Showing posts with label Such. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Such. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Pete Davidson: I"m Sorry I"m Such a Jackass, OK?!

So a lot of people haven"t been too into Pete Davidson lately.

Well, a lot of people haven"t been into Pete Davidson for a long time, but let"s just focus on what"s been going on lately, OK?

His breakup with Ariana Grande has quite a bit to do with this — she has a lot of really hardcore fans, and they"re not happy with him right now.

But even besides all the Ariana drama, he"s gotten a ton of backlash for some jokes he made about Dan Crenshaw last week on Saturday Night Live.

In case you missed this story and also don"t keep up with politics, Dan Crenshaw is a Congressman-elect from Texas.

He"s also a veteran who wears an eye patch because his eye was destroyed in combat.

Last week during the Weekend Update segment, Pete was mocking the appearance of several candidates in the midterm elections.

And when Crenshaw came up, he said that he looked like "a hit man in a porno movie."

"I"m sorry," he continued, "I know he lost his eye in war or whatever. Whatever."

Except to many people, it was not whatever.

Pete got a whole lot of hate for his comment, which was definitely fair.

As Crenshaw himself tweeted, SNL should recognize "that vets don"t deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes."

It was honestly a pretty big controversy last week.

So what about this week?!

Pete showed up on Weekend Update once again, this time to apologize.

"I mean this from the bottom of my heart," he explained, "it was a poor choice of words."

"The man is a war hero and he deserves all the respect in the world, and if any good came of this, maybe it was that for one day the left and the right came together to agree on something: that I"m a dick."

At that point, Dan Crenshaw showed up and asked "You think?"

Pete apologized directly to him, and he accepted it — it was a genuinely nice moment.

But then Crenshaw"s phone started ringing with an Ariana Grande song as his ringtone.

And that"s when things got beautiful.

The song played for a bit, and then Pete told him that to get him back for what he said during the last episode, he could check out a picture of him and mock his appearance.

When they pulled up a photo of Pete, Crenshaw said that he looked like "if the meth from Breaking Bad was a person."

Next, he said he looked like "a troll doll with a tapeworm," and then "Martin Short from Santa Clause 3."

For that one, he added that "one of those people was good on SNL," meaning Martin Short, obviously.

To wrap things up, Crenshaw gave a serious message about what this whole scandal could teach us all — how important it is to respect veterans.

And at the end of the video, when the audience was applauding, you can hear Pete lean in and tell him "you"re a good man."

So everything"s been settled, right?

Is Pete likable yet?

Check out the video below to see the whole thing for yourself, and let us know your thoughts:

Pete davidson im sorry im such a jackass ok

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Javi Marroquin Is SUCH a Creep!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have such a strange relationship, right?

One day they’re married, the next they’re not, they’re sleeping together the day after that, then the next day he’s breaking into her house and she’s filing orders of protection against him.

OK, maybe it didn’t happen that fast, but all of those things have definitely happened, and that’s simply too much drama for one relationship.

Kailyn and Javi have had plenty of ups and downs since their divorce, and really, it’s difficult to keep up with their feelings for each other.

Even though they share adorable little Lincoln, they definitely didn’t get along while he dated Briana DeJesus late last year, but they seemed to patch things up after Briana was out of the picture.

Well, they did more than just patch things up for the sake of their son — they actually hooked up for a while, believe it or not.

But shortly after that, Javi impregnated his old girlfriend, Lauren Comeau, so what is even happening?

Are they still getting along? Are things super tense again?

We’re not sure, but judging by this fascinating little story Kailyn told on Twitter recently, they’re not on the greatest terms for sure.

It all started when a particularly savage Teen Mom fan tweeted that “Without MTV, Javi wouldn’t have gotten to screw any of these girls.”

“Desperate to spread it because he’s on tv,” this person said of Javi’s girlfriends. “Not a real celebrity either.”

“Without the show he’s just another ugly with zero style, fish lips, tiny weenie, bad tattoos, and those ugly white socks.”

Someone else pointed out that Javi managed to land girls before appearing on the show, most notably Kailyn herself, and that “He seemed like a good stable guy years ago but his reputation nosedived really hard this year.”

Boy, did it ever!

