Showing posts with label DROPPING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DROPPING. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ariana Grande I"m Dropping "7 Rings" ... But My Friends Got 7 Rings Too!!!

Ariana Grande‘s “7 Rings” drops Friday … and we’re told Ariana and Co. expect the song will become an anthem for female empowerment … with more than a mention of retail therapy as a cure for breakups.
Sources involved in the recording say “7...
Ariana Grande I"m Dropping "7 Rings" ... But My Friends Got 7 Rings Too!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

2 Chainz Dropping a Fortune on Wedding at Versace Mansion

2 Chainz is spending some big bank on his weekend wedding in Miami … and he’s got some big names on the guest list, too. The rapper and his fiancee, Kesha Ward, are tying the knot Saturday at the famed Gianni Versace Mansion … aka the Villa Casa…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

LeBron James Dropping $75k a Week on Anguilla Beach Mansion

While LeBron James decides where he’s playing next season, he’s been balling out in his own private mansion in Anguilla … at a place that runs $ 75 GRAND a week!!   TMZ Sports has learned … the Cavs superstar (for now, at least) is…


LeBron James Dropping $75k a Week on Anguilla Beach Mansion

While LeBron James decides where he’s playing next season, he’s been balling out in his own private mansion in Anguilla … at a place that runs $ 75 GRAND a week!!   TMZ Sports has learned … the Cavs superstar (for now, at least) is…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Jeremy Meeks Is Already Dropping Dough On Baby Boy Gear

Hot felon Jeremy Meeks and his billionaire heiress gf, Chloe Green, were already shopping for baby gear in mid-February and the signs point to them having a boy. Sources tell us Jeremy and Chloe hit up Bev Hills baby boutique, Petit Tresor, a month…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian"s NOT Dropping Baby Name Hints with Louis Vuitton Posts

The name of Kim and Kanye’s third child remains a mystery but, despite juicy Internet speculation, it has NOTHING to do with Louis Vuitton. We’re told Kim’s Instagram post of the iconic Louis Vuitton print Wednesday that whipped fans into a frenzy…


Friday, January 5, 2018

YouTuber Jake Paul Dropping Freestyle Rap, N-Word Included

Disney Channel star Jake Paul, Logan’s little brother, is pretty comfortable using the n-word — he dropped it at least twice during a freestyle rap. TMZ obtained this video of the “Bizaardvark” star hanging with friends late at night near…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer Accused of Sex Toy Gifting, Pants Dropping, & More...

A lot of powerful men have been accused of some vile things in recent weeks, but Matt Lauer getting fired over sexual misconduct is still a major story. Maybe the major story.

Though we heard that the firing was the result of accusations of sexual assault at the Sochi Winter Olympics, we haven’t heard many details of the alleged bad behavior.

Until now, that is, because we have details on the accusations against him.

The unfortunate nature of these kinds of things — a man whom NBC valued enough to pay $ 25 million per year — is that the first accusation is seldom the last.

In one form or another, Matt Lauer has been a Today anchor for about 25 years — initially acting as an occasional substitute anchor before taking on the role in a full-time capacity in 1994.

He has had a very, very long time to perpetrate alleged acts of sexual misconduct. His list of accusers has only just now begun to grow.

As we have discussed many times before, there are a number of pressures — social and societal, but also professional and financial — that can act to keep women from coming forward when they are sexually harassed or assaulted.

In some cases, it’s an organized effort — blackmail, or threats of lawsuits or professional retaliation. In other cases, it’s simply the fear of those and how society might respond.

Compounding those problems is the fact that, in many cases, women with these experiences don’t initially realize that they’re part of a pattern. It’s easy to believe that you’re someone’s only victim. That can also lead survivors to blame themselves.

There’s still so much that we don’t know about Matt Lauer, including the pattern of inappropriate behavior that apparently began at the Sochi Olympics and resulted in his firing.

But we do have these bits of new information, from three different women. And there’s more.

Variety reports that they have been working, very quietly, on a story about Matt Lauer.

They report on three different accusations, each confirmed with witnesses who were told in the immediate aftermath, from three women:

“As the co-host of NBC’s Today, Matt Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.”

We’ll go over these in a moment, but that allegation alone makes us wildly uncomfortable.

“On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act.”

Do you know where penises belong in the workplace? Inside of the penis-owner’s pants. Ideally, also enclosed within underwear.

There are very few workplace environments where an exposed penis is appropriate. And you would be really, really sure if you worked in one.

A third example of his alleged behavior comes up:

“He would sometimes quiz female producers about who they’d slept with, offering to trade names. And he loved to engage in a crass quiz game with men and women in the office: ‘f—, marry, or kill,’ in which he would identify the female co-hosts that he’d most like to sleep with.”

Okay, so let’s go over these.

