Showing posts with label 'Disgusting'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Disgusting'. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

College Basketball Player Viciously Elbows Opponent in Face During Disgusting Play

10:07 AM PT — Fitchburg State has suspended Platt and barred him from campus for an unspecified amount of time. “The Fitchburg State community is appalled by the conduct displayed during Tuesday night’s home basketball game.” “His behavior…


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Catelynn Lowell is DISGUSTING!

Last night was Farrah Abraham’s big boxing match!

Or, well, it was supposed to be, anyway.

Last night, Farrah was scheduled to fight Hoopz from Flavor of Love in Atlantic City, but sadly, it never came to be.

The boxing match was for charity, but our girl backed out because the promoter wouldn’t play for airfare and hotel rooms for like 30 “friends” of hers.

Really, that’s what happened.

She insisted that she was promised all those rooms and plane tickets, but the organizers denied it, and obviously refused to cater to her insane demands.

So she refused to fight.

It’s unclear now what’s going to happen with all of that — she could very well be sued for breaking her contract.

But the show went on with Mob Wives star Natalie DiDonato taking over for Farrah.

Hoopz won, by the way.

Meanwhile, Farrah went to Maldives with her daughter, Sophia, and in between posing for lame pictures and being her usual awful self, she gave an interview to Hollywood Life.

And, in usual Farrah fashion, it didn’t really make a whole lot of sense but it was entertaining just the same.

First, she advised “anyone associated to the criminal fraud promoters” of the fight “to cease and desist using my name for attention of their failed fight to steal money and use celebrities.”

Those celebs, by the way, include “Hoopz, Catelynn, and other low-class wannabe celebrities like Drita.”

Drita officiated the fight, an excellent choice since she got into that spectacular feud with Farrah earlier this year — that’s shy she’s bringing her up.

And the Catelynn she’s referring to here is none of than Catelynn Lowell.

Because she went to the fight!

As Cate explained in an Instagram post a few days ago, she went to Atlantic City with Tyler because they were “supposed to see Farrah get laid the hell out by Hoopz thennn she dropped out!”

She also called Farrah a “scared sissy” and suggested that she “grow a pair,” which was pretty rich.

After all, the whole match was to raise awareness against anti-bullying, so to bully Farrah there was just an odd choice.

Lots of other people agreed, so many that Catelynn ended up turning the comments off on her post.

Anyway, about Catelynn, Drita, and Hoopz, Farrah claimed that they were all “planning to make a mockery of anti-bullying, and as some are moms, it’s disgusting.”

She continued by saying that “Since Teen Mom ratings are lowest ever without me, the Teen Mom groupes including Javi, Catelynn and more teen cast members still went to Atlantic City and said that I wasn’t there, as I’m the reason everyone was going.”

“Gone are the days I’m around people who are jealous of me — it’s clear I’m the winner over the bullies of this failed event.”

“I’ve still won,” she said. “I’m in the Maldives, where they can’t even afford to come.”

“Atlantic City is more in their bracket, and happy they paid to watch me.”

She’s really not holding back, is she?

Farrah wrapped things up by saying that “Like everyone else, I would never watch fake Teen Mom trash drama anymore.”

Instead, “the Kardashian parenting is much better to watch,” which is just a really bizarre and also false thing to say here.

“Hope the show doesn’t tank,” she added, “but looks like it has without me.”

“Going snorkeling!”

And as much as it hurts to admit it, those kinds of quotes are why Farrah is such an icon.

Is her absence the reason why Teen Mom OG ratings aren’t so great the season?


Is she a little delusional in slamming all of these other poeple for destroying the boxing match’s anti-bullying message when she’s said far worse many, many times?


But hey, that’s just Farrah!


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Vile, Disgusting, Shocking Dolphin Kill in Denmark

This is disgusting, disturbing, heartless, shameful and shockingly cruel. The seas of Denmark are blood red for a reason … the red is the blood of 200 dolphins that were slaughtered by locals in the Faroe Islands.   It’s part of an…


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Celebs Side with LeBron James in Disgusting Donald Trump "Dumb" Tweet

It’s the least surprising thing this week … that sports stars and other celebs are appalled by the President of the United States calling LeBron James dumb in a Saturday morning tweet.  If this were a limbo contest, Donald Trump would blow…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Dad Body-Shames Kailyn Lowry in Disgusting Tweets!

Farrah Abraham is so awful, right?

The kind of awful that you’re not just born with — nope, that kind of awfulness has to be learned.

And over the years, as Farrah and her family were featured more and more on reality television, it became painfully clear where she learned it.

