Showing posts with label Holliday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holliday. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Tess Holliday Claps Back After Piers Morgan Body-Shames Her Cosmo Cover

Piers Morgan can be such a mixed bag. It’s nice ot see him berate that vulture Samantha Grant. It’s gross to see him ask Caitlin Jenner creepy questions about her body.

This time, he’s making gross comments about another woman’s body — plus size model and trailblazer Tess Holliday.

Tess graced the cover of Cosmopolitan, and Piers was apparently unable to resist commenting on her body and accusing her of being some sort of public health hazard.

Before Piers decided to insert his opinion into the narrative, Tess was delighted with her cover.

“Phew,” Tess writes on Instagram. “I’m literally a COSMO GIRL!!”

“Can’t believe I’m saying that!” she continues. “Thank you @CosmopolitanUK for this incredible opportunity “

Tess discusses the impact that body positivity can have, writing: “If I saw a body like mine on this magazine when I was a young girl, it would have changed my life “

Tess advises her fans: “Issue hits stands 8/31!”

Unfortunately, Piers Morgan is one of those dudes who worries about other people loving themselves on their terms instead of on his.

“As Britain battles an ever-worsening obesity crisis,” Piers laments. “This is the new cover of Cosmo.”

“Apparently,” Piers continues. “We’re supposed to view it as a ‘huge step forward for body positivity.’”

“What a load of old baloney,” Piers declares.

This cover,” Piers continues. “Is just as dangerous & misguided as celebrating size zero models.”

Tess took to Twitter and hit back.

“To everyone saying I’m a burden to the British health care system,” Tess begins.

“I’m american,” Texx explains. “So you don’t have to worry about my fat ass.”

She is such a delight and doesn’t hesitate to use humor when speaking truth to power. Good for her.

(Naturally, we shouldn’t conflate body size with health, and no one should be seen as a “burden” because of their health)

Tess says that the people who are uncomfortable with the size of her body, which literally does not impact them at all, should have more important things on their minds.

“Worry about what horrible people you are,” Tess suggests to her detractors.

That’s harsh — but considering that Piers just accused her of being the next Typhoid Mary and he was far from the worst person to comment, it’s fair.

She says that they have demonstrated that they’re horrible “by whining about how me being on the cover of a glossy magazine impacts your small minded life.”

It’s difficult to understand why so many people feel like they have the right to tell other people what to do with their own bodies.

Tess’ body does not impact the rest of us. It just doesn’t. 

But a photo of her on the cover of a magazine could have a very real and powerful effect on little girls (or others, but girls especially) who are struggling to love themselves.

When people like Piers say that body positive images of Tess and women like her will somehow make the “obesity epidemic” worse, it is clear what they really mean.

They mean that people who have learned to love themselves won’t go on dangerous starvation diets that ultimately don’t work in a desperate attempt to get their bodies looking how Piers wants them to.

If you think that one body type is more attractive than another, that’s fine — we all have preferences. But women are allowed to just exist without you wanting to bang them.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Toccara Jones Checks Piers Morgan for Body Shaming Tess Holliday

Toccara Jones can’t believe Piers Morgan so blatantly body shamed a plus-size model and tried to mask it as a health concern … saying someone can be big AND healthy. The ex-“America’s Next Top Model” contestant says she’s been shamed herself…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Tess Holliday Slams Man"s Viral Post About Curvy Wife: Oh, You Want a Trophy Now?!

Robbie Tripp and his wife have become viral stars of sorts in recent days after he penned a love letter to her … and her relative thickness.

Suffice it to say, Tripp’s love letter to his curvy wife proved divisive, with many praising his words and others reacting a whole lot differently.

While many initially applauded Robbie for praising his spouse’s body and lamenting being teased for liking “girls on the thicker side.”

The backlash was swift and dramatic, however.

Model Tess Holliday is the latest in a long line of social media users who aren’t happy with this smitten husband’s viral Instagram post.

Some critics call the post self-serving or even offensive, and Holliday, a 32-year-old body positivity advocate, is certainly in that camp.

“Stop giving men trophies for doing the bare minimum,” Holliday wrote alongside a pair of Instagram photos over the weekend.

The first photo showed a tweet that read:

“*guy likes curvy woman* 16,667 favs, national news. *curvy woman likes herself* 12 favs, 48 people in your mentions talking about diabetes.”

Tess’ point is that of course we should accept women for who they are (especially one’s own partner) without being lauded as a hero.

Women’s efforts to accept themselves in a public forum often receive considerably less fanfare, even if that message is just as important.

