Showing posts with label Mimi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mimi. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Mimi Haleyi: Harvey Weinstein Orally Assaulted Me While I Was on My Period

If we documented every sexual assault charge against movie producer Harvey Weinstein, we’d never have time to write about anything else at The Hollywood Gossip.

But the accusation leveled against Weinstein this afternoon by a former production assistant named Mimi Haleyi seems worth mentioning because it’s just so appalling.

And disgusting, to be honest.

An ex-employee of the Weinstein Co., Haleyi sat alongside attorney Gloria Allred in New York City on Tuesday and told the press that she met Weinstein at the 2004 premiere of The Aviator.

Two years later, at the Cannes Film Festival, Weinstein invited Haleyi to his hotel room to supposedly discuss business.

After “a few minutes of normal conversation,” he attempted to convince Haleyi to give him a massage, she explained.

But she declined and left the room.

“By that time I was crying, as I felt completely humiliated and stupid for having been excited about meeting with him,” Haleyi said.

Following this incident, Weinstein actually asked Haleyi to work on one of his television shows. After this jobs ended, he asked her to go to Paris with him.

This seemed like a “romantic” request, Haleyi said today, so she turned it down.

Angered that she would say no to him (twice, no less), Weinstein allegedly showed up to Haleyi’s apartment in New York and “physically forced himself in through the door, pleading with me to come to Paris,” she said.

But she did not give in.

After Weinstein returned from France, Haleyi said she wanted to “maintain a good relationship” with the producer, so she agreed to meet him at his Manhattan apartment.

They watched TV for a few minutes, but soon “he was all over me, making sexual advances,” she said, adding:

“I said, ‘I am on my period. There is no way this is going to happen. Please stop.’ He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Weinstein is then accused of backing Haleyi into what looked like a child’s bedroom.

“He held me on the bed, I tried to get him off me but … he was extremely persistent and physically overpowering,” she said.

“He orally forced himself on me while i was on my period. He even pulled my tampon out. I was mortified. I was in disbelief and disgusted.”

After the alleged assault, Haleyi said Weinstein rolled over on his back and asked: “Don’t you feel like we’re so much closer now?”

No, she replied.

Earlier this month, a New York Times article detailed eight separate settlements Weinstein had arrived at with women who accused him of sexual misconduct.

Since this article went viral, countless others in Hollywood have shared their Harvey Weinstein stories.

And many sound eerily similar to this one, with women saying Weinstein would invite them to his hotel room under the guise of business… only to force himself on them in various ways.

A spokeswoman for Weinstein has previously said that “any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied” by him.

As of this writing, 54 women have accused Weinstein of sexual assault or harassment.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Joseline Hernandez & Mimi Faust: Feud Explodes After VILE Comment!

Joseline Hernandez isn’t technically a wicked stepmother, but only because of the stepmother part. She’s just awful.

But what she tweeted about fellow Love & Hop Hop: Atlanta star Savannah, Stevie J’s daughter, was so vile and disgusting that we were shocked. Like, fair warning, this gets pretty graphic.

Mimi Faust was not surprised, however, and took to Instagram to remind the world exactly what she thinks of Joseline.

We’ve never understood how Stevie J and Joseline stay together.

But despite all of the drama that goes on, these two seem to stick up for each other.

And, you know, the heart wants what it wants or whatever, but Stevie J already has a child, Savannah.

And Savannah doesn’t care for Joseline one bit — and it’s clearly mutual.

Savannah, who’s 18, had a recent scene in which she talks to Mimi Faust.

And we already know that Mimi does not want Joseline anywhere near her daughter, Eva, whom she shares with Stevie J.

She’s even threatened legal action over it in the past.

So, Savannah tells Mimi that she thinks that Joseline is “toxic” and that she doesn’t think that Joseline should be with her dad, Stevie J.

(It would be weirder if she didn’t feel that way, to be honest)

Well, and we know that this will come as an absolute shock, but Joseline didn’t take that well.

When she saw the scene, she tweeted about it.

And this is where she gets all kinds of gross, okay.

“That hoe mad cause I run her daddy. Now run along and find your own c–k to s–k. You nappy head!”

Sorry for that censorship, but suffice it to say that Joseline isn’t suggesting that Savannah seek any cooks, but something a lot more vulgar.

But the implications of that statement are what make it so inexcusably vile.

Joseline can sink Stevie J’s cork as much as they both like, but she doesn’t need to talk about it with Stevie J’s teenage daughter.

And the icky suggestion that Savannah is jealous of that relationship is …well, words fail to describe the sort of revulsion that it evokes.

Now this is where Mimi comes back into the story.

Mimi shared a screencap of Joseline’s “endearing” tweet.

And Mimi made her thoughts known in the captions.

(Not that they were a secret to begin with)

“In case anyone Had any questions, On why I was So Adamant about NOT having that woman around my child…. Case in Point.!”


Honestly, given that Joseline feels so comfortable saying nasty things about anyone and everyone, who could blame Mimi for threatening to get an order of protection to keep her own daughter away from Joseline?

If she ever needs to seek one, she could just submit that tweet about Savannah as evidence.

Joseline took a conversation from a reality series and retaliated, so far out of proportion that rather than refuting Savannah’s claim, she really proved her point.

Fans of the show really put her on blast for it.

If you think that she’s sorry after that backlash … you don’t know Joseline Hernandez.

“That young lady is 18. She’s grown enough to [dish] it out she will [be] grown [enough] to take it!! I’m done with this conversation. Back to reality.”

Savannah literally just referred to Joseline as toxic.

Joseline’s response to to spew toxicity all over social media.

Weird that Joseline’s the alleged grown-up in this situation. Honestly, we wish that Joseline Hernandez really would quit the show.

Stevie J hasn’t directly weighted in — but he did tweet something generic about loving his daughters.

Just vague enough that he hopes to still avoid Joseline’s wrath, we’re guessing.

Nice priorities there, buddy.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mimi Simkins in "Bio-Dome" "Memba Her?!

Dara Tomanovich is best known for playing the super hot bio-babe Mimi Simkins — alongside Kylie Minogue as Doctor Petra von Kant — in the 1996 environmentally friendly funny film ‘Bio-Dome.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mimi Faust: I"m Dating a Woman, But I"m NOT a Lesbian!

Even if you’ve never seen an episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, there’s a good chance you recognize the name Mimi Faust.

Back in 2014 Mimi made a sex tape that became a surprise Internet sensation.

That’s not a knock on Mimi’s appearance or bedroom skills. The fact that Mimi’s amateur porn went viral was a shock only because Love & Hip Hop Atlanta isn’t exactly a ratings juggernaut.

Maybe we shouldn’t use the word “viral” when we’re talking about sex tapes. Ew.

Anyway, Mimi has since broken up with Nikko London – the co-star in her “leaked” skin flick – but that doesn’t mean her days of shocking fans with her love life are over.

On the season premier of LHHA, Mimi introduced her friends to her new love interest, Chris.

Many of them were surprised to learn that Chris is actually a woman named Christine

According to those in her inner circle, Mimi had never before expressed any interest on swimming in the lady pond.

According to Mimi, she’s still not interested in women, and she considers herself 100% heterosexual.

Yeah, it’s a tad confusing, but apparently Chris self-identifies as a man, and Mimi says that’s good enough for her.

We’re not here to judge and we encourage Mimi to find love (and hip hop) with whomever she pleases.

Of course, this is the same woman who admitted her sex tape was a planned PR stunt only after it had been circulating the Internet for several weeks, so don’t be surprised if it turns out this is all for attention.