Juggling three girls at the same time and knocking one of them up will do that.

The original tweeter wrote “It creeped me out when he kept bugging her at her job to date him like he was hungry to be on tv.”

Remember, on Teen Mom 2 the story was that Kailyn was set up with Javi by a friend, but they’ve since admitted that they met while Kailyn was working a side job at Express.

He showed up, asked her out, and when she said no, he kept returning to the store and asking her out until she finally said yes.

Romantic, or shady?

Kailyn actually responded to these tweets, and the way she tells it … yeah, it seems pretty dang shady.

“When i met javi he lied to me and told me he didn’t know who i was… creeped his twitter and sure as sh-t he had tweeted me a week prior,” she claimed.

“That was after he got picked to do True Life and the girl refused.”

Amazing, right?

Javi pulled a Matt Baier before Matt Baier even pulled a Matt Baier? He was going to be on True Life?!

It’s all such good, juicy information, but it does raise one significant question: if Kailyn knew all of this, why did she go on to marry him?

As she explained in a later tweet, “I was young and ignored red flags apparently. What most would call desperate.”

At least she’s honest!

After that, Javi felt the need to jump in, telling her “Stop tweeting about me. Stop seeking validation. Move on please. Like we’re grown now … That’s for the birds.”

But he deleted that because, as he explained to a follower who asked, “We’re too grown to be going back and fourth.”

“I’m enjoying my life as privately as I can. I don’t need to be looking for validation from social media. I’m past that stage of my life.”

First of all, “back and fourth,” LOL.

Second of all, how rich is it that Javi, who appears on two separate segments of Teen Mom 2, who has dated two separate moms on Teen Mom 2, is talking about living his life “as privately as I can”?

This is the most entertaining development in the Teen Mom universe since we saw Briana screech like a banshee at the reunion taping, and that’s saying something!


Monday, July 23, 2018

David Eason Reacts to Bristol Palin Casting: SUCH Hypocrisy!

David Eason is no longer part of the Teen Mom franchise.

The husband of Jenelle Evans was fired in February of 2018 for posting homophobic remarks on Twitter.

Neither he nor his controversial wife took the decision quietly, blasting MTV at various points over the past several months.

We hadn"t heard much about the move in awhile, though, not until the network hired Bristol Palin as a new cast member on Teen Mom OG.

For reasons that sort of make sense, this casting as set Eason off.

Who does he blame for it and why? Scroll down to find out!

1. You’re Fired!

David eason kaden

Eason received the news that he was given the boot from Teen Mom 2 in late February 2018. It was the culmination of the reality star stirring up a great deal of controversy among crew members and co-stars.

2. What Did He Say?


That he’ll teach his kids to avoid gay people, for one thing, while comparing the LGBT community to dogs.

3. What Else Did He Say?


That gay people have no morals and that parents need to stop teaching their kids anything about this community is acceptable or “normal.”

4. And What Did MTV Say in Response?

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

That he’s outta there! “David Eason’s personal comments do not reflect the views of MTV,” said the network in response. With six weeks left of production on Teen Mom 2, effective immediately, we are ending our relationship with him.”

5. Enter Bristol Palin!

Bristol palin and crew

Fast forward a few months and MTV stunned the nation by hiring Bristol as a replacement for Farrah Abraham (who was fired for sucking and loving porn too much, basically). We’re still processing this development, to be honest.

6. Palin Has Spoken Out on the Casting:

Bristol palin weight loss

“I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey,” she wrote as a caption to a photo of her, her kids and some MTV cameramen.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kanye Tries to Explain Slavery Comment, Is SUCH an Idiot

Kanye West may have finally crossed a line.

The rapper has been spewing nonsense for weeks now, ever since announcing that he"s releasing new music in the summer of 2018.

When he expressed heartfelt affection for Donald Trump, Twitter users shook their head.

But when he wondered why black people were enslaved for "400 years" while speaking to TMZ and then said the answer had to be because they WANTED to be, well…

… Twitter users nearly broke their computer screens.

Scroll down to see a few responses to Kanye"s opinion and then to see how Kanye is attempting to explain himself:

1. Is He Sick or Is He Smart?

Kanye west in white on stage

This is the ongoing debate regarding Kanye: does he need mental help… or does he NOT need a marketing team because he’s so good by himself as publicizing his music and his brand?

