Showing posts with label Pants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pants. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Olivia Culpo Rocks Danny Amendola"s Birthday Rolex in Skin-Tight Leather Pants

Olivia Culpo wasn’t lyin’ when she said she was keeping Danny Amendola’s birthday present … rockin’ her ex’s $ 12,000 Rolex and a bad ass leather outfit in Miami!! The gorgeous model shaded the Dolphins star on social media after he was spotted…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Big Boy Hit By Drunk Idiot Driver, Caught With His Pants Down

It looks like a joke — but this was very real.  Legendary radio DJ Big Boy was rear-ended by a VERY drunk driver in Calabasas … and when he confronted the man, the guy pulled out a VODKA BOTTLE and started chugging while still behind the…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Pro Golfer Drops Pants In Front Of Gallery, Makes Par!

They say there are no pictures on a golf scorecard … which is a good thing — ‘cause one of Andrew Johnston’s pars on Friday would have featured A GIANT BUTT if they did!! The pro golfer was on the 12th tee at the Nordea Masters when he shanked…


Pro Golfer Drops Pants In Front Of Gallery, Makes Par!

They say there are no pictures on a golf scorecard … which is a good thing — ‘cause one of Andrew Johnston’s pars on Friday would have featured A GIANT BUTT if they did!! The pro golfer was on the 12th tee at the Nordea Masters when he shanked…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Iggy Azalea"s Big Booty Twerk Out in See-Thru Pants

Iggy Azalea is taking her twerk game to a new level — this time, she’s throwing around that donk in see-thru pants … and the video is solid!  The “Kream” singer has been in a serious twerk phase for a while — and she’s putting in the work…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Duggar Pants Scandal: Has Jinger Been Rocking Jeans For Longer Than We Thought?!

The narrative regarding Jinger Duggar’s decision to wear pants in defiance of her family’s dress code usually goes something like this:

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo, and like a wizard granting freedom to a house elf, he gave her the gift of liberty in the form of an article of clothing.

Jeremy allowed Jinger to wear pants as a sort of public but extremely mild eff-you to her domineering dad.

Or at least that’s the story we’ve been told up to this point.

But perhaps Jinger earned her rebel cred much earlier than anyone thought.

And perhaps she didn’t need the help of a man to assert her independence.

The photo below first appeared on social media in 2017.

But eagle-eyed fans recently noted that it was taken in 2015!

Yes, that’s Jinger wearing pants months before her courtship with Jeremy began.

And second from left? That’s Joy-Anna Duggar — who’s also wearing pants!

Granted, these are snow pants we’re talking about, and the ladies are clearly about to embark on some sort of wilderness expedition.

But for most of their upbringing, the “no pants” rule was inflexible.

Women were forced to wear long skirts at all times, even while playing sports or engaging in other outdoor activities, as evidenced by video in which Joy-Anna lifts weights in a floor-length skirt.

So the revelation that exceptions were made is rather surprising.

The above photo appeared on Jinger’s Instagram page earlier this week.

As you can see, she’s proudly rocking both pants and a sizable baby bump.

Fans have had nothing but praise for both the pic and Jinger’s rebellious spirit:

“I love how she is just always herself and doesn’t conform to others’ orders — for example, the pants. #strong #blessed, ” one fan wrote on Instagram. 

“You look so beautiful, @jingervuolo — even in your pants. I’m glad to see that you’re being the person I always knew you would grow up to be, your own person,” commented another.

Something tells us Jinger will soon be the most free-spirited mother the Duggar clan has ever seen.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

NBA"s Larry Nance Jr. Gets Married In Yeezys and Lululemon Pants

Talk about a low key wedding … Cleveland Cavs player Larry Nance Jr. got married at a Colorado courthouse Tuesday and the dress code was as casual as it gets — Yeezy shoes and Lululemon pants!  There’s a story here … the 25-year-old NBA…


Saturday, March 31, 2018

JuJu Smith-Schuster Trades Pants with TMZ Photog to Get into Restaurant

JuJu Smith-Schuster may be one of the best rookies in the NFL, but that’s not enough to get him into a fancy restaurant when he’s rockin’ sweats, so our photog came to the rescue … for a price. JuJu hit up Mastros in Bev Hills Friday night, but…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Tomi Lahren Sticks a Gun In Her Yoga Pants, Mocks March For Our Lives

Over the weekend, millions gathered in cities all over the country to demand that legislators act quickly to increase gun control regulations.