Guys, her parents are THE WORST.

We usually talk about her mother, Debra Danielsen, because she’s so much more actively bad.

Remember the time she slapped Farrah on an early season of Teen Mom OG?

Or the time she got arrested for abusing her (and answered the door with knives in her hands when police came)?

Or when she wasn’t allowed to see Farrah or Sophia after the arrest and she acted like she had no idea why that was?

Or, to go forward a few years, that time she got into an argument with Farrah in front of Sophia and started crying about how she wanted to die, because that’s appropriate talk for a child to hear?

There are so, so many instances of Debra being manipulative and weird and just totally inappropriate, but you know who else is just as terrible, but in a different way?

Her father, Michael Abraham.

He’s pretty much the opposite of Debra: instead of arguing with Farrah over everything to the point where she got cut out of her life, Michael agrees with everything she says, and she and Sophia have been living with him.

He seems to be on Twitter pretty much constantly, defending his daughter to anyone and everyone who has anything negative to say about her.

And that’s what he’s been doing over the weekend.

So you know how Farrah always goes on and on about bullies, about how she’s the victim of bullies and she’s so against bullying, even though we’ve seen her be a bully to countless people over the years?

OK, and you know she’s getting into those celebrity boxing matches, and even hopes to do one and donate the proceeds to an anti-bullying organization?

Lindsey Nicholson, who you might remember from 16 and Pregnant, took notice of all of that, and she decided to call Farrah out on Instagram.

“Really,” she asked, “you think you’re not a bully? Have you watched any of your episodes? You bully your mom dad, producers, cast members, & anyone you think is less than you.”

“Why don’t you get in the ring with me & try to bully me around and see how that goes.”

She hilariously referenced Farrah’s amazing feud with Drita D’Avanzo, saying that if Farrah wasn’t interested in fighting her, then she’s sure Drita “won’t have any issues doing this for all of America.”

Lindsey even offered to train Drita, because she’s sweet like that.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reached out to her, and she told the site that she really does mean what she wrote.

“I would never call someone out if I wasn’t [serious],” she said. “I don’t really play games.”

“It’s just strange she’s fighting to raise money for anti-bullying when she bullies everyone!”

She explained “I want to fight her because of the way she’s treated every single person I know who’s come in contact with her. She needs to be put in her place.”

Ideally, she said that she’d do an MMA fight with Farrah, “but I highly doubt she’d agree to it.”

Can you imagine? Can you even imagine how amazing that would be?

Hold on tight, because this is about to get even better.

Drita responded to all of this, directing a message to Farrah on Instagram that began with “Listen up #horseface I called u out … n u called a lawyer!!”

“Are u gonna have a cop as the referee 2???????????? I don’t want u wearing headgear!..i don’t want a referee stopping anything!…I rather be on the streets.”

She actually said that she told Farrah that she’d pay for her to come meet her for a fight, “since u are so desperate to use my name to make a dollar.”

“Howeva,” she continued, “I have a better idea…i love boxing but when it comes to u I rather fight in a cage #ufcstyle.”

Yes. Yes, please.

“Wanna do it legit,” Drita added, “no problem.. in a #cage where u belong u filthy #animal. Give me the date and time!!! I’m here! I’m ready!”

This story started getting some attention, and Lindsey tweeted about it, and she also asked Kailyn Lowry, one of her friends from the Teen Mom franchise, if she wanted in on the action.

“I’m in,” Kailyn responded.

And that’s when Michael decided to get involved in the cattiest way possible.

“To bad we won’t see Drita fight she is like me… way to old ‘age group’ and she is not one to promote anti hate,” he tweeted.

“And Kail is in a lot higher weight class so that won’t happen either lol!”

So rude, right? And Kailyn’s Teen Mom bestie, Chelsea Houska, called him out on it.

“Yikes,” she told him. “Horrible and low blow thing to say about Kail. Please don’t comment on a woman’s weight in any way.”

She’s completely right, obviously, and Michael had to know what he wrote was wrong — but of course he denied that.

“Chelsea I have the highest respect for you and your entire family,” he wrote. “No it was not meant as low blow towards Kail…”

“It’s a realistic statement backed by fact that in any fighting event weight classes are real and used as competitive classes.”

He meant that so much that he gave similar responses to several other people upset that he went after Kailyn like that — 34 times so far, if we’re being exact.

As for Kailyn, she thanked Chelsea for defending her, then wrote this gem of a tweet:

“Y’all coming for Michael for talking about my weight, thank you. But I’d be willing to drop weight for that fight so it’s not a problem.”