First, you might be thinking that sex toys are appropriate gifts. Sure, in a few cases, they might be — between close friends or lovers or a very small number of other relationships.

Do not buy one for your coworker unless you are dating or it is on their Amazon list.

And absolutely do not include a note about how you’d like to use it on them. That escalates things from “wow, what an inappropriate gift” to “I need an adult.”

Again, in most jobs, your coworkers should not have even the slightest clue what your genitals look like. Not from photos that you send them and not from “wardrobe malfunctions” around the office.

For all that they know, you might just have a swarm of bees down there. Do not correct them, verbally or visually.

Now, “marry, f–k, kill” might be a cute game to play about Game of Thrones characters or maybe even some celebrities, but playing it with coworkers does not contribute to a positive work environment.

In the best case scenario, in which maybe everyone is totally fine with hypothetically banging and/or marrying everyone else, you’re still going to have to declare that you’d “kill” one-third of your coworkers.

Unfortunately, those three accusations were not the end of what we’ve heard.

Variety‘s report continues:

“Despite being married, Lauer was fixated on women, especially their bodies and looks, according to more than 10 accounts from current and former employees. He was known for making lewd comments verbally or over text messages.”

Ten different employees! And yes, there are specifics:

“He once made a suggestive reference to a colleague’s performance in bed and compared it to how she was able to complete her job, according to witnesses to the exchange. For Lauer, work and sex were intertwined.”

One former producer who alleged that they had first-hand knowledge of Lauer’s bad behavior said:

““There were a lot of consensual relationships, but that’s still a problem because of the power he held.”

This is why you shouldn’t ask out people at work, folks. Saying “yes” to someone who could end your career isn’t always a choice.

That former producer continued:

“He couldn’t sleep around town with celebrities or on the road with random people, because he’s Matt Lauer and he’s married. So he’d have to do it within his stable, where he exerted power, and he knew people wouldn’t ever complain.”

Do you want some more creepy details? Because Variety has them:

“His office was in a secluded space, and he had a button under his desk that allowed him to lock his door from the inside without getting up. This afforded him the assurance of privacy.”

We all like privacy, even at work, but if a strict knock first rule isn’t enough and you so regularly have to lock your door that you’d rather just have a desk button … you’re probably doing things at work that you should not.

“It allowed him to welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him, according to two women who were sexually harassed by Lauer.”

Variety goes on to describe how, according to multiple witnesses, Matt Lauer would invite young and ambitious women to his hotel room while traveling for NBC, particularly for the Olympics.

In at least one case, he apparently simply asked a woman to bring him a pillow. 

All of these allegations are gross. Because abuse of power, hypocrisy, and sexual harassment are always, always disgusting and disturbing.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Kylie Jenner is Dropping a Fortune on Baby Clothes

Kylie Jenner’s on a mission to outfit her daughter in the swaggiest baby gear money can buy — as in $ 70,000 — and she’s done most of it behind closed doors.   Sources close to Jenner tell TMZ the mom-to-be has made online baby shopping a…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ed Skrein: Praised for Dropping Hellboy Role Over Whitewashing Controversy

Ed Skrein isn’t some big A-List actor. He’s best known as the bad guy from Deadpool, or maybe as the first, hotter Daario Naharis from Game of Thrones.

But he just made a major power move that world famous actors like Tilda Swinton and Scarlett Johansson haven’t dared to do, earning serious praise in the process.

To do that, though, Ed had to drop out of a major career opportunity.

For years, millions of fans have been frustrated that studios haven’t allowed Guillermo del Toro to create any more Hellboy films.

The cult favorite film series starring Ron Pearlman had two films, but the third always seemed out of reach.

Finally, it was announced — to everyone’s collective disappointment — that Guillermo del Toro would not get to continue that series.

Fans responded by protesting it online.

Guillermo responded, it seems, by creating The Shape of Water, a film that fans were quick to point out strongly resembles a (legally distinct) origin story for favored Hellboy character, Abe Sapien.

(Did you see the trailer about the mute girl who wnats to bang something that looks like the creature from the Black Lagoon? That’s the one)

However, it was then announced that they were going to reboot the Hellboy trilogy, which — despite a lack of involvement by either Guillermo or Pearlman, was met with excitement for fans of the original films and also of the comics that preceded them.

The first real bit of bad news about these films came when Ed Skrein was cast. He’s great, but … he was cast as a character named Ben Daimio.

Ed Skrein is white.

The character of Ben Daimio is a Japanese-American.

(In fact, if I remember my teenage weeaboo phase correctly, “daimio” phonetically sounds like the word for a feudal-era Japanese lord, though don’t quote me on that)

Whitewashing in Hollywood should be a thing of the past, but recently it has seemed to be out of control.