2. Getting Schooled


Kanye has been irritating beyond all belief. But maybe it was all worth it, just to see him getting yelled at by a TMZ employee.

3. Down with Kanye


This isn’t funny anymore, people. This is simply dangerous and dumb. (We agree.)

4. Sorry, Kanye Lovers


It’s time to let go. Embrace another rapper. Please stop trying to defend this man or justify his behavior.

5. Okay, So Let Me Explain…


Kanye actually did try to walk back this one remark… kind of, that is. He at least acknowledges that he wasn’t entirely clear in how he phrased himself.

6. It Was a Numbers Game!


No, Kanye, it really wasn’t. Go read an actual book and see what happened to slaves who tried to rise up.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Why Is Josiah Duggar"s Mystery Girl Keeping Such a Low Profile?

It’s been nearly two months since we first learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

The news came just weeks after word of Josiah and Lauren’s courtship went public, but that’s not unusual in the Duggar clan.

Relationships proceed quickly for the members of reality TV’s biggest brood, even when the parties involved are as young as Josiah and Lauren.

(He’s 21; she’s just 18.)

But the newest Duggar couple is unique in at least two important ways:

For one thing, this is not Josiah’s first courtship.

As Duggar obsessives are no doubt aware, Josiah briefly courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship didn’t work out, making Josiah the first of his generation to enter a courtship that didn’t result in marriage.

On top of that, virtually nothing is known about Lauren, her past, or her family.

A few details about Lauren’s parents and siblings have been revealed on the Duggars’ social media pages, and not surprisingly, her clan shares a lot in common with Josiah’s.

“They’re really similar, our families, with a lot of the same goals,” Josiah said of the Swansons in a recent interview.

He’s certainly not joking on that score.

Lauren is the daughter of a minister, and her mother is currently pregnant with her ninth child.

The Swanson family may never balloon to the staggering size of the Duggars, but it seems Lauren’s parents are also big into procreation.

But what about Lauren herself?

In video interviews she’s recorded alongside her fiancé, Swanson has been virtually silent.

No big surprise there, as we imagine it’s rather daunting to go straight from the shadows of obscurity into the glaring spotlight of Duggar fame.

But between her youth and the quickness with which her relationship with Josiah has proceeded, it’s possible that Lauren will marry into the Duggar family while remaining more of a mystery to fans than any of her predecessors.

Naturally, fans have a lot of questions.

For now, at least, Lauren’s not doing much talking, but fortunately, some of those questions have laughably obvious answers.

One thing that a lot of fans seem curious about is Lauren’s education level.

Many have wondered if she’ll attend college, and while Ms. Swanson has been mum on the matter, we think we can safely answer for her by saying, no, she will not.

Duggars have little respect for formal education, and very few members of the family have shown any interest in further study beyond the GEDs they all get when they complete their homeschooling.

As for Lauren’s curious lack of a southern accent – a matter that’s also raised quite a few eyebrows among the Duggar faithful – well, we don’t know for sure where she’s from, but we’re guessing it’s of little concern to Josiah.

After all, a woman doesn’t have to be Dixie Land to pop out a whole lot of children.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Briana DeJesus: My Baby Dady is Such a F--king Deadbeat!!!

Briana DeJesus … well, she makes some questionable choices, we"ll just say that.

Of course, she is on Teen Mom, so making questionable choices is essentially a requirement for every cast member.

But still, some of the things she does are just painfully dumb.

Take, for instance, the situation surrounding her pregnancy with her second child, little baby Stella.

On this current season of Teen Mom 2, we see Briana get knocked up by some guy named Luis — who, by the way, isn"t only "some guy" to us, but to her as well.

Considering she only knew him for about two seconds before he impregnated her and all.

Now, this girl was on 16 and Pregnant, she knows what can happen when you have unprotected sex, but still, even though she already has a five-year-old daughter she struggles to care for, she got pregnant again.

And, as we"ve been seeing, this isn"t the happiest pregnancy that ever was.

She"s been strongly considering placing the new baby for adoption, in part because Luis won"t prove that he"s ready to be a father.