Can dreams really come true?

Guess we’ll have to wait until Farrah’s big match on November 3rd to see!


Friday, June 29, 2018

Ryan Lochte Lawyer Says Rio Case Is "Absurd and Disgusting"

With Brazilian officials STILL trying to prosecute Ryan Lochte over the infamous gas station incident during the ’16 Olympics in Rio … his lawyer says the whole thing is “absurd and disgusting.” Prosecutors have gotten the green light to try…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jeremy Roenick Slams Brad Marchand Over "Disgusting" Face Licks

Jeremy Roenick says he’s sick and tired of Brad Marchand’s face-licking antics on the ice … and says the guy needs to save his tongue for the bedroom.  Marchand went on a mouthy tear during the NHL playoffs — licking opponents faces at…


Jeremy Roenick Slams Brad Marchand Over "Disgusting" Face Licks

Jeremy Roenick says he’s sick and tired of Brad Marchand’s face-licking antics on the ice … and says the guy needs to save his tongue for the bedroom.  Marchand went on a mouthy tear during the NHL playoffs — licking opponents faces at…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Epic Irish Lady Ethers Conor McGregor, "Disgusting Man, Absolute Disgrace"

If you think Conor McGregor’s bus attack pissed people off in New York, wait ‘til ya get a load of this old lady from Ireland … who went NUCLEAR on Conor at LAX!! THIS CLIP IS HILARIOUS!!!  Our photog was asking Brandon T. Jackson a question…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann, Marlon Wayans "White Chicks" Joke is Disgusting

Kim Zolciak and hubby Kroy Biermann fired the heavy artillery at Marlon Wayans … calling him a p***y and thoroughly unfunny for suggesting Kim was the poster girl for “White Chicks 2.” Wayans came under heavy fire over the weekend after…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Leah Messer: I"m Glad MTV Fired that Disgusting David Eason!

Leah Messer’s not exactly vicious. Compared to some Teen Mom franchise stars, she’s positively timid.

So what has her speaking out in no uncertain terms to condemn a member of her own franchise? The same thing that got David Eason fired.

And she’s not mincing words.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’re going to see David Eason abruptly vanish from your screens.

Not right away — and not soon enough for many fans, but MTV has severed all ties with the controversial Teen Mom 2 villain, despite having weeks of production remaining.

Not because he spent time in prison for domestic violence and not because he’s accused of continuing to terrorize and abuse his and Jenelle’s children … though how that wasn’t a dealbreaker for the network has left many scratching heads.

But because of his very public and impossible-to-ignore homophobic and transphobic rant on Twitter.

It started as David Eason continued to obsess over guns in the wake of Jenelle’s controversial gun photo from just hours after the devastating Florida shooting.

A conversation on Twitter quickly turned to David Eason’s parenting (because many wouldn’t trust this guy around a houseplant, let alone a child), and David Eason decided to, of his own volition, pivot to slam LGBT folks.

“Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.”

That is, of course, a horrifying thing to tweet for anyone. Not only does it imply that LGBT parents are somehow unfit parents, but that they and their families are abnormal.

And then he doubled down.

Someone else tweeted, asking if David Eason planned to teach his children to hate gay and transgender people.

“No I’m going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way … If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.”

One, teaching your children to not associate with LGBT people is teaching them bigotry.

Two, you absolutely cannot “teach” someone to not be who they are, only to deny and hide it, leading to a miserable existence.

Three, that analogy with the dogs and fleas isn’t true for any responsible pet owners. Yes, that’s beside the point, but it’s worth noting.

And finally, four: His inaccurate analogy also implies that LGBT folks are somehow filthy.

Obviously, David Eason was slammed for his homophobic rant, because there is still good in the world and even on Twitter.

Jenelle Evans also caught some well-deserved flack. People asked if she wants her children raised to be angry bigots.

MTV’s response had real consequences — they severed their relationship with David Eason immediately.

With weeks of production left, he won’t receive any further money.

One can be cynical and say that MTV is worried about sponsors pulling out (which, to be clear, they definitely were), but perhaps producers and execs also have certain lines that they won’t allow stars to cross.

Teen Mom 2 is down one villain.

In a statement to Us Weekly, even the normally non-confrontational Leah Messer supports David Eason’s firing.

“I am disgusted by the recent statements made by David Eason and support MTV’s decision to fire him 100 percent.”

She’s really not mincing words. She was nicer than this when Jenelle Evans called her a cheating drug addict.

