Showing posts with label Cruel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cruel. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Meghan Markle: Driven to Tears By Idiot Dad"s Cruel Comments

In the three months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, we’ve had occasion to learn an awful lot about her father, Thomas Markle.

And boy, were we happier not knowing a thing about this doofus.

In case you’ve somehow managed to remain blissfully unaware of his presence, allow us to fill you in:

Dude is just the absolute worst.

Not only did Thomas skip the royal wedding by pretending to have a heart attack, he’s since devoted himself to ruining what should be the happiest time in his daughter’s life.

It’s become clear that Thomas enjoys humiliating Meghan by giving interviews with the trashiest outlets and the world’s very worst people — yes, we’re talking about Piers Morgan.

Thus far, Big Tom has stopped just short of wrapping his head in tinfoil for a sit-down with Alex Jones in which he discusses the mounting evidence that the royals are insect-eating lizard people.

Not surprisingly, it seems Meghan has had enough.

Insiders say Meg is at her wit’s end and has essentially just given up on her father:

“For the life of her, she can’t understand why he’s digging such a deep hole for himself and to say things like, ‘It would be easier for her if her dad died,’” a friend tells the Daily Mail.

The source says Meghan had hoped Tom would agree to STFU as a present for her recent birthday:

“She said she just wishes her dad would ‘stop blathering’ to the press. That’s the one birthday gift she wanted from her father,” the insider claims.

Obviously, that didn’t happen, and now, Meg is temporarily cutting ties for the sake of her own mental health.

“Meghan has no immediate plans to contact her father. Firstly, she’s deeply hurt and secondly, she can’t trust him to keep their conversation private,” the insider shares.

“Meghan is big on being true to herself and taking care of herself, and if this means avoiding toxic relationships so be it,” the source adds.

“It’s not like she’s never ever going to speak with her dad again, but certainly not now, not in this climate.”

Unfortunately, it seems Meg has all but given up on her father changing his ways, as he’s been like this for most of her life:

“Behavior like his doesn’t happen overnight. Why do you think her parents got divorced in the first place? the source says.

“Meghan’s had to deal with a lot of self-esteem issues growing up with a narcissist. She has tools to cope with emotional blackmail.” 

At this time, we’d like to reiterate our opinion that Thomas is the absolute worst.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Cruel Intentions" Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair Hit Up Pink Concert

People usually say WTF gratuitously … but in this case, WTF!!! “Cruel Intentions” co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair went to a Pink Concert Friday night at The Forum in L.A. … and it just doesn’t seem real. Sarah is 41 and Selma is…


"Cruel Intentions" Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair Hit Up Pink Concert

People usually say WTF gratuitously … but in this case, WTF!!! “Cruel Intentions” co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair went to a Pink Concert Friday night at The Forum in L.A. … and it just doesn’t seem real. Sarah is 41 and Selma is…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Arie Luyendyk, Jr.: The Bachelor EDITED Me to Make Me Look Cruel! I Feel BETRAYED!

One can only imagine the betrayal that Becca Kufrin must have felt during Arie’s brutal breakup, all captured on camera and broadcast to the world.

But now, Arie is speaking up — about his decision to dump Becca and propose to Lauren. And the decision to film it.

And as it turns out, Arie says that he feels betrayed — by the producers. He claims that things were “completely edited.”

In a new interview with GQ, Arie tells the interviewer that he was “haunted” by the thought that, in choosing Becca, he’d allowed his soul mate to slip away.

So he called Lauren on New Year’s Eve.

“As soon as I heard her voice,” he says.

“I knew that I had to end things with Becca.”

Instead of simply breaking things off with Becca, though, Arie apparently went to producers first.

He says that they were the ones who pitched bringing in cameras.

Arie says that these silver-tongued producers talked him into bringing in the cameras by promising him that this was the best way to move forward.

By filming it, they allegedly told him, he would be able to show the Bachelor Nation that he was just being honest to his feelings while being respectful of Becca’s.

Arie says that they told him:

“‘Then we can show you going back to Lauren, and people are going to rally behind you because you took this big risk and you did it for love."”

He says that the producers persuaded him by assuring him that people would be on his side.

“‘At the end of the day, people will just want to see you happy."”

Obviously, very few people are invested in Arie’s happiness these days, even though he and Lauren have announced their wedding date and venue.

“You’ve got to understand,” Arie tells the interviewer. “These people were my friends.”

