medication-induced abortions to their patients.

The law has been the subject of intense debate on social media, and many are wondering what the state’s most famous abortion opponents have to say.

But surprisingly, thus far, the Duggars have been silent on the matter.

Yes, despite previously comparing abortion to the Holocaust and spearheading fundraising efforts for anti-choice protesters, not one of the Duggars has commented on today’s developments.

The silence, of course, speaks volumes, and both fans and critics alike are wondering when and how the family will finally make a statement.

The Duggars have a long history of political engagement, and they’ve gone on record as saying they won’t be satisfied until abortion is prohibited on a federal level.

So while they likely don’t view today’s ruling as a total victory, they almost certainly see it as a major step in the right direction.

Most surprising of all is the fact that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, has not yet spoken out on the matter.

Dillard’s controversial political views have made him a divisive figure in recent months.

In November of 2017, Dillard was fired from the Duggar’s reality show, Counting On, after making statements that many construed as transphobic on Twitter.

Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and Derick’s views have lurched even more to the far-right in the time since his business relationship with TLC came to an abrupt end.

It was widely expected that Derick would have much to say about today’s events, but thus far, he’s keeping his views to himself.

In the meantime, others are making their voices heard on the matter.

“Arkansas is now shamefully responsible for being the first state to ban medication abortion,” Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement issued this afternoon.

“This dangerous law also immediately ends access to safe, legal abortion at all but one health center in the state. If that’s not an undue burden, what is?” she added.

“This law cannot and must not stand. We will not stop fighting for every person’s right to access safe, legal abortion.”

Laguens points out that if the law is permitted to take effect, two of the three facilities that perform abortions in Arkansas would likely be forced to close.

On the other side of the political spectrum is Family Council Executive Director Jerry Cox, who issued a statement in support of the law:

“This is very good news for people who care about the safety of women in Arkansas,” Cox said adding:

“This is a pro-life victory not only for the women of Arkansas, but for women across the nation. I’m sure other states will be looking at Arkansas and considering following our example.”

Today’s development comes on the heels of attempts by Arkansas lawmakers to institute a ban on abortions after the 12-week mark of a pregnancy.

That effort was blocked by a federal appeals court.

We’ll continue to be on the lookout for the official Duggar response to today’s appeal rejection.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jessie Lorene Goline, Arkansas High School Teacher, Arrested for Multiple-Student Sex Spree

Jessie Lorene Goline, a 25-year old art teacher from northeast Arkansas, was arrested on Wednesday due to accusations that she had inappropriate relationships with four students.

By which we mean she’s accused of having SEX with four students.

According to a filing in Craighead County Circuit Court, Goline has been charged with one count of first degree sexual assault.

Why only one, if she presumably slept with four students?

Because only one of those students was under the age of 18.

An affidavit cited by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette says Goline claims that student turned out to be “way younger than what he told her,” but that is far beside the point, of course.

Goline has admitted to sleeping with all four of these individuals.

The reported acts took place between January and April of 2016, authorities say.

The Democrat-Gazette writes that Goline would send these four unnamed teenagers text messages that grew increasingly sexual over time.


One of the victims alleges that his teacher commented on his good looks in front of the class and then sent him a photograph of herself in a thong.

Moreover, Goline brought two of the students back to her apartment and had sex with them in separate incidents… on the same day, it has now been confirmed.

One student says he was dropped off by a friend at Goline’s residence in Jonesboro, where the two had sexual intercourse.

And then another student, who was enrolled in Goline’s class, says the teacher picked him up in the afternoon and took him to her apartment… where they got it on before she took him back home to school later in the day.

Forget playing hooky.

This was an example of playing tonsil hockey – and then some!

jlg husband

An investigation got underway in April after Marked Tree High School officials learned that a worried parent had threatened to “do bodily harm to one of their teachers.”

The parent had accused Goline of having sex with numerous students.

As officials attempted to piece together what happened and who could be to blame, Goline entered the principal’s office around this time and broke down in tears.

That sort of served as a giveaway.

According to Fox News, “Goline was booked into the Craighead County Detention Center Wednesday afternoon on a $ 5,000 bond, and was waiting for an Oct. 31 court appearance” but was released later in the day.