“This ignorance cannot be tolerated and I refuse to be associated with hatred of any kind.”

Good for Leah Messer for taking this strong moral stance.

“I stand in solidarity with my friends and family in the LGBTQ community and applaud MTV for their quick and decisive action.”

Of course, even if David Eason’s no longer on the payroll, he’s still married to Jenelle and she’s still a Teen Mom 2 star.

With all of the fame and all of that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money that comes with it.

Is it only a matter of time before the Teen Mom 2 archvillain is held accountable? Not just for the things that she says, but for the frightening way that she raises her children?

Or is that more of a job for social services and the courts and not really MTV’s job?


Friday, November 10, 2017

Ellen Page: Brett Ratner Outed Me, Was a Disgusting Creep

We already know that more than six women have accused Brett Ratner of sexual harassment and worse. Following the initial story, more women began contacting publications with their own allegations against the director.

The latest woman in Hollywood to share her #MeToo story was Ellen Page. And she describes experiencing horrifying, homophobic harassment from Ratner while she was still a teenager.

And Ellen’s experience with Brett Ratner isn’t the only one that she’s sharing from her teenage years in the entertainment industry.

Ellen’s lengthy post on Facebook begins … bluntly.

“‘You should f–k her to make her realize she’s gay.’ He said this about me during a cast and crew ‘meet and greet’ before we began filming, X Men: The Last Stand. I was eighteen years old.”

“He looked at a woman standing next to me, ten years my senior, pointed to me and said: ‘You should f–k her to make her realize she’s gay.’ He was the film’s director, Brett Ratner.”

That’s disgusting.

In case there’s any doubt, costar Anna Paquin has tweeted that she stands with Ellen Page, and was present for that particular comment.

Ellen continues:

“I was a young adult who had not yet come out to myself. I knew I was gay, but did not know, so to speak. I felt violated when this happened. I looked down at my feet, didn’t say a word and watched as no one else did either.”

Ellen Page is one of the most famous young gay women in Hollywood, but sexuality is complicated. Deciding when to come out is more so.

No one should be outed, particularly in such a disgusting way.

“This man, who had cast me in the film, started our months of filming at a work event with this horrific, unchallenged plea. He “outed” me with no regard for my well-being, an act we all recognize as homophobic.”

That wasn’t the end of it.

“I proceeded to watch him on set say degrading things to women. I remember a woman walking by the monitor as he made a comment about her “flappy pussy.””


“This public, aggressive outing left me with long standing feelings of shame, one of the most destructive results of homophobia. Making someone feel ashamed of who they are is a cruel manipulation, designed to oppress and repress. I was robbed of more than autonomy over my ability to define myself.”

Remember, there are still young actors whoa re advised against coming out when they get to Hollywood.

Sexuality can influence your career. It can also impact how fans perceive you.

(In recent decades, the prevalence of the name “Ellen” has taken a plunge exactly twice — once, when Ellen DeGeneres came out. Another when Ellen Page came out. Bigotry is still all around us)

“Ratner’s comment replayed in my mind many times over the years as I encountered homophobia and coped with feelings of reluctance and uncertainty about the industry and my future in it. The difference is that I can now assert myself and use my voice to to fight back against the insidious queer- and transphobic attitude in Hollywood and beyond.”

It’s so good that she uses her platform to make the world a better place.

“Hopefully having the position I have, I can help people who may be struggling to be accepted and allowed to be who they are –to thrive. Vulnerable young people without my advantages are so often diminished and made to feel they have no options for living the life they were meant to joyously lead.”

There was more between her and Brett Ratner, however.

“I got into an altercation with Brett at a certain point. He was pressuring me, in front of many people, to don a t-shirt with ‘Team Ratner’ on it.”

Who would want to wear a shirt like that?

“I said no and he insisted. I responded, ‘I am not on your team.’ Later in the day, producers of the film came to my trailer to say that I ‘couldn’t talk like that to him."”

This is where the huge power imbalance between young actors and big-name directors comes into play.

“I was being reprimanded, yet he was not being punished nor fired for the blatantly homophobic and abusive behavior we all witnessed. I was an actor that no one knew. I was eighteen and had no tools to know how to handle the situation.”

Sadly, her experience at 18 wasn’t Ellen’s first foray into harassment in Hollywood.

“I have been a professional actor since the age of ten. I’ve had the good fortune to work with many honorable and respectful collaborators both behind and in front of the camera.”


“But the behavior I’m describing is ubiquitous. They (abusers), want you to feel small, to make you insecure, to make you feel like you are indebted to them, or that your actions are to blame for their unwelcome advances.”