This, he says, is why he trusted them. But he now feels “100 percent” betrayed.

Then, Arie has some damning words to share about the actual breakup scene with Becca.

You know, the one hailed as “the first completely unedited scene in reality television history” by ABC’s promotions?

Arie says that this was hogwash.

“It was completely edited,” he accuses.

The 40 minute segment was agonizing to watch, and he suggests that it was intended to be that way from the beginning.

“I was told to stay on that couch.”

We guess that we know what Arie would do if the Milgram experiment were performed today.

“I tried to leave, and then production was like, ‘You need to go back inside. She’s finally calming down. I feel like you owe it to her to have this conversation."”

Good advice? Maybe not. But production’s job is to make good television, not to be your life coach.

“So then I went back in the house.”

He confirms that production tried to discourage him from leaving.

“Yeah. I left, came back. I stepped away from the couch, I went back to the couch.”

But the Bachelor Nation didn’t see that part.

“They cut out, obviously, production talking to me from 10 feet away.”

Arie says that, by editing out their instructions for him to remain, the resulting video “was super unfair to me.”

But he does acknowledge that, you know, this is how reality television works.

“It’s their job to make it entertaining for people.”

It is interesting to hear that Arie is trying to cast of blame to make himself look better.

Just because something was someone else’s suggestion doesn’t mean that you are blameless for doing it.

And they would have had to try harder to make him look insensitive if he had come across as more compassionate.


Monday, April 2, 2018

David Beador: Cruel, Vile Text Messages to Shannon Beador Exposed

Shannon Beador’s divorce is in full swing. And we’d heard that David Beador was furious over how much he’s paying Shannon each month.

But it looks like there’s been more behind-closed-doors nastiness that no one’s seen until now.

Some of David’s private text messages to Shannon have been revealed, and they are heartbreakingly cruel.

Back in September, The Real Housewives of Orange County star and her husband separated after reportedly living separate lives for a long, long time.

In October, they made it official, filing for divorce.

What was initially going to be an amicable divorce, complete with the couple continuing to do activities with their three teenage daughters on a regular basis, broke down into a deeply acrimonious divorce.

By December, Shannon was tired of David’s behavior and started being more aggressive in the divorce.

Though it was reported that David was “shaking with anger” and cursing at Shannon after the court ruled on how much child support and spousal support he would need to pay Shannon, fans may be shocked when they hear these explosive text messages.

Shannon Beador did an interview with Jeff Lewis, Jenni Pulos, and Gage on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

And … it seems like Shannon ended up getting a little blindsided, because Jeff Lewis had some text messages that she had received that she apparently hadn’t realized that she’d sent to him.

“You accidentally sent me a few texts of a conversation between you and David,” Jeff tells her. “I wanted to prove to the listeners how David has moved on.”

David Beador has a young, hot girlfriend, but that’s not what Jeff means.

Jenni Pulos reads the texts, which are attributed to David, and they are stomach-churning.

“F–k you. So tired of you. You f–king disgust me. F–k you. What do you have to do? Eat? Because you can’t get off your fat ass.”

This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard of David fat-shaming his ex for her (genuinely minor) weight gain. It’s said that David stopped loving her when she became “fat.”

Shannon responded with shock — not over the content of the texts, but over the fact that Jeff had them.

“Oh my gosh you guys. What do you mean I sent that to you? Are you kidding me? Oh my God. Oh my God. That was a couple months ago.”

She says that she’s not receiving texts of that nature from David now.

Jenni went on to read yet another text.

“World ending tonight? You get out of your pajamas today? Sleep ’til two. The sad part is your b–ch behavior is normal for you. F–k you.”

Shannon protests, saying: “Stop it, you guys!”

But those texts are pretty horrifying.

It’s always strange to hear anyone judge or dislike someone else for what they allegedly eat or what time of day they wake up.

(In fact, some would question what the point of being a millionaire is if you don’t sleep until the afternoon)

It’s worse to hear those messages sent from someone who spent years married to the recipient, who once loved her.

Some people can’t fall out of love without falling into hate.

To be clear, we can’t vouch for the veracity of these text messages. Shannon indicated that they were the real deal, however.

It looks like there are a couple of possibilities for how this came up.

One, it could be that Shannon was trying to send a screenshot of them to her attorney and accidentally sent them to Jeff Lewis.

She’s 53 and, honestly, even the most tech-savvy Millennial or Gen Z could get distracted and do the same.

