Showing posts with label Idiot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idiot. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Chuck Liddell Says Tito Ortiz Is a Big Dumb Idiot

Don’t expect Chuck Liddell to pull a Khabib and jump out of the cage when he fights Tito Ortiz — The Iceman says Tito is simply too dumb to get under his skin with trash talk.  “I don’t think he’s smart enough to say something to get me…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. Weighs in on "Idiot" Behind Anonymous NYT Op-Ed

Donald Trump Jr. has a very clear picture of who’s behind that anonymous New York Times op-ed — and it ain’t no “senior official” in the Trump administration. We got the President’s son heading into Vaucluse Thursday in NYC with his…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Big Boy Hit By Drunk Idiot Driver, Caught With His Pants Down

It looks like a joke — but this was very real.  Legendary radio DJ Big Boy was rear-ended by a VERY drunk driver in Calabasas … and when he confronted the man, the guy pulled out a VODKA BOTTLE and started chugging while still behind the…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Meghan Markle: Driven to Tears By Idiot Dad"s Cruel Comments

In the three months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, we’ve had occasion to learn an awful lot about her father, Thomas Markle.

And boy, were we happier not knowing a thing about this doofus.

In case you’ve somehow managed to remain blissfully unaware of his presence, allow us to fill you in:

Dude is just the absolute worst.

Not only did Thomas skip the royal wedding by pretending to have a heart attack, he’s since devoted himself to ruining what should be the happiest time in his daughter’s life.

It’s become clear that Thomas enjoys humiliating Meghan by giving interviews with the trashiest outlets and the world’s very worst people — yes, we’re talking about Piers Morgan.

Thus far, Big Tom has stopped just short of wrapping his head in tinfoil for a sit-down with Alex Jones in which he discusses the mounting evidence that the royals are insect-eating lizard people.

Not surprisingly, it seems Meghan has had enough.

Insiders say Meg is at her wit’s end and has essentially just given up on her father:

“For the life of her, she can’t understand why he’s digging such a deep hole for himself and to say things like, ‘It would be easier for her if her dad died,’” a friend tells the Daily Mail.

The source says Meghan had hoped Tom would agree to STFU as a present for her recent birthday:

“She said she just wishes her dad would ‘stop blathering’ to the press. That’s the one birthday gift she wanted from her father,” the insider claims.

Obviously, that didn’t happen, and now, Meg is temporarily cutting ties for the sake of her own mental health.

“Meghan has no immediate plans to contact her father. Firstly, she’s deeply hurt and secondly, she can’t trust him to keep their conversation private,” the insider shares.

“Meghan is big on being true to herself and taking care of herself, and if this means avoiding toxic relationships so be it,” the source adds.

“It’s not like she’s never ever going to speak with her dad again, but certainly not now, not in this climate.”

Unfortunately, it seems Meg has all but given up on her father changing his ways, as he’s been like this for most of her life:

“Behavior like his doesn’t happen overnight. Why do you think her parents got divorced in the first place? the source says.

“Meghan’s had to deal with a lot of self-esteem issues growing up with a narcissist. She has tools to cope with emotional blackmail.” 

At this time, we’d like to reiterate our opinion that Thomas is the absolute worst.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Uber Driver Calls Drake and Driver "F***ing Idiot" for Dinging Car

Drake and his driver got an earful from an Uber driver who went ballistic after Drizzy’s driver apparently dinged his car … and it’s all on video. The “In My Feelings” rapper was arriving at Delilah in WeHo on Tuesday night … on his way…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

John Legend Says Roseanne"s a Racist Idiot

John Legend has only two words to describe Roseanne Barr in the wake of her Twitter scandal … and they rhyme with racist and idiot. We got John and his wife, Chrissy Teigen, leaving Il Pastaio Wednesday in Bev Hills with their daughter, Luna,…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kanye Tries to Explain Slavery Comment, Is SUCH an Idiot

Kanye West may have finally crossed a line.

The rapper has been spewing nonsense for weeks now, ever since announcing that he"s releasing new music in the summer of 2018.

