Showing posts with label Hiding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiding. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Kevin Spacey Emerges from Hiding ... Amid Sexual Assault Charges

Kevin Spacey has resurfaced after nearly a year of living outside the public eye … as various sexual assault allegations continue to dog him.
The actor was hanging on a balcony with his dog, somewhere on the East Coast.
Spacey was spotted for the first time on Friday … shrouded in a...
Kevin Spacey Emerges from Hiding ... Amid Sexual Assault Charges

Saturday, October 20, 2018

"Young & Restless" Star Max Ehrich Spotted For First Time Since Going Into Hiding

“The Young and the Restless” star Max Ehrich is doing everything he can to protect himself after allegedly getting a gun pulled on him by an obsessed realtor … ‘cause he’s exploring legal options and beefing up his security. Max…


Friday, October 19, 2018

"Young & Restless" Max Ehrich in Hiding After Obsessed Realtor Allegedly Pulls Gun

“The Young and the Restless” star Max Ehrich is scared to death and in hiding, after a prominent real estate agent who allegedly became obsessed with him pulled a gun on him in a fit of rage. Sources connected to Ehrich tell TMZ, he looked at…


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Scooter Braun"s Co. Claims Lady Gaga"s Ex-Manager Hiding Cash to Dodge $14 Mil Debt

2:52 PM PT — Troy’s representation tells TMZ … “This is yet another litigation tactic by Ithaca. These claims are not accurate both legally and factually.”Scooter Braun’s company claims Lady Gaga’s former manager has been hiding millions of…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Hiding Baby Bump with Photoshop?!

Jenelle Evans … her whole entire life is just too much.

One day she’s being accused of abusing and neglecting her kids, the next she’s following strangers back to their houses and pulling guns on them

There’s always something going on with her, it’s never good, and it’s just. Too. Much.

Since Jenelle has three kids and has been pregnant at least two more times (her abortion with Courtland Rogers and her miscarriage before she got pregnant with Ensley), she’s pretty much constantly the subject of pregnancy rumors.

Except this time around, there’s a little more to the rumors than “hey, she sure is fertile!”

Last month, Jenelle posed for some photos with her husband, David Eason.

She was wearing a bikini, and her stomach wasn’t completely flat, which makes sense, because again, she’s had three kids.

So when they shared the photos on Instagram, their followers were quick to ask if she was pregnant again.

Then, over on Facebook, David actually confirmed the rumors, saying that she’s 13 weeks along, and they already know it’s another little girl.

Pretty wild, right?

Except David is fond of trolling Teen Mom fans, and also he originally commented that Jenelle was six months pregnant, not just 13 weeks.

We imagine that he realized someone would have noticed by now if she was six months pregnant, and being just 13 weeks along is a lot more believable.

But still, lots and lots of people believed him, and so now all those people are just going about their lives, thinking that Jenelle’s cooking up yet another kid.

So imagine their surprise when she shared this photo:

As you can see, it’s another ad for that detox tea she’s been promoting forever.

She looks great, doesn’t she? And her waist is so small!

Like, it looks like it’s just a little bigger than her arm there, which doesn’t seem very normal, but wow, that tea must be working!

Just kidding, the general consensus is that she Photoshopped the hell out of this picture.

“Omg that photoshopping is horrendous,” one of her followers wrote. “Even your leggings look screwed up like a skirt. Is there anything you can do right?”

“Your photoshopped photo doesn’t make you look very good,” another commented.

Someone suggested that she work on her photo editing skills because right now, her edits are “too obvious.”

And if you’re having trouble seeing exactly where the editing happened, one person pointed out “Where her tummy is you can see that wood line bending.”

But while many people were talking about whether or not she’d edited this photo, others were concerned about her unborn child.

“Can you take this if you’re pregnant?” one of those people asked. “Heard you were.”

Another said “Should you even be taking that aren’t you pregnant with another girl?”

So what’s actually happening here?

Is she really that thin these days?

