Showing posts with label Compares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compares. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Samantha Markle Compares Meghan Markle to Donald Trump!

Meghan Markle may be settling into her new life as a happily married duchess, but her awful family seems determined to spoil her joy.

Now her vile sister, Samantha, is lashing out at her on her private Twitter account.

She’s coming after Meghan with childish insults … and with a direct comparison between the new duchess and Donald Trump.

We’ve heard Meghan Markle’s brother accuse Prince Harry of breaking up their family, but he’s far from the only part of Meghan’s extended family who’s sowing chaos.

To hear Samantha tell it, Meghan is a despotic egomaniac with no capacity for morality or decorum or for caring about other people.

Just look at Samantha’s own words:

“Trump said he could shoot someone and not lose votes,” Samantha claims. “The same mentality applies to my sister.”

We are somehow having a lot of trouble reconciling Samantha’s claim with the reality of who Meghan is.

About an hour later, Samantha began to tweet some truly childish insults.

“I am not candy coating anything anymore!” Samantha insists, alarming people who had not imagined that she was holding back with past jabs.

“The DUCHASS should be humane to our father who has given her everything,.. and this media crap can stop!” Samantha rages.

“He was the one who was always there for her. Fake waves and smiles can stop,” Samantha demands. “The duchASS can bow to the daddy.”

That last line about bowing to the daddy might be the worst thing that any of us have ever read. That’s … that’s going to haunt us.

You know how Thomas Markle can’t resist blabbing to the media, which is why Meghan can’t talk to him?

Well, Samantha is even going so far as to defend Thomas spilling details of conversations he’s had to every camera and mic in sight.

“He only talks to the media because she was ignoring him for a long time and being snobby,” Samantha claims.

Samantha insists “he has the right to speak and if she doesn’t like it it’s just too f–king bad she needs to wake up and be a kind person.”

To be clear, no one is questioning Thomas’ free speech rights. People are questioning why he assumes his daughter would want anything to do with him.

When someone else dared to question Thomas’ character and why he prioritized oversharing with reporters over his relationship with his daughter, Samantha just laughed.

“Priorities lack of character?! Lol,” Samantha writes.

“imagine if your dad busted his back his whole life for your sister,” Samantha says. “And then she took a crap on him and ignored him!”

Well there’s an image.

Samantha laments: “She has always been his priority and she owes him up and respect!”

Samantha rails against how people see her father.

“Would you allow someone in your family to continually be disrespected and hurt as my dad is and say nothing?” she demands.

Samantha answers for people: “I doubt it.”

“After she gives my dad the love and respect he deserves,” Samantha promises. “She can skip on her merry way and no one will say anything.”

That line about Meghan always being his priority may be the crux of this matter.

Many people believe that Samantha is simply jealous of Meghan. Meghan is a beautiful actress who has now married one of the most desired men on the planet.

The dude is a literal prince.

Samantha may be lashing out because she hopes to prove that she’s the more deserving daughter. Though that’s just a theory.

Like we said, that line about bowing ot the daddy is going ot keep us awake at night. But if we had to read it, so do you.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Compares Donald Trump to... Taylor Swift?!?

Note to Jimmy Kimmel:

Hasn"t Taylor Swift been through enough of late?

Isn"t it sufficient that her wildly anticipated new studio album sort of tanked? Or that she was snubbed by the MTV Video Music Awards?

Did you really need to drag her name so deeply through the mud by comparing her to President Donald Trump?

This unexpected statement came during Kimmel"s monologue on Wednesday night, as he mocked Trump for how he handled his press conference with Vladimir Putin.

How he"s handled America"s entire relationship with Russia, really.

"It’s all very crazy. And yet, with all of this Moscow madness happening, according to a new poll from Reuters, 71 percent of Republican voters have a favorable view of how Trump has been dealing with Russia," Kimmel said, adding:

"Which is nuts, but I was thinking about this today and I think there’s a simple explanation for it."