From Tilda Swinton being cast as the Tibetan character of The Ancient One in Doctor Strange to Scarlett Johansson playing the decidedly Japanese protagonist of Ghost in the Shell (which flopped, at least), there seems to be no end to white actors taking representation from people of color.

(And the less said about that abysmal and whitewashed Death Note movie, the better)

Some of the responses to the “Oscars So White” controversy said that maybe people of color just weren’t as good.

That’s … kind of absurd, but we’d ask those people how exactly actors of color can demonstrate their acting skills when they’re not even given the opportunity to portray people of color on screen.

More importantly, there are the fans who mourn losing major representation on the big screen.

Some people can’t relate, but those are the people who grew up always being able to see someone not unlike themselves on screen. They’ve never faced having their identities erased.

Scarlett Johansson, despite making so much money that she could turn down any job, has never seemed to find a problem taking jobs that could or should have gone to someone else.

Ed Skrein, however, is cut from a different cloth.

Ed Skrein took to social media to publicly step down for the role after the backlash.

For one thing, he says that he wasn’t initially aware of the character’s race.

(Remember, the titular character in this franchise is named “Hellboy,” so if you don’t recognize “Daimio” as a Japanese word or name and you’re not already a fan of the series, you just wouldn’t know. We don’t even recall Ben Daimio making it into either of the two original films)

“It is clear that representing this character in a culturally accurate way holds significance for people, and that to neglect this responsibility would continue a worrying tendency to obscure ethnic minority stories and voices in the Arts.”

It’s so good that he’s calling this out so publicly.

“I feel it is important to honor and respect that.”

He is so right.

And he adds a personal note.

“Representation of ethnic diversity is important, especially to me as I have a mixed heritage family.”

Part of his background is Jewish Austrian.

Ultimately, we hope that this will be a net gain for Ed Skrein.

The money and acclaim that he might have garnered for taking on this role will hopefully pale in comparison to what he gains in positive press coverage.

A friend of mine pointed out last night that every time that someone talks about whitewashing for the next few years, they’ll point to Ed Skrein by name as the perfect counterexample to, say, Scarlett Johansson.

And he’s earned no shortage of praise, from fans to other actors.

(Scarlett, in the mean time, has become something of a joke; Rahul Kohli of iZombie once joked that ScarJo was originally cast to play his role)

Possibly the best part of all of this is that the producers behind the new Hellboy trilogy say that they are taking this seriously. We hope to see them cast more appropriately in the future.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mariah Carey Dropping New Hook for French Montana"s "Unforgettable"

French Montana’s hit, “Unforgettable,” is about to be just that — or even more so — now that Mariah Carey is adding her vocals to a remix. TMZ got this clip of the new version, which drops Thursday morning, and Mimi’s taking over the hook.…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Rich the Kid Celebrates Interscope Deal by Dropping Nearly Quarter Million on New Ice

Rich the Kid has lived up to his name after a huge payday from his new record label, so he can afford to crank up his bling game. The rapper hit up NYC Luxury for some fresh ice the day after signing his $ 2.5 million deal with Interscope. We’re…


Rich the Kid Celebrates Interscope Deal by Dropping Nearly Quarter Million on New Ice

Rich the Kid has lived up to his name after a huge payday from his new record label, so he can afford to crank up his bling game. The rapper hit up NYC Luxury for some fresh ice the day after signing his $ 2.5 million deal with Interscope. We’re…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Russell Westbrook Fined $15k For Dropping F-Bomb In Postgame Interview

Russell Westbrook’s potty mouth just cost him $ 15,000 … ‘cause the Thunder superstar just got slapped with a fine for his “I don’t give a f*** about the (stat) line” comment.  You’ve seen the clip … Brodie was asked about his 51-point…


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Super Bowl Celebs Dropping MILLIONS on Crazy Jewelry (VIDEO)

NFL stars, rappers, actors and rich people in general have all reached out to one of Houston’s TOP jewelers to reserve MILLIONS of dollars in bling for Super Bowl weekend … TMZ Sports has learned.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Tennis Star James Blake -- I"m Proud Of Harvard ... For Dropping Hammer On Soccer Team

Tennis star James Blake is PROUD of his alma mater Harvard for taking swift action against the men’s soccer team — saying he’s glad the school didn’t go the Penn State route and try to cover it up.  Harvard’s Dean cancelled the rest of the…


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Heidi Fleiss Black Book Auction ... Dropping A Name a Day




The eBay auction for Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss‘ infamous Black Book is about to gain some huge momentum because the sellers are about to start name dropping some serious names that grace the pages.

We’re told the plan the owner is going to release 10 A-list client names over the next 10 days to drum up some hype around the sale. As things sit now, the bidding is over $ 75k but we’re told they won’t take anything less than $ 100k. 

TMZ broke the story, the long-feared black book is up to the highest bidder — or someone who really wants to buy it and then use it as fire wood.