Showing posts with label Motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motherhood. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Bashes Kylie Jenner for Glamorizing Young Motherhood!

Kailyn Lowry became pregnant as a teenager. So did Kylie Jenner. Both are reality stars, both are devoted mothers. Kylie’s even bringing Stormi on tour with Travis.

But in a new interview, Kail accuses Kylie of “glamorizing” young motherhood and possibly being a bad influence on her young, impressionable fans.

Before you accuse Kailyn of a hilarious amount of hypocrisy, take a look at what she has to say and see if you agree.

Speaking to Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on their podcast, Make Speidi Famous Again, Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry shares her thoughts on Kylie.

“I mean, I don’t want to hate her because obviously she’s so successful,” Kailyn says. If you sense a but coming, you’re right.

“But when you’re that young and you have that much money,” Kailyn begins.

Kail continues: “and you’re able to kind of have a nanny and have a lot of help and you still do all these things.”

“I think,” Kailyn confesses. “That shows that it’s kind of glamorous to have a kid so young.”

The difference between Kail (and so many of her costars) and Kylie is that Kylie was on top of the world, with no shortage of options and resources, well before her teenage pregnancy.

“With situations like Kylie,” Kailyn laments, thinking of young, impressionable fans. “They don’t realize that, you know, she has millions of dollars.”

They might know it, intellectually, but not make the connection to how much free time she has as a mother.

Kail points out: “and she has a ton of help and she, you know, she can still go out and party and do all these things.”

“So,” Kailyn expresses. “I think that makes it look slightly glamorous.”

Despite her stated concerns, Kail is quick to point out that she’s not hating on Kylie. In fact, parts of the situation are really unfair to her.

“I mean,” Kailyn admits. “She didn’t ask to be a role model.”

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kris signed up to be reality stars and to transform their family’s life forever. Kylie was just a kid. This situation was thrust upon her.

“It’s so hard,” Kailyn continues. “Because obviously I don’t want to mom-shame her at all.”

Kailyn knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that all too well.

“But just looking at the different scenarios,” Kailyn says. “They’re just completely different.”

Her experience with a teenage pregnancy and then motherhood, despite becoming a reality star, was very different.

“So it’s weird,” Kail says.

“But really,” she says of reality stars who are young mothers. “Nobody should look up to us in that aspect.”

Kailyn doesn’t want anyone to be inspired to follow in their pregnant footsteps, but acknowledges that it’s complicated, concluding with: “I don’t know.”

Obviously, Kailyn is not shaming Kylie for being pregnant. She is just discussing how complicated it is for someone with young fans to also live their life.

And she is cautioning Kylie’s fans to remember that motherhood is wildly expensive and, unless you are fabulously wealthy, will absorb almost all of your free time.

She cannot help but wonder what impact the world’s #1 influencer might have on the people who admire her brand enough that she’s almost a billionaire.

Could Kail have said it better? Sure. But we get what she’s saying.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Farrah Abraham Shares Shower Selfie of Daughter, Can"t Stop Failing at Motherhood

Farrah Abraham is … she"s just so … it"s like she"s always …

Look, she"s just a lot, OK? She"s a lot to handle, she"s got a lot going on, and it takes a lot to comprehend how she even exists in this world.

Lately — or, all right, for nearly the entire decade or so that she"s been famous — it seems like she"s really been intent on being the biggest mess she can be, and we appreciate that.

Except her wild and crazy decisions have had quite the impact on her daughter, Sophia … and that"s not so cool.

In the past few months, Farrah"s been making increasingly poor parenting choices, so now seems like as good a time as ever to do a retrospective on her biggest fails, right?

Buckle up, because this one"s going to hurt.

1. The Dream Team

Farrah and sophia abraham new york fashion week

This is Farrah and Sophia. They travel the world together, getting into all sorts of shenanigans. It is weird.

2. Plane Shower!

Sophia shower selfie

Here’s the most recent shenanigan, and the inspiration for this look back on all of Farrah’s fails — our girl actually thought it was a good idea to take a photo of her nine-year-old in the shower and put it on Instagram. For real, she thought that in her head. And then she did it.