This was his explanation:

"They might not like what he’s doing, they might not like him, but they love how pissed off it makes Democrats and so they want it to keep happening," he reasoned.

Kimmel is not the first person to basically say Trump and his base care more about owning the liberals than anything else.

But he is the first person, as far as we know, to then say Trump is akin to Swift.

"Trump kept his base going — by calling out his ‘haters’ today on Twitter," Kimmel said. "He’s the Taylor Swift of treason. He really is."

The Taylor Swift of treason. LOL.

This were the Tweets to which Kimmel was referring:

"So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki. Putin and I discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. We got along well which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. Big results will come!"

"Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

Swift is yet to respond to this semi-dig.

Kimmel, meanwhile, wasn"t done with Trump.

"If it is a syndrome named after Trump, I assume it"s sexually transmitted," Kimmel quipped. "Fortunately help is on the way."

Check out the monologue and Swift reference above!

Jimmy kimmel compares donald trump to taylor swift

Friday, July 13, 2018

Sarah Palin Compares Sacha Baron Cohen Duping Politicians to #MeToo

Sarah Palin says politicians falling victim to Sacha Baron Cohen’s pranks is kinda like the new #MeToo. Seriously.  Palin’s still railing at Sacha for duping her — pretending to be a disabled veteran to interview her — and says she’s…


Friday, June 22, 2018

President Trump Compares Murder Victim to Tom Selleck, "Except Better Looking"

President Trump just tried to make light of an insanely tough situation in one of the most awkward exchanges we’ve seen … and it revolves around Tom Selleck.  Trump was in Washington Friday, where he spoke to a group about the importance of…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Young Dolph Compares Record Labels to Slave Owners In Music Video

Young Dolph’s latest music video is set on a plantation … and the rapper compares signing to a major record label to modern day slavery. Dolph dropped his latest EP “N***** Get Shot Everyday” a few months back and drops the video for his single…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kanye West Compares Himself and Donald Trump to Dragons, Says He"s "Nice" at Ping Pong

Let’s be frank up front:

Kanye West may be in serious trouble.

The rapper is Tweeting non-stop, making absolutely no sense while doing so and, based on a recent report, may be coming off an Opiods addiction.

We really do think West may be suffering another mental breakdown and could be in need of some professional assistance.

We hope he gets it.

This caveat in place, let’s also be honest:

We’re a celebrity gossip website. We’re obligated to joke around about a star when he or she relays the sort of bat$ hit crazy messages that Kanye has been posting of late.

We thought it was random enough when the musician first returned to Twitter and rambled on about Lamar Odom and his alleged neck tattoos, as covered below:

But now?!?

West has since Tweeted his love and affection for Donald Trump, while more recently cutting ties with long-time friend and manager Scotter Braun.

How come?

“I no longer have a manager. I can’t be managed. I’m nobody’s client,” West Tweeted.

This stance does sort of go along with a report that claims Kanye is out of control and that not even wife Kim Kardashian can calm him down these days.

And this report came out before Kanye delved deeper into his self-proclaimed love of the current President.

“You don’t have to agree with trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy,” Kanye wrote on Thursday, elaborating as only he can:

“He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.”


“If your friend jumps off the bridge you don’t have to do the same. Ye being Ye is a fight for you to be you.

“For people In my life the idea of Trump is pretty much a 50 50 split but I don’t tell a Hillary supporter not to support Hillary I love Hillary too.”

From here, Kanye revealed that Kardashian actually pressed him to walk back his remarks about The Donald a little bit:

“my wife just called me and she wanted me to make this clear to everyone. I don’t agree with everything Trump does. I don’t agree 100% with anyone but myself.”

West previously announced that he will release two new albums in June.

So it’s very possible this social media meltdown is not a meltdown, but rather his own kind of promotion for those albums.

It’s possible, we emphasize.

But the rapper did suffer an actual breakdown toward the end of 2016 and, well… he’s now writing stuff such as this:

I’m nice at ping pong.

fear takes strategy Unlearn linear thinking Hit you with these zig zag thoughts.