The move came in response not only to the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, but also as a reaction to the ongoing gun violence epidemic that’s claimed thousands of lives and shows no signs of letting up.

These were people who gathered out of compassion, concern for our nations youth, and a sincere desire for change.

So naturally, whiny Millennial snowflake and noted dog kicker Tomi Lahren was quick to sh-t on the event with her trademark blend of bitterness and idiocy:

“Simply being anti-NRA is not a solution. March FOR something, not just against everything,” Lahren tweeted about an event that was literally called March For Our Lives.

“It’s a shame schools don’t teach the U.S. Constitution anymore. Appreciation for our 2A is lost when history is forgotten and ignored in favor of ‘feelings’ 101,” Tawny Larynx added.

She went on to really grasp at straws, remnding protesters that millions of Americans are heavily armed, which were pretty sure was the point of the protest.

“Do you realize millions of your FELLOW AMERICANS are members of the NRA?” Tormund tweeted, demonstrating once and for all that ignorance isn’t always blissful – sometimes it’s characterized by seeting rage.

“Disarming the citizenry is the first step to oppression and tyranny. Kids, I suggest you crack open the history book and learn this pattern,” said Tammy, apparently seeing nothing wrong with issuing a smug lecture to children who fear for their lives.

It’s rants like this that have made the far-right commentator such an easy target for her critics, many of whom delight in calling Timebomb by the wrong name.

But this time, it wasn’t just Tone-Loc’s ill-advised insights that had Twitter in an uproar.

Behold, the open-carry yoga ensemble:

For obvious reasons, the internet has delighted in roasting Toni over her “vagina gun.”

Lawrence posted the above photo on Instagram in order to shill for a company that sells leggings equipped with holsters: 

“Live. Speak. Stand. Run. Carry with Confidence,” Tonsil captioned the pic.

“Ladies, chances are your assailant is gonna be bigger, stronger and faster and that’s why you have @alexoathletica for your gun, your mace, or even your phone. Yeah, you’ve got it covered.”

Yes, this is a real product, and yes, Twutter had an absolute field day with the absurdity of the situation.

“Breaking News: Tomi Lahren rushed to hospital after trying to do Downward Facing Dog with gun in her yoga pants,” wrote one user.

“I admire Tomi’s earnest but ultimately misguided commitment to bringing Freud’s penis envy theorem back into style,” commented another.

“I get it, Tomi. I too, can never fully relax at yoga class unless I have a gun pointed at my crotch,”

You get the idea.

We could literally re-post these all day, but hopefully Tampax has learned her lesson by now.

Shell never get re-hired by Glenn Beck if he has to worry about her bringing her crotch Glock to work.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jill Duggar Sticks It to Jim Bob, Wears Pants on Facebook

Jill Duggar is many things – a daughter, a wife, a mother, a reality star, but until recently, no one would’ve described her as a rebel.

That all changed when the world laid eyes on Jill wearing pants.

Yes, like Jinger before her, Jill has taken to flouting her family’s strict dress code by eschewing floor-length skirts in favor of the devil’s denim.

And in some ways, she’s being even bolder in her defiance than her trailblazing sister ever was.

First, fans were stunned to see Jill wearing pants while addressing a group of female students.

Now, she’s sporting Levi’s in an environment that might be even more conservative than a Christian middle school.

We’re talking, of course, about Facebook:

Yes, in a new video posted by Jill and her husband, Derick Dillard, the mother of two can be seen playing with her kids while sporting a pair of jeans.

Obviously, that’s the attire that makes the most sense for sitting on the floor, but since when do the Duggars worry about logic?

Based on the comments, fans seemed surprised but were mostly supportive of Jill’s attire.

“I get so happy every time I see one of these girls wear pants. Modesty can still be represented in something other than a skirt,” wrote fan, adding:

“I know I shouldn’t focus on that particular aspect of their attire, but…Yay for ya’ll!”

“I am glad they can wear and truly do as they please. It shows JimBob is not the control freak haters want to insist he is,” another commenter remarked.