Did she edit the photo to hide a baby bump?

Or did she edit the photo because in real life, her tummy is a little less flat than this?

We’re going to have to go with that last option.

Here’s a bikini photo that David posted last week — sorry in advance for the vulgarity and any potential scarring on your psyche this may cause:

If you look at her stomach there, it looks great, obviously, and it’s pretty clear it’s not edited.

You can see the loose skin she has from all those pregnancies and everything.

Again, she looks really good there, besides the super weird pose, and not the least bit pregnant, but there’s a clear difference between this picture and that ad.

Jenelle, girl, when are you going to learn that you’re perfect just the way you are?!

On the outside, at least.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Are They Hiding Something From Fans?

It’s been almost a year since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, and for the most part, the young couple has stuck to the Duggar script.

Kendra got pregnant on her honeymoon, and she’s happily played the role of doting wife in a number of promotional videos the Duggars have posted online.

The couple even participated in the making of a TLC special about Kendra’s delivery, granting more access to the network’s camera crews than any of Joseph’s siblings ever had.

But even though Joe and Kendra haven’t shied away from participating in the family business, they don’t seem to enjoy the spotlight as much as other Duggars.

In fact, the newlyweds have raised eyebrows with their refusal to interact with fans on social media.

For past Duggar couples, Instagram profiles have been regarded as a sacred privilege.

Duggar kids aren’t permitted to engage in social media until after they’re engaged, and usually, they take advantage of their new freedom as soon as possible.

But Joe and Kendra have yet to create accounts either as individuals or as a couple.

And fans can’t help but wonder why that is.

The answer might have something to do with the fact that Joe and Kendra are deeply conservative in their beliefs — even by Duggar standards.

Like his siblings, Joe is an adherent to the teachings of disgraced minister Bill Gothard and his Institute for Basic Life Principles.

But unlike the others, Joe took his devotion to the organization step farther in his youth by attending the Gothard-founded ALERT Academy, a sort of faith-based boot camp for fundamentalist young men.

“This drove me to depend even more on God,” Joseph recently wrote of his experience.

“As a young man, I can say this was one of the greatest things God used to strengthen and build my faith in Him.”

Joe is commonly regarded as one of the more practical and serious Duggars and his stringent devotion to his parents’ belief systems was evident during his courtship with Kendra.

The Duggar courtship rules are already notoriously strict, but Joe and Kendra held themselves to an even higher standard of behavior.

Joe recruited his siblings to serve as chaperones and ensure that he and Kendra stuck to their own rules.

The couple limited themselves to periods of physical contact that lasted no longer than three seconds and only allowed themselves to “side-hug” and say “I love you” after they got engaged.

For all the recent talk of “Duggar rebels,” it looks as though at least one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring has gone in the opposite direction by being even more conservative than his parents.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight’s season premiere.


Friday, June 22, 2018

"Martin" Star Tisha Campbell-Martin Wants Estranged Hubby Punished for Hiding Money

“Martin” star Tisha Campbell-Martin is accusing her estranged husband of hiding their money during their marriage … and she wants him to pay for that. Tisha filed new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — claiming Duane Martin was hiding and…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Johnny Depp: Hiding Deadly Disease From Fans?

Last week, fans were shocked by photos of Johnny Depp looking gaunt and frail while on tour with his band in Europe.

If you haven’t seen the image in question, just imagine what Johnny would look like if he had spent the past few months preparing for a live-action sequel to the Corpse Bride.

Or, ya know … you can just see for yourself in the pic below:

Look, Depp superfans are a real and terrifying bunch, and we know better than to needlessly provoke them, so before you scroll down to the comments to excoriate us for cracking jokes about a dying man, let us make one thing clear:

Johnny Depp is probably not dying.

In fact, he’s probably just fine.

In fact, his reps have already issued a statement claiming that he’s losing weight on purpose and is healthier than he’s been in years.

But none of that will stop the Australian tabloids from working their readers up into a lather with claims that Depp is on his deathbed.

