Friday, August 10, 2018

Meghan Markle: Driven to Tears By Idiot Dad"s Cruel Comments

In the three months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, we’ve had occasion to learn an awful lot about her father, Thomas Markle.

And boy, were we happier not knowing a thing about this doofus.

In case you’ve somehow managed to remain blissfully unaware of his presence, allow us to fill you in:

Dude is just the absolute worst.

Not only did Thomas skip the royal wedding by pretending to have a heart attack, he’s since devoted himself to ruining what should be the happiest time in his daughter’s life.

It’s become clear that Thomas enjoys humiliating Meghan by giving interviews with the trashiest outlets and the world’s very worst people — yes, we’re talking about Piers Morgan.

Thus far, Big Tom has stopped just short of wrapping his head in tinfoil for a sit-down with Alex Jones in which he discusses the mounting evidence that the royals are insect-eating lizard people.

Not surprisingly, it seems Meghan has had enough.

Insiders say Meg is at her wit’s end and has essentially just given up on her father:

“For the life of her, she can’t understand why he’s digging such a deep hole for himself and to say things like, ‘It would be easier for her if her dad died,’” a friend tells the Daily Mail.

The source says Meghan had hoped Tom would agree to STFU as a present for her recent birthday:

“She said she just wishes her dad would ‘stop blathering’ to the press. That’s the one birthday gift she wanted from her father,” the insider claims.

Obviously, that didn’t happen, and now, Meg is temporarily cutting ties for the sake of her own mental health.

“Meghan has no immediate plans to contact her father. Firstly, she’s deeply hurt and secondly, she can’t trust him to keep their conversation private,” the insider shares.

“Meghan is big on being true to herself and taking care of herself, and if this means avoiding toxic relationships so be it,” the source adds.

“It’s not like she’s never ever going to speak with her dad again, but certainly not now, not in this climate.”

Unfortunately, it seems Meg has all but given up on her father changing his ways, as he’s been like this for most of her life:

“Behavior like his doesn’t happen overnight. Why do you think her parents got divorced in the first place? the source says.

“Meghan’s had to deal with a lot of self-esteem issues growing up with a narcissist. She has tools to cope with emotional blackmail.” 

At this time, we’d like to reiterate our opinion that Thomas is the absolute worst.