In a way, it proves the opposite of that, since none of the women began wearing pants until they were out from under Jim Bob’s authority – but we digress.

So will the Duggar sisters be engaging in any additional acts of sartorial insurrection?

We wouldn’t count on it.

Skirts are apparently the most flexible aspect of the Duggar dress code, which was outlined by the girls in themselves in their 2014 memoir Growing Up Duggar.

“We avoid low-cut, cleavage-showing, gaping, or bare-shouldered tops; and when needed, we were an undershirt. We try to make it a habit to always cover the top of our shirt with our hand when we bend over,” the sisters wrote.

“We don’t want to play the peek-a-boo game with our neckline.”

In other words – jeans are probably about as rebellious as the Duggar sisters will be getting … for now, at least.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Prince Memorabilia Auction Features Purple Piano, Boots, Pants and Purple Rain Tour Microphone

Prince’s zest for purple flair will be showcased during an auction offering up incredible items from the legendary musician’s life … but you’ll have to bid big to take any home. The Prince Memorabilia auction begins online next week and features…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Derick Dillard Sounds Off: All Women Should Be Allowed to Wear Pants!

The Duggar family is nothing if not resistant to change, but it appears that even the controversial Counting On clan is beginning to make minor concessions to the forces of social justice and women’s rights.

Of course, it’s important to note that when we say “minor concessions,” we’re talking very minor concessions.

Like, “women are allowed to wear pants” minor.

Yes, as you may have heard, the Duggar women wear pants now.

It all started with Jinger Duggar, who wore pants in an Instagram photo last year, thus sigling to her oppressed sisters that it was time to break free of their floor-length denim shackles and free the knees.

And to their credit, some of her siblings have followed suit.

These days, both Jessa and Jill Duggar wear pants on a regular basis.

In fact, Jill wore pants for a speaking engagement at a school this week!

A woman wearing pants in front of a children!

There was a time when the such a sight would have Michelle Duggar looking for the nearest fainting couch and Jim Bob attempting to beat the image out of his head with the family Bible.

These days, however, the Duggars are a lot more relaxed–chill, you might even say–about allowing women the basic human right to wear comfortable clothing.

Those who are familiar with the family’s belief system say that the reason Jinger, Jessa, and Jill are allowed to wear pants is because they’re married, and their husbands allow them to dress that way.

That’s been the accepted narrative for so long now that fans were a bit surprised to hear Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, refute it today.

Of course, Derick only expressed these views after being called out as a patriarchal egomaniac on Twitter.

“Here’s your ‘oxymoron,’ Derick. It’s sad but true that well-behaved women rarely make history, but isn’t that what you want and teach the women who follow your cult?” wrote the user.

“No, I don’t believe or teach that…The Bible says nothing about wearing skirts or having a certain [hairstyle] to be saved,” Derick shot back.

So wait … the Duggar dress code isn’t a real thing?

Why didn’t anyone tell us this years ago?!

Oh, wait, they did and they totally confirmed that it’s a real thing.

Watch Counting On online for mor mixed messages from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Jill Duggar Stuns Fans, Wears PANTS to Speak at School!

Back in July of 2017, Jinger Duggar stunned fans of her family by wearing pants in an Instagram photo.

Up to that point, Duggar women of Jinger’s generation had exclusively worn long skirts, and the pants pic was widely viewed as an act of defiance.

To the chagrin of Jim Bob and the utter joy of many Duggar fans, Jinger sparked a rebellion–and started a trend.

Not long after her sister posted the photo, Jill Duggar began wearing pants, and once again, fans rejoiced.

Jill was the first of her sisters to marry and have kids of her own.

She’s often regarded as the spitting image of her mother, a doting wife and dedicated stay-at-home mom who lives to cater to her family’s needs and obey her husband.

So when Jill tossed the family dress code in the trash, it served as an indication that the new rules are here to stay.

And a new photo of the 26-year-old that appeared on her husband’s Instagram page this week might send the strongest message yet:

Derick Dillard posted the above photo, along with a caption reading:

“My beautiful wife speaking to a group of young ladies at a school today about God-centered relationships!”

Jill has been wearing pants in public for several months, but the fact that she neglected her family’s well-known dress code in an environment such as a school speaking engagement is being viewed by many as a bold rejection of her strict upbringing.