And also I’m all the way out the sunken place. And I’m not scared anymore. I’m not scared of the media. I’m not scared of the past and I’m optimistic about the future. This tweet is in love not fear.

How can anyone know what to think when West is sending gibberish such as this?

The guy does have the entire Internet talking about him once again, so let’s give him some credit.

But that isn’t always a good thing, no matter what Kanye’s apparent hero, Donald Trump, might say.

Do YOU think West has sincerely lost it? Or is this all a part of a much larger marketing strategy?


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kim Kardshian Posts Topless Pic, Compares Herself to Anna Nicole Smith

Earlier this month, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child.

You’d think someone with Kim’s wealth and influence could enjoy a few weeks off to focus on her new baby, but no!

Possibly in a bid to cement her status as the living embodiment of American values, Kim is demonstrating that she doesn’t believe in maternity leave!

Yes, that’s Kim totally topless on Instagram.

It might not be your idea of work, but when you’re a Kardashian this is what punching a clock looks like.

As usual, Kim is being shamed for posing nude by people who would apparently balk at showing of their flawless physiques in exchange for fame and fortune.

“Your a work of art but you should probably put on some clothes,” wrote one conflicted and gramatically-challenged fan.

“After 3 kids you would think she would stop posting photos like this,” commented one of the internet’s many rabid mom-shamers.

It’s the same nonsense every time Kim blesses us with a pic like this.

Fortunately, it doesn’t like she’ll be easing up on the racy selfies anytime soon.

This time, the haters even stepped their game up a notch and engaging in the truly repugnant behavior of chastising Kim for using a surrogate.

“Now I know the real reason why you hired someone to have your baby,” wrote one follower who’s clearly just the worst.

We’re not even sure what that’s supposed to mean, but we’re 100 percent sure the person who wrote it has no friends.

Anyway, this is one of the rare occasions where we actually agree with Kim’s critics on one thing.

But it has nothing to do with her appearance.

Anna Nicole Smith

Kim posted this photo today with caption reading simply, “Muse.”

For our younger readers, that’s Anna Nicole Smith, a deceased model who’s as well know for her tragic life and death as for her meteoric rise to stardom.

Unlike some of the commenters on the pic, we’re not gonna shame a dead woman who struggled mightily throughout her life, but we are somewhat side-eyeing Kim’s choice of muse.

It’s one thing when a sullen teen idolizes a self-destructive blonde who checked out early, but it’s a little weird coming from a 36-year-old mom and successful career woman like Kim.

Our culture is just now realizing it’s pretty messed up to romanticize the premature death of Marilyn Monroe; let’s not subject Anna to the same mistreatment, mmm-kay?


Monday, October 30, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Compares Kevin Spacey to Harvey Weinstein

Rosie O’Donnell is calling out Kevin Spacey for allegedly having a rep as a predator in Hollywood, akin to Harvey Weinstein … saying everyone in Hollywood knew. Rosie took to Twitter Monday to directly slam Spacey for not remembering an…


Sunday, August 13, 2017

James Worthy Compares Lonzo Ball to Magic Johnson

James Worthy on Lonzo Ball — “He enhances everybody on the court. We haven’t had someone with that type of talent really since Magic.” “Big Game James” just dished out some serious praise to Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball — telling TMZ Sports he’s…


James Worthy Compares Lonzo Ball to Magic Johnson

James Worthy on Lonzo Ball — “He enhances everybody on the court. We haven’t had someone with that type of talent really since Magic.” “Big Game James” just dished out some serious praise to Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball — telling TMZ Sports he’s…


Monday, July 24, 2017

"People v. O.J." Star Keesha Sharp Compares O.J. Simpson to Casey Anthony

O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony are NOT really free even though they’re free … according to Keesha Sharp. Keesha — who played Johnnie Cochran’s wife on ‘People v. O.J.’ — was at Bristol Farms Sunday in L.A. where we got her take…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Israel Prime Minister Compares Peace Policy to NFL Football

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of NFL Hall of Famers that his approach to peace is “no different” from how a football player prepares for victory … be strong or else. The meeting was arranged by New England Patriots owner…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Judd Apatow Compares Trump Presidency to Rape, Remains a Jackass

If history has taught us anything, it’s that when a Snooki-colored despot seizes power with the help of a Russian dictator and immediately begins using his stubby baby fingers to shred the Constitution, the opposition doesn’t exactly mince words.