In case you’re not familiar, Aussie tabloids make British tabloids look like freakin’ New York Times in terms of journalistic integrity, which is really saying something, as British tabloids have been putting US tabloids to shame in terms of, well, shamelessness for the past couple decades.

Basically, just think of everything Donald Trump has said about the mainstream media in the past two years and know that all of those things are actually true of the Aussie tabloids.

Anyway, one scandal sheet from Down Under has demonstrated an obsession with Johnny’s well-being that’s matched only by every single Hot Topic clerk on the planet. 

In a piece with the admirably restrained and subtle title of “What’s Killing Johnny?” a magazine that’s apparently known only as NW claimed that sources close to the actor are deeply concerned that he’s on his last (fatally skinny) legs.

“His friends are worried he’s keeping quiet about a serious illness,” says an almost certainly made-up “insider.”

“It’s well known that he’s a heavy drinker and the fear is his frail appearance could be linked to drugs or booze… or both.”

The insider claims that one illness in particular has Johnny fans concerned:

“Many are worried he possibly has liver cancer or something because he’s so skinny and has got, like, no hair now.”

Lol at the claim that “many” people jumped to that same ultra-specific conclusion.

“Johnny’s looking slimmer than usual. Must be the liver cancer,” cried the masses in unison.

We guess the folks at NW can skate by on a technicality here, as Johnny Depp will almost certainly not live forever, and is thus dying, in a sense.

But if we know Johnny — and we don’t — he’ll be shambling across the stage like the reanimated cadaver of his idol Keith Richards long after everyone has stopped caring or paying attention.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I"m Hiding Stormi to Punish My Fans!!

Kylie Jenner shamed her baby daddy truthers, but it looks like she wasn’t content to stop there. It looks like she’s punishing all of her fans.

Take a look at this new photo of Kylie. She looks great sporting this natural look. But she puzzled fans when she cropped out her own daughter’s face.

If you think that the picture is weird, you’re right. But Kylie’s explanation is even weirder.

Kylie looks great in this picture. Her low-makeup look really lets her freckles show. Natural looks are a rare thing for Kylie, and fans are always happy to see them.

She captioned the image: “I spy with my little eye…”

But … though she definitely got compliments in the comments, fans were quick to notice that this is a very conspicuous pic.

It appears that she just … cropped baby Stormi out of the image altogether.

There’s a little bit of healthy vanity, which is usually fine, and then there’s whatever would drive a mother to excluse her precious baby from what could be a sweet mother-daughter photo.

What’s going on?

Fans were shocked and troubled by Kylie’s unexplained edit.


That comment reflects the shock and dismay that many fans experienced when they saw the photo.

“It’s okay you can still see her eyebrow.”

That comment, we imagine, was intended as sarcasm rather than comfort.

“It’s not her baby, I don’t think. It looks like North to me.”

That … is a bit of a reach. Especially since North is a good deal older than Stormi.

(In fact, North will turn five years old later this week, on June 15)

Kylie herself stepped in, writing:

“Yeah I cut my baby out. I’m not sharing photos of my girl right now.”

Kylie’s response was an explanation … but leaves fans with even more questions.

But looking back, this is part of a pattern.

Kylie hasn’t shared photos of Stormi in a while, and she’s even deleted some adorable photos of Stormi from her Instagram page.

In fact, the last time that she offered an almost-clear photo of her baby (that has not since been deleted) was on April 19.

Why is Kylie suddenly so shy?

We may have a theory.

It has to do with this guy, Tim Chung.

Now, we know that Kylie’s hot bodyguard is not Stormi’s father.

Unfortunately, some of Kylie’s followers latched onto the idea that he was secretly Stormi’s dad.

They made a show of fixating on certain facial features of Stormi’s (she’s just a baby!!) and comparing them to both Travis Scott and Tim Chung, a police officer and part time model who is also Kylie’s bodyguard.