As In Touch Weekly points out, the response from fans has been ecstatically supportive.

“Yesss with the pants free the legs ladies!” commented one fan.

“Omgggggggg I am deceased. It’s not even a super long shirt!!!” wrote another.

“They have finally realized they can have their own freedoms. You can be modest and still wear pants. Clearly shown,” said a third Instagram follower. 

Jill and her sisters are still stuck in a bygone era in the sense that they strictly adhere to rules set by their husbands, but fortunately, the new men in their lives are far more lenient than their father.

Derick might not be as progressive as Jinger’s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, but it seems he’s come around to the idea that there’s nothing blasphemous about a pair of pants.

It’s a minor step forward, but it represents a whole new world of freedom for the Duggar women.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Jinger Duggar in Pants: New Fashion Icon?

With each passing day, Duggar fans grow louder in demanding a Jinger Duggar pregnancy announcement. We don’t know when it will come. Some fans don’t know if it will come.

In the mean time, Jinger still wears pants with her husband’s blessing, as you’ll see in two new photos below. This time, though, her fashion choices caused fans to ask some questions.

And who better to talk women’s fashion than … Jeremy Vuolo?

Jinger Duggar, as a family “rebel,” continues to be a little divisive among Duggar fans.

Most conservative Christian families would be delighted at a woman who gets married right away to a conservative Christian man — without having premarital sex or any of the other, you know, things that most humans do.

And sure, plenty of Duggar fans applaud Jinger for getting a husband who has a few theological differences with her father …

(Of course, one of those differences is that Jeremy Vuolo thinks that the fundamentalist Duggars aren’t harsh enough against gay people, which … is a pretty extreme view)

… and who allows her to wear pants.

Other Duggar fans, however, continue to freak out whenever they see her wearing the devil’s leggings or whatever they think that pants are.

Jeremy Vuolo shared this photo of Jinger — again wearing pants, and included the caption:

“Standing outside Tenth Presbyterian Church where the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice pastored for 32 years. He was a remarkable gift to the church as a whole and is one of my and @jingervuolo’s favorite authors.”

Boice was a conservative theologian noted for his devotion to the Christian concept of Biblical Inerrancy.

Fans were less curious about dead religious thinkers and more about Jinger’s shoes.

Fan comments were, though harmless compared to some of the hate that Duggars get on social media, definitely fashion-oriented.

“Those shoes are giving me life! I need them in my life!”

(Kind of weird to see phrasing by Duggar fans that you’d expect to hear on, like, RuPaul’s Drag Race)

“What kind of shoes does she have on?”

It was Jeremy Vuolo who responded, lending his fashion expertise to identify the shoes as “Converse Chuck’s wedges.”

(For those interested, the full name of the shoes is Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Lux Wedge Sneakers, which is a ridiculously long name for a line of sneakers)

Odd to hear anyone looking to a Duggar daughter as a fashion icon or trendsetter though.

Under this photo, Jeremy Vuolo used a quote for his caption:

“‘A true wife is the husband’s better half, his flower of beauty, and his heart’s treasure. In her company he finds his earthly heaven; she is the light of his home, the comfort of his soul.’ ~ C.H. Spurgeon”

Spurgeon was an 18th Century conservative theologian. He was a diehard Baptist who was also a noted abolitionist.

Comments here were also less interested in religious doctrine or quotes about marriage, and instead commented on Jinger’s choice of clothing:

“OMG they let her wear jeans.”

(The “they” is literally just Jeremy Vuolo … we’ll get to that in a moment)

“Omg Jinger you are STUNNING!” another fan wrote. “Those jeans look so nice on you!”

That second compliment was a nice way of addressing the jeans-wearing without sounding ignorant.

The first … well, if you keep up with the Duggar daughters on their adventures in adulthood, it can be frustrating to read comments from people who think that Jim Bob’s allowing this.

Under the particular brand of Christian fundamentalism to which Jim Bob adheres, his daughters may not wear pants … until they are married off, at which point they are effectively the property of their husbands and their husbands can make those kinds of choices.

Jeremy Vuolo has stated that he doesn’t believe that Jesus saves people to make them wear skirts, which sounds like sound theological reasoning to us.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Jinger Duggar: I"m Wearing Pants & I"m Still Not Pregnant!