That"s another questionable choice, too, because you know that little girl can look back at these episodes and get emotionally scarred one day, but that"s a topic for another time.

To break it down, Luis is already a deadbeat dad, and Briana isn"t having it.

We see more of that dynamic in this new sneak peek for tonight"s episode!

In the clip, Briana is leaving a doctor"s appointment, and she calls up a friend so she can rant about it.

She tells the friend that Luis came to her appointment, and that he told her that he"s looking for a place to live "on the east side," which is apparently very bad.

Mostly because the east side of her city is pretty far away from her home.

"That"s not gonna work for me!" she complains. "Like, he said it from the beginning, "I"m gonna move closer to you.""

"OK, then at least in my head I"m thinking "All right, if we"re gonna co-parent at least he"s gonna be close to help me out," but if you"re f-cking 30 minutes away …"

Her friend said that she bets he"s going to he"s going to use the distance as a way to get out of being there for Briana and their baby.

Which, as Briana points out, is the same thing that happened with the father of her first child, Devoin.

Finally, she says that she needs to sit Luis down and tell him that he needs to get "your own f-cking car seat, you need to get your own f-cking carriage, you need to get your own f-cking crib, you need to get your own f-cking everything."

Sounds like the start of a beautiful co-parenting relationship!

Watch Briana go off in the video below:

Briana dejesus my baby dady is such a f king deadbeat

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kim Kardashian, Meghan Markle Praise Serena Williams: She"ll Make SUCH a Great Mom!

Serena Williams is having a baby, you guys! … That’s not new information, but it’s still exciting, you know?

Serena, who didn’t plan this pregnancy, clearly has some lingering insecurities about herself as a mother, as she discusses in this interview.

But if you listen to Kim Kardashian and Meghan Markle’s assessment, it’s easy to picture Serena Williams as a fantastic mother. Just see what they have to say. …

First of all, we should just address the fact that some people think that Serena Williams is a mean or intense person.

She’s obviously hella intense on the tennis court, because she’s perhaps the greatest athlete on the face of the planet.

But, like, we’ve all seen Michael Phelps seethe in some sort of furious Sith meditation before swimming, but nobody has this image in their mind that he’s a sports machine or an unkind person.

Maybe it’s a “resting bitchface” thing … or maybe it’s that centuries of racism and racist caricatures tells people that black women are supposed to fit into one of just a few niches.

So they assume that Serena Williams fits a stereotype of being unfriendly or rude or aggressive because that’s what they see of her on the court, and mostly they’ve just seen her on the court.

Folks, let’s be better than that, okay?

As she admits in her Vogue interview, Serena Williams has some doubts of her own about what sort of mother she’s going to be.

Like most first-time parents.

Mostly because she’s been career-focused and because she and her fiance, Alexis Ohanian, didn’t plan this pregnancy.

They don’t know what kind of genitals their baby’s going to have (so they won’t be having one of those absurd gender-reveal parties — I’m sorry if that’s harsh, but those parties and the photos from them are ridiculous.

Right now, Serena says that the thing that she is sure of is that she wants an epidural.

(Basically always the right choice, folks)

But, like we said, she has some parenting insecurities.

“The biggest thing is that I don’t really think I’m a baby person. Not yet.”

That is perfectly okay.

For most people, oxytocin and other hormones and millions of years of instincts kick in and kind of turn you into a ridiculously affectionate baby person.

“That’s something I have to work on. I’m so used to me-me-me, taking care of my health, my body, my career. I always ask, ‘Am I going to be good enough?"”

A lot of people choose to not have children because they want to take care of themselves.

But the fact that she’s wondering if she’s going to be good enough is a good sign, you know?

If we look at other celebrities who’ve gone from someone you couldn’t imagine as a parent to seeming totally on top of being a mom, that transformation seems pretty natural.

Kim Kardashian’s said that becoming a parent totally changed her. That happens a lot.

Kim Kardashian also spoke to Vogue about the sort of person Serena Williams is, and what sort of mother she’ll be.

“I wish people could see her silly side!”

We do, too — we don’t really think of Serena as a particularly silly person. Because we don’t see that side to her.

“She is obsessed with karaoke, which personally is my biggest fear in life.”

Always interesting to know people’s biggest fears.