3. Juice … or Not?

Sophia abraham drinking juice

Also this month, we saw this photo of Sophia drinking this fancy beverage. It turned out to be juice infused with gold flakes, but you know what most people thought it was? Booze.


Farrah booty

And shortly before THAT, Farrah was with Sophia in France, and Sophia shared this photo on Instagram. With the caption “I love my mamas booty.” Because that’s normal.

5. But Why?

Farrah abraham snapchat image

You might be thinking that that’s a whole lot of weirdness for such a short span of time, but let’s not forget that back in April, Farrah thought that a good mother-daughter activity would be butt injections. She was the only one who got the procedure at least — Sophia just filmed it all for posterity. Still … why does this have to happen at all?

6. Nope Nope Nope

Farrah abraham red hair

Perhaps the most disturbing moment (so far this year, anyway) happened back in February, when Farrah admitted that she and Sophia run around naked together. And they take pictures.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Uggh, Motherhood is Boring! Let"s Party!

As previously reported and scoffed at, Kylie Jenner named her daughter Stormi a few months ago.

According to a celebrity gossip insider, however, this name is awfully ironic…

… because all is very calm and boring at home for the first-time mother.

Too much so, according to Radar Online.

“She’s hiring more nannies and support staff for Stormi because she wants to go back to her socialite lifestyle,” a source tells this website, expounding as follows:

“She wants to be out on the town, hanging with her friends and being 20.

She misses the party scene. The nightlife. Hanging out with her girls until 4am and not having to do anything the next day.”

Sure, who doesn’t miss these things once one becomes a parent?

For most people, however, they have their early 20s to experience getting drunk, hooking up and going out without any consequences to suffer the next morning when stuck in bed with a hangover.

They may miss the old days, but they also got a chance to get these wild experiences out of their system.

This isn’t the case when one has a child at age 20, however.

Then again, Kylie still attends events such as the MET Gala whenever she wants.

So it’s hard to feel too much sympathy for her and her situation.

This same Radar source is quick to note that Kylie “loves being a new mother, but is overwhelmed and needs a time out.”

Jenner, of course, welcomed her first child on February 1 in Los Angeles.

She basically admitted at one point during her pregnancy that she and Travis Scott weren’t planning to have a baby, but stuff happens sometimes.

(As in, a man and a woman can create a life via unprotected sex if they are not careful. That sort of stuff, we mean.)

Kylie remained almost entirely quiet in the months preceeding her daughter’s birth, confessing later on that she needed time to process all that was happening and all that was about to happen.

These days, Jenner poses happily with Stormi on Instagram and talks as if motherhood is the greatest thing that ever happened to her.

But what else could she say in public, right?

(Aside from shooting down rumors that her bodyguard is actually her baby daddy.)

We don’t doubt that Kylie loves her kid, but we also don’t doubt that she may be a bit antsy; she may feel a strong need to just be a 20-year old without any real responsibilities again.

At the very least, she may feel a need to take off her clothes on social media like she used to do all the time, free from judgment.

Along with Kylie welcoming Stormi into the world, half-sister Khloe Kardashian gave birth this spring to a daughter named True and half-sister Kim Kardashian expanded her family by one via a baby named Chicago.

It’s been a whirlwind first half of 2018 for the Kardashians-Jenners, even by their standards.

But it’s hard to feel too badly for Jenner.

After all, she’s already taken one tropical vacation with Scott and she’s back to making REALLY passionate love to him.

That’s more than most mothers of a four-month old can say.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar Talks Motherhood, Marriage: I Can"t Stop Smiling!

Duggar women are raised to believe that the primary reason they were put on this planet is to put more people on this planet.

It’s a central tenet of the “quiverfull movement” – of which the Duggars are devout adherents – that Christians should focus all their energy on the “be fruitful and multiply” passage of the Bible.

And it seems no Duggar female is more committed to testing the limits of her uterus than Joy-Anna Duggar.

Joy, you may recall, unveiled her sizable baby bump just three months after marrying Austin Forsyth.

The one event followed so closely on the heels of the other, that many began to suspect that Joy had gotten pregnant before her wedding, which would’ve been the stuff of scandal, as premarital sex is a major no-no for all Duggars.