Sadly, that is so true.

“When I was sixteen a director took me to dinner (a professional obligation and a very common one). He fondled my leg under the table and said, ‘You have to make the move, I can’t."”

Probably so that he could, if caught, throw up his hands and say “she came onto me!” Which shouldn’t matter.

But, by our reasoning, groping someone’s leg and telling her to make a move is the first move and the second.

Ellen Page got away, but it was a rude awakening about her professional life.

“I did not make the move and I was fortunate to get away from that situation. It was a painful realization: my safety was not guaranteed at work.”

Let that sink in for a moment.

“An adult authority figure for whom I worked intended to exploit me, physically.”

And it got worse.

“I was sexually assaulted by a grip months later.”

Horrible. No one should have to endure that.

“I was asked by a director to sleep with a man in his late twenties and to tell them about it. I did not. This is just what happened during my sixteenth year, a teenager in the entertainment industry.”

Ellen Page almost seems to count herself lucky — when she talks about others in Hollywood who have been preyed upon and died too soon.

“Look at the history of what’s happened to minors who’ve described sexual abuse in Hollywood. Some of them are no longer with us, lost to substance abuse and suicide. Their victimizers? Still working. Protected even as I write this.”

Naming abusers — even if we all know who we’re talking about — carries heavy risks. Massive lawsuits, blackmail conspiracies. A sternly worded legal letter can be enough to make some claims go away.

We’ve recently heard new claims about Corey Haim’s abusers, but unfortunately Ellen Page could be talking about so many different young victims of predatory men in power.

“You know who they are; they’ve been discussed behind closed doors as often as Weinstein was. If I, a person with significant privilege, remain reluctant and at such risk simply by saying a person’s name, what are the options for those who do not have what I have?”

That’s a good point. We shouldn’t shame people for remaining silent out of fear.

But we can still praise Ellen Page for coming forward with her #MeToo story.


Saturday, October 28, 2017

James Toback Goes on Vicious, Disgusting Rant Against Sexual Assault Accusers

Remember this time last week when most of us weren’t even aware of the existence of James Toback?

What a wonderful time that was.

Yes, that ignorance sure was bliss, but since early last week, we’ve heard story after story about Toback, the man behind films like Two Girls and a Guy, The Pick-Up Artist, and Bugsy.

And those stories were just completely horrific.

At this point, over 300 women in the industry, including very famous actresses like Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, have come forward with claims that Toback sexually assaulted them, or attempted to assault them.

Just think about that for a moment: over 300 women, all with a story to tell about this guy.

Selma Blair said that she met with Toback when her career was just starting to take off, and that he requested she come to his hotel room to discuss a possible role in one of his movies, Harvard Man.

After a bit of conversation, he asked her to perform a monologue naked, and, being intimidated and scared, she agreed. He touched himself while she did the monologue, then asked her to sleep with him.

She refused and tried to leave the room, but he blocked her way and threatened her until she allowed him to hump her leg — something he greatly enjoys doing, based on the other women’s stories.

Actresses Ambika Leigh and Sari Kamin, two of the first people to come forward with their accusations, claimed that he set up professional meetings with them that soon turned sexual and that ended with him humping their legs.

So how is Toback dealing with all this? Is he simply laying low, hoping everything blows over? Did he pull a Harvey Weinstein and fly off to a rehab/resort for a week?

Nope, it turns out that he’s just going the “be nasty and cruel in a vulgar public statement” route.

In an interview published by Rolling Stone, Toback was asked about the recent allegations during a phone call, and he denied everything in spectacular fashion.

“Lemme be really clear about this,” he said. “I don’t want to get a pat on the back, but I’ve struggled seriously to make movies with very little money, that I write, that I direct, that mean my life to me.”

“The idea that I would offer a part to anyone for any other reason than that he or she was gonna be the best of anyone I could find is so disgusting to me,” he continued.

“And anyone who says it is a lying c–ksucker or c–t or both. Can I be any clearer than that? … Anyone who says that, I just want to spit in his or her f-cking face.”

“By the way,” he added, “no one who’s ever worked with me would ever say anything like that. No one.”

Then he bizarrely mentioned that Sienna Miller, the star of his latest movie, was sitting right next to him. She spoke with the reporter for moment in an off-the-record conversation — no public defense from her — then Toback took back the phone.

“No, seriously, I find it offensive and insulting and disgusting, that people …” he trailed off.

“Because it’s the opposite of the way I work. I don’t give my best friends parts unless they deserve them. Ever.”