Please, Kim, continue.

“I remember a dinner in San Francisco before a DNC fundraiser. Serena sang, [former U.S. President Barack Obama] sang. [Kanye West] sang. sang.”

Obviously this was before Kanye West had his breakdown and spouted off alarming political messages.

But that must have been amazing.

“It was legendary. She gives herself those moments — it’s how she recharges.”

So Serena’s an extrovert, then?

An introvert might enjoy singing in public, but feel drained by it. Only an extrovert could recharge by doing it, you know?

“Serena’s the girl you can call and say anything to. She’ll never judge you, and she’s never too busy for you. Oh, and she can keep any secret.”

Now we’re wondering what secrets of Kim’s she’s kept over the years, but … we suppose that we’ll never know.

You know who else has an opinion on Serena Williams’ potential skill as a prospective parent?

Meghan Markle.

The Suits actress and reasonably probable future member of the British Royal Family had some high praise for the tennis champion:

“She will be an amazing mom. The very best, because she is so attuned to balancing strength and sensitivity.”

That sounds really great. Fewer name-drops than Kim’s anecdote, but a better assessment of character.

Like Kim Kardashian, Meghan Markle brings up Serena Williams’ legendary fondness for karaoke.

“Plus, given that she is pretty epic at karaoke, I think she’ll put her signature Serena spin on singing lullabies for the baby. I can’t wait for that!”

That’s really cute to imagine.

Obviously, no one knows exactly what sort of parent Serena Williams will make.

But considering that she’s seemed to have zero chill about being the best at tennis — or, apparently, at karaoke — it’s hard to picture her not giving motherhood her all.

We hope that, when the time comes, Serena has an easy time with the delivery.

Alexis is not a short man, so there’s a definite possibility that Serena’s baby is going to put her through the wringer on the way out.

Welcome to motherhood, Serena.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I"m SUCH an Outcast!

Kylie Jenner, like it or not, is one of the most popular celebrities right now.

It"s a tough pill to swallow for sure, but it"s true.

The youth of our poor, confused country tend to idolize her, the rest of us tend to see her as a prime example of what"s wrong with our society.

Either way, people are always talking about her, and it doesn"t seem like it"s going to stop anytime soon.

Especially not since she"s got a brand new reality show of her very own that"s all set to premiere this weekend.

But now, in a brand new sneak peek for the premiere episode of Life of Kylie, we"re learning that although Kylie"s super, super popular, she still doesn"t feel the love.

"I was the outcast, I guess, in a lot of ways, growing up," she explains. "And I still feel like an outcast in different ways now."

The issue now, she says, is that she "can"t relate to a lot of people, so it"s like this little world. I do feel like an outcast."


And so because of these feelings she has, she speaks with the mother of teenage boy named Albert.

Albert"s mom cries to Kylie during a FaceTime conversation about how Albert can"t find a date to his prom — she said that he keeps asking her what"s wrong with him that makes the girls uninterested.

"It"s not cool," Kylie explains to us all. "Kids are mean these days and it"s not right to treat people like that."

And so since she was never able to go to the prom herself, she tells Albert"s sweet mother that she"ll be his date … but we"ll have to watch the show to see how it all turns out.

So this is nice, isn"t it? Getting to see a different side of this girl?

Sure, her lips are still about to pop off her face and fly away, but it seems like she"s finally able to show a little bit of heart instead of a little bit of body.

And it really is just lovely to see.

Check out Kylie opening up in the video below:

Kylie jenner im such an outcast

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Chyna Ex Says She Was Such a Bully, I Almost Committed Suicide

Blac Chyna is a massive hypocrite who is every bit as much of a bully as Rob Kardashian … so claims the guy whom she once allegedly dated. Pilot Jones says Chyna all but ruined his life after their breakup when she posted his phone number and he…


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sister Wives Stars Shoot Down Divorce Chatter: Such Lies!

Is it really all over between Kody Brown and Robyn Brown?

It depends on who you ask.

Last week, we were among the first outlets to write that Robyn was finally getting out of this unhealthy relationship and filing for divorce from the controversial Sister Wives patriarch.

This news didn’t come as a giant shock to those who watch Sister Wives online, considering the dwindling presence of Robyn on the TLC reality series last season.