Nevertheless, Tripp has amassed 30,000 likes on Instagram for writing, “For me, there is nothing sexier than this woman right here.”

“Thick thighs, big booty, cute little side roll, etc.”

“Her shape and size won’t be the one featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan but it’s the one featured in my life and in my heart.”

“Guys, rethink what society has told you that you should desire. A real woman is not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character.”

“She’s real.”

A nice sentiment, but plenty of people weren’t fans, accusing Tripp for patting himself on the back in a public forum for liking his own wife.

Moreover, others noted that he’s calling a girl “thick” who’s barely even that … and simultaneously saying thin girls aren’t “real.”

As one particularly blunt tweeter wrote:

“That Robbie Tripp post gives me hope that one day, I too will find a man who fetishizes my weight to make himself feel like a hero.”

An Instagram user weighed in along the same lines: “This is incredibly insulting to your wife. Women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful.”

“Putting yourself on a pedestal for being with her is arrogant,” one of his followers said, while others took issue with his earlier posts.

With viral fame comes people taking a closer look at your life, and in 2015, during Caitlyn Jenner’s transition, for example, Tripp wrote:

“Born a Bruce, always a Bruce. Clothes, makeup, surgery, and public acceptance still won’t change how you came into the world.”

To that, Holliday – an outspoken LGBT advocate – responded, “Also I’m not here for someone who says transphobic things.”

Tripp doesn’t seem too bothered by the outrage though, doubling down with another photo of his wife – and a shot at his haters.

“This is what I’m currently doing while sad and sarcastic people are getting angry with their keyboard,” he tweeted this weekend.

The picture in question:

As for his 15 minutes of fame, he said, “WOW. That’s the only word in the English language fitting for what’s happened the last few days.”

“It’s been incredible to see the reaction from my simple post celebrating my wife and her body. So much positivity and love have come from it.”

“Seeing men from around the world tagging their girlfriend/wife and telling her how much they love her curvy body has been amazing.”

“Thanks to each and every person who has commented and messaged us with your thoughtful words. It means the absolute world to us!”

Tripp concluded his thank you note with a plug of sorts, writing: “Be sure to watch my IG Stories to experience this excitement with us!”

What do you think about all this? Do Holliday and some of his vocal critics have a point, or should we just … be happy he’s happy? 


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tess Holliday Gets Body-Shamed by an Uber Driver, Reacts Like a Boss

Tess Holliday is a gift to this world, let"s just be real about that.

She"s absolutely stunning, for one, but her beauty isn"t only on the outside.

Tess, as a plus-size model, has always been very outspoken on how ridiculous traditional beauty standards are, why body-shaming should never happen, and why we should all just let people live.

Unfortunately, she still has to deal with body-shaming on a regular basis.

Just this week, it turns out, she experienced it while using Uber. We know because she got on Instagram to tell us the whole weird story.

And also to send a pretty pointed message to the company in question.

"Hey @uber," she began her post. "I don"t pay more to use your "black car" service to be told that there"s no way I could possibly be healthy because I"m fat & then questioning it."

"No one should have to tolerate this at any level of the services you offer."

"I"m fat," she wrote. "I also have a fat wallet & will no longer be using your services. Ever."

"Also after I told him I was healthy he turned the radio off & changed the subject."

She added a video from the incident, which you can see below. In it, the driver, who she points out is overweight himself, asks her about her cholesterol, like it is even a tiny bit of his business.

Still, she told him "My cholesterol"s fine, I"m perfect. Yep, I am healthy."

And then, because the world can be a terrible place full of terrible people and so much sadness and shame, Tess was criticized in the comments of the video because she called her driver "fat."

She edited her caption to explain that "Saying my driver is fat was obviously being used as a descriptor & not to insult him."

"Also I did not show his face or use his name when filming, it was to be able to show what I deal with daily & why this behavior is unacceptable from anyone."

It makes sense — she refers to herself as "fat" all the time, and she clearly uses it as an adjective and not an insult.

And still, even after that, the comments were flooded with people slamming her for boycotting Uber because of this one driver, and for "overreacting" to this man"s questions.

It"s all just so, so dumb.

This guy had absolutely no reason to ask Tess about her cholesterol or about her health, because it"s not his business. She paid him to drive her, her health is not his concern.

See some of the questioning Tess experienced in the video below:

Tess holliday gets body shamed by an uber driver reacts like a b

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tess Holliday Shares Sweet New Breastfeeding Photo, Reveals Struggles of Motherhood

Tess Holliday, plus size model and inspiration to all, is at it again.