But really, this “theory” that was barely even a rumor arose from two things:

One, fans were bored with Kylie’s happily-ever-after narrative with the baby daddy she’s only been seeing for about a year and her cute little baby.

Two, fans were thirsting hard after Chung. Just look at him. And they found it easy to imagine a gorgeous 19-year-old (at the time) Kylie spending some one-on-one time with her bodyguard.

But that, folks, is why fanfiction exists. When people project their wishes on celebrities publicly, things get awkward. And we no longer get cute Stormi giggling videos.

Those rumors really upset Kylie (and honestly could hurt Chung’s career!!).

So … Kylie’s not letting the public see Stormi right now.

Is it because she just wants to avoid giving rumor-mongers any additional fodder to compare to anyone other than Travis Scott?

Or is it because she wants to punish people who make up stories about her life?

Either way, we kind of doubt that it will act as an effective deterrent. People just love juicy rumors.

And sometimes those rumors make a lot more sense than reality. That’s what makes them so appealing to so many people.

In the mean time, though, fans can just enjoy photos of sweet baby Stormi here. Take a look:


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ariana Grande: Is She Hiding Her Pregnancy From Fans?

Last week, we reported on rumors that Ariana Grande is pregnant with her first child.

The singer has been dating Mac Miller for about 18 months and both parties are said to be overjoyed by the news of Ariana’s pregnancy.

But thus far, the news is being kept under wraps for reasons that aren’t entirely clear.

Grande has been absent from social media for the entirety of 2018, which has led many fans to the conclusion that she’s “pulling a Kylie” and stepping away from the spotlight in order to keep her pregnancy out of the headlines.

At first, that seemed like quite a leap, but in the past week, multiple sources have emerged with what they claim is insider knowledge of Ariana’s pregnancy.

One such tipster spoke to The Hollywood Gossip exclusively, saying:

“She is 2 months pregnant and is very excited,” the insider informed us.

“She is waiting until at LEAST the 20 week mark to announce it. She was very inspired by Kylie after Facetiming her in October.”

But others who claim to know Ariana best say there’s no truth to the pregnancy rumors, and Grande has simply decided to take an extended break from social media for the sake of her mental health.

“Ariana’s break from social media has not been because she is hiding a pregnancy with her boyfriend the way Kylie did,” one such source tells Hollywood Life.

“She just wants a healthy break from social media. When her new album and tour is ready to be announced, she will return with regular updates on her Twitter and Instagram.”

The insider explicitly stated that Ariana “is not secretly having Mac Miller’s baby,” adding, “That’s not what’s going on.”

“Ariana loves Mac and things are great between them,” the source says.

“They are still young and are focusing on work right now.”

So why all the time away from Instagram?

According to the insider, the decision has to do with trauma that Ariana suffered as a result of the bombing at her concert in Manchester last year.

“The incident has been difficult for her to overcome,” says the source.

The insider claims that Ariana has been planning to take some time away from social media ever since the bombing, but felt it was her duty to provide support to grieving and frightened fans.

Not that it’s been nearly a year since the tragedy that claimed 22 lives, she reportedly feels the time is right for her to step away from center stage.

Needless to say, there are some wildly conflicting reports out there with regard to why Ari has chosen to lay low for a while.

But whether she’s pregnant or taking some much-needed time for herself for other reasons, we’re sure the singer will continue to have the full support of her loyal legion of fans.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Cardi B Not Hiding from Baby Talk, Drawing Attention to Her Belly

Cardi B isn’t SAYING she’s pregnant, but she’s sure playing it up to the max at New York Fashion Week. Cardi showed up at the Marc Jacobs show Wednesday night in a colorful dress that included a giant bow tied right over her belly. She’s no fool and…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shannon Beador: David is Hiding His Wealth! I Deserve This!

After 17 years, Shannon Beador and David are divorcing.

At first, it seemed that the divorce for this Real Housewives of Orange County couple would remain amicable, for the sake of their three daughters. But that’s changed, and now Shannon aims to take everything from David. Get it, girl.