Two, however, it could always be that Shannon had quietly arranged for her own on-air ambush in order to leak the texts while playing innocent.

Considering the content of those alleged text messages, who could blame her?


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Bachelor Alums Blast Arie, ABC for Cruel Becca Break-Up

By now, you must have heard:

On the season finale of The Bachelor, Arie Luyendyk Jr. got down on one knee and proposed to Becca Kurfin.

He then realized that he still had feelings for runner-up Lauren Burnham… so he invited Becca over to his house and shattered her heart into a million tiny pieces – in front of ABC cameras, no less!

And while Kurfin claims she"s forgiven Arie for his actions, past mainstays from this beloved franchise can"t believe Arie would do her like that on national television.

Scroll down for a look at the reactions of some very familiar names. Do you agree with their assessment?

1. Oh, Arie

Arie on the finale

The 22nd Bachelor in show history admits he made a huge “mistake” in the way he handled the Becca break-up, but that doesn’t change the fact that it happened. He ended their engagement in front of millions of viewers!

2. She Can Relate

Ry tweet

Melissa Rycroft was watching the finale when it happened. If you recall, she was dumped on the After the Rose special by Jason Mesnick, who then asked out runner-up Molly Malaney.

3. And Speaking of Molly…


Yup, she was watching as well. And she wasn’t a fan of how this was handled.

4. And Then Speaking of Jason…


Wait, what? Maybe he didn’t want it filmed deep down inside, but he obviously agreed to it and, you know, did actually break up with Becca on camera.

5. They Also Did It for Ratings


But we agree. No way Becca isn’t announced as The Bachelorette, right?!?

6. Spoken from Experience


Lowe is the only Bachelor in history to actually marry the woman he proposed to on the show. This is a man who knows the love business.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Kylie Jenner Can"t Stop Eating, Cruel Report Alleges

We finally have an answer to this ongoing pressing question:

Where in the world is Kylie Jenner?

And the answer is this:

Someplace with a giant plate of food in front of her!

Indeed, according to a pretty mean new report by Radar Online, the 20-year old is not sharing new photos on Instagram and not appearing in public because she’s embarrassed.

She’s ashamed.

She’s downtrodden.

And it’s not just because she’s pregnant.

Kylie’s been eating non-stop and has gained a tremendous amount of weight,” an insider claims to Radar, adding:

“She is not eating healthy, either, so it is not making her situation any better.”

This is common for any woman that is expecting, of course.

How many times have you heard a pregnant person joke that she is “eating for two?”

Kylie, however, has made a living from posing in scantily-clad outfits and in sharing every detail of her personal life with her fans.

For this reason, those same fans are growing irritated over the lack of Jenner’s baby bump.

They’re sick of the games and just want Kylie to come out and admit she’s expecting a child with semi-serious boyfriend Travis Scott.

But Radar writes that Jenner has gained 60 pounds in just a few months and it’s all because she has a “big breakfast, big lunch, big dinner and tons of snacks in between.”

As a result, she can’t bear to show off her figure to, well, pretty much anyone.

This is actually pretty sad, if true.

Kylie has created a life for herself in which she can’t be her true self… unless that true self is svelte and sexy and all of that.

“She gorges on food and blames it on being pregnant, but says that she is always hungry,” Radar alleges, writing that the star “hides her [body] in oversized clothes” these days.

Because Jenner has not issued any sort of statement regarding her pregnancy, we don’t know for sure when she’s due or whether she’s having a boy or a girl.

But we hear the baby will arrive early this spring and be a female.

We’ve also heard disturbing reports that Kylie will try to get emergency weight loss surgery as soon as she gives birth.

She’s that desperate to shed this baby weight.

Her sisters and other loved ones are against this dangerous idea, but Jenner simply isn’t thinking clearly at the moment.

“She thinks she is morbidly obese right now,” the Radar insider says.

“After she gives birth, she is planning on checking into a fat farm for six weeks.

“If that doesn’t work, she will resort to using a procedure like limo or cool sculpting to shed the pounds.”

Again, we can’t verify the accuracy of this allegation.

But even in the Keeping Up with the Kardashians clip where Kylie seemingly tells her family that she’s pregnant (above), we do NOT see Kylie’s body.

We simply see her face over the phone.

This has to lend at least some credence to the possibility that Kylie really has gained a great deal of weight and really does feel awful about it.