According to Radar Online, Robyn has simply grown tired of her role both on the program and in her marriage and has decided to move on.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” an anonymous source alleged to that celebrity gossip site.

Simple enough, right?

Sensible enough on her part, right? 

Especially when you consider that Radar also claims that Robyn thinks her children “aren’t being treated well.”

But while Robyn has remained silent on this rumor, both Kody Brown and Meri Brown have jumped on Twitter to deny its validity. Strongly.

First, there was Meri back on December 19.

She wrote that she simply dies of laughter every time she reads a false rumor about her family, stating simply that it’s probably a “lie” if you didn’t hear it from a member of the Browns.

meri tweet

Note the word “probably,” of course.

This isn’t the most strident denial we’ve ever read.

Kody, however, makes a more powerful case in favor of his marriage to Robyn.

On December 23, two days after we published the claim that one of his Sister Wives was leaving him, the head of this effed up family responded to a follower who wondered about his marital status.

“I can’t handle the heartbreak,” wrote @akwilson, referring to talk of Kody and Robyn splitting up and really needing to get a life if she was serious.

In response, Kody included Robyn’s Twitter handle and wrote:

“Not true! [Robyn] and I just went to dinner and shopping.”

kody tweet

Who knows what to believe at this point.

Talk of strife between Kody and Robyn is not exactly knew.

Heck, talk of strife between Kody and all of his other halves is not exactly new.

It isn’t easy being one of four women and four mothers in the same household. There’s only so much of Kody to go around, and that’s before you even consider that Kody may just suck as a human being.

Heck, back in November, the rumor mill didn’t churn around Kody and Robyn.

It churned around Kody and Meri, with insiders saying these two were breaking up in light of Meri’s crazy catfishing scandal.

Forget the Kardashians. The Browns have been at the center of the tabloid universe for a number of months, as one cover after another has screamed about fights, divorces and everything in between.

Remember this Life & Style report?

Or this Life & Style allegation?

Or this Life & Style bombshell?

Hmmm…. okay. We guess it’s really just been one tabloid that has made a recent living off Sister Wives and its many supposed controversies.

But still. All does not seem especially well for these TLC stars, does it?

Do you think a Kody-Robyn divorce is imminent? Should it be? Should these women get the as far away as possible from this weird situation?

Or should they stick it out in the name of ratings, fame and wealth true love?



Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Trump on Deflategate -- "Tom Brady Is Totally Innocent ... Such An Honorable Guy" (VIDEO)

Donald Trump is sticking by the guy who stuck by him … defending his friend, Tom Brady, as an “honorable guy” who was completely innocent in the DeflateGate scandal.  Trump opened up about his relationship with the New England Patriots…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Such a Proud Father!

For Rob Kardashian, fatherhood is more than just a dream. 

It is a blessing, a miracle, a true joy and a point of newfound pride.

This is our takeaway after seeing the latest photo of Kardashian cradling his daughter, who, yes, happens to be named Dream.

The picture was snapped by Kris Jenner and shared on her Instagram page over the weekend.

“This face says it all and melts my heart,” Jenner captioned the image, continuing:

“That smile ain’t nothin but a DREAM congratulations Rob and Chyna!!”

You can look forward to many more years of pun-based headlines and captions after the unusual decision of Rob and Blac Chyna to name their child Dream.

Prepare yourselves.

The photograph above looks as if it was taken in Chyna’s hospital maternity suite, although E! News source have since confirmed that the famous couple look its first child home on Saturday.

Dream was born via C-Section around 9:30 a.m. on Thursday.

From there, no time at all was wasted in sharing photos of little Dream with the world, from the very first one taken after her birth…

… to even a snapshot of Amber Rose cradling the child:

Just a few days old, Dream has already received an endless number of well wishes from members of her family.

To wit, Kourtney Kardashian wrote the following on social media:

“Feeling joyful and blessed to meet my little angel niece this morning. Dream come true.”

And then there was Khloe Kardashian: “My new niece is absolutely stunning!!! So thankful I was able to land in time to witness this miracle happen! Praise God.”

And what about Kylie Jenner? Here you go:

“I can’t stop looking at her. Congrats @robkardashian @blacchyna She’s so beyond beautiful, a dream.”