Birthdays in the Duggar family are not like birthdays elsewhere in civilized society.

As we learned from Jordyn Duggar’s birthday earlier this week, the Duggars even have their own Jesus-centric birthday song, because of course they do.

But Jinger Duggar isn’t like the rest of her siblings, a fact that she reminded us of again this week.

The fan favorite and resident rebel turned 24 this week, and she marked the occasion with activities that we don’t commonly associate with Duggar women–namely, wearing pants and not being pregnant.

Yes, Jinger wearing pants is nothing new at this point, but all the same, there are Duggar obsessives who go full-Carrie’s mom every time they see her sporting her blasphemous leg wear.

As for the fact that Jinger still isn’t pregnant after more than a year of marrige, well … she’s responding to fan curiosity on that score in the most rebellious and admirable way possible:

She’s simply refusing to answer any questions about the situation.

It’s one of the many ways in which Jinger gives us hope for this family’s future.

Jinge’s husband Jeremy Vuolo posted the above photo of his pants-clad wite to celebrate her big day.

“Happy Birthday to this pretty lady. God has blessed her with twenty-four years of life today and I’ve had the privilege of spending one of those years at her side as her husband,” he captioned the image.

“May God be pleased to grant her many more.”

Nice try, Jeremy, but clearly the devilry here knows no bounds.

First, what sort of structure is Jinger seated in?

Certainly doesn’t look like any church we’ve ever seen.

Also, are those rose pedals on the ground?

Rose pedals belong in romance novels in which Fabio beds some sort of lonely sea wench, not in Duggar birthday photos.

And don’t get us started on the jeans and barren uterus!

We kid, of course.

Jinger’s birthday photo as almost as inoffensive as humanly possible, but the Duggars are playing a different game than the rest of us.

In their eyes, not only is Jinger angering Jesus by wearing comfortable clothing, she’s thumbing her nose at the family business by refusing to get knocked up.

She’s not the hero her siblings deserve … but she’s the hero they need.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Jinger Duggar Rocking Pants, Hiding Baby Bump on Instagram?!

Ever since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, fans have been eagerly awaiting an announcement that the newlyweds are expecting their first child.

More than a year later, however, there’s still no official word on the matter.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped fans from combing through the couple’s social media posts in search of clues.

The Vuolos latest pics show them enjoying the unexpected snowfall in Laredo, Texas over the weekend.

While the focus of the photos is meant to be the weather, fans have mostly zeroed in on two other details:

For one thing, Jinger is wearing pants, thus still defying the strict dress code under which she was raised.

Even more than her legwear, however, followers are obsessed with what they believe is the first official glimpse of Jinger’s baby bump.

Granted, this isn’t the first time that Duggar fans have claimed to have spotted a sure sign that Jinger is expecting, but a video posted by Jeremy offers the most compelling evidence yet:

Jeremy captioned the clip, “The weather outside is frightful.”

But again, it’s not the weather that’s caught fans’ attention.

As you can see, Jinger seems to be moving … well, gingerly.

She also appears to be protecting her midsection, and at one point she rubs her belly.

Sure, she’s not wearing a t-shirt that says, “Baby on Board,” but at this point, fans will take whatever “evidence” they can find.

Even the fact that Jinger is wearing sweatpants is being cited as proof that she’s expecting.

Jinger has been wearing pants and even shorts for several months now, but they’re usually more stylish and form-fitting than the sweatpants she sported this week.

The style decision may simply be a response to the weather, but don’t tell that to the hundreds of fans who are basically taking these posts as a pregnancy announcement.

At this point, if and when Jinger does reveal that she’s got a bun in the oven, the reveal will almost feel anti-climactic.


Watch Counting On online to relive Jinge and Jer’s road to the altar.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer Accused of Sex Toy Gifting, Pants Dropping, & More...

A lot of powerful men have been accused of some vile things in recent weeks, but Matt Lauer getting fired over sexual misconduct is still a major story. Maybe the major story.

Though we heard that the firing was the result of accusations of sexual assault at the Sochi Winter Olympics, we haven’t heard many details of the alleged bad behavior.

Until now, that is, because we have details on the accusations against him.