When he expressed heartfelt affection for Donald Trump, Twitter users shook their head.

But when he wondered why black people were enslaved for "400 years" while speaking to TMZ and then said the answer had to be because they WANTED to be, well…

… Twitter users nearly broke their computer screens.

Scroll down to see a few responses to Kanye"s opinion and then to see how Kanye is attempting to explain himself:

1. Is He Sick or Is He Smart?

Kanye west in white on stage

This is the ongoing debate regarding Kanye: does he need mental help… or does he NOT need a marketing team because he’s so good by himself as publicizing his music and his brand?

2. Getting Schooled


Kanye has been irritating beyond all belief. But maybe it was all worth it, just to see him getting yelled at by a TMZ employee.

3. Down with Kanye


This isn’t funny anymore, people. This is simply dangerous and dumb. (We agree.)

4. Sorry, Kanye Lovers


It’s time to let go. Embrace another rapper. Please stop trying to defend this man or justify his behavior.

5. Okay, So Let Me Explain…


Kanye actually did try to walk back this one remark… kind of, that is. He at least acknowledges that he wasn’t entirely clear in how he phrased himself.

6. It Was a Numbers Game!


No, Kanye, it really wasn’t. Go read an actual book and see what happened to slaves who tried to rise up.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

WWE"s Mojo Rawley Delivers Epic Chest Slap to Bar Idiot

WWE superstar Mojo Rawley reached back like a pimp and slapped the ever-loving crap out of a dumbass in a duck mask in a New Orleans bar … and TMZ Sports has the video.  It all went down early Monday morning on Bourbon Street after…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Dismissed as "Unqualified Lesbian" by Idiot Politician

As previously reported, Cynthia Nixon is running for Governor of New York.

As has also been reported a long time ago, Cynthia Nixon is a lesbian.

What does this latter fact have to do with this former fact?

Nothing at all, really.

But try telling that to Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

In an interview with The New York Post, Quinn made it clear that still holds a grudge against Nixon for endorsing Bill de Blasio over her in the the 2013 Democratic primary for mayor.

“I’m surprised by this race. It’s a flight of fancy on her part,” Quinn said of Nixon’s confirmation on Monday that she would take on Andrew Cuomo in the September 13 Democratic primary.

That’s a fair assessment on Quinn’s part.

Most folks out there were taken aback by Nixon’s announcement.

But Quinn wasn’t done.

She added the following:

Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York.

“You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.”

Quinn, as you may have surmised by that quote, is an open lesbian just like Nixon.

What does this have to do with Nixon’s candidacy? It’s unclear.

All that’s evident here is just how bitter Quinn is over Nixon’s decision five years ago to back someone else for New York City Mayor.

“She’s an accomplished actress, a supporter of political causes and that’s a good thing,” Quinn said in this same interview, adding:

“Participating in rallies is important. But she’s never run an organization.

“Being an actress and celebrity doesn’t make you qualified for public office. This is a time to move away from celebrity and toward progressive leadership.”

There’s an actual critique!

There’s still little substance behind it, of course, as one would ideally attack a candidate for just his or her positions on topics that affect the state.

In response to the comments, Nixon told the aforementioned newspaper her sexual orientation is irrelevant in this race.

She’s simply concerns with “the corruption in Albany. It’s time for an outsider. I’m not an Albany insider.”

Made aware of the extreme backlash she’s facing for her comment, Quinn took to Twitter and backtracked as quickly as she could, writing:

To be clear, Cynthia Nixon’s identity has no bearing on her candidacy and it was not my intention to suggest it did. I want to be clear about that. I would never, EVER, criticize someone because of their identity.

I’ve experienced it time and time again, and would never support it or condone it. As a lesbian who ran one of the most high profile races in the country,  i know what that’s like. And I know it’s imperative that we encourage more members of our community to run for office.

Cynthia Nixon aggressively opposed my candidacy in New York despite my qualifications for the office and despite my strong progressive credentials. I was attempting to make a comparison between the two of us

The real point I am trying to make is that qualifications matter and records matter. I do not believe she has the qualifications or the record.