Now, a report about the couple’s court battle shows that she’s making good on her vow to go after his finances.

At the beginning of October of last year, we reported that Shannon Beador was ready to leave David. A few weeks leader, the two made their split official.

Two years after David confessed to cheating on her with a married friend, their marriage was on thin ice.

It seemed that they were basically living in the same house as neighbors, not partners. It sounded like some serious alienation.

Though David is the known cheater, it seems that problems really arose because David stopped loving Shannon when she gained weight.

That is heartbreaking, and now the couple is divorcing.

RadarOnline reports that Shannon is fighting David in court for money. Their source says:

“David is trying to be a cheapskate and Shannon isn’t having any of it.”

And at the divorce hearing scheduled for January 25th, she’s going to seek more cash.

“She demanded that he submit his current income to the judge because she believes he is grossly underestimating his net worth.”

That sounds like a very, very standard divorce.

“She knows that David has more money than he is claiming to have and isn’t going to let him get away easy.”

After the divorce announcement, the couple spent a few weeks playing nice for the sake of their children.

But even that polite facade has fallen apart.

And, from court filings, it looks like Shannon believes that David is trying to cling to every last penny that he owns.

“David has far greater access to funds to pay attorney fees, and the amount of the award for which request is made is modest relative to David’s income.”

If that’s all true, David will probably end up paying Shannon more than he’d like.

But Shannon isn’t just seeking payments for herself, folks.

“Shannon believes that David should pay for all three of their daughters’ college tuition in full.”

Well, hopefully he won’t fight Shannon on that issue.

He’s their father, and a college education is often a necessity, not a luxury.

It’s not his daughters’ “fault” that they were born, so their parents owe them the best start at life that they can provide.

And it sounds like David can provide quite a lot.

As we mentioned, this sort of financial wrangling is typical of divorce.

It’s so typical, in fact, that we’d almost be shocked if this weren’t happening.

The Beadors are rich, but not so rich that they’d each prefer to ignore a few million in order to avoid conflict. That’s for Hollywood A-listers, if anyone.

But the Beadors also aren’t so poor that their means are insignificant. So there’s a lot for them to contest.

More significantly, though, they are both dealing with complex emotions, including anger and grief. Love can turn to hate in an instant, and a lot of divorce battles have more to do with spite than anything else.


Kylie Jenner: REAL Reason She"s in Hiding Revealed?!

We’ve heard a number of explanations for why Kylie Jenner is hiding herself and plans to hide her baby. One is that she wants to follow in Kim’s footsteps and control which photos are taken.

Another is that, allegedly, Kylie’s eating is out of control and she can’t stand to be seen in public.

But a new, much less cruel report has come out explaining why Kylie is remaining in seclusion. And this actually makes a lot of sense.

Sometimes, when a star won’t comment on their own life, the vacuum gets filled by reports, rumors, and speculation.

It’s widely believed that Kylie Jenner has, for years, had body image issues that arose from growing up famous.

Not everybody who’s hot at 20 looks like they’re going to be a knockout when they’re younger.

Plus, well, folks are pretty sure that Kylie’s had some work done to get to be the beauty that she is today.

(Which, of course, is why Wendy Williams says that Kylie Jenner’s baby will be ugly)

So it’s easy to believe reports that claim that Kylie Jenner hates her pregnant body. We’ve been hearing this for months.

And we all know how pregnancy can transform a body. Stretch marks, acne, morning sickness.

Some things, like how parts of Kylie’s lower skeleton have literally rearranged themselves in preparation for her to give birth, are permanent.

And it may very well be true.

Whether or not the report that she’s “eating uncontrollably” and has “gained 60 pounds” is true, pregnancy can make some people — especially people who are prone to insecurities about their appearance — feel ashamed of how they look.

It doesn’t have to be rational, folks. Few feelings are.

However, in a new report, a source tells Entertainment Tonight that Kylie Jenner isn’t so much hiding as she is taking a long overdue break.

