Showing posts with label Jackass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jackass. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Pete Davidson: I"m Sorry I"m Such a Jackass, OK?!

So a lot of people haven"t been too into Pete Davidson lately.

Well, a lot of people haven"t been into Pete Davidson for a long time, but let"s just focus on what"s been going on lately, OK?

His breakup with Ariana Grande has quite a bit to do with this — she has a lot of really hardcore fans, and they"re not happy with him right now.

But even besides all the Ariana drama, he"s gotten a ton of backlash for some jokes he made about Dan Crenshaw last week on Saturday Night Live.

In case you missed this story and also don"t keep up with politics, Dan Crenshaw is a Congressman-elect from Texas.

He"s also a veteran who wears an eye patch because his eye was destroyed in combat.

Last week during the Weekend Update segment, Pete was mocking the appearance of several candidates in the midterm elections.

And when Crenshaw came up, he said that he looked like "a hit man in a porno movie."

"I"m sorry," he continued, "I know he lost his eye in war or whatever. Whatever."

Except to many people, it was not whatever.

Pete got a whole lot of hate for his comment, which was definitely fair.

As Crenshaw himself tweeted, SNL should recognize "that vets don"t deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes."

It was honestly a pretty big controversy last week.

So what about this week?!

Pete showed up on Weekend Update once again, this time to apologize.

"I mean this from the bottom of my heart," he explained, "it was a poor choice of words."

"The man is a war hero and he deserves all the respect in the world, and if any good came of this, maybe it was that for one day the left and the right came together to agree on something: that I"m a dick."

At that point, Dan Crenshaw showed up and asked "You think?"

Pete apologized directly to him, and he accepted it — it was a genuinely nice moment.

But then Crenshaw"s phone started ringing with an Ariana Grande song as his ringtone.

And that"s when things got beautiful.

The song played for a bit, and then Pete told him that to get him back for what he said during the last episode, he could check out a picture of him and mock his appearance.

When they pulled up a photo of Pete, Crenshaw said that he looked like "if the meth from Breaking Bad was a person."

Next, he said he looked like "a troll doll with a tapeworm," and then "Martin Short from Santa Clause 3."

For that one, he added that "one of those people was good on SNL," meaning Martin Short, obviously.

To wrap things up, Crenshaw gave a serious message about what this whole scandal could teach us all — how important it is to respect veterans.

And at the end of the video, when the audience was applauding, you can hear Pete lean in and tell him "you"re a good man."

So everything"s been settled, right?

Is Pete likable yet?

Check out the video below to see the whole thing for yourself, and let us know your thoughts:

Pete davidson im sorry im such a jackass ok

Friday, July 7, 2017

Steve-O, My New Project Makes "Jackass" Look Tame

If you thought Steve-O was wild in “Jackass,” then strap in for his new project that supposedly puts Johnny Knoxville’s stunts to shame … with things like human snow angels doused in burning jet fuel. Steve-O posted a video Thursday in…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Judd Apatow Compares Trump Presidency to Rape, Remains a Jackass

If history has taught us anything, it’s that when a Snooki-colored despot seizes power with the help of a Russian dictator and immediately begins using his stubby baby fingers to shred the Constitution, the opposition doesn’t exactly mince words.

Just kidding, a situation like the Trump presidency has never happened before in the history of anywhere (*googles “Germany 1938″* on second thought…), but when the political sh-t hits the fan like it has in recent months in America, people say things they wouldn’t normally say.

Some of those comments sound crazy, but are actually completely reasonable descriptions of what’s currently taking place in the halls of power.

These comments include “there’s reason to believe the president colluded with a hostile foreign power in order to manipulate a U.S. election, which would mean we’re just beginning to uncover the biggest political scandal in American history.”

Other comments, however, sound crazy and are actually are the sort of remarks that should be left to the tinfoil hat crowd.

A joke made by noted coattail rider and Lena Dunham apologist Judd Apatow serves as a great example of this type of butthurt hyperbole:

Promoting his new HBO show, Neurotic White People in Manhattan (we’re just guessing at the title/concept), Apatow took the stage to perform standup in LA last night.

If you’ve ever been in a room full of people who have gathered to watch a standup set by someone who’s not a professional standup comic, you know how high the expectations were.

Sadly, Apatow was not able to rise to the occasion, and not only because he was unable to simply point a camera at Seth Rogen and go take a nap.

Speaking of the night Trump got elected, Apatow delivers the rare triple-threat bad joke:

It was unfunny, unoriginal, and in poor taste:

“[I felt like] a person about to get raped, but I didn’t know how bad it would be.” Apatow told his audience.

“I feel like I’ve just been raped and I just don’t know if I’m going to get murdered.”

Yes, Judd Apatow thinks he’s funny enough to crack the crowd up with not only, but a joke about what it feels like to be raped.

He is wrong, and like the movie Funny People, the attempt serves as a potent reminder of how little Apatow understands comedy.

When the world thinks you should really just stick to basking in the reflected glory of Lena Dunham, you know your career has really gone off the rails.

But hey, we have to thank him for reminding us how it feels to be pissed off by something not directly related to Trump.

It’s like learning how to love again.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Vincent "Don Vito" Margera Dies; Jackass Star Was 59

Vincent Margera – the uncle of Bam Margera, who frequently appeared in the Jackass TV show and movies – has passed away at the age of 59.

Known as “Don Vito” to fans of the franchise, Margera had reportedly been struggling with kidney and liver damage for several years.

Sources say he slipped into a coma last month and never fully recovered.

According to a statement from Bam’s mother, April Margera, Vincent quietly passed away at home this morning.

This is the second tragedy in four years for Bam, whose best friend Ryan Dunn died in a car accident in 2011. 

Sadly, in his later years, Vincent Margera became as famous for his troubled personal life as for his on-screen antics.

Margera was convicted of sexual assault in 2007 after an incident in which he allegedly groped two young girls at an autograph signing. He avoided prison time after reaching a plea deal. 

As part of his sentence, Margera was forbidden to participate in televised portrayals of the “outrageous and profane” Don Vito character that he created.

Margera complied with the court’s order, but continued to make public appearances until his health issues began to make travel impossible last year.

“Don Vito” became a trending topic on Twitter within moments of the announcement of his death, with thousands of fans paying tribute to a troubled man who lived to make others laugh.