The unfortunate nature of these kinds of things — a man whom NBC valued enough to pay $ 25 million per year — is that the first accusation is seldom the last.

In one form or another, Matt Lauer has been a Today anchor for about 25 years — initially acting as an occasional substitute anchor before taking on the role in a full-time capacity in 1994.

He has had a very, very long time to perpetrate alleged acts of sexual misconduct. His list of accusers has only just now begun to grow.

As we have discussed many times before, there are a number of pressures — social and societal, but also professional and financial — that can act to keep women from coming forward when they are sexually harassed or assaulted.

In some cases, it’s an organized effort — blackmail, or threats of lawsuits or professional retaliation. In other cases, it’s simply the fear of those and how society might respond.

Compounding those problems is the fact that, in many cases, women with these experiences don’t initially realize that they’re part of a pattern. It’s easy to believe that you’re someone’s only victim. That can also lead survivors to blame themselves.

There’s still so much that we don’t know about Matt Lauer, including the pattern of inappropriate behavior that apparently began at the Sochi Olympics and resulted in his firing.

But we do have these bits of new information, from three different women. And there’s more.

Variety reports that they have been working, very quietly, on a story about Matt Lauer.

They report on three different accusations, each confirmed with witnesses who were told in the immediate aftermath, from three women:

“As the co-host of NBC’s Today, Matt Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.”

We’ll go over these in a moment, but that allegation alone makes us wildly uncomfortable.

“On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act.”

Do you know where penises belong in the workplace? Inside of the penis-owner’s pants. Ideally, also enclosed within underwear.

There are very few workplace environments where an exposed penis is appropriate. And you would be really, really sure if you worked in one.

A third example of his alleged behavior comes up:

“He would sometimes quiz female producers about who they’d slept with, offering to trade names. And he loved to engage in a crass quiz game with men and women in the office: ‘f—, marry, or kill,’ in which he would identify the female co-hosts that he’d most like to sleep with.”

Okay, so let’s go over these.

First, you might be thinking that sex toys are appropriate gifts. Sure, in a few cases, they might be — between close friends or lovers or a very small number of other relationships.

Do not buy one for your coworker unless you are dating or it is on their Amazon list.

And absolutely do not include a note about how you’d like to use it on them. That escalates things from “wow, what an inappropriate gift” to “I need an adult.”

Again, in most jobs, your coworkers should not have even the slightest clue what your genitals look like. Not from photos that you send them and not from “wardrobe malfunctions” around the office.

For all that they know, you might just have a swarm of bees down there. Do not correct them, verbally or visually.

Now, “marry, f–k, kill” might be a cute game to play about Game of Thrones characters or maybe even some celebrities, but playing it with coworkers does not contribute to a positive work environment.

In the best case scenario, in which maybe everyone is totally fine with hypothetically banging and/or marrying everyone else, you’re still going to have to declare that you’d “kill” one-third of your coworkers.

Unfortunately, those three accusations were not the end of what we’ve heard.

Variety‘s report continues:

“Despite being married, Lauer was fixated on women, especially their bodies and looks, according to more than 10 accounts from current and former employees. He was known for making lewd comments verbally or over text messages.”

Ten different employees! And yes, there are specifics:

“He once made a suggestive reference to a colleague’s performance in bed and compared it to how she was able to complete her job, according to witnesses to the exchange. For Lauer, work and sex were intertwined.”

One former producer who alleged that they had first-hand knowledge of Lauer’s bad behavior said:

““There were a lot of consensual relationships, but that’s still a problem because of the power he held.”

This is why you shouldn’t ask out people at work, folks. Saying “yes” to someone who could end your career isn’t always a choice.

That former producer continued:

“He couldn’t sleep around town with celebrities or on the road with random people, because he’s Matt Lauer and he’s married. So he’d have to do it within his stable, where he exerted power, and he knew people wouldn’t ever complain.”

Do you want some more creepy details? Because Variety has them:

“His office was in a secluded space, and he had a button under his desk that allowed him to lock his door from the inside without getting up. This afforded him the assurance of privacy.”

We all like privacy, even at work, but if a strict knock first rule isn’t enough and you so regularly have to lock your door that you’d rather just have a desk button … you’re probably doing things at work that you should not.

“It allowed him to welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him, according to two women who were sexually harassed by Lauer.”

