Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kanye Tries to Explain Slavery Comment, Is SUCH an Idiot

Kanye West may have finally crossed a line.

The rapper has been spewing nonsense for weeks now, ever since announcing that he"s releasing new music in the summer of 2018.

When he expressed heartfelt affection for Donald Trump, Twitter users shook their head.

But when he wondered why black people were enslaved for "400 years" while speaking to TMZ and then said the answer had to be because they WANTED to be, well…

… Twitter users nearly broke their computer screens.

Scroll down to see a few responses to Kanye"s opinion and then to see how Kanye is attempting to explain himself:

1. Is He Sick or Is He Smart?

Kanye west in white on stage

This is the ongoing debate regarding Kanye: does he need mental help… or does he NOT need a marketing team because he’s so good by himself as publicizing his music and his brand?

2. Getting Schooled


Kanye has been irritating beyond all belief. But maybe it was all worth it, just to see him getting yelled at by a TMZ employee.

3. Down with Kanye


This isn’t funny anymore, people. This is simply dangerous and dumb. (We agree.)

4. Sorry, Kanye Lovers


It’s time to let go. Embrace another rapper. Please stop trying to defend this man or justify his behavior.

5. Okay, So Let Me Explain…


Kanye actually did try to walk back this one remark… kind of, that is. He at least acknowledges that he wasn’t entirely clear in how he phrased himself.

6. It Was a Numbers Game!


No, Kanye, it really wasn’t. Go read an actual book and see what happened to slaves who tried to rise up.

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