Just kidding, a situation like the Trump presidency has never happened before in the history of anywhere (*googles “Germany 1938″* on second thought…), but when the political sh-t hits the fan like it has in recent months in America, people say things they wouldn’t normally say.

Some of those comments sound crazy, but are actually completely reasonable descriptions of what’s currently taking place in the halls of power.

These comments include “there’s reason to believe the president colluded with a hostile foreign power in order to manipulate a U.S. election, which would mean we’re just beginning to uncover the biggest political scandal in American history.”

Other comments, however, sound crazy and are actually are the sort of remarks that should be left to the tinfoil hat crowd.

A joke made by noted coattail rider and Lena Dunham apologist Judd Apatow serves as a great example of this type of butthurt hyperbole:

Promoting his new HBO show, Neurotic White People in Manhattan (we’re just guessing at the title/concept), Apatow took the stage to perform standup in LA last night.

If you’ve ever been in a room full of people who have gathered to watch a standup set by someone who’s not a professional standup comic, you know how high the expectations were.

Sadly, Apatow was not able to rise to the occasion, and not only because he was unable to simply point a camera at Seth Rogen and go take a nap.

Speaking of the night Trump got elected, Apatow delivers the rare triple-threat bad joke:

It was unfunny, unoriginal, and in poor taste:

“[I felt like] a person about to get raped, but I didn’t know how bad it would be.” Apatow told his audience.

“I feel like I’ve just been raped and I just don’t know if I’m going to get murdered.”

Yes, Judd Apatow thinks he’s funny enough to crack the crowd up with not only, but a joke about what it feels like to be raped.

He is wrong, and like the movie Funny People, the attempt serves as a potent reminder of how little Apatow understands comedy.

When the world thinks you should really just stick to basking in the reflected glory of Lena Dunham, you know your career has really gone off the rails.

But hey, we have to thank him for reminding us how it feels to be pissed off by something not directly related to Trump.

It’s like learning how to love again.


Monday, January 23, 2017

John Cena Compares Himself to Tom Brady ... "We Run Parallel Lives" (VIDEO)

WWE legend John Cena says he’s a HUGE New England Patriots fan … not just because he loves to root for the team everyone hates … but ‘cause he’s kinda like the Tom Brady of wrestling!  A sleeveless Cena was leaving Tapout Fitness in NYC…


Friday, December 30, 2016

Farrah Abraham Slams Amber Portwood, Compares Herself to Trump

You didn’t think you’d get out of 2016 without more Farrah Abraham idiocy, did you?

Ha! If this year has taught us anything, it’s that you should always expect the absolute worst out of life, and even then, the world will shock you with how horrendous it can be.

Obviously, no one has affirmed this sad truth more than Farrah and Donald Trump.

Not only did Farrah endorse the Donald’s presidential campaign, she also takes every opportunity to describe Trump “as a great man” and one of her idols.

Farrah’s generally not big on follow-through, or keeping promises, or remembering any of the BS that spews forth from her surgically enhanced lip-hole, but when it comes to her admiration for Trump, it seems she really has taken a page from his playbook by bullying her rivals worse than ever.

Following, the now-famous Farrah vs. Amber Portwood fight at this year’s Teen Mom reunion show, Amber claimed that the show had been unfairly edited in order to make her look like the villain.

“No one edited her. She’s a liar,” the 25-year-old revealed to Radar Online.

“She needs to stop lying. She needs to get her sh-t together and so does her boyfriend, [Matt Baier], who is also a liar too.”