Variety goes on to describe how, according to multiple witnesses, Matt Lauer would invite young and ambitious women to his hotel room while traveling for NBC, particularly for the Olympics.

In at least one case, he apparently simply asked a woman to bring him a pillow. 

All of these allegations are gross. Because abuse of power, hypocrisy, and sexual harassment are always, always disgusting and disturbing.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Jessa Duggar: Spotted Wearing Pants!

After years of oppression, downtrodden women in are banding together to take back the rights and freedoms that were stolen from them by abusive and powerful.

And it looks like the shock waves of the historic movement are being felt as far from Hollywood as Tontitown, Arkansas.

Or maybe we’re just being too dramatic about pants.

Yes, if you’re a fan of the Duggars, then you know Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters have been taking a very literal approach to answering the question of who wears the pants in the family.

It all began when Jinger Duggar wore pants in a photo that was posted to Instagram back in March.

Fans were stunned by the brazen defiance of her family’s dress code, and for months, it looked like Jinger would be alone in her rebellion.

But then, earlier this week, something incredible happened.

Jinger’s older sister, the staunchly conservative Jill Duggar, also wore pants in a photo that made the rounds on social media.

And now, a third Duggar may have joined the fight against floor-length denim skirts:

That’s an image that was posted on Reddit this week and has since been making its around social media.

Some fans believe it shows Jessa Duggar wearing pants while walking in front of her husband, Ben Seewald.

Others beg to differ, pointing out that it’s nearly impossible to determine if that’s actually Jessa, and arguing that even if it is, she’s not necessarily wearing pants.

“I agree with everyone who is saying it looks like leggings under a skirt. However, if it is Jessa, it is still a departure from her family’s modesty standards. That skirt is way shorter than knee length,” wrote one commenter.

“The skirt doesn’t even reach halfway down her thighs. Her knees are definitely showing through the jeans/leggings,” remarked another.

Short of Jessa publicly revealing that it’s really her in the photo, we’ll probably never know for sure.

But it’s worth noting it wasn’t all that long ago that we would’ve immediately dismissed the possibility of a Duggar woman wearing pants in public.

These days, thousands of fans are actually considering the possibility that Jessa might have walked around a city in something resembling pants.

Sometimes, even the most long-overdue progress takes place at a glacial pace.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Jill Duggar Wears Pants In Public For First Time EVER!

The Duggar family has faced down just about every kind of scandal imaginable over the past few years, but we don’t think anyone could’ve predicted their latest controversy.

It all started back in March, when Jinger Duggar wore pants in a photo posted on her Instagram page.

If you’re only passingly familiar with Jinger’s family, you might be wondering what the big deal is.

The Duggars have strict rules about … well, about everything, really, but they’re particularly uncompromising when it comes to their dress code.

According to rules devised by parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, women are to wear long skirts or dresses at all times, even when playing in sports or engaging in other physical activities.

So Jinger wearing shorts, pants, and above-the-knee skirts is more than just a fashion statement–it’s an act of rebellion.

Jim Bob and Michelle had no choice but to accept her decision, as once Duggar women are married off, it’s their husbands, not their  parents who decide what they’re allowed to wear.

For months, it looked like Jinger would be alone in freeing her legs from their floor-length denim shackles, but now, Jim Bob and Michelle’s worst fears seem to be coming true:

Yes, Jinger’s older sister Jill Duggar is wearing pants, too.

Again, the decision to wear pants might not seem like an earth-shattering act of defiance.

In fact, putting on pants one leg at a time is such a commonplace activity that it’s become an idiomatic expression used to convey normalcy.

But imagine engaging in that activity for the first time as a 26-year-old mother of two.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, no one in the Duggar clan has been more devoted to the family’s code of conduct than Jill.

As the first of her sisters to marry and start a family, Jill seemed to believe it was her responsibility to set an example by carrying on her parents’ ideals.

She’s spoken proudly of her family’s belief in “modest dress” and has gone to great pains to adhere to Jim Bob and Michelle’s guidelines.

When Jill worked as a volunteer firefighter, she even went so far as to modify her uniform, altering the pants into a sort of flame-retardant skirt.