The truth, however, is that we’ll never know for certain. We have no way of shooting down this claim until Jenner herself comes out and does what she is apparently afraid to do:

She has to make herself visible to the world.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Chrissy Teigen Shows Off Post-Baby Body, Reminds Us That Life Is Cruel

Everyone woman deserves to feel beautiful.

It’s just incredibly unfair when one looks this beautiful after having a child.

I won’t knock the sisterhood.  I won’t!

Except…look at Chriss Teigen’s body!  Did she blink and POOF…Gone is any evidence of 9 months of gestation?

What sorcery is this?!

Last month, Teigen gave birth to Luna Simone Stephens, her first child with husband, John Legend.

Little Luna weighed 6 lbs, 11oz at her time of birth.

“She’s here!” Teigen announced via Instagram.

“Luna Simone Stephens, we are so in love with you! And sleepy. Very sleepy.”

Yesterday, Teigen celebrated her first Mother’s Day as a new mama, and even got to work making food (John, we’re going to have to speak to you about this.  The woman should be lounging on a divan, holding a crystal glass full of sparkling water).

“Mother’s Day Brunch – low and slow scrambled eggs, chicken and waffles and roasted bacon, oh my!” the amateur chef posted.

Ok, she’s making a meal for her family.  Great.


In other Teigen news, some Twitter trolls weren’t pleased to learn that she took a night off from motherhood to dine with Legend.

The new parents dined at The Nice Guy in West Hollywood, a no-no by the peanut gallery’s standards.

“The spotlight pull be strong,” one user sniped

“One week. Who wants to leave a one week old baby to go to a bar?”

Another was equally obnoxious.

“She’s hitting the streets already???? Damn these so called celebrities want to show off so bad after giving birth,” another chimed in.

“Spend bonding time with your baby and not let the nanny or babysitter raise them!”

This next one is next-level TMI.

“You bleed a few weeks and the smell is horriffic!” wrote another.

“Even with a shower you have an after birth smell. I would never leave my baby after a week.”

That’s excellent for you.

Teigen is obviously smitten with her little girl, and her doctor must have given her the green light to go out for a change of scenery and a nice meal that doesn’t involve holding a newborn while shoving Pringles into one’s mouth before she wakes up again.

So everyone just shut up and marvel at Teigen’s figure.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Kim Kardashian: SHADED By Beyonce Fans With Cruel Meme

The internet is an unsafe place, folks.

Especially when you’re Kim Kardashian, who is ironically one of the most popular and most hated celebrities on the planet.

Kim can be annoying as all get-out, and sometimes she deserves the criticism she gets.

But we’re not sure why she’s being targeted in the latest campaign by Beyonce fans.

The shade comes in the form of a meme that juxtaposes photos of both women wearing braids in their hair.

The first, an image used from Beyonce’s visual album “Lemonade,” which dropped last week to rave reviews from fans.

The second, a pic of Kim with the words “Tap Water” written across the image.


Witty, okay, but why is the Beyhive so mad at Kim?

Who knows? It seems that these days, the busy Beys are set off by nearly anything.

They went hard on Rachel Roy earlier this week after they suspected that she was “Becky,” Jay Z’s alleged mistress.

The swarm also went after Rachael Ray, Rita Ora, Iggy Azalea, Wendy Williams, and finally, the cheater Jay Z himself.

So what does Kim have to do with any of this?

It could be because Kim has a longtime friendship with Rachel, which means the selfie queen is somehow guilty by association.

(It should be noted that Kim has not commented on Beyonce, Rachel or the entire “Becky” situation since the allegations came to light.)

Or it’s possible that Bey fans are dissing Kim for cultural appropriation by styling her hair in boxer braids, as “Lemonade” has been hailed as an ode to strong black women.

Whatever the case, we think it’s time for the Beyhive to put their stingers away. 

This is one rare instance when Kim really didn’t ask for any of this.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kylie Jenner: "Devastated" By Cruel Texts From Tyga, Source Says

Last month, it was widely reported that Kylie Jenner and Tyga had broken up.

Shortly thereafter, Kylie and Tyga got back together, but their relationship has never been the same, and it now seems that Kyga isn’t long for this world.

Following the reconciliation, reps for the couple revealed that Kylie and Tyga would be distancing themselves from one another in order to maintain their individuality in the public’s eye and protect their respective brands.