If convicted, she could face 10 to 40 years, or life, in prison.

And she’s also married.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Travis Scott Arrested for Inciting Riot in Arkansas (VIDEO)

Travis Scott’s concert in Arkansas came to a rude ending when cops hauled him way for inciting a riot in Arkansas … TMZ has confirmed. Travis was performing in Rogers, Arkansas Saturday night, and according to several witnesses the officers met…


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Arkansas Toddler Found Dead In Washing Machine, Mom Arrested

Nine months after 3-year-old Alex Haney died in a freak washing machine accident, her mother has been arrested.

Brooke Haney, 25, faces two charges of endangering the welfare of a child, according to Us Weekly.

The fatal incident occurred on October 25th, when police were called to Haney’s Arkansas home after the mom had found her daughter dead in the family’s washing machine.

Haney explained to police that she had taken a nap with Alex and her other daughter, Brooklyn, 10 months.  After waking up over an hour later, Haney realized that Alex had gone missing.

With a neighbor’s help, Haney searched the home for her daughter, only to find the toddler’s body in the washing machine.

The appliance is set to start once the lid closes.  Authorities concluded that Alex had climbed in and sustained “scalding and thermal injuries” as a result.

Haney was reportedly high on prescription pills, including benzodiazepines (Xanax and Ativan fall under this class) at the time. 

Police spoke to Haney’s third daughter, who has not yet been identified, revealing key evidence in the death.

The 7-year-old explained that she and Alex would often help their mom with laundry.  One would climb into the washing machine to retrieve clothes, then the other would put them in the dryer.

Reports also state that Haney, who is expecting her fourth child next month, has a history of prescription abuse.

Last August, police pulled the mom over ( with Brooklyn in the back seat), and given sobriety tests.  According to Arkansas Online, Haney failed each one.

The officer noted that Haney was “exhibiting behavior indicating she was under the influence of prescription medication,” court papers obtained by the Washington Post state.

Haney, it was also revealed, did not have a valid prescription for the meds in her possession.  

Previously, the Louisiana Department of Human Services investigated Haney while she was pregnant with Brooklyn, citing “long-term drug abuse issues for both legal and illegal drugs.”

Haney’s court date is set for August 10th.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Sarah Seawright Photos: Meet the Arkansas #PrisonBae!

Remember Jeremy Meeks? The California native whose 2014 mug shot went viral because… well… Meeks was really hot?

That was SO two years ago.

Now it"s time to meet Sarah Seawright.

A resident of Arkansas, she was arrested in late April for failure to appear in court in connection to a 2014 arrest for careless driving, according to KDAF.

She was previously accused of robbery, kidnapping and battery for her role in a 2012 parking lot theft.

But whatever! She"s hot! Check out her mug shot below and then drool over some other Sarah Seawright photos…

1. A Mesmerizing Mug Shot

Sarah seawright

Sarah Seawright is a 24-year old resident of Little Rock, Arkansas who has earned the nickname “Prison Bae” for her mug shot. We must admit: she’s very pretty.

2. In 2012…

In 2012

… Seawright was charged with aggravated robbery, first-degree battery, kidnapping, hindering apprehension and tampering with evidence after teaming up with a man named LeDarius Laron Scales and robbing another man of $ 380 at gunpoint. She later pleaded guilty only to hindering apprehension, a class B felony, and was sentenced to five years probation in 2014.

3. She’s Out on Bond

Shes out on bond

And making the most of her viral fame. Seawright urged first time visitors to her Facebook page this week to follow her on Snapchat, where she shared a video saying “f-ck the judge.”

4. Check Me Out!

Check me out

Thanks to Facebook photos such as this, Internet users are saying the following sorts of things about her: “She could stab me 9 times and I’d apologize and buy her chipotle.”

5. Another Facebook Photo

Another facebook photo

“My facial expressions speak Volumes,” Seawright wrote as a caption to this new Facebook picture.

6. What’s Her Connection to Chad Johnson?

Whats her connection to chad johnson

After @httpsjhey tweeted at him, “@ochocinco bail her out #JailHouseBae,” the former NFL wideout wrote back: “Today is a day to save money, she’s gonna have to sit & think about her mistakes like I did.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Josh Duggar: Out of Rehab! Hiding in Arkansas!

