Showing posts with label VILE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VILE. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Vile, Disgusting, Shocking Dolphin Kill in Denmark

This is disgusting, disturbing, heartless, shameful and shockingly cruel. The seas of Denmark are blood red for a reason … the red is the blood of 200 dolphins that were slaughtered by locals in the Faroe Islands.   It’s part of an…


Monday, April 2, 2018

David Beador: Cruel, Vile Text Messages to Shannon Beador Exposed

Shannon Beador’s divorce is in full swing. And we’d heard that David Beador was furious over how much he’s paying Shannon each month.

But it looks like there’s been more behind-closed-doors nastiness that no one’s seen until now.

Some of David’s private text messages to Shannon have been revealed, and they are heartbreakingly cruel.

Back in September, The Real Housewives of Orange County star and her husband separated after reportedly living separate lives for a long, long time.

In October, they made it official, filing for divorce.

What was initially going to be an amicable divorce, complete with the couple continuing to do activities with their three teenage daughters on a regular basis, broke down into a deeply acrimonious divorce.

By December, Shannon was tired of David’s behavior and started being more aggressive in the divorce.

Though it was reported that David was “shaking with anger” and cursing at Shannon after the court ruled on how much child support and spousal support he would need to pay Shannon, fans may be shocked when they hear these explosive text messages.

Shannon Beador did an interview with Jeff Lewis, Jenni Pulos, and Gage on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

And … it seems like Shannon ended up getting a little blindsided, because Jeff Lewis had some text messages that she had received that she apparently hadn’t realized that she’d sent to him.

“You accidentally sent me a few texts of a conversation between you and David,” Jeff tells her. “I wanted to prove to the listeners how David has moved on.”

David Beador has a young, hot girlfriend, but that’s not what Jeff means.

Jenni Pulos reads the texts, which are attributed to David, and they are stomach-churning.

“F–k you. So tired of you. You f–king disgust me. F–k you. What do you have to do? Eat? Because you can’t get off your fat ass.”

This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard of David fat-shaming his ex for her (genuinely minor) weight gain. It’s said that David stopped loving her when she became “fat.”

Shannon responded with shock — not over the content of the texts, but over the fact that Jeff had them.

“Oh my gosh you guys. What do you mean I sent that to you? Are you kidding me? Oh my God. Oh my God. That was a couple months ago.”

She says that she’s not receiving texts of that nature from David now.

Jenni went on to read yet another text.

“World ending tonight? You get out of your pajamas today? Sleep ’til two. The sad part is your b–ch behavior is normal for you. F–k you.”

Shannon protests, saying: “Stop it, you guys!”

But those texts are pretty horrifying.

It’s always strange to hear anyone judge or dislike someone else for what they allegedly eat or what time of day they wake up.

(In fact, some would question what the point of being a millionaire is if you don’t sleep until the afternoon)

It’s worse to hear those messages sent from someone who spent years married to the recipient, who once loved her.

Some people can’t fall out of love without falling into hate.

To be clear, we can’t vouch for the veracity of these text messages. Shannon indicated that they were the real deal, however.

It looks like there are a couple of possibilities for how this came up.

One, it could be that Shannon was trying to send a screenshot of them to her attorney and accidentally sent them to Jeff Lewis.

She’s 53 and, honestly, even the most tech-savvy Millennial or Gen Z could get distracted and do the same.

Two, however, it could always be that Shannon had quietly arranged for her own on-air ambush in order to leak the texts while playing innocent.

Considering the content of those alleged text messages, who could blame her?


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bella Thorne, Vile and Tone Deaf in Wake of Fatal Montecito Mudslides

Bella Thorne may get the award for the most self-absorbed celebrity after going off that the mudslides inconvenienced her because the debris is blocking her from attending her boyfriend’s concert. Thorne tweeted, then deleted this: Rob Lowe, who…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Selena Gomez"s Family: We Will Never Accept "Vile" Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are now in regular contact, and it has royally pissed off members of her family. A member of Selena’s family tells us many of them have never forgiven Justin for what they claim was extremely bad conduct during their…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Joseline Hernandez & Mimi Faust: Feud Explodes After VILE Comment!

Joseline Hernandez isn’t technically a wicked stepmother, but only because of the stepmother part. She’s just awful.

But what she tweeted about fellow Love & Hop Hop: Atlanta star Savannah, Stevie J’s daughter, was so vile and disgusting that we were shocked. Like, fair warning, this gets pretty graphic.

Mimi Faust was not surprised, however, and took to Instagram to remind the world exactly what she thinks of Joseline.

We’ve never understood how Stevie J and Joseline stay together.

But despite all of the drama that goes on, these two seem to stick up for each other.

And, you know, the heart wants what it wants or whatever, but Stevie J already has a child, Savannah.

And Savannah doesn’t care for Joseline one bit — and it’s clearly mutual.

Savannah, who’s 18, had a recent scene in which she talks to Mimi Faust.

And we already know that Mimi does not want Joseline anywhere near her daughter, Eva, whom she shares with Stevie J.

She’s even threatened legal action over it in the past.

So, Savannah tells Mimi that she thinks that Joseline is “toxic” and that she doesn’t think that Joseline should be with her dad, Stevie J.

(It would be weirder if she didn’t feel that way, to be honest)

Well, and we know that this will come as an absolute shock, but Joseline didn’t take that well.

When she saw the scene, she tweeted about it.

And this is where she gets all kinds of gross, okay.

“That hoe mad cause I run her daddy. Now run along and find your own c–k to s–k. You nappy head!”

Sorry for that censorship, but suffice it to say that Joseline isn’t suggesting that Savannah seek any cooks, but something a lot more vulgar.

But the implications of that statement are what make it so inexcusably vile.

Joseline can sink Stevie J’s cork as much as they both like, but she doesn’t need to talk about it with Stevie J’s teenage daughter.

And the icky suggestion that Savannah is jealous of that relationship is …well, words fail to describe the sort of revulsion that it evokes.

Now this is where Mimi comes back into the story.

Mimi shared a screencap of Joseline’s “endearing” tweet.

And Mimi made her thoughts known in the captions.

(Not that they were a secret to begin with)

“In case anyone Had any questions, On why I was So Adamant about NOT having that woman around my child…. Case in Point.!”


Honestly, given that Joseline feels so comfortable saying nasty things about anyone and everyone, who could blame Mimi for threatening to get an order of protection to keep her own daughter away from Joseline?

If she ever needs to seek one, she could just submit that tweet about Savannah as evidence.

Joseline took a conversation from a reality series and retaliated, so far out of proportion that rather than refuting Savannah’s claim, she really proved her point.

Fans of the show really put her on blast for it.

If you think that she’s sorry after that backlash … you don’t know Joseline Hernandez.

“That young lady is 18. She’s grown enough to [dish] it out she will [be] grown [enough] to take it!! I’m done with this conversation. Back to reality.”

Savannah literally just referred to Joseline as toxic.

Joseline’s response to to spew toxicity all over social media.

Weird that Joseline’s the alleged grown-up in this situation. Honestly, we wish that Joseline Hernandez really would quit the show.

Stevie J hasn’t directly weighted in — but he did tweet something generic about loving his daughters.

Just vague enough that he hopes to still avoid Joseline’s wrath, we’re guessing.

Nice priorities there, buddy.