It was widely assumed that the idea was Kylie’s, and an irate text that Tyga sent her recently seems to confirm that

“Tyga’s shaking his head that Kylie and her family saying he’s bad for her brand after he learned that her lip kits haven’t made it to customers,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“He sent Kylie a scathing text that said, ‘So I’m bad for your brand but you and your mom ain’t sending people their lip kits. Lol. Smh.’ To say Tyga’s upset is an understatement.

“He’s hurt. She literally blew him off at every turn last week and he hasn’t gotten over it. He doesn’t know how much fight he’s got left in him.”

Yes, Kylie allegedly ripping off her lip kit customers has led to criticism that she’s trying to do too much too soon as a businesswoman, and Tyga’s decision to hit her where it hurts could mean the end of their already troubled relationship:

“Kylie was livid Tyga sent her a mean spirited text message, and [she] shared it with all her sisters,” the insider says. “She couldn’t believe he could be so cruel. Every one of the girls were terribly upset by it, especially Kourt.”

“Kourtney thought it was a downright ugly message and told Kylie she doesn’t need to be with someone who’s not supportive,” the source says.

“Kourt’s never liked them together and this message, for Kourt at least, is the final nail in the coffin. She told Kylie to break it off with him immediately, and that she could do better – a whole lot better.”

Yeah, once you start pissing off her sisters, you can pretty much kiss Kylie goodbye.

Better get back to rapping, or whatever it is you claim you do for a living these days, Tyga.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cruel Intentions Remake: Coming to NBC?!

Television networks are searching for proven brands, looking to harness nostalgia among angsty 30-somethings and resigning themselves to an utter lack of ideas.

The result? Remakes galore!!

Case in point of the day: NBC is working on a small screen of Cruel Intentions, a longtime fan favorite of Millennials and Slightly Older Than Millennials.

These days, with the Internet’s proliferation and shows like Gossip Girl, sex, lies, backstabbing, girl on girl action and bullying are the norm on teen dramas.

In 1999, the Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar drama was boundary-pushing, and damned if it’s not still sexy as f–k.

A seminal film, if you will. In more ways than one. Anyway, the Cruel Intentions TV series, if it gets the green light, will center around Bash Casey, 16.

He’s the son of Phillippe and Witherspoon’s characters from the original film, Sebastian and Annette, and the show will be set in the present day.

After finding his father’s journal, Bash learns of a family legacy he wasn’t aware existed, and sets off looking for answers, intrigued to say the least.

He swaps his small-town Kansas upbringing (!?) for a scholarship to Brighton Prep in San Francisco, and you can imagine what he discovers there.

Basically, the youngster will be balls deep in sex, money, power and corruption and have to navigate that world without losing his soul in the process.

Cruel Intentions is just the latest in an endless string of reboots, although this season’s remakes and revivals have debuted to mixed results.

Fox’s Minority Report was not the hit the network imagined, and NBC’s Heroes reminded us why the show got so bad it had to be canceled initially.

On the flip side, CBS’ Limitless follow-up has done fairly well, and Netflix has probably struck gold with its upcoming Gilmore Girls revival.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Nicole Arbour Fired from Movie Due to "Cruel Fat-Shaming Video"

You know what they say about Karma, right?

YouTube star Nicole Arbour came under major fire last week for posting a video that called out fat people, saying in the footage that body shaming does not exist and that obese individuals should just shut up and work out.

The video was removed by YouTube for a brief period of time before being reinstated.

Many (including THG) were appalled by Arbour’s comments, but believed she should be permitted to make then. Freedom of speech and all.

But what goes around often comes around… and director Pat Mills says he’s dropped Arbour as a choreographer from his upcoming movie due to her controversial viewpoint.

“She seemed like a perfect fit for the project. I shared the script with her,” Mills tells Zap2It.

“She said she dug it and was excited to come on board…and then a crazy thing happened on Saturday – I saw something on the Internet that made me never want to see her again.”

The film, titled “Don’t Talk to Irene,” centers on 16-year old who dreams of being a cheerleader but who is bullied for being fat.

So, yeah. It’s not hard to see why Arbour didn’t make sense for the project.

“I’m gay, I was bullied a lot as a kid,” Mills adds.

“I’m no stranger to ridicule and loneliness. [Her video] is an unfunny and cruel fat-shaming video that guises itself about being about ‘health.’ It’s fat phobic and awful…I was so upset I was shaking.”

That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?