After weeks of rumors that Josh Duggar had secretly left rehab and was hiding out at the so-called “Duggar compound” in Tontitiown, Arkansas, E! News is confirming today that the troubled 28-year-old has indeed returned home after six months of treatment.

It’s not known exactly when Josh arrived back in his hometown, but several sources confirm that the disgraced former reality star has been back for “at least a few days.”

His whereabouts have not been visually verified, but the insiders believe he is staying at the sprawling estate built by his parents, as it’s hard to believe he could escape notice anywhere else in tiny Tontitown.

Josh checked into the Reformers Unanimous Center in rural Illinois back in August of last year after a data breach revealed that he had two accounts with Ashley Madison – an online service designed for married people who wish to cheat on their spouses.

That revelation came on the heels of news that Josh had molested five young girls  – four of whom were his sisters – back when he was a teen.

According to those familiar with the facility where Josh was staying, it more closely resembles a “Christian work camp” than a traditional treatment center. 

Needless to say, we imagine he’s happy to be home, but some of his siblings are probably less than thrilled, as the timing couldn’t be much worse.

The Duggars are set to return to television next week, with a full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On premiering on TLC March 15.

While the show will reportedly address Josh’s sex scandals, it’s also part of the Duggars’ attempt to rebuild their image and move on from the controversies that shattered their reputation.

Not a great time to reintroduce Josh to the public.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: BACK in Arkansas! Zika Virus to Blame?!

Back in September, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard cut their missionary trip short and returned home to Arkansas after just a few weeks in Central America.

A minor scandal ensued, and the Dillards were forced to return funds donated by fans who felt they’d been duped. Jill and Derick resumed their humanitarian efforts shortly thereafter, but now it looks like they’ve once again returned to the States well ahead of schedule.

The above photo – which was recently posted to the Duggar family’s official Facebook page without a caption – appears to show the Dillards posing with 6-year-old niece Mackynzie at the “Duggar compound” in Tontitown, AR.

It is widely believed that Jill and Derick left Central America in order to avoid contracting the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which is known to cause birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

Women in the region have been advised to avoid getting pregnant for at least the next year, and Jill and Derick’s religious beliefs dictate that women should have as many children as possible. 

While there’s no way of knowing when the photo was taken, many fans have pointed out in the comments that it was posted on  January 26, which is the same day that the first case of Zika was reported in Arkansas.

Obviously, there’s no way of knowing if anyone in the Dillard family contracted or has been tested for Zika, but it’s safe to assume the illness played a role in Jill and Derick’s decision to return to the US.

The Duggars have not yet spoken publicly on the matter, but the photo seems to be their way of assuring concerned fans that Jill, Derick, and baby Israel are out of harm’s way.

Jill has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media for the past three weeks.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Anna Duggar Sells Arkansas Home, Finally Leaves Josh Duggar, Sources Report

Earlier this week, quasi-rebellious Duggar cousin Amy told People magazine that she hopes long-suffering wife Anna will leave Josh Duggar.

Even after he completes rehab for his sexual “addictions,” Amy, who says she “would handle this so different,” hopes Anna will peace out.

Now it seems she may have gotten her wish much earlier than expected.

After months of putting up with a seemingly never-ending stream of accusations and scandals, it looks like Anna may have finally had enough.

Sources say she’s begun the process of cutting ties with her husband.

We already knew that Anna had moved to Florida to be with her family while her disgraced, philandering spouse toils away in an Illinois facility.

But now, In Touch is reporting that Anna also put her and Josh’s Siloam Springs, Ark., home up for sale immediately after Josh was caught cheating.

Moreover, she reportedly has no intention of returning to Arkansas.

“Anna could be gone for good,” says one area real estate insider.

The house was on the market less than a week after it was revealed that Josh had been using Ashley Madison to troll the web for cheating partners.

Anna’s parents are rumored to be just as conservative as the Duggars, and therefore forbid her from even considering divorce as an option.

Might they be softening that stance, given that … well, he’s Josh Duggar? Or might Anna have decided that she can break from their views?

If it’s true that she put the house up for sale so soon, Anna may have made her mind up before she consulted with her parents or anyone else.

All we have to say is good for her, and good riddance to this clown …