“[Kylie’s] worked hard her entire life, and being a mother will be a lot of work, so now is a chance for her to recharge.”

If you think about it, Kylie has had the same job — as a reality star — since she was a child. She’s also grown to dominate social media — particularly Snapchat (though it looks like Snapchat’s time may be at an end).

And, of course, she’s a makeup mogul.

Kylie Cosmetics, which is projected to be worth a billion dollars within 5 years, probably doesn’t really take that much out of her. She’s mostly branding and ownership, right?

Being a reality star and always making herself visible to fans through social media? That can exhaust you beyond belief.

Interesting that the source describes this as Kylie “recharging.” Is Kylie Jenner an introvert?

She’s always seemed a little more subdued than some of her siblings.

Introverts aren’t necessarily shy or whatever, they’re just drained by social activity. They “recharge” by spending time with fewer people or being completely alone.

Even Kylie’s baby daddy Travis Scott says Kylie has less personality in bed than her sister Kendall. (Yeah, he’s banged them both, ugh)

Her constant social activity, constantly being on camera — her own or someone else’s — and her entire celebrity lifestyle may have left Kylie with a sense of fatigue.


This is one of those situation where it feels like each of the major claims contains at least a kernel of truth.

Kylie probably is having issues with her pregnant body’s shape. She shouldn’t. Baby bumps are normal with pregnancies, and so is weight gain.

And you know what else? Kylie probably wants to slowly roll out information about her baby.

And it’s probably also true that she’s enjoying taking this time off. (Though, if you’re pregnant, it’s not like it’s a real vacation)

It’s expected that Kylie’s big pregnancy reveal will take place over the two-part Keeping Up With The Kardashians event next week. Perhaps we’ll know more, then.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Offset: Is Cardi B"s Fiance Avoiding a Paternity Test? What"s He Hiding?

Celina Powell is the latest woman to claim that Offset, Cardi B’s fiance, is her baby daddy.

Cardi B and Offset both say that the woman is lying … but now we have to wonder if Offset, at least, is afraid that she’s telling the truth.

Because, to hear Celina tell it, Offset is ducking and dodging her attempts at a paternity test. If he’s not the baby daddy, why not go ahead and prove it?

Cardi B and Offset made a “sex tape” — after a fashion — and released it to the public. They’re engaged.

it’s safe to say that they have a pretty good relationship, right? But they’re facing their first real test, as a woman is claiming that Offset is the father of her baby girl.

Celina Powell doesn’t seem like she’s willing to back down, either.

After Offset sent her a cease & desist, she publicly called him out.

So it looks like she intends to hound him until he can prove in court that he’s not the father of her child.

We should mention that there’s a credibility issue.

Despite being only 22, Celina Powell has identified famous “baby daddies” in the past who turned out to not be the fathers of her children.

She acknowledged her dubious history when she shared with the world her claim that Offset is this child’s father … while assuring her fans that she’s not crying wolf this time, she promises.

Honestly, Celina’s background makes you wonder if she’s a terrible schemer — like, if she watched fake paternity scams on soap operas and wondered if they were that easy in real life.

Or if she might have other issues. Anybody else remember that girl who’s not pregnant who went on Dr. Phil claiming that she is pregnant with God’s child? Claiming random rappers as your baby daddy isn’t much more grounded than that.

But … if Offset is just another falsely accused man, then why has he allegedly balked at taking a DNA test?

At least, that’s what Celina has claimed that he’s done, after responding to a tweet inquiring about a paternity test.

“No her father didn’t accept the dna papers.”

But that doesn’t mean that she’s given up.

“But lawyers will do their job and he will take it…one day”

So … you’d think that Offset would be the one insisting on a paternity test.

Even if he didn’t want to bring one up — maybe putting on a show of absolute confidence that it’s not his for Cardi B — you’d think that he’d go along with a request, right?

Unless he’s worried about what the results might be.