Technically, the Duggar women are within the parameters of the family dress code if they keep the area from their neck to their knees covered, so as not to inspire any impure thoughts in the men in their lives.

But the floor-length skirt has long served as a symbol of female subservience and commitment to traditional gender roles for Jill and her sisters.

So opting for a pair of Levi’s is a simple act that sends an unmistakable message.

Sources close to the family say Jim Bob has been butting heads with his sons-in-law over their more progressive views, and he’s likely to take Jill’s decision to wear pants as another sign that he’s fighting a losing battle.

Jill was no doubt aware of how her latest pic would be interpreted before she posted it, which is why Jim Bob’s many detractors are singing her praises today.

Like taking a knee before a football game, sometimes a move as seemingly simple as wearing a pair of pants can serve as a powerful act of protest.

Watch Counting On online for more reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Jeremy Vuolo Drives Duggar Fans WILD With Tight Pants!

You have to see this “sexy” photo of Jeremy Vuolo that has Duggar fans losing their minds.

But you’ll need to decide for yourself whether he really looks as dreamy as they say …

… Or if all of this thirsting says more about Duggar fans than it does about Jinger’s husband.

Last winter, Jinger Duggar started wearing pants. The Duggars are famous for forcing their women to wear skirts, lest their sinful leg-shapes ensorcell a man to lustful thoughts.

It was with the permission of her lord husband (or whatever), Jeremy Vuolo.

In the particular vein of extreme Christian fundamentalist that runs (and ruins) the lives of the Duggars, women are the property of their fathers until they are married off, when their husbands take the reins.

And Jinger’s gone so far as to wear ripped jeans, sending Duggar fans into a state of shock.

Though the cold weather of Laredo, Texas has been brought up as an “excuse” for her devilish new wardrobe, Jeremy Vuolo’s theological beliefs are what allows it.

“Jesus does not save people to make them wear skirts,” he has stated in the past.

Of course, Jinger isn’t the only one who dresses for the weather in Laredo. And she’s clearly not the only one in her marriage wearing pants.

But it’s Jeremy Vuolo’s “tight” pants that seem to be driving Duggar fans into lustful fits.

Jeremy Vuolo definitely looks stylish here.

We don’t know that we’d call these pants anything similar to skinny jeans, but they look like they actually fit him.

A lot of Duggar men wear “dad jeans” that don’t fit so well or flatter the wearer.

(We guess that dressing in an appealing way is some kind of unforgivable sin — unlike Josh Duggar’s child molestation, which they seem to consider a forgivable slip-up)

While current temperatures in Laredo, Texas are in the 60s and 50s, which is hardly “cold” to most people who aren’t senior citizens and wouldn’t strike everyone as jacket weather, Jeremy looks all dressed for winter.

A normal response is “wow, this guy looks stylish,” possibly mixed in with “too bad he thinks that the Duggars aren’t anti-LGBT enough.”

Duggar fans, however, have been commenting under Jinger and Jeremy’s shared Instagram account (have we mentioned how weird joint marital accounts are? don’t do that, guys) and under this photo.

And they are heaping praise on “sexy” Mr. Vuolo.

The comments range from politely complimentary to thirstily direct. Take a look at some real comments that some real people wrote:

“Jinger got the best catch of all the married sisters.”

“Sexy man, I would I could find a husband like that.”

“That’s a Dapper Dan right there!!”

“Very dapper. Jing is a lucky lady.”

“Great photo of a handsome guy styled perfectly by his sweet wife!”

“Jeremy be stylin”

“Your husband looks like a model. You two are very handsome couple”

“Love the outfit so handsome”

“Your husband is hot”

“Your husband is such a stud”

“Love his style! It’s so classy and handsome! Wish this [were] the ‘norm’ again!”

We’re not sure what that last comment means — this is a normal outfit (for colder weather, anyway), not a throwback to the wardrobe of yesteryear.

But a lot of Duggar fans are the very specific sort of conservatives who like to wax nostalgic about an “idealized” past that never really existed.

We doubt that any of the Duggars set out to be fashion icons, but Jeremy Vuolo is looking stylish here.

That doesn’t mean that we share his values or think that he’s a good person. But hey, credit where credit is due. It’s a good look.

We would love to know what Jim Bob Duggar thinks of such a “flashy” outfit, though.
