Showing posts with label Hammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hammer. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Armie Hammer Blasts Everyone Who Tweeted a Stan Lee Selfie

Hollywood lost a legend this week.

As previously reported, Stan Lee died at the age of 95.

It didn"t take long after this news broke for scores of tributes to come flooding in for the co-creator of Marvel, someone responsible for entertaining and educating millions upon millions of comic book fans.

Many of these tributes, especially from celebrites, included a photo of the person making the tribute and Lee. Together. It was often a selfie.

What"s the big deal? Isn"t this a typical move in the social media age?

Yes, and Hammer is here to explain why it"s the wrong move — while many others are here to disagree with him…

1. The Tweet That Started It All

The tweet that started it all

“So touched by all of the celebrities posting pictures of themselves with Stan Lee… no better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself,” wrote Hammer.

2. Who is This Really About?

Who is this really about

Hammer is trying to make a bigger point about social media here, how it leads to user making EVERYthing about themselves.

3. Some Stars Worked with Lee, Though

Some stars worked with lee though

Hammer had an easy reply to that point.

4. What is the Proper Protocol Here?

What is the proper protocol here

5. So… This Was a Self-Centered Tweet?

So this was a self centered tweet

Not sure if we agree, Armie.

6. And This Person Doesn’t Agree, Either

And this person doesnt agree either

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ex-NBA Ref Tim Donaghy 911 Call: "About to be a Major Altercation, I Did Bring a Hammer"

TMZ Sports has obtained the 911 call Tim Donaghy made while trying to bring his daughter home in Manatee County, Florida … featuring 2 full minutes of hammer-wielding chaos. The ex-NBA ref tells the dispatcher he’s on a mission to save his…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ex-NBA Ref Tim Donaghy Arrested for Assault, Allegedly Threatened Man with Hammer

If you found out someone you loved was doing drugs — and you knew you could stop it — would you grab a hammer and try to rescue that person??? That’s the story behind the arrest of Tim Donaghy — the ex-NBA ref who went to prison for fixing…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Gendry Has a Hammer!

The creators of Game of Thrones know when not to draw out a cliffhanger and they’re certainly not lacking for dramatic fodder these days, so it should come as no surprise that we were brought up to date on the fates of Jaime and Bronn at the start of this week’s episode.

They’re alive – but as their banter indicates, death is very much on their minds.

“Only I get to kill you,” Bronn tells Jaime, who seems amazed that he survived.

“She has two more,” says Jaime, marveling at the size and strength of Daenerys’ dragon.

From there, a Lannister reunion is foreshadowed, as Tyrion surveys the aftermath, no doubt wondering what he’s gotten himself into

The Khaleesi does what she does best – delivers a stirring speech to the peasants she just conquered, but this time, there’s a twist.

As she has all season, Daenerys a more ominous tone with her rhetoric, and along with all the promises to make Westeros great again, she informs her new subjects that if they refuse to bend the knee, they’ll be killed.

Predictably Randall Tarley refuses to pledge allegiance.

He’s joined by Dickon Tarley, who survived a fierce battle only to sacrifice himself to his father’s stubbornness.

Tyrion begs the Khaleesi to show some mercy, but she’s in righteous, Old Testament God mode these days, and she orders the show’s first executions by dragon.

Absolute power is doing a number on Dany’s psyche.

Back in King’s Landing, Jaime impresses upon Cersei the severity of the situation

In turn, she reminds him that suing for peace isn’t exactly an option.

Jaime finally tells Cersei that Olenna Tyrrell confessed to murdering Joffrey, and of course, her desire for vengeance is then ratcheted up to 14.

In Drgonstone, Jon attempts to make nice with Drogon, and more importantly, the Khaleesi

He also downplays the whole being killed by his own people and coming back to life thing

Continuing the breakneck pacing of this season, Jorah shows up on cue, and is welcomed back into the Khaleesi’s service.

With that, it’s back to the more mystical side of the story as Bran’s ravens survey a massive army of White Walkers before being repelled by the Night’s King

The elderly maesters of the Citadel are less than enthralled by Bran’s visions, but an impassioned plea (there are quite a few of those this episode) delivered by Sam convinces them to at least look into his claims.

One would think that as one of the few people who’s seen and killed a White Walker, Sam would be taken a bit more seriously on the subject. 

But apparently, the maesters have bigger matters on their minds.

The recent deaths of Sam’s father and brother aren’t weighing on them too heavily, as they fail to inform their errand boy that his family members were just roasted like disobedient marshmallows

Speaking of the Tarleys, Varys is clearly more troubled by Dany’s savagery than Tyrion.

Jon, meanwhile, decides that the whole zombie army business requires his immediate attention.

Tyrion proposes a plan to capture a Walker to put his dead ass on display for Cersei.

Davos agrees to smuggle him into King’s Landing, while Jorah decides he’s the best man to capture an undead soldier.

Jon convinces Daenerys to turn him loose, but he may have already lost the loyalty of his men in the North, who apparently wish they’d chosen Sansa as their ruler.

Arya is pissed that Sansa didn’t stand up for Jon, and she implores her sister to take a harder stance.