Amber announced plans to quit Teen Mom after the episode aired, but she later admitted that she would be willing to come back to the show for at least one more season.

“I already called it. Poor thing. Her mind’s not all there,” she said.

“She’ll say one thing. She’ll detract from that.

“She needs to be more in touch with her self-awareness and hopefully she’ll just be happy all the time.”

Farrah’s hope that Amber will be “happy all the time” might lead you to believe that she’s turned over a new leaf for 2017, but don’t worry, she went on to slip in a few more jabs at her foe of the month:

“Her self-destructiveness has really gone too far,” Farrah said when asked for a parting comment about Portwood.

Asked if she would be interacting with Farrah or any of her other co-stars during the next season of Teen Mom, Farrah continued to slam Amber – and made a hilariously apt comparison between herself and the president-elect:

“I’m working and I have businesses,” Farrah said. “I want true people in my life. I don’t have time for horrible people surrounding me.

“That’s why I’m successful. That’s why I’m doing well.

“That’s why my daughter is doing so well. I want everyone else to do well and that’s why it’s a shame that others hold themselves back.”

She concluded:

“I’m like Trump, I’ll build a wall up. You won’t get through it.”

Well, she may not be as successful as Trump, but she’s one of the few people who’s on par with the Donald in terms of thin-skinned rage and inappropriate relationships farrah daughter sex tape with daughters.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Brittany Raven Compares Baby Bump to Tess Holliday, Defends ALL PREGNANT WOMEN!

Baby bumps come in all shapes and sizes, all of them beautiful.

That is the simple, but profound message of endurance athlete Brittany Raven’s Instagram post – and photo comparison – that has gone viral.

When Raven was 39 weeks pregnant (above, right, seriously) she was inundated with online comments about her belly being too small.

Somewhere, Sarah Stage is nodding. Been there, girl.

“I am nearly six-feet tall with a long torso and brutally strong abs, so I didn’t show until around my 30th week,” Raven said of the photo.

The Washington-based mountain runner and alpine climber says “a lot of people expressed unsolicited concern over my baby’s health.”

“One local healthcare professional,” she adds, “even tried to scare me by telling me my baby would be too small and [sick].”

This experience got her thinking … about Tess Holliday.

Having seen a photo of the plus-size model, who also received criticism for her bump (being too large in Tess’ case), Raven had an epiphany.

“In this image these two women are at about the same stage in their pregnancies – 39 weeks,” Raven wrote in a post that has gone viral.

“That is the gorgeous @tessholliday looking boss on the left and me with the defined abs on the right. She is a voluptuous model.”

“I am a sinewy mountain athlete. Both of us are shamed for our size … she for her roundness and me for my smallness.”

She added: “Why does our society shame women whose bodies do not adhere to some narrow notion of false normalcy?”

“Pregnancy is tough enough,” the blogger added, echoing the sentiments of millions, “without also being body shamed.”

Of the side-by-side post-partum photos of herself above, she says, “I am sharing not to brag, to make others feel bad about their journeys.”

“I share,” she says, “to dispel fear other pregnant athletes might hold about their own post-pregnancy bodies.”

“Please allow these images to broaden your idea of what a ‘normal’ pregnant and postpartum body looks like.”

“Once again I feel at home in my body – except this body just got done blood doping for ten months while wearing a progressive weight vest.”

“I’m coming for you, Bust tha Move! #pregnantathlete”

She’s an extreme athlete, so her results aren’t typical. But that’s half of her point – no results are typical when it comes to this.

At least that’s not how the public should view pregnancy.

That’s a big reason Brittany, who welcomed healthy baby girl named Rumi Wren with her husband, Ryan, is a huge fan of Holliday.

“As I followed Tess’ journey through her second pregnancy, I realized that the dialogue around my athletic body was very similar.”

“The dialogue around her voluptuous body,” Raven said, is highly relatable, and “just as fear-based, just as inappropriate.”