(Yes, they’re not allowed to have sex at all before marriage, and once they’re hitched, they can only have sex for purposes of procreation. These folks have seriously antagonistic relationships with their genitals.)

We might never get a satisfactory resolution to the great debate regarding Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding,” but whatever the timeline, it seems the 20-year-old newlywed is loving every second of first-time motherhood.

Joy gave birth to her first child – a boy named Gideon – back in February, and ever since, she’s been gushing about the lad every chance she gets.

She posted the above photo to Instagram this week in order to mark the occasion of Gideon turning two months old.

“We love you Gideon!” Duggar captioned the pic.

“You make your dad and I smile SO much.”

It’s a pretty standard Duggar baby update, but in Joy’s case, it was greeted with more enthusiasm than usual.

Joy and Austin have both been uncharacteristically quiet on social media the past few weeks, and because Duggar obsessives scrutinize the family’s every move, some took it as a sign of trouble in paradise.

It turns out, however, that Joy and Austin have actually been busy spreading the word of how awesome their marriage is.

Yes, it seems the Forsyths have been doing something called “giving testimony,” which means they’ve been speaking to assembled groups of young folk about how marriage has brought them closer to God, or something.

We guess if there is an advantage to making people wait until they’re hitched to knock boots, that’s it:

They’re much more likely to feel that marriage is totally the best thing on the freakin’ planet.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Audrey Roloff Can Sum Up Motherhood is One Word

As documented down below, there’s a lot we don’t know about Audrey Roloff.

But there’s at least one thing we know very well about the Little People, Big World star and that is this:

She adores being a mother.

The TLC personality has made it clear in one social media post after another that she was practically born for this role, gushing about daughter Ember Jean and about her role as a parent.

How would Audrey define that role?

Such is the topic of her latest Instagram entry.

“GRACE. If I had to sum up what motherhood has taught me into one word, it would be grace,” Roloff wrote to open this profound message.

Audrey has been criticized of late for exploiting her daughter (and/or thoughts about her daughter) in the name of product placement and promotion, but that’s not a concern here.

This post is simply dedicated to life as a mother, what she has learned and how she would sum it all up.

“I can be pretty hard on myself, and motherhood is teaching me to give myself grace in the moments when I feel unequipped, ill prepared, or like I don’t measure up,” Audrey explains.

“On the days when I discover I haven’t been doing something that everyone else seems to be doing, grace. 

“When my ideals don’t fit to reality, grace.

“When I’m overwhelmed by all the conflicting research on all the hot button issues, grace.

“When I start to compare myself to the other mama warriors out there, grace. When I get criticized and accused, grace.”

The star continues with the same theme, really hammering it home because it means so much to her.

When I realize I’m not the kind, patient, and loving wife intend to be, grace. When I get down on myself for working too much or not enough, grace. 

When I haven’t checked anything off my to-do list, grace. When I’ve worn the same outfit 7 days in a row, grace.

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff welcomed Ember into the world back in September.

Both were pretty candid at first about the challenges they faced, Audrey in particular when it came to pain while breastfeeding.

However, they relied on each other, on their strong faith and here they are now… proud and excited parents of THIS precious five-month old!

So, where were you, Audrey?

“I am choosing to release my harsh and sometimes worldly standards and learning to embrace His grace in my weakness,” she writes.”His power is perfected in my weakness.”

Referencing God and the bible again, Roloff concludes as follows:

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.

In response to her in-depth analysis, Audrey received praise and support from many of her followers.

Love this post so much. It encourages me and reminds me of how I should be. Thank you! wrote debrakgottschalk.

Added willspartner71: Your thoughts and words flow so beautifully and inspire me. Thank you for sharing the wisdom that God has gifted you with. You are amazing.

And here’s ktpapercrafty: What wisdom and strength you have gained as a new mom! Impressive indeed. (It took me a whole lot longer to get to this point as a mom!)

We already knew Audrey was wise, though, didn’t we?

But what we didn’t know about her was this…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Motherhood is My Calling, But...

Audrey Roloff has a pretty great problem on her hands.

She is totally and completely in love with being a mother, something she has stated on more than one occasion.

But she also feels guilty any time she’s doing anything other than being a mother, which is likely an issue to which many new parents can relate.