“Not if they lose their heads first” argues Arya, in her usual badass mode, when Sansa worries about losing Jon’s subjects.

Arya accuses Sansa of desiring greater power, a tense standoff ensues, and we’re reminded that amicable relationships among the Stark children are no more guaranteed than Dany’s status as a wise and benevolent ruler

Elsewhere, Tyrion and Jaime come face-to-face for the first time since the former fled King’s Landing.

The meeting is tense and emotionally fraught, but it seems Tyrion’s gamble may have paid off

Meanhwile, Davos prowls Fleabottom in search of a familiar face

The showrunners didn’t do such a splendid job of keeping his return a secret, but it’s still a delight to see that Gendry’s back.

And this time, he has a badass new weapon – a head-cracking hammer that he quickly puts to good use.

Davos tires to get some Goldcloaks off his ass with a little medieval Viagra, but even that can’t keep them from interfering when they see the famous Lannister dwarf piling into his boat

Fortunately, the encounter offers Gendry an opportunity to reclaim his place as a fan favorite who’s not to be effed with.

It turns out Cersei knew about Jaime’s meeting with Tyrion, but she’s surprisingly unbothered.

“Dead men, dragons, and dragon queens … whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it,” she tells her brother/lover/

And it’s then that Cersei reveals the source of her newfound determination – she’s pregnant.

As a reminder that she’s still queen, she leaves Jaime with a reminder to “never betray me again.”

In Dragonstone, Gendry reveals himself to Jon against Davos’ wishes.

The two bond over being the bastard sons of great men

Davos tries to talk Gendry out of entering the war effort, but his arguments fall on deaf ears

Jon and Dany have exchange a surprisingly affectionate farewell, and he sets sail for the North.

Meanwhile, inspired by his readings about some dead guy’s bowel movements, Sam decides to peace out from the Citadel in order to put his talents to use saving the world.

In keeping with what we learned about Jon’s past last season, Gilly casually mentions that Rhaegar Targaryen was married a second time.

As usual, Littlefinger is up to some shady business as usual, but this time, he has Arya on his ass

Of course, it’s hard to out-shady Littlefinger, so naturally, he’s one step ahead of her 

A less than cheery reunion takes place at the Wall, as Hound, the Brotherhood, Gendry, Jon, and so forth, all exchange grizzled war stories.

Jon’s empathy for Beric Dondarrion is sure to bolster fan theories that they’re both of the same mystical persuasion (“fire wights,” as George R.R. Martin recently revealed in an interview).

And with that they set out to capture a Walker.

Thus concludes another breakneck-paced episode of TV’s most jam-packed drama.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up on the show’s wildest season to date.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

MC Hammer STILL Can"t Be Touched (VIDEO)

MC Hammer is too legit to quit when it comes to busting a move, but something is noticeably missing from his routine. Hammer was warming up in a dance studio Tuesday night, and the video looks like a freakin’ time warp — ‘cause he hasn’t lost…


MC Hammer STILL Can"t Be Touched (VIDEO)

MC Hammer is too legit to quit when it comes to busting a move, but something is noticeably missing from his routine. Hammer was warming up in a dance studio Tuesday night, and the video looks like a freakin’ time warp — ‘cause he hasn’t lost…


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Taylor Swift"s Beverly Hills Mansion A Historic Landmark, But Hold The Nail & Hammer (PHOTO GALLERY)

Taylor Swift’s Beverly Hills home just got officially designated as a historic landmark, which means she’ll be getting a HUGE tax break, but it comes with one big disadvantage … she can’t alter a thing without jumping through hoops. Taylor will…


Friday, March 31, 2017

WWF Wrestler Greg "The Hammer" Valentine "Memba Him?!

Jonathan Wisniski is best known for playing the elbow-dropping Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine — and forming The Dream Team with Brutus Beefcake — in the World Wrestling Federation back in the ’80s. Guess what he looks like now!


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Bridalplasty" Contestant Murdered with Hammer

Lisa Marie Naegle was murdered after suffering repeated blows to the head with a hammer, and cops say they have their man … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. We broke the story … Jackie Jerome Rogers will be booked for murder after confessing to…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Trump Star Vandal -- Could Get 3 Years in Jail, D.A. Drops Hammer

The guy who trashed Donald Trump’s Hollywood star just got slammed with a felony vandalism charge … and he could end up behind bars for a while.  The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office finally charged James Otis Thursday with one…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Tennis Star James Blake -- I"m Proud Of Harvard ... For Dropping Hammer On Soccer Team

Tennis star James Blake is PROUD of his alma mater Harvard for taking swift action against the men’s soccer team — saying he’s glad the school didn’t go the Penn State route and try to cover it up.  Harvard’s Dean cancelled the rest of the…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Armie Hammer -- "Birth of a Nation" Fan Got Screwed ... Feels Like Racism (VIDEO)

‘Birth of a Nation’ star Armie Hammer smells a rat — a racist one — when it comes to the treatment one moviegoer claims he got when he tried to buy a ticket for the flick. Armie told us he saw the Facebook video posted by a guy in Delaware — he…