Because not only is she still putting in work to normalize breastfeeding, not only is she being her usual lovely self, but she’s also getting extremely personal about the struggles she’s faced after giving birth for the second time.

At this point, could you possibly love her any more than you already do?

Guess we’ll find out!

She shared the above photo on Instagram — just one of many photos she’s shared of herself breastfeeding her precious little son, Bowie.

And while it’s beautiful and wonderful and all kinds of good things, it’s the caption that really got us.

“It’s not #tbt technically,” she wrote, “but I found this photo on my phone now from September of last year & it gave me so many feels.”

“this photo was taken at my dear friends home during a dark time in my life. I was an emotional mess + struggling to find my way as a new mom again.”

“When I looked at this photo,” she said, “a wave of sadness poured over me, but now I only see my tiny bubs nursing & Sweetie,” that precious little dog, “looking on like a nervous new mom.”

Tess, full of wisdom as she is, continued with “Life is messy, love is complicated, & it can all feel so overwhelming but we grow & learn.”

“I’m so grateful for my life & appreciate it all, even if I can’t always see the light at the end … it’s there. Promise.”

Amazing, right?

After giving birth, so, so many women are just a mess of hormones and emotions, and they’re still made to feel horrible if they struggle with that.

Postpartum depression is a huge issue, and while Tess doesn’t explicitly say she suffered from it, it sounds like she got a rough case of the baby blues at the very least.

It’s so important for women to talk about all these things, and to get the message across that it’s normal, and it doesn’t make you any less of a mother.

So not only is Tess normalizing breastfeeding, not only is she telling the world “eff your beauty standards,” she’s also standing up for herself and for women everywhere who’ve gone through similar issues.

What do you know … it turns out we can love her more!


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jennifer Holliday Makes Good with LGBT Community, Singing On All-Gay Cruise (VIDEO)

Jennifer Holliday is making up with gay fans who might have been pissed she initially accepted an invitation to sing at the Trump inauguration … by headlining an all-gay Caribbean cruise. Sources with Atlantis — a gay and lesbian charter…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Jennifer Holliday: People Threatened to KILL ME Over Trump

The lineup of entertainers set to perform at Donald Trump"s inauguration this Friday is not exactly Grammy Award-worthy.

It"s barely even People"s Choice Award-worthy.

With Jackie Evancho scheduled to sing the national anthem and Toby Keith proudly on board for a few songs, the event simply lacks the star power of a Beyonce or a Garth Brooks.

Or, heck, even a Ray J. (What? You know you"d tune in to watch him on stage in D.C.!)

At one point, news went viral that veteran singer Jennifer Holliday was booked for an appearance at the event, although Holliday said today on The View that it was never made official.

Yes, however, she was strongly considering the gig. 

For what reason?

"Because I’m an artist and I love America," she told The View hosts, adding that she performed for Ronald Reagan and both the elder Bush and younger Bush and Bill Clinton and she was under the impression that the inauguration was a patriotic event, not a partisan one.

But then she woke up one day… and everyone on the radio hated her… and then she even started to receive a few death threats.

The artist quickly dropped out of performing following the firestorm, especially after she read a Daily Beast article titled "Jennifer Holliday Will Perform at Trump"s Inauguration, Which Is Heartbreaking to Gay Fans."

Says an emotional Holliday in the following interview:

"I"m not a liar nor a hypocrite, and I haven"t done anything to be called names."

Watch her discuss the painful, shocking experience below:

Jennifer holliday people threatned to kill me over donald trump

Monday, January 16, 2017

Jennifer Holliday Canceled Inauguration Gig Because of Death Threats

Jennifer Holliday pulled the plug on her inauguration performance because people threatened to kill her and her family … TMZ has learned. The “Dreamgirls” star agreed to sing at an inaugural event but did an about-face Saturday, saying she…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Dreamgirls" Jennifer Holliday Cancels Inauguration Performance

“Dreamgirls” star and once confirmed Inauguration Day performer Jennifer Holliday just pulled the plug on her show after taking some serious heat from the LGBT community. Holliday was set to sing Thursday at the Lincoln Memorial with the likes of…


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tess Holliday Shares Intimate Photo, Wants to #Normalizebreastfeeding

Tess Holliday is the latest celebrity to join an important movement.

Like Gisele Bundchen, Alyssa Milano and other famous mothers before her, Holliday has struck a pose that she hopes will resonate with others around the world.

She has shared a photo of her breastfeeding.