Okay, fair enough.

Do YOU agree?

Vote below: Would you want Cynthia Nixon as your Governor?


Thursday, January 4, 2018

LeAnn Rimes" Stepsons Call Ivanka Trump an Idiot Over Presidential Aspirations

LeAnn Rimes took the fifth when our photog asked about Ivanka Trump’s alleged aspirations to become the first female president … while her stepsons unleashed their own brand of fire and fury. We got LeAnn, hubby Eddie…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Newt Gingrich Says CNN Reporter Was an Idiot (VIDEO)

Newt Gingrich wants to start treating reporters like hockey players — when they step out of line … they go in Donald Trump’s penalty box. We got Newt in D.C. where he explains his concept of “Trumpism” to our guy, and then … unleashes…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Kylie Jenner Flaunts Diamond Ring, Is Clearly an Idiot

Kylie Jenner has sparked a new round of engagement rumors.

By rocking a new and very large sparkler on her finger.

According to various sources, the shiny piece of jewelry was a recent gift from long-time boyfriend Tyga, making it only natural for fans to wonder whether the stars have agreed to marry.

Did the rapper really propose on his birthday, as a report speculated just last week?

Not according to Kylie, who told E! News in response to the rumors of her engagement that the bling is “just a little promise ring.”

Based on the size of the diamond, however, we’d say there’s nothing little about it.

Moreover, who the heck gives out promise rings to their grown-up girlfriends?!? A promise to do what? Pay back all the money Kylie has lent Tyga?

The unsuccessful artist turned 27 years old on November 19.

We already know that he was gifted with a pair of Kylie boobs in his face for the occasion, but an insider told OK! Weekly that Jenner asked her man what else he wanted as a present.

“He said, ‘I want you and no one else,” this tabloid claims, adding:

“And then he asked her to be his wife! Kylie was just blown away. She absolutely adores Tyga and wants nothing more than to build a life with him. She’s always felt they were soul mates.

“So of course she said yes.” 

Jenner tells a different story, though.

Asked about her relationship status by E! News, the 19-year old simply said last week that she and Tyga are “chilling.”

But she was a bit more open in her latest interview with Complex Magazine, making it clear at the time that she and Tyga are in this for the longest of hauls.

“We love each other,” she told the publication. “We need to be together at all times. We never get mad at each other, we just figure things out.”

That’s all well and good and we hope Kylie marries Tyga and they have lots of babies and their own reality show and everything because… hey, why not?

More content for us to write about!

The real story of Kylie’s new ring is actually how little the teenager has learned by wearing it around in public and flaunting it as she is in the Instagram photos above.

It only last month, remember, that half-sister Kim Kardashian got robbed at gunpoint.

A number of sources have confirmed that the culprits were particularly focused on a $ 4 million ring that had recently been given to Kim by Kanye West.

And how did they know about the ring?

Because Kim constantly wore it around and showed it off on social media.

Kim has gone into hiding since this frightening incident, but those close to the star and her family say that she’ll be far more careful about flaunting her wealth going forward.

Why take any chances that something like this robbery could happen again?

Kardashian really should get Kylie on the phone and pass along this same message.

It’s fun to wonder whether or not the reality star is engaged. But look at the rock she’s throwing in everyone’s face below… 

It will not be fun to wonder whether or not Jenner is okay if the same fate befalls her and that ring as befell her famous sibling.