Which is a weird thing to say, because that’s not exactly what he’s being accused of. These hundreds of women didn’t all go on to star in his movies, you know?

The interviewer pointed that out, that he’s mostly being accused of discussing work with women before getting them in a private setting and humping their legs.

Toback responded to that by asking the reporter to give him one name, and he did — Ambika Leigh’s name.

He said that Ambika’s story “is a total lie,” and that he never even heard of her before, “and believe me, I would remember it, because it’s a very unusual name.”

“This is just too stupid,” he went on. “I mean, these are people I don’t know, and it’s things I never would have done. And it’s just not worth talking about. It’s idiotic.”

He said that these women “hear each other. And they gang up … It’s all, you know, me too, me too, me too, me too, me too.”

“Anyway, it’s too stupid to waste time on. It really is. It doesn’t have anything to do with my life in any way. It never has. I work seriously with complete integrity.”

He went on to call the allegations “too stupid to dignify,” “pathetic lies,” and “too f-cking embarrassing and idiotic.”

Another interesting layer to this conversation? The reporter’s own wife had a story about Toback — when she was in high school, he tried to discuss a movie with her before turning the conversation to her pubic hair.

It’s just wild, because it’s like this jackass sincerely believes that we’ll buy all this, that hundreds of women just decided to “gang up” and make up tales about how he humped their legs.

The vast majority of the people working in Hollywood don’t deal with this kind of thing.

There’s the occasional Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby, but it’s not normal for this many people to accuse you of these very specific things if there’s no truth at all in those accusations.

Also, if your response to many, many people accusing you of doing horrific things is to call them “lying c–ksuckers and c–ts” … is there any hope left at all for humanity?


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Kate Middleton: Slammed as "Disgusting" By Member of Parliament!

It’s only Tuesday, but it’s already been one hell of a painful week on this side of the pond.

Fortunately, we can now take some comfort in the fact that we’re not the only civilized nation that elects leaders who go out of their way to spew childish insults at one another.

We kid. There’s really nothing fortunate about this situation; we’re just looking for any reason to be positive this week.

Anyway, as you may already know, the entire world is in a constant state of near-financial panic these days because we live in the hellscape known as 2017.

As a result, it’s a bad time for public figures to indulge in ostentatious displays of wealth.

(Well, except for in America, where we’ve been known to elect leaders who have 100 percent had sex with a high-end escort covered in gold paint, like in that Bond movie. We’re not naming names, but … ya know.)

Of course, the rules are always different for the members of the Royal Family, who have spent the past several been ballin’ so hard motherf–kers want to abolish the archaic institution.

The Royals often draw comparisons to the Kardashians and other celebrities who enjoy what many believe are unearned spots high atop the hog, while the rest of us are down here suckling on pig teat.

One big difference, of course, is that the Royals are taxpayer funded, while the Kards amassed their fortune the old-fashioned way – peddling sex tapes and ludicrously overpriced lipstick.

We say all of this merely to point out that there are legitimate arguments behind the idea that royalty should be done away with in the UK, or at least that those who enjoy noble titles should have their spending severely curbed.

But Member of Parliament Emma Coad didn’t make one of those legitimate arguments.

No, she just called a pregnant woman disgusting.

Coad is a longtime Royal-hater, who was previously best-known for questioning Prince Harry’s fitness to serve in the military, despite the fact that his commanding officers assured her that he was as well-trained as anyone else.

Now, she’s decided to further guarantee that she’ll eventually be pelted with rotten produce by slamming Kate Middleton as “disgusting.”

The insult came during a screed in which Coad lambasted the Duchess for spending 170 pounds (approximately $ 225) on a dress.

“That’s a food bill for a family of four. That’s absolutely outrageous,”

First of all, what sort of Marshall’s-ass clothing is this woman buying that she’s disgusted by a $ 225 dress?

Secondly, is she not aware that Kate is pregnant with her third child, and said to be experiencing a number of painful complications.

Publicly denigrating a woman in such a condition would be as insensitive as blaming hurricane victims for their own horrific plight after you refused to provide aid their entitled to.

For shame, people of England. 


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Steven Seagal Blasts NFL Protests From Moscow, "Outrageous, Disgusting"

Steven Seagal says the NFL protests are “outrageous” and “disgusting” and it makes him sick to his stomach to watch.  And he said this all while sitting in a chair in Moscow. Seagal joined Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain” on a satellite…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

90 Day Fiance Star Aleksandra Blasts "Disgusting" Cheating Rumors: JOSH is the Father!

For one seemed like the billionth time, 90 Day Fiance star Aleksandra responded to cheating accusations

No one likes being accused of being unfaithful, but it’s worse when these trolls claim that Aleksandra and Josh’s daughter, Kaya, must not be Josh’s at all.