“With that comparison,” the first time mom hopes women of “all sizes can heal together and stop judging one another’s bodies.”

Whether big (Holliday, Revie Jane Schulz) or small (Raven, Hannah Polites below), all babies and bumps and physiques should be celebrated.

Amen to that.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Christian Mom Compares Taylor Swift"s Vagina to Ham Sandwich in Graphic Post

You may not be a fan of Taylor Swift’s, especially after her unabashed flaunting of her new, fake relationship with Tom Hiddleston over the past few weeks.

But after the way this Christian mom shamed the singer in graphic fashion on Twitter, we’re Team Tay all the way.

A nasty lady named Jennifer Mayers irresponsibly and erroneously compared her daughter’s vagina to Taylor’s.

Using ham sandwiches as disgusting visual aids.

Yes. Pretty revolting.

And incorrect.

And just every kind of awful.

Basically, she’s ignorantly trying to preach that if you’re Christian, your ham sandwich will resemble that of a porn star’s.

(Yes, you read that right. Ironically, porn stars typically have petite labia, kind of like that represented by the sandwich on the right.)

And because Taylor’s had a few boyfriends in her 20s, Mayers thinks her ham has somehow come loose.

First of all, let’s get the medical facts out of the way:

– Women and their vaginas are all built differently.

– The amount of sexual activity does not change their anatomical proportions. Some have a lot of ham and others less, and that’s just nature.

Secondly, Taylor Swift commentary aside … why in the name of anything that is holy is this sicko talking about her daughter’s vag on Twitter?

Is that in the Bible? Is Jesus cool with this?

And lastly, bringing it back to the pop superstar:

– Of all the famous men Swift has been linked to over the years, no one besides her knows how serious most of those flings were.

– Regardless, Tay Tay can hump as many people as she wants and I’m fairly certain she’d still be a better person than this dingbat.

She stands up for women, attends fan weddings and makes her friends a priority, and even if much of it is done for publicity?

Well, then it’s still far more respectable than slut-shaming others by publicly posting graphic examples of women’s genitalia with sliced deli meat.

Am I wrong? Because after experiencing this, I suspect this woman has single-handedly ruined ham sandwiches forever.

Thank god I’m a vegetarian. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Bachelorette Preview: Daniel Compares Chad to Hitler, Trump

While The Bachelorette is not billed as a comedy, the clip below is one of the funniest things we"ve seen on reality TV in some time.

Maybe it"s the Scooby Doo background music, or the image of Chad chomping on an unpeeled sweet potato like a wiener, or maybe even remembering the image of weird Daniel flexing for the camera in the season premiere.

But it"s most likely the casually clueless way Daniel compares Chad to Adolph Hitler during their man-to-man conversation.

In the clip, Daniel has a little sit-down with fellow JoJo Fletcher suitor Chad, who is clearly this season"s antagonist.

In fact, some have called him the show"s worst villain ever.

During last week"s episode, Chad told JoJo she was "naggy" and basically called the other guys p**sies for kissing up to her.

The macho, almost cartoon-like he-bro later puffed out his chest and got into it with Alex, who confronted the real estate agent.

In essence, Chad pissed off everyone except for Daniel, who for unknown reasons remains his friend.

But now Daniel is worried that if he continues to hang with Chad, he"ll be deemed evil by association.

The two dudes hang on the couch and Daniel tells him the other guys in the house think he"s a loose cannon, especially after he punched a door, which Chad thinks is, like, NBD.

So Daniel tries another approach.

"Let"s pretend you"re Hitler. If I"m friends with you…" Daniel begins.

"Let"s not pretend I"m Hitler," Chad shoots back.

"Okay, well, let"s say you"re Donald Trump or something like that," Daniel continues. "I mean, if I hang out with you, it"s gonna make me look bad, too, right?"

"So let"s be not so much like Hitler, maybe be more like Mussolini, you know? Or Bush, right?" he suggests. "Just maybe take it down a notch, right?"