As you can see below, the image was taken while Holliday was getting ready for a modeling session.

But that doesn’t mean she didn’t still have time to provide her daughter with sustenance.

“@nickhollidayco captured this photo of me getting ready yesterday to shoot the next instalment of my #mblmxtess @penningtons collection,” Holliday captioned the photo. 

“And it reminded me of @gisele’s iconic photo breastfeeding on set.”

The photo to which Tess is referring is featured below.

It was snapped in 2013 and it included the following message from Gisele:

“What would I do without this beauty squad after the 15 hours flying and only 3 hours sleep #multitasking #gettinrready.”

Bundchen isn’t just one of the most beloved models in history.

She’s also one of the most dedicated celebrity moms.

“Working moms come in all shapes, sizes, colors & creeds! #normalizebreastfeeding #workingmom #whorunstheworld,” Holliday added.

The plus-size model is just the latest well-known parent to push the #normalizebreastfeeding movement.

Not very long ago, Kim Kardashian took to her app to share her thoughts on the topic, writing:

“I’ve seen this before and remember tweeting how shocked I was. Now that I’m a mom, I’m not that shocked, especially if you have a few kids…

“I think it’s such a natural experience and I’m not shy about that.

“I know so many people get backlash for posting breastfeeding pics, but I don’t mind them!”

Holliday gave birth last month to her second child.

We send her our very best wishes and we salute all the celebrity mothers who are doing what they can to rid the world of the fuss surrounding breastfeeding.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Brittany Raven Compares Baby Bump to Tess Holliday, Defends ALL PREGNANT WOMEN!

Baby bumps come in all shapes and sizes, all of them beautiful.

That is the simple, but profound message of endurance athlete Brittany Raven’s Instagram post – and photo comparison – that has gone viral.

When Raven was 39 weeks pregnant (above, right, seriously) she was inundated with online comments about her belly being too small.

Somewhere, Sarah Stage is nodding. Been there, girl.

“I am nearly six-feet tall with a long torso and brutally strong abs, so I didn’t show until around my 30th week,” Raven said of the photo.

The Washington-based mountain runner and alpine climber says “a lot of people expressed unsolicited concern over my baby’s health.”

“One local healthcare professional,” she adds, “even tried to scare me by telling me my baby would be too small and [sick].”

This experience got her thinking … about Tess Holliday.

Having seen a photo of the plus-size model, who also received criticism for her bump (being too large in Tess’ case), Raven had an epiphany.

“In this image these two women are at about the same stage in their pregnancies – 39 weeks,” Raven wrote in a post that has gone viral.

“That is the gorgeous @tessholliday looking boss on the left and me with the defined abs on the right. She is a voluptuous model.”

“I am a sinewy mountain athlete. Both of us are shamed for our size … she for her roundness and me for my smallness.”

She added: “Why does our society shame women whose bodies do not adhere to some narrow notion of false normalcy?”

“Pregnancy is tough enough,” the blogger added, echoing the sentiments of millions, “without also being body shamed.”

Of the side-by-side post-partum photos of herself above, she says, “I am sharing not to brag, to make others feel bad about their journeys.”

“I share,” she says, “to dispel fear other pregnant athletes might hold about their own post-pregnancy bodies.”

“Please allow these images to broaden your idea of what a ‘normal’ pregnant and postpartum body looks like.”

“Once again I feel at home in my body – except this body just got done blood doping for ten months while wearing a progressive weight vest.”

“I’m coming for you, Bust tha Move! #pregnantathlete”

She’s an extreme athlete, so her results aren’t typical. But that’s half of her point – no results are typical when it comes to this.

At least that’s not how the public should view pregnancy.

That’s a big reason Brittany, who welcomed healthy baby girl named Rumi Wren with her husband, Ryan, is a huge fan of Holliday.

“As I followed Tess’ journey through her second pregnancy, I realized that the dialogue around my athletic body was very similar.”

“The dialogue around her voluptuous body,” Raven said, is highly relatable, and “just as fear-based, just as inappropriate.”

“With that comparison,” the first time mom hopes women of “all sizes can heal together and stop judging one another’s bodies.”

Whether big (Holliday, Revie Jane Schulz) or small (Raven, Hannah Polites below), all babies and bumps and physiques should be celebrated.

Amen to that.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tess Holliday Gives Birth to Second Baby!

Congratulations are in order for Tess Holliday.

The 30-year-old model, considered by most to be the world’s first size-22 supermodel, has welcomed her second child.