And on top of that, these racially charged accusations have singled out Aleksandra’s best friend from back in Prague.

Aleksandra Iarovikova was a Russian party girl.

She liked clubs and dancing, and was around all sorts of things that are now big no-nos to her new faith and lifestyle.

You know, like, alcohol and stuff.

Josh Strobel was a Mormon doing missionary work.

They came from different continents and different worlds, but they fell in love.

Josh couldn’t actually date her — even in a super chaste sense — while acting as a missionary for the LDS, so he had to come back a year later to actually ask her out.

But he did, and eventually dating turned into an engagement — with a K-1 visa and the 90 day limit.

Not all viewers of 90 Day Fiance were convinced that the party girl and go-go dancer was willing to be tamed 

90 Day Fiance: What Now? caught up with Aleksandra and Josh now that they’re married and have a baby.

Aleksandra is struggling with their middle-of-nowhere residence, but she loves Josh and she loves their daughter, Kaya, and that’s what matters.

She knows that it’s only a matter of time before they move to another city where she might be able to make friends.

Josh, in the mean time, is applying to medical schools and is already on some wait lists.

Once he gets in, they’ll know where they’re moving. As soon as their lives are no longer in hiatus, their problems will be more or less solved, right?

Except that people are terrible.

So, Aleksandra stopped posting to Instagram over the summer, and both she and Josh have stopped sharing images of their daughter, Kaya.

Because the first time that they did, Instagram trolls flooded Aleksandra’s comments with accusations that she cheated on Josh.


Part of it’s probably because they don’t want to believe that someone can change their life.

But part of it’s because Kaya’s skin is darker than that of either of her parents. And her hair is dark and curly.

So these accusers think that Kaya is biracial and definitely not Josh’s.

Aleksandra already explained — even though she totally didn’t have to — that her own biological father is Cuban.

(As most people are aware from their own families, it’s not uncommon for children to inherit traits from their grandparents that are not exhibited by their own parents. I think that it has something to do with RNA but don’t quote me on that.)

Well, trolls have set their sights on a number of potential baby daddies.

Including the black man with whom Aleksandra spent time in Prague.

(Again, these accusations have a strong racial element which should make everyone involved uncomfortable)

Because that man is “just like a brother” to Aleksandra, she’s not only offended but repulsed.

“That’s even disgusting to think about possible feelings between us. He promised him to protect me in Prague while Josh is far away.”

So these accusers are impugning this man’s honor as much as they are Aleksandra.

Other “theories” are that it wasn’t cheating, that maybe Josh is impotent or sterile or gay or whatever.

But honestly — bullying like this always has the same motive. These people want to feel powerful by dragging down a “celebrity.”

You might suggest that Aleksandra and Josh get a paternity test on camera (maybe 90 Day Fiance could foot the bill) and settle the matter that way.

You know what? They don’t owe their haters anything.

They have every right to just keep living their lives.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Chester Bennington: Ex-Wife Rages Over "Disgusting" Funeral

It’s hard to believe it’s been … since the music world was stunned by the news that Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington had passed away.

Bennington took his own life after years of srtuggling with depression and addiction, leaving behind a wife and six chidren.

The musician was laid to rest in a small private ceremony on July 31.

While all the guests were family and close friends of Bennington’s, not everyone was pleased with the way the ceremony played out.

Chester’s first wife, Samantha Bennington, took to Facebook this week to share her myriad compaints with the funeral in a sternly-worded open letter addressed to Chester’s widow, Talinda.

It seems Samantha felt that she and her children were given short shrift, having been scarcely mentioned durint the ceremony.

On top of that, she says Talinda orchestrated a ceremony that focused entirely on Bennington’s final years, to the exclusion of important parts of his early life, such as his relationship with his parents.

“Thanks for not honoring the one wish my son had by sharing his prayer with his siblings and throwing the rose quarts [sic] into the ocean with him,” Samantha wrote in a lengthy Facebook post.

Samantha went on to slam Talinda for excluding her and her family from the events that followed the funeral, writing:

Thank you for not giving me or my 31 guests any knowledge of we’re the ‘after bowling celebration was.’

“Oh and your phone calls hours later wondering were we were lmfao still never mentioned where to go, name of place or address, it was a disgusting delusional display on all people who spoke at the funeral and their characters.