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian did not release any statements, but they did send the newborn a pair of Yeezus sneakers, which she probably appreciates even more than some 140-character compliment.

And while Chyna and Rob have been very open with their experience as new parents so far, fans are in for a real treat on Sunday, December 18.

They will be able to tune in to E! and go even more behind the scenes of this labor and deliver, with Rob & Chyna Baby Special set to air at 8/7c.

“During the special, we see that family and friends are never far away, coming together to support Rob and Chyna as they prepare for the birth of their daughter,” reads a press release from the network, adding of the special:

“Although Rob and Chyna have had turbulent times in their relationship, they face many important decisions head-on as the couple prepares for the birth of their baby.

“Together, they decide whether or not it’s best for Chyna to have another c-section, and where the new family should live after the baby is born.”

Will you be choosing to watch this E! special?

Or will you be choosing to be doing something better with your time? Which would include literally anything?


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Justin Bieber: Sorry I"m Such A Douchebag!

Justin Bieber has this new thing, don’t know if you’ve heard about it, where he is extremely rude to his fans that pay good money to hear him sing his songs in concert.

It’s all very disappointing, but hey, it is Justin Bieber that we’re talking about.

In one concert earlier this month, Justin got his feelings hurt when he was trying to tell a story and his fans wouldn’t stop freaking out about his existence.

“Can you guys do me a favor?” he asked. “Can you guys relax for about two seconds?”

“I get it, I get it,” he said, “but I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you.”

“I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious.”

He asked his fans that “if you could just scream after the song, enjoy the song, and then take a chill pill for a second and listen to me speak.”

Poor Justin complained that “I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes, and it gets a little frustrating.”

Aww, what a sad, sad story, huh? But just wait, because it gets worse.

A couple of days after Justin went on this rant, he went on another for the same reason: because he was trying to talk, and people were too excited to be silent.

“I’ll just get to singing,” he told his fans with anger in his voice and rage in his heart.

“I don’t mind cutting the bullsh-t because I don’t need to talk. I’m just trying to engage, but if you guys don’t want to do that then we can just play the music.”

And then, a couple of days after that, this vicious cycle repeated itself.

“I appreciate all the support, I appreciate love, I appreciate the kind things,” he scolded his fans. “But the screaming in these breaks has got to stop. Please and thank you.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary,” he went on, “when I’m trying to say something and you guys are screaming. I feel like I wanna connect with you.”

“The point of the no-screaming thing is that when I’m looking at you in the eyes you know that we’re actually having a moment and having a connection.”

What does Justin keep expecting to happen? He keeps saying that he wants to have a connection and he wants to be heard, but he’s playing concerts to thousands of people. There’s no way for them to have any kind of real exchange.

Hence the screaming.

It seems like a pretty simple problem to understand, but Justin is still struggling with it.

He even wrote this long note on Twitter to try to express his feelings. But be warned: it’s real douchey.

“People tend to want to shut you down,” he began. “What I mean by that is … people try to twist things, some people don’t want to listen.”

“But I simply feel like, if I didn’t use this platform to say how I truly feel, and if I didn’t use this platform to be the man that I know I am, and speak from what’s in my heart, then I’m doing myself injustice, and I’m not doing anybody in this audience any justice.”

“There’s going to be times where I say the wrong thing, because I’m human. But I don’t pretend to be perfect and I hope to God that, you know, I don’t say the right thing all the time because if that was the case then I’d be a robot, and I’m just, I’m not a robot.”

“There’s times when I get upset … times when I get angry, there’s times when I’m going to be myself on this stage.”

“When people try to twist things and say, ‘Justin’s angry at his fans. He doesn’t want his fans to scream’ that’s not at all what I was doing.”

“All I was simply doing was wanting people to listen; to kind of hear me out a little bit. Certain people … certain cities aren’t going to want to hear me out, and you know, sometimes it’s my job to just say, ‘hey, I’m not going to try to force anything."”

“I just appreciate you guys tonight, listening to me and understand, and rocking with me. You guys are truly amazing.”

So it sounds like he finally got a crowd to listen when he told them not to scream.

It only took three immature, insulting rants and losing a whole lot of fans to do it.