That said … we have to acknowledge that we don’t know, for sure, whether or not any “DNA papers,” as Celina calls them, were actually sent to him and then rejected.

It’s a weird situation, folks.

We know that Cardi B and Offset are making a show of not believing Celina Powell’s claims about her daughter, Karma, being Offset’s.

But what if she is?

If so — and that’s admittedly a big if — what does that mean for Offset and Cardi B?

Would that make Celina just another baby mama receiving support, or might it spell doom for Cardi B and Offset’s million dollar wedding?

We’ll all have to wait before we know more. Offset included.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Kylie Jenner is a Secret Little Rodent for Hiding Her Baby Bump!

Kylie and Khloe are both pregnant, and even due around the same time.

But while Khloe finally confirmed that she’s pregnant, months after the world learned of it, Kylie’s staying shy … and mostly out of sight.

In fact, fans feared the Kylie might have opted out of her family’s Christmas party. But she was there. And there are photos to prove it.

Fans have been wanting to know where Kylie Jenner’s baby bump is for a while, now.

We could speculate all day about what it is that makes fans so eager to see baby bumps in general.

In Kylie’s case, though, it’s because she’s kept it secret for so long. Sure, Kylie’s baby bump’s been spotted once or twice, but she’s kept it under wraps to the point where some fans worry that they’re being pranked.

Others have begun to suspect that Kylie has already given birth — which I don’t think is the case, but it’s understandable that people wonder if there’s a point to this mystery.

(We know that mystery for mystery’s sake got a lot of viewers hooked on Lost, but it’s perhaps not the best way to approach a pregnancy)

So, the Kardashians are fabulously wealthy and they’re also devout Christians.

Christmas is a big time of year for that family. And of course they have a huge party.

Initially, fans worried that Kylie was M.I.A. She’s been reclusive — to say the least — for months, now.

But, clearly, she was at her family’s party.

And we have the photo booth pictures to prove it. Not to mention an exchange between the pregnant sisters in which Kylie expressly confirms it.

We have to wonder if Kylie and Khloe — both pregnant — took matching, side-by-side baby bump photos that they didn’t choose to share.

What we don’t have to wonder is what Kylie was like at the party.

People‘s source reports on how Kylie and her baby bump looked:

“Kylie looked great but didn’t really draw any attention to her baby bump. She still acts like she wants to keep her pregnancy private.”

Well, that’s Kylie’s choice, even though the entire world’s known since September. But we’ve heard that Kylie’s been having body image issues. So … that’s her choice.

“Everyone had the most amazing time,” the source added. “Kris always throws the best parties. It was all gorgeous. There was no drama.”

In case anyone wondered if this was just someone covering for Kylie (perhaps at Kris’ insistence, as that bit of praise seemed almost over-the-top for an anonymous source) …

Khloe and Kylie had a conversation about that on Snapchat, complete with goofy Snapchat filters.

“Merry Christmas! People think you weren’t there last night,” Khloe said.

“I was,” Kylie confirmed.

Khloe then added “She’s a secret little bunny,” which we already knew. Kylie Jenner’s due date is February 4th and she still hasn’t confirmed it to the world. So, yeah. Secret.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Jinger Duggar Rocking Pants, Hiding Baby Bump on Instagram?!

Ever since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, fans have been eagerly awaiting an announcement that the newlyweds are expecting their first child.

More than a year later, however, there’s still no official word on the matter.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped fans from combing through the couple’s social media posts in search of clues.

The Vuolos latest pics show them enjoying the unexpected snowfall in Laredo, Texas over the weekend.

While the focus of the photos is meant to be the weather, fans have mostly zeroed in on two other details:

For one thing, Jinger is wearing pants, thus still defying the strict dress code under which she was raised.

Even more than her legwear, however, followers are obsessed with what they believe is the first official glimpse of Jinger’s baby bump.

Granted, this isn’t the first time that Duggar fans have claimed to have spotted a sure sign that Jinger is expecting, but a video posted by Jeremy offers the most compelling evidence yet:

Jeremy captioned the clip, “The weather outside is frightful.”