Samantha went on to accuse Talinda of essentially editing Chester’s life down to the years of his second marriage:

“There were many friends and family that should have been there but when you turn a funeral into reducing someone’s life into only 12 years that’s what you get!” she wrote.

“His parents both were not there (meaning his dad-both parents) mother was there for clarification , and his parents were not mentioned in the program, his siblings were not mentioned, the mothers of his children were not mentioned, even his own children were not listed on the program!”

Samantha concluded her statement in brutal fashion, accusing Chester’s second wife of “capitalizing” on the death of the beloved singer:

“I hope you like capitalizing on his death…karma is rea,” she wrote.

“I send you back all your energy to you a thousand time folds! Look in the mirror, I hope you like what you see. Business is business but I see zero love.”

Fans are divided on the issue, with some saying Samantha was right to speak her mind, and others complaining that it was truly classless to call out a grieving widow in such public fashion.

Whatever the case, the situation makes for a sad addendum to a tragic situation.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Neil Patrick Harris BLASTS James Woods for Disgusting, Transphobic Tweet!

Does anybody else remember when they first learned that James Woods was a garbage human being? For most, it may have been his infamous Obama rant.

For some, it may have been when they saw his recent tweet — in which he directs his transphobic vitriol at an 8-year-old boy. That sort of thing gives pause, even to other bigots.

And Neil Patrick Harris, who’s known for being super friendly and generally a non-confrontational person, clearly got a little hot under the collar over that tweet — and did not mince words as he took James Woods to task.

Neil Patrick Harris really isn’t the guy you think of when somebody needs to get a well-deserved takedown on Twitter.

Usually, for that sort of thing, we might look to an unstoppable duo like Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.

But recent events clearly moved him to stand up for an 8-year-old whom James Woods called out in a tweet with an insult that … we’ll get to later.

Fair warning: it’s upsetting.

Because James Woods reblogged a photo from Orange County Pride, and singled out this one family for some vile commentary.

The photo itself, however, is great:

That’s Lori Duron, who runs the Raising My Rainbow blog, Matt, and their 8-year-old son, CJ.

All in all, she received a lot of compliments for her post and for the photos.

And, before you ask, we should just go ahead and clarify what gender creative means.

It’s not the same thing as being, say, gay or bi or trans, though someone who is gender creative might not be straight or might not be cisgender.

(Often, the term “gender creative” is applied to kids who are so young that things like gender and sexuality might still be really uncertain anyway)

Rather, a gender creative (or, more commonly known, a gender nonconforming) kid is one who doesn’t adhere to any set of strict gender roles, either internally or externally.

Gender roles are super weird anyway — why is one gender supposed to like certain colors? Why is one gender supposed to like grilling things? One gender is supposed to like decorating their nails and another is supposed to like foul-tasting fermented grain?

So, CJ is 8 and his family’s super supportive, which is great for a human being of any age, but especially for a developing child.

And then comes James Woods:

“This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage.”

If only he’d stopped after those first three words, right?

First of all, his parents aren’t doing anything but loving and supporting their child.

CJ’s older brother isn’t in the photo but he loves and supports his brother, too.

(Children can be amazing sometimes)

So the “what you’ve done” thing is weird, but unfortunately a lot of bigots make similar statements about parents of children who are gay or bi or trans.

As if somehow this is something that parents are doing to their children.

But the worst part is the end, of course, where James Woods evokes antiquated fears that associate trans people with serial killers.

Like … The Silence of the Lambs isn’t a documentary.

(Also, Buffalo Bill was explicitly stated in both the book and film as not being trans)

But James Woods knows that his bigoted followers will eat up his every word.

And that they’ll latch onto that awful image.

Neil Patrick Harris, however, wasn’t having it:

“Utterly ignorant and classless, Mr. Woods. I’m friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself.”

That’s exactly what needed to be said.

Also, “you know not of what you speak” is the most elegant way of calling someone an ignorant fool who embarrasses themselves every time that they open their mouth.

James Woods is no stranger to bigotry, of course.

Remember when Twitter was ablaze with talk of Anderson Cooper’s famous eyeroll while talking to Kellyanne Conway?

James Woods chimed in with his inexcusable

“As his butt plug dislodges during a newscast…”

In addition to being a raging homophobe, James Woods seems to not know how butts work.

Maybe he should check out Teen Vogue‘s guide to anal sex so that he doesn’t keep embarrassing people with his ignorance.

It’s no wonder that so many people wonder when James Woods will shut up already.