Audrey, who welcomed a daughter named Ember Jean into the world back in September, outlined this internal debate in a lengthy Instagram caption this week.

It accompanied the precious photo of her child featured above.

“I never even thought I would be one of those moms who just wants to lay on the floor playing with their baby all day,” explained Roloff, adding;

“Before I became a mom I used to hear other moms saying things like, ‘oh the newborn phase is my favorite’ or ‘3-6 months is my favorite age.’

“I always figured that my favorite age would be when they can actually communicate with me and are able to do more than eat and sleep. But I was wrong. And now I get it.”

As most mothers would probably verify, the best phase of your child’s life is whatever phase he or she is in at the moment.

(Unless, that is, your child is a 14-year old girl. Yeesh!)

The thing is, Audrey is a working mother.

Yes, she works from home.

Yes, she runs her own business.

But this also means she must be self-motivated in order to make money… and that can be difficult when all she wants to do is cuddle with little Ember.

“When you run your own business or ministry you don’t get “maternity leave” or paid time off,” explained Audrey in her message.

She continued:

“Being an entrepreneur means that if you don’t work you don’t get paid.

“I love love the work I get to do running my shop @shopalwaysmore and our ministry @beating50 and I always assumed it would be so easy to keep working from home with babies.

“I used to think, at least I wouldn’t have to leave them and go into an office for 8 hours every day.”

Audrey, of course, has been criticized a bit in the past for using Ember as a promotional vehicle.

We admit that we’ve been at the forefront of this criticism.

But we’ve never doubted Roloff’s love for Ember, not one bit. Not at all.

Audrey goes on to expound here on how she wants to spend every waking second taking care of Ember and feels terrible when she isn’t doing so.

“Once I had Ember I realized that being present physically isn’t enough. It’s so easy to be physically next to her but emotionally and mentally somewhere else.

“To be feeding her but also on my phone, or rocking her but thinking about the e-mails I need to respond to.

“I feel guilty sometimes for not being able to just stay in bed and play with her, or for putting her in the play gym to be entertained by the dangling animals instead of me.’

We totally get that.

We’ve been there.

But all parents need a break sometimes.

Your mental health isn’t just important for you; it’s important for your kids, too. They need their parents to never feel stressed or burned out.

Roloff wrapped up her caption by seeking some advice and by asking if other women out there feel the same way.

Turns out finding the balance between working and momming is pretty dang hard.

Turns out that I love the newborn phase, and 3-6 month phase, and probally the phase after that, a lot more than I thought I would.

Turns out I’d rather just BE with my baby girl than DO all the other things my days demand. Turns out raising this little girl feels more like my calling than anything I’ve ever done.

I can only imagine this becoming more challenging as our family grows.

How do you working moms do it?! And by working I don’t just mean from an office.

Feel free to respond down below to Audrey’s line of questioning.

And while you’re at it, respond as well to her take on premarital sex!


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Experiencing Mixed Feelings About Motherhood?!

Chicago West’s little cousin will be here before you know it! Kylie Jenner’s due date is February 4th, and everybody’s excited!

Kylie’s excited, too, of course. Excited to become a mom but probably also excited to, you know, no longer be pregnant.

But apparently she has mixed feelings about her upcoming journey as a mother.

People reports on how Kylie Jenner is feeling so close to giving birth.

“Kylie is definitely ready for baby to arrive!”

(Aren’t we all?!)

No but really, pregnancy is a long roller coaster ride that only gets more intense as it nears the end. Kylie has to be ready for the ride to be over.

Overall, the source says that Kylie’s feelings are mixed.

“Coming up on the end of pregnancy, there are a lot of different emotions.”

Though we have to imagine there are some serious apprehensions and fears, this insider tries to focus on the positive.

“She’s excited, she’s anxious … there are a lot of feelings.”

Probably a lot more. If she has any sense at all, she’s terrified that she’ll make a mistake as a mother. She must also have some fears about what role Travis Scott will or won’t play. She must worry about her child growing up in the spotlight.

“But she’s ready for what’s next.”

Is she, though?

A lot of people are doubting Kylie Jenner’s parenting skills.

Probably because Kylie has never had a real responsibility in her life. 