But again, it’s not the weather that’s caught fans’ attention.

As you can see, Jinger seems to be moving … well, gingerly.

She also appears to be protecting her midsection, and at one point she rubs her belly.

Sure, she’s not wearing a t-shirt that says, “Baby on Board,” but at this point, fans will take whatever “evidence” they can find.

Even the fact that Jinger is wearing sweatpants is being cited as proof that she’s expecting.

Jinger has been wearing pants and even shorts for several months now, but they’re usually more stylish and form-fitting than the sweatpants she sported this week.

The style decision may simply be a response to the weather, but don’t tell that to the hundreds of fans who are basically taking these posts as a pregnancy announcement.

At this point, if and when Jinger does reveal that she’s got a bun in the oven, the reveal will almost feel anti-climactic.


Watch Counting On online to relive Jinge and Jer’s road to the altar.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Tyga"s Hiding T-Shirt Dough in Shell Companies, According to Ex-Biz Partner

Tyga’s playing a super high stakes shell game with the more than $ 2 million he owes an ex-business partner in his Last Kings t-shirt company — but the guy’s not up for games, he’s just suing. The biz partner, Chuon Guen Lee, was already awarded the…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joseline Hernandez, Stevie J, Court Official Says They"re Hiding their Kid from Us!!!

Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J are playing a shell game with their child, hiding their daughter from the court … this according to the guardian appointed to protect the kid. Joseline and Stevie are knee-deep in a nasty custody war, and the judge…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Caught Hiding Baby Bump One Month Before Wedding?!

If you’re a fan of her family, then you’re probably already aware that Joy-Anna Duggar is expecting her first child.

You may also be aware that there’s been some intense interest in exactly when Joy got pregnant, due to the fact that she married Austin Forsyth just three months before her big announcement.

In all likelihood, we’ll never know for certain if Joy-Anna and Austin had a shotgun wedding, because the revelation that the couple engaged in premarital sex would mean a huge scandal for the ultra-conservative Duggars, and the family has proven adept at sweeping this sort of thing under the rug.

But that won’t stop fans from digging for answers – and many think they found the clues they were looking for on Monday’s episode of Counting On.

The episode focused largely on the process of Joy-Anna and Austin planning their wedding – the same wedding that had been rather suspiciously moved up from October to May.

Scenes showed the young couple putting together last minute arrangements and perusing the property that was to become their first home together.

And some fans believe the baggy clothing Joy-Anna sported for the occasion was chosen for the purpose of hiding a baby bump.

Again, it’s not the kind of thing the Duggars will ever confess to, but fans had a field day with what they believed was conclusive evidence of Joy-Anna’s trickery.

As you can see from the photos, if there is a baby bump present, it’s an exceedingly small one.

But knowing that Joy-Anna was pregnant even one day before her wedding would send some of the Duggars’ more conservative fans into an uproar.

After all, the family is as famous for its strict ban on all premarital physical contact as for the enthusiastic breeding that follows the exchange of vows.

There were already rumors that Joy-Anna and Austin had broken courtship rules during the early days of their relationship.

The couple even confessed to doing so, but it was widely assumed that they meant they engaged in some front-hugging or an overlong hand-holding session.

(Like we said, the Duggars are very strict about their courtship rules.)

If it turns out that Austin and Joy-Anna engaged in unprotected premarital sex that resulted in a pregnancy, her family’s critics would have a field day with the hypocrisy.

Duggar fans, on the other hand, would be left with yet another scandal to try and explain away.

This could soon develop into yet another very messy situation for the beleaguered clan from Tontitown, Arkansas.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Taylor Swift BOOED For Hiding from Fans After Wedding

Taylor Swift outraged a gaggle of fans Saturday who waited in the rain to catch of glimpse of her after a Martha’s Vineyard wedding.   TMZ got this video of Taylor’s exit from the church … where security went to great lengths to shield her…