We are loving the aspirational vibe of this convo: Don"t be like Hitler, be like Mussolini, bruh! Mussolini wasn"t so bad!

The show is making one thing painfully obvious: they"re keeping Chad around for bringing the drama while Daniel provides the comic relief.

Any guesses on how long each of them stays on? Check out The Bachelorette spoilers to find out.

The bachelorette preview daniel compares chad to hitler trump

The Bachelorette Preview: Daniel Compares Chad to Hitler, Trump

While The Bachelorette is not billed as a comedy, the clip below is one of the funniest things we"ve seen on reality TV in some time.

Maybe it"s the Scooby Doo background music, or the image of Chad chomping on an unpeeled sweet potato like a wiener, or maybe even remembering the image of weird Daniel flexing for the camera in the season premiere.

But it"s most likely the casually clueless way Daniel compares Chad to Adolph Hitler during their man-to-man conversation.

In the clip, Daniel has a little sit-down with fellow JoJo Fletcher suitor Chad, who is clearly this season"s antagonist.

In fact, some have called him the show"s worst villain ever.

During last week"s episode, Chad told JoJo she was "naggy" and basically called the other guys p**sies for kissing up to her.

The macho, almost cartoon-like he-bro later puffed out his chest and got into it with Alex, who confronted the real estate agent.

In essence, Chad pissed off everyone except for Daniel, who for unknown reasons remains his friend.

But now Daniel is worried that if he continues to hang with Chad, he"ll be deemed evil by association.

The two dudes hang on the couch and Daniel tells him the other guys in the house think he"s a loose cannon, especially after he punched a door, which Chad thinks is, like, NBD.

So Daniel tries another approach.

"Let"s pretend you"re Hitler. If I"m friends with you…" Daniel begins.

"Let"s not pretend I"m Hitler," Chad shoots back.

"Okay, well, let"s say you"re Donald Trump or something like that," Daniel continues. "I mean, if I hang out with you, it"s gonna make me look bad, too, right?"

"So let"s be not so much like Hitler, maybe be more like Mussolini, you know? Or Bush, right?" he suggests. "Just maybe take it down a notch, right?"

We are loving the aspirational vibe of this convo: Don"t be like Hitler, be like Mussolini, bruh! Mussolini wasn"t so bad!

The show is making one thing painfully obvious: they"re keeping Chad around for bringing the drama while Daniel provides the comic relief.

Any guesses on how long each of them stays on? Check out The Bachelorette spoilers to find out.

The bachelorette preview daniel compares chad to hitler trump

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Amber Rose Compares Herself & Kim Kardashian to Beyonce, Is Apparently Serious

In one of the most unexpected Kardashian alliances to date, Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian are now besties.

The news came as a shock to many, as Amber’s been feuding with the Kardashians in a sort of social media cold war for several months now.

So this is basically like if Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev suddenly started posing for selfies together, which, come to think of it, is pretty much what happened.

Anyway, Amber’s ability to reach detente with reality TV’s most famous family has clearly gone to her head, because now she’s out in the world comparing herself to Beyonce:

“They come at me and Kim so hard because I was a stripper and she had a sex tape,” Ms. Rose said in a recent interview with The Daily Beast.

“So if we could sing, it would be OK if we were on stage half-naked. We all love Beyonce, but she’s on stage half-naked and twerking all the time, yet people say, oh, she has talent so she’s able to do that.

“We don’t have the talent that Beyonce has, so we get criticized as former sex workers, but at the end of the day we’re just women — we’re all women — and we should all embrace each other. No one is greater. We’re all the same.”

We see her point, but “half-naked and twerking” is hardly an accurate description of a typical Beyonce performance, and likening what Queen Bey does on stage to sex work is a bit reminiscent of Mike Huckabee’s idiotic comments about Bey and Jay Z.

In case you forgot, the man compared ‘Yonce to a prostitute and Jay to a pimp.

No one calls Jay Z a pimp except for Jay Z!