Don’t get us wrong, she’s a makeup mogul, and Kylie Cosmetics is worth enough to make your head spin.

She’s also been a reality star since she was a child. That’s a lot of work.

But her responsibilities have all been to herself. It’s not like those are jobs from which she could have realistically been fired.

She has dogs, but we’re sure that she has people who help take care of the dogs when she needs them. Having a baby — and babies develop so much more slowly than dogs — will be a new challenge.

Some 20-year-olds who had unplanned pregnancies after dating a rebound guy for a month turn out to be great mothers. Some.

And with her limitless resources and extensive family support network, Kylie might be able to pull it off.

But … what of her baby daddy, Travis Scott?

He almost certainly didn’t ask for this. He has his own music career. He’s young — not as young as Kylie, but young.

And, according to some reports, Travis Scott may already be cheating on Kylie. Assuming that they’re even still together, because Kylie isn’t exactly sharing her life’s details with the world like she once did.

Is he going to be a father to this child with Kylie, separately from Kylie, or will he just send her child support payments that she doesn’t need and go on living his life?

Ultimately, unless he’s a bad father, that probably doesn’t matter.

Children need love and support, and that doesn’t always have to come from two parents.

Sure, it would be weird to grow up knowing that your father doesn’t have anything to do with you when he’s (kind of) famous, but no grandchild of Kris Jenner’s is going to go without love and support.

And even the nurturing instincts that Kylie’s shown for her dogs show that Kylie’s likely to be a doting mom. We hope so, anyway.

Strange as it may be to say, it’s a good sign that Kylie is reportedly anxious. Anxiety means that she’s taking this seriously — maybe a lot more seriously than she was when she found out that she was pregnant last summer.


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Tori Roloff Has Something to Say About Motherhood

Tori Roloff is not exactly known as an outspoken individual.

From what we gather when we watch Little People, Big World online and when we follow her on social media, Tori is relatively quiet and extremely kind.

Her usual Instagram photos and messages?

They mostly consist of family snapshots such as the one above, along with harmless captions such as the affiliated one below:

“Sun…? At the beach…? In December…? Dream.”

But Roloff appears to have finally been pushed too far.

She just took her 634,000 Instagram followers by surprise after sharing a somewhat pointed message (at least by her standards) aimed at critics of parenthood.

Or at least at those who have a misguided notion of what being a parent entails.

Along with the extremely sweet picture below of her husband and son, Tori penned the following speech on Thursday night:

One thing I’ve heard a lot lately on social media, and tv, and even in person has me a little upset… I hear people talking about how “life is over” when you have a kid. I think this is such a lie.

She went on to explain why she objects so strenuously to this notion:

I have found life after having a kid. I’ve found something I can completely pour my soul in to and something that gives me purpose.

I hear people tell others that “ah it’s all over from here”… what is? The fact that I can’t stay out all night partying (that’s cool my bedtime is 9 anyway).

Having a kid is honestly a gift I know i don’t deserve from God. Life isn’t over when you have a kid… it’s only just beginning!

Amen, right?!?

Tori rarely takes such a stance online and she rarely brings up her faith in this sort of manner.

But having a child can change you.

Tori and Zach Roloff welcomed son Jackson Kyle into the world on May 10 and have not been able to stop gushing over him ever since.

“I am so obsessed with every move he makes,” Roloff flat out said last week about her first child.

She added at the time:

“His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile. He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves.”

Jackson has the same gene for dwarfism as his father, but both Tori and Zach have made it clear this won’t really have an impact on the way they raise him.

“Whatever he wants to do in life, we’re going to find a way to help him do it. That’s our job in life now,” Zach told People Magazine shortly after he became a father.

What a great attitude.

And what a terrific couple.

Tori and Zach are likely as “real” as it gets for a husband and wife featured on reality television.

We completely agree with Tori’s take here on parenthood and we continued to wish them good luck and happiness.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Kailyn Lowry on Motherhood, Graduation: I Did It All On My Own!

At some point over the past two years, Kailyn Lowry went from one of the more subdued stars of the Teen Mom franchise to an endless source of soap opera-caliber drama.

While the events of that time have certainly raised her public profile, we think it’s safe to say that Kailyn would prefer a bit more stability in her life as she prepares to welcome her third child.

Fortunately, it seems she’s headed in the right direction.

This Saturday, Kailyn will graduate from Delaware State University with a bachelor’s degree.

She’s been rightfully basking in the accomplishment, and she recently spoke to E! News about the tremendous amount of pride she feels:

“It’s been a long and emotional journey, especially without any support from my parents,” she told the outlet.

“But I’m so happy and relieved!”

Yes, Kailyn likes to remind fans that she hasn’t received a whole lot of help from her parents of from the men in her life.

Of course, Kailyn critics have been quick to point out that she hasn’t been terribly receptive to help that was offered to her.

Last year, Lowry divorced Javi Marroquin, who maintains that he had every intention of sorting out their issues as a couple and staying together as a family.

These days, Kailyn tells fans she’ll be raising her third child alone, despite reports from sources close to Chris Lopez, who say he’s happy to assist in any way that he can.

Kailyn discussed her graduation in a recent blog post, admitting that she does receive a considerable amount of support from a network of loving friends:

“Between teen motherhood, financial hurdles in the beginning, then moving to a new state, marriage, babies and divorce… and then of course just wanting to give up, I (barely) held on and I’m FINALLY graduating May 13!” Lowry wrote.

“This has been an extremely long and emotional road for me and for my family. Yesterday my good friend, Jenn was sooooo sweet and did my graduation pictures with the boys and of course my baby bump! “

It’s an exciting time for Kailyn and she deserves to be proud of her achievement.

But if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that young millionaires complaining about their (mostly self-created) problems has become a familiar refrain on the show.

One that many fans are understandable growing weary of.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tess Holliday Shares Sweet New Breastfeeding Photo, Reveals Struggles of Motherhood

Tess Holliday, plus size model and inspiration to all, is at it again.

Because not only is she still putting in work to normalize breastfeeding, not only is she being her usual lovely self, but she’s also getting extremely personal about the struggles she’s faced after giving birth for the second time.

At this point, could you possibly love her any more than you already do?

Guess we’ll find out!

She shared the above photo on Instagram — just one of many photos she’s shared of herself breastfeeding her precious little son, Bowie.

And while it’s beautiful and wonderful and all kinds of good things, it’s the caption that really got us.

“It’s not #tbt technically,” she wrote, “but I found this photo on my phone now from September of last year & it gave me so many feels.”

“this photo was taken at my dear friends home during a dark time in my life. I was an emotional mess + struggling to find my way as a new mom again.”

“When I looked at this photo,” she said, “a wave of sadness poured over me, but now I only see my tiny bubs nursing & Sweetie,” that precious little dog, “looking on like a nervous new mom.”

Tess, full of wisdom as she is, continued with “Life is messy, love is complicated, & it can all feel so overwhelming but we grow & learn.”

“I’m so grateful for my life & appreciate it all, even if I can’t always see the light at the end … it’s there. Promise.”

Amazing, right?

After giving birth, so, so many women are just a mess of hormones and emotions, and they’re still made to feel horrible if they struggle with that.

Postpartum depression is a huge issue, and while Tess doesn’t explicitly say she suffered from it, it sounds like she got a rough case of the baby blues at the very least.

It’s so important for women to talk about all these things, and to get the message across that it’s normal, and it doesn’t make you any less of a mother.

So not only is Tess normalizing breastfeeding, not only is she telling the world “eff your beauty standards,” she’s also standing up for herself and for women everywhere who’ve gone through similar issues.

What do you know … it turns out we can love her more!


Friday, March 24, 2017

Kate Middleton: Motherhood is Tough! Even for Me!

Kate Middleton talked openly about parenthood this week, which can only mean one thing:


Wait, what?

Middleton is not pregnant, despite ongoing rumors to the contrary?

The Duchess simply gave a speech at an event for Best Beginnings, which is a United Kingdom-based organization that centers on child healthcare?

And Middleton focused on the need to to raise awareness about maternal mental health challenges?

Oh. Okay then.

That’s actually pretty cool and inspiring and makes us like Middleton even more than before (if that’s possible), but it’s less exciting than her and Prince William announcing another child is on the way.m

“Personally, becoming a mother has been such a rewarding and wonderful experience. However, at times it has also been a huge challenge,” Middleton told a rapt audience, adding:

“Even for me, who has support at home that most mothers do not. Nothing can really prepare you for the sheer, overwhelming experience of what it means to become a mother.

“It’s full of complex emotions of joy, exhaustion, love, and worry, all mixed together.”

Coming from someone else, that may sound like a braggadocious statement.

Even I have difficulty with motherhood, people!

But she qualifies it pretty well.

She’s open and honest about having a lot of help with little George and Charlotte, but still admits that it’s never a breeze.

She may be a lot more like you and your friends than you previously realized.

The Duchess went on to discuss how many mothers out there are scared to ask for help due to pressure to be perfect at all times.

“It is right to talk about motherhood as a wonderful thing,” she said. “But we also need to talk about its stresses and strains. It’s okay not to find it easy, and asking for help should not be seen as a sign of weakness.”

It takes a village. It really does.

Overall, Middleton’s speech was part of a larger initiative from the Royal Family to de-stigmatize mental health.

Along with Prince William and Prince Harry, Kate founded Heads Together, a charity which aims to solve social challenges by bringing awareness to mental illness.

It’s something the public should focus on more, as opposed to alleged feuds between her and William.

And definitely opposed to the state of Middleton’s weight at the moment.

“If any of us caught a fever during pregnancy, we would seek advice and support from a doctor. Getting help with our mental health is no different,” Middleton said in her speech. “

She continued:

“Our children need us to look after ourselves and get the support we need.”


Back in 2016, William sat down for a candid interview with Talk Vietnam and said fatherhood could also be a challenge. 

“As the other parents in the room will testify, there’s wonderful highs and there’s wonderful lows,” he said, adding:

“It’s been quite a change for me, personally.

“I’ve struggled at times, the alteration from being a single, independent man to going into marriage and then having children is life-changing.”

The struggle is real, guys. For everyone.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Woman Wears Diaper, Laughs Over "Raw" Side of Motherhood

Amanda Bacon is a brand new mother.

The North Carolina resident gave birth on Wednesday, sharing a photo soon afterward of her newborn child.

But, as cute as the baby featured below clearly is, she wasn’t meant to be the focus of this particular image.

Instead, Amanda wants you to look at the background. Look at the grown woman, who is topless and wearing a diaper.

This is a side of motherhood that not many women are willing to open up about.

Amanda, however, opened her affiliated caption by writing that this is a glimpse as “motherhood uncensored.”

She went on to explain her motivation behind posting the very candid picture.

“I’m sharing this picture because it’s real,” wrote Amanda, adding:

“This is motherhood; it’s raw, stunning, messy, and freaking hilarious all rolled into one. Having a baby is a beautiful experience, and the realities of postpartum life aren’t spoken enough about. And definitely not photographed enough.

“Some people probably find this uncomfortable, but why?

“I seriously don’t get it! It’s probably because this part isn’t talked about.

“We all should try and educate, empower and embrace every aspect of childbirth, including moments like this. And do it while having a sense of humor.

“Nothing says welcome to motherhood like an adorable squishy baby, and a giant mom diaper.”

And for those wondering?

“Edit: My husband didn’t post this. He doesn’t even have Facebook. I did,” Amanda concluded.

Bacon’s honest Facebook message and photo has resonated with over 117,000 people who shared the photo and over 95,000 folks who left comments.

“Way to go,” one person wrote. “Congrats on your little one. Never discussed but always suffered. You go momma let the world know.”


Sunday, May 8, 2016

29 Tweets That Remind Us of What Motherhood is All About

No one ever said that being a parent would be easy.

But at least it can be funny.

We"d like to thank the following mothers for keeping their sense of humor, even among the most stressful/crazy/messy times…


I said dinner is ready

You will eat, dammit!

2. Communication Issues

Communication issues

This is not as funny as it sounds when you’re the parent involved.

3. Point, Mom

Point mom

Got a retort, Daughter?

4. Can It Be a Life Sentence?

Can it be a life sentence

Or at least, like, a six-hour sentence?

5. Lesson Missed

Lesson missed

But it’s all worth it… right?!?

6. There’s No Application Process

Theres no application process

Just a drinking game or two.

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