Showing posts with label Feelings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feelings. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Drake Dropped $14k for Grills Worn for "In My Feelings" Music Video

Drake spent a small fortune — by normie standards — to decorate his chompers with serious bling for his “In My Feelings” music video … and he ordered ‘em just in the nick of time. Our Drizzy sources say … the rapper hit up celeb jeweler…


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Big Freedia Had to Reach Out to Drake to Be in His "In My Feelings" Video

Big Freedia says Drake made up for the fact she wasn’t in his “Nice For What” video by featuring her in his latest short film … even if she did have to get the ball rolling. The NOLA bounce music pioneer tells TMZ she reached out to Drizzy while…


Big Freedia Had to Reach Out to Drake to Be in His "In My Feelings" Video

Big Freedia says Drake made up for the fact she wasn’t in his “Nice For What” video by featuring her in his latest short film … even if she did have to get the ball rolling. The NOLA bounce music pioneer tells TMZ she reached out to Drizzy while…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Will Smith Crushes Drake"s "In My Feelings" Challenge on Bridge

Will Smith just one-upped literally EVERYBODY who’s been partaking in the Drake-inspired viral dance challenge taking the web by storm … by nailing it on top of a bridge. The ‘Fresh Prince’ posted a video Thursday of his own…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

"American Idol" Contestant Trevor Holmes Has No Hard Feelings Being Eliminated by Katy Perry

“American Idol” dreamboat Trevor Holmes got sent home by Katy Perry this week — but he ain’t mad at her … ‘cause their viral “flirting” put him and his music on the map.  We spoke to Trevor a day after his final episode on ‘Idol’ aired…


"American Idol" Contestant Trevor Holmes Has No Hard Feelings Being Eliminated by Katy Perry

“American Idol” dreamboat Trevor Holmes got sent home by Katy Perry this week — but he ain’t mad at her … ‘cause their viral “flirting” put him and his music on the map.  We spoke to Trevor a day after his final episode on ‘Idol’ aired…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bob Costas: Mike Tirico Killin" It at My Old Olympics Job, No Hard Feelings!

If ya think Bob Costas is bitter about Mike Tirico holding his old seat in PyeongChang, think again — ‘cause Bob says Mike’s doing “a great job” with Olympics coverage. Costas wasn’t keen on talking gun control (remember his Sunday Night Football…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Split, and Twitter Has Some Feelings

Where were you when you heard the news that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux"s marriage was over?

It"s a pretty simple question, since the news just came out yesterday, but still, it was an important moment in celebrity gossip history and we need to remember it.

If it was just the news of the breakup all by itself, it might not be as big a deal as it is, but since Brad Pitt is single now, too …

Well, we"re all very, very interested to see how this whole thing plays out.



The word “shook” is very popular right now, but is there any other way to describe the feelings we’re feeling right now? Probably, but “shook” is still pretty good!

2. One Divorce Away …

One divorce away

This may be true, but come on, let’s not compare Jennifer Aniston to Ross like this. That’s a low blow — Ross was garbage.

3. Speaking of Ross …

Speaking of ross

Yeah, this isn’t really related to the breakup, but it’s still a really good idea.

4. "Shoot My Shot"

Shoot my shot

We expect Jennifer Aniston is going to be receiving a whole lot of calls this weekend. And texts. And emails. And direct messages to social media accounts that people think belong to her.

5. A Solid Theory

A solid theory

Jen, please, for all our sakes, work on this. We deserve it.

6. The Dream

The dream

Another theory: she was happy being married to Justin, and now she’s happy being single again, and whenever she finds another super hot guy to be with, she’ll be happy then, too.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Experiencing Mixed Feelings About Motherhood?!

Chicago West’s little cousin will be here before you know it! Kylie Jenner’s due date is February 4th, and everybody’s excited!

Kylie’s excited, too, of course. Excited to become a mom but probably also excited to, you know, no longer be pregnant.

But apparently she has mixed feelings about her upcoming journey as a mother.

People reports on how Kylie Jenner is feeling so close to giving birth.

“Kylie is definitely ready for baby to arrive!”

(Aren’t we all?!)

No but really, pregnancy is a long roller coaster ride that only gets more intense as it nears the end. Kylie has to be ready for the ride to be over.

Overall, the source says that Kylie’s feelings are mixed.

“Coming up on the end of pregnancy, there are a lot of different emotions.”

Though we have to imagine there are some serious apprehensions and fears, this insider tries to focus on the positive.

“She’s excited, she’s anxious … there are a lot of feelings.”

Probably a lot more. If she has any sense at all, she’s terrified that she’ll make a mistake as a mother. She must also have some fears about what role Travis Scott will or won’t play. She must worry about her child growing up in the spotlight.

“But she’s ready for what’s next.”

Is she, though?

A lot of people are doubting Kylie Jenner’s parenting skills.

Probably because Kylie has never had a real responsibility in her life. 

Don’t get us wrong, she’s a makeup mogul, and Kylie Cosmetics is worth enough to make your head spin.

She’s also been a reality star since she was a child. That’s a lot of work.

But her responsibilities have all been to herself. It’s not like those are jobs from which she could have realistically been fired.

She has dogs, but we’re sure that she has people who help take care of the dogs when she needs them. Having a baby — and babies develop so much more slowly than dogs — will be a new challenge.

Some 20-year-olds who had unplanned pregnancies after dating a rebound guy for a month turn out to be great mothers. Some.

And with her limitless resources and extensive family support network, Kylie might be able to pull it off.

But … what of her baby daddy, Travis Scott?

He almost certainly didn’t ask for this. He has his own music career. He’s young — not as young as Kylie, but young.

And, according to some reports, Travis Scott may already be cheating on Kylie. Assuming that they’re even still together, because Kylie isn’t exactly sharing her life’s details with the world like she once did.

Is he going to be a father to this child with Kylie, separately from Kylie, or will he just send her child support payments that she doesn’t need and go on living his life?

Ultimately, unless he’s a bad father, that probably doesn’t matter.

Children need love and support, and that doesn’t always have to come from two parents.

Sure, it would be weird to grow up knowing that your father doesn’t have anything to do with you when he’s (kind of) famous, but no grandchild of Kris Jenner’s is going to go without love and support.

And even the nurturing instincts that Kylie’s shown for her dogs show that Kylie’s likely to be a doting mom. We hope so, anyway.

Strange as it may be to say, it’s a good sign that Kylie is reportedly anxious. Anxