Showing posts with label Nail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nail. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Punxsutawney Phil: Groundhog Day Soothsayer Set to Nail 2017 Forecast … Maybe

Punxsutawney Phil, the prognosticator to end all prognosticators, is getting hyped as s–t to make his annual Groundhog Day prediction.

What will he tell us early Friday morning?

The man, the myth, the Rust Belt legend without whom Groundhog Day would not be a thing is just hours away from doing HIS thing:

Making his annual prediction at daybreak LIVE from the western reaches of Keystone State, to lay out how 2018 will shake out weather-wise.

Will there be a shadow sighting, thus signaling six more weeks of winter? Or no shadow, and therefore, an early spring on the horizon?

Only Punxsutawney Phil knows for sure.

February 2, of course, is when this affable, rotund mound of profound knowledge emerges from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa.

He either sees his shadow or he doesn’t. It’s as simple as that, yet the stakes at the midway point of winter (exactly!) could not be higher.

A hell of a lot is riding on this s–t, given that if there is a shadow sighting, we’re looking at six more weeks of bitter cold and icy precipitation.

No shadow? Then it’s early spring, people!

Awesome as that sounds (and increasingly likely, if you buy into the whole Chinese climate change hoax), we wouldn’t wager on this.

Historically, the odds just aren’t that great.

In 120 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an “early spring” a sparing 18 times, not a shock since he lives in the Northeast U.S.

Not to mention, one of those times was 2013, when record snowfall totals proceeded to pound much of the U.S. not even a week later.

On the flip side, he’s been on top of this s–t since.

Following the aforementioned debacle, which even led to a lawsuit by one Ohio county, he came back with back-to-back shadow sightings. 

Both preceded extremely wintry weather in 2014-15. In 2016, Phil did not see his shadow and North America saw its warmest winter ever.

Last year, he again saw his shadow and winter roared on with a vengeance as predicted. Suffice it to say, P-squared is back, b-tches.

Hopefully, Punxsy decides to turn in early and get some rest tonight, because we need him to bring his A-game tomorrow morning.

Happy Groundhog Day!

The current forecast for Friday a.m. in the Weather Capitol of the World is mostly cloudy and a chilly 14 degrees, for what that’s worth.

How it plays out is anyone’s guess, so just sit back, think about your favorite lines from Groundhog Day the movie and bask in the glory.

Early spring or not, this quintessentially American holiday is a great chance to get outside, have fun and enjoy the spectacle of winter.

Come on, it’s the second day of February, probably the most dismal point in the entire calendar year. We all need this right now.

And for that, we thank Phil.



Sunday, October 29, 2017

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Nail Madonna, Michael Jackson Halloween Costumes

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian took the cake for costumes Saturday night in Bel Air. Kim got Madonna on the nose, and Kourtney did an impressive Michael Jackson.  They were headed to a party in the fanciest of areas of L.A. when photogs got the…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen Nail "Purple Rain" to Celebrate Prince"s Birthday

Maya Rudolph tipped her hat to Prince Thursday night with her cover band, Princess … the last night of back-to-back sold-out shows honoring the Purple One’s 59th birthday. The ‘SNL’ vet performed at the Teragram Ballroom in L.A., and…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester Arena Claimed Control of Area Where Nail Bomb Exploded (PHOTOS)

The people who run Manchester Arena were quick to say the nail bomb exploded in a public area not connected with the venue … but that’s not the way the arena advertised the space. As TMZ reported, the blast occurred in the City Room, a rotunda…


Manchester Arena Claimed Control of Area Where Nail Bomb Exploded (PHOTOS)

The people who run Manchester Arena were quick to say the nail bomb exploded in a public area not connected with the venue … but that’s not the way the arena advertised the space. As TMZ reported, the blast occurred in the City Room, a rotunda…


Ariana Grande Concert Nail Bomb Treated as Terrorism With 19 Dead (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

The explosion after the Ariana Grande concert Monday night is now being treated as a terroristic act and at least 19 people are confirmed dead. As we reported an explosion tore apart a portion of the rotunda outside the seating area at the…


Ariana Grande Concert Nail Bomb Treated as Terrorism With 19 Dead (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

The explosion after the Ariana Grande concert Monday night is now being treated as a terroristic act and at least 19 people are confirmed dead. As we reported an explosion tore apart a portion of the rotunda outside the seating area at the…


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Taylor Swift"s Beverly Hills Mansion A Historic Landmark, But Hold The Nail & Hammer (PHOTO GALLERY)

Taylor Swift’s Beverly Hills home just got officially designated as a historic landmark, which means she’ll be getting a HUGE tax break, but it comes with one big disadvantage … she can’t alter a thing without jumping through hoops. Taylor will…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Punxsutawney Phil: Groundhog Day Sage Set to Nail 2017 Weather Forecast … Maybe

The rodent. The myth. The legend.

Punxsutawney Phil, the Western Pennsylvania great without whom Groundhog Day would not be a thing, is hours away from doing HIS thing:

Making his annual prediction early Thursday morning, LIVE from the Keystone State, to inform the masses how early 2017 will shake out.

Will there be a shadow sighting, thus signaling six more weeks of winter? Or will there be no shadow, and thus, an early spring on the horizon?

Only Punxsutawney Phil knows.

Groundhog Day, of course, is when the affable, rotund critter emerges from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., at bitter cold daybreak.

He either sees his shadow or he doesn’t. A lot rides on this, given that if there is a shadow sighting, six more weeks of winter remain.

No shadow? Early spring, baby!

The odds of that are not great.

In 119 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted the coming of “early spring” but 18 times, not a shock since he lives in Western Pennsylvania.

Not to mention, one of those times was 2013, when record snowfall totals proceeded to pound much of the U.S. not even a week later.

On the flip side, he’s basically nailed it three straight years since that debacle, with shadow sightings portending wintry weather in 2014-15.

In 2016, Phil did not see his shadow and North America saw its mildest winter in recorded history throughout much of this great continent.

Hopefully, Punxsy decides to get some rest tonight and not watch Arrow online. We need him on his game, because too much is at stake.

The current forecast for Thursday a.m. for the Weather Capitol of the World is cloudy with a chance of snow showers, for what it’s worth.

How it plays out is anyone’s guess.

No one can say. Except Phil.

So just sit back, relax, think about your favorite scenes from Groundhog Day the movie and bask in the glory that is this American holiday.

The way things are going so far in 2017, we could all use a respite from political and cultural tumult. Punxsy Phil is here to give it to us.

For that, we thank him.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Donald Trump Calls Hillary Clinton a "Nasty Woman," Hammers Nail Into Coffin of Own Campaign

Well, it’s finally all over.

That statement can be applied to both the 2016 presidential debates and to Donald Trump’s wild ride as a major party’s candidate for the White House.

At last night’s debate at the UNLV campus in Las Vegas, Trump actually managed to keep his notorious temper in check for the first 20 minutes or so.

But like a kid left alone in a room full of Cheetos and fireworks, it was only a matter of time before Donald made a big orange mess out of everything.

As is the case any time you put Trump in front of a camera for 90 minutes, there were numerous jaw-dropping moments that would’ve likely been enough to bury any other campaign in the history of American politics.

At one point, the man actually stood before the nation and declared that he may not accept the results of the November election.

It’s a sad day for the nation when a candidate can undermine the bedrock principles of our democracy and still maintain a support base of millions.

But for many viewers that wasn’t even the most shocking Trump moment of the night:

During a discussion about the future of Social Security, Hillary Clinton outlined a cogent plan to ensure that the beleaguered program will remain in place for future generations of Americans.

Trump, on the other hand, decided to remind everyone of why he should still be seated at the kids’ table.

“We need to put more more money into the Social Security trust fund,” Clinton began.

“That’s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s, assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it.”

Rather than take the opportunity to refute claims that he hasn’t paid income tax in nearly two decades (Hey, we know he has no problem with lying!) Trump decided to “go low” in appalling fashion:

“Such a nasty woman,” he hissed into his mic.

Naturally, millions took to Twitter to roast the Donald to a crisp, but the best tweet of the night may have come from HRC herself:

Most candidates would be working on a gracious concession speech, but we’re sure Trump is brainstorming ways to signal to his base that it’s pitchfork time in 140 characters or less.

But hey, we’d hate to let Donnie’s time in the spotlight come to a close without saying anything positive, so, um…

He was sniffling a lot less, so … maybe he switched to free-basing?

It’s a far more presidential way of getting that booger sugar into your bloodstream.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mother Defends Toddler Son"s Use of Nail Polish, Tutus

Devon Berryann is standing up for what she believes in.

Or, to be more accurate, she is standing up for who she believes in: her son.

A resident of Pennsylvania, Berryann is the mother of a six-year old named Silas.

She made headlines this week for a photo of her young son, along with a powerful caption that explains why she lets Silas don nail polish and wear tutus to school.

“My six year old son likes to wear nail polish,” she wrote as an opening.

“He likes to wear girls’ clothes and tutus. He tells me about the boys he likes at school. He says he will marry them and adopt babies. Maybe he will outgrow it. Maybe not. I love and accept him for who he is.”

And that’s all it takes to comfort a six-year old, right? Devon wishes this was the case.

“I always thought that doing that would protect him from the pain of hurtful words and bullies, and I didn’t worry,” she continued.

However, Berryann went on to say that Silas recently arrived home from school and said student had teased him for wearing nail polish. It was her biggest nightmare come true.

“I considered talking him into taking it off. Into hiding that part of himself,” she wrote.

“Because for the first time ever I was scared that he would be gunned down one night when he was out having a good time with his friends.”

Following the tragic Orlando shooting at a gay nightclub this month, we can understand where that fear comes from.

Ultimately, thought, the brave mother said she remembered why she permits her son be the person he wants to be. This is how she explained it:

Because it makes him happy. Because nothing hurts more than seeing your child truly sad. Because pretending to be someone you’re not to please other people only leads to self-loathing.

To depression and to suicide.

And that too made me afraid. Why do I have to fear for him because of what he likes and who he cares about? Aren’t we past all this yet? I want this world to change. To be better for him. To DESERVE him.

Because he is a wonderful, amazing person. He wants to be president. He thinks he is a ninja. He listens when you explain things and remembers it forever.

He notices when you’re sad and tries to cheer you up. He has a light about him that just can’t be put out, no matter how hard some people have tried.

Devon’s original photo has been shared thousands of times and she has followed it up by adding the above image of her son holding a “Thank You” sign.

“Here he is world,” Devon concluded. “See my boy for the amazing person he is. Show him love. Show him acceptance. Help us change the world into one that deserves him.”


Seriously… amen.

What else can we even add?!?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

KFC Nail Polish is Now Something That Exists

Remember when KFC came out with the Double Down Dog? Which was a hot dog wrapped in a piece of fried chicken?

Remember when we thought this was the end of the world as we knew it?

We no longer think this. Because KFC has gone ahead and outdone itself.

KFC Polish

The food chain has expanded its business by coming out with its own type of nail polish.

Yes, you read that correctly: KFC has come out with nail polish. Did we mention that its edible?

Partnering with McCormick & Company – the flavoring giants who created the chicken chain’s 11 herbs and spices – KFC has created tastes that mimic KFC’s Original and Hot & Spicy recipes.

Just… you know… for one’s nails.

“To use [the nail polish], consumers simply apply and dry like regular nail polish, and then lick – again and again and again,” KFC explained to Adweek in a statement.

Makes perfect, gross sense, right?

For now, the item is only available in Hong Kong.

You can watch the following video to have a better understanding of how it works and what it looks like:

As you might expect, Original Recipe is somewhat of a nude shade, while Hot & Spicy has more of a fiery orange-red hue.

“It’s Finger Lickin Good,” reads the square glass bottles that comprise this product.

This seems pretty absurd to us.

Although… not as absurd as some of the stuff that have come out of fast food chains around the world, we suppose. To wit:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Toddler Defends Illicit Nail Polishing, Tells Dad to Blame Barbie

Over the year, Barbie has become a lightening rod for controversy.

Many critics blame the doll for a rash of eating disorders, due to her unproportional, unrealistic figure.

But the adorable little girl featured in this video blames Barbie for something else entire: the nail polish found all over her body.

Sophia is sat down in this footage and then dressed down by her father, who wants to know why his child’s Barbie doll is pained with blue Disney nail polish.

"She told me to," the sad little girl responds. “She said it a hundred times.”

Sophia fights back tears throughout her defense, reiterating over and over that she was peer-pressured by Barbie into breaking house rules.

Does her dad buy this line of defense? Does it get Sophia off without a punishment? Watch, laugh and find out for yourself.

Little girl defends illicit nail polishing tells dad to blame ba