Think about it, Kylie. Then put the ring in a drawer.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

David Cassidy -- You Dumb, Stupid Idiot ... Turn that Light Off!!! (VIDEO)

David Cassidy wore his medical alert bracelet on his sleeve Friday night, going bananas on a fan who ignored his considerable ailments just to get a little video. The 66-year-old former Partridge Family star was performing at Hudson Valley Theater…


Sunday, October 9, 2016

D.L. Hughley -- Don King"s an Idiot For Defending Trump (VIDEO)

D.L. Hughley wonders if Don King took more punches than his fighters … which is the only way he can explain King’s defense of Donald Trump. The comedian was at LAX Sunday when our photog asked him to critique Don’s argument that…


D.L. Hughley -- Don King"s an Idiot For Defending Trump (VIDEO)

D.L. Hughley wonders if Don King took more punches than his fighters … which is the only way he can explain King’s defense of Donald Trump. The comedian was at LAX Sunday when our photog asked him to critique Don’s argument that…


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Nicki Minaj: Farrah Abraham is an Idiot!

Last week, Nicki Minaj attacked Farrah Abraham on Twitter after watching an episode of Teen Mom in which Farrah was particularly rude to her mother.

So yeah, it could’ve been just about any episode that features a scene in which Farrah interacts with her mom.

Anyway, after taking some time to muster a response, Farrah absolutely went off on Nicki.

First, she tweeted that Nicki should “focus on her rapist brother.” (Minaj’s older brother was recently arrested for allegedly molesting a 12-year-old girl.)

After that, Farrah dealt out another low blow by posting a video in which her 6-year-old daughter, Sophia, calls Nicki a “loser.”

Remarkably, Nicki hasn’t responded on Twitter, and it seems that she’s chosen to take the high road on social media.

But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been sharing her true thoughts about Farrah in private:

“Nicki thinks it’s deplorable that Farrah has sunk into new depths of dirt by making her daughter say she’s a loser,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

Nicki went on to offer some unusual advice that’s really a way of reminding the world that Farrah’s not the sharpest tool in the shed:

“Since Farrah’s teaching her daughter how to be in grown folks business by reading shady clap backs on Twitter and throwing insults at Nicki, who’s an adult, maybe she should turn on the TV tonight and watch President Obama’s final State of The Union Address with her daughter,” the insider says.

“Nicki knows damn well Farrah won’t understand one single concept of what the President will discuss, but Nicki would totally pay for someone to go over to Farrah’s trailer house and break down those complex issues so that she could understand.”

Daaaaayum! Now, that’s the kind of diss we were expecting from Nicki.

We’re guessing Farrah didn’t take her up on that offer, and yes, she probably wouldn’t have understood much of the speech.

Although in fairness, we were all a little confused by the part where Obama put Biden in charge of curing cancer.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Brandi Glanville Encourages 12-Year-Old Son to Ask Girls If They"re Virgins, Continues to Be an Idiot

Brandi Glanville is a mom. If you follow her career or her bonkers Twitter account then you probably already knew that, but it’s a strange thing to actually contemplate.

A woman whose public image is defined by hurling wine glasses and criticizing the smell of other people’s vaginas is responsible for the proper upbringing of two humans.

We’re not trying to suggest that Brandi is a bad mom, frankly, we have no idea. We are saying, however, that it’s not surprising that her approach to parenting is similar to her approach to everything else in life.

Sometimes her honesty is refreshing; other times her insistence on saying whatever the hell pops into her head is seriously cringe-worthy.

Take, for example, the “good boyfriend homework” that Brandi recently assigned her 12-year-old before his first date (and, of course, tweeted to her many followers):

We remind you again that the kid is 12, which means his date should consist of holding hands at the Goosebumps movie, not asking the poor girl if she’s DTF.

If this girl comes home and tells her parents that Brandi’s son asked if she’s a virgin, he’s gonna be the first kid in 6th grade with a restraining order.

Naturally, Brandi experienced some backlash for the tweet, and she made a somewhat decent argument in her own defense:

“Listen people !!Our ages 15&16 are the new 12yrs- thanks to the Internet-if you’re in denial about this do some major research,” she tweeted.

Yes, Brandi we agree that kids are growing up faster than ever, but “Are you a virgin?” is a pretty weird first date question at any age, ya dig?

Look, your sons already have LeAnn Rimes as a stepmother and a mom who doesn’t know the difference between “there” and “their.”

Don’t put them at a further disadvantage by teaching them how to be total creepsters at a young age.