She and her fiance, Nick Holliday, are now parents to a boy named Bowie Juniper Holliday, a rep for the model has confirmed E! News.

The rep adds that little Bowie was born Monday, June 6 and he weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz., and measured 22 inches long.

This is Tess’ first baby with Holliday. She is also a mother to a 10-year-old son, Rylee, from a previous relationship.

The famous model and Holliday have been together since 2012; she started using his last name professionally in 2015.

Few people know that Tess Holliday was actually born Ryann Hoven and had previously used the stage names Tess Typhoon and Tess Munster, the latter named after one of her favorite TV shows, The Munsters.

Always open with her fans, Holliday wrote the following on Instagram after her baby shower in January: 

“It’s impossible to fit my gratitude into one photo of how special yesterday was.

“Our beautiful tropical day was the vision of my talented partner @nickhollidayco who put the whole day together & made me feel so loved.”

Holliday has also fired back at body shamers over the past few months.

“I’m not the first plus size woman in the public eye to have a baby & share it with the world, & I certainly won’t be the last,” she wrote on Instagram in April.

“However I’m part of a small minority that’s telling you it’s okay to not have a perfect baby bump, or not show at all, to be plus size & have a healthy child, & most importantly to find a care provider that doesn’t shame you about your size.

“It’s also okay to tell someone to f–k off when they give you unsolicited advice about what’s ‘best’ for you & your baby.”

You tell ’em, Tess!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Tess Holliday Posts Nude Pregnancy Selfie, Slams Fat-Shamers

Tess Holliday is a 30-year-old model who’s received a lot of attention on social media over the past year.

In addition to the usual modeling stuff (posing for photos, designing her own line of swimwear, etc.), Holliday has made a point of speaking out against fat-shaming and the pressure on young women to attain a certain shape.

As you can see, Tess is pregnant these days, and because the Internet is a place where society’s most irredeemable D-bags go to find their kind, she’s subjected to numerous insensitive comments.

Thankfully, rather than getting discouraged by the horrendous treatment she’s received from comment board trolls, Tess has decided to treat this as a teachable moment and demonstrate the importance of remaining courageous in the face of bullying.

Earlier today Tess posted the following nude photo on Instagram:

She captioned it, “I will continue to live unapologetically, to thrive in this body, prove the naysayers wrong & laugh at the ignorance.”

She followed that up with a lengthy tirade against those who believe it’s okay to make hateful remarks about the appearances of others as long as they disguise it as concern”

“What I’ve had to be learn to be okay with (WHICH IS NOT COOL) is the fact that people still think it’s okay to comment on my body,” says the creator of the #EffYourBeautyStandards hashtag.

“‘You don’t look pregnant’, ‘you must be have quadruplets’, ‘you are putting your baby at risk’ & a slew of other uneducated statements that are very far from my reality.”

“I’m not the first plus size woman in the public eye to have a baby & share it with the world, & I certainly won’t be the last. However I’m part of a small minority that’s telling you it’s okay to not have a perfect baby bump, or not show at all, to be plus size & have a healthy child, & most importantly to find a care provider that doesn’t shame you about your size.

“It’s also okay to tell someone to fuck off when they give you unsolicited advice about what’s “best” for you & your baby. As women, we know what’s best & that’s our business.. No one else’s.”

She concluded with her signature hashtag, along with a few other poignant ones:

“#effyourbeautystandards #theresnowrongwaytobeawoman #32weeks #babyhollidayontheway”

We’d like to add “#YouGoGirl” and “KeepDoingYou” and a simple “#Thanks.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tess Holliday: Pregnant with Baby #2!

Congratulations are in order for Tess Holliday.

The outspoken plus-sized model is expecting her second child!

“It definitely was not planned and I was a little nervous when I first found out, but I’m excited!” Holliday tells People of getting pregnant again by her fiance, Nick.

Holliday has a 10-year-old son named Rylee from a previous relationship, so it’s been awhile since she changed any diapers.

But she says she’s looking forward to having a newborn again.

“When I had my son, I was 20 and I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t have help.

“I’m really excited to be doing it again and have support, and be able to enjoy having a baby, because I couldn’t last time.”

The 30-year-old beauty, who has famously built her career as the first size-22 signed model, adds that her son is hoping for a brother.

Nick doesn’t care about the gender, just that this marks the perfect opportunity to complete the couple’s family.

“I think it really solidifies the two halves of our family coming together,” Holliday says. “It will be nice to have the family more blended.”

We send our very best wishes to Tess Holliday and hope she has a safe, relatively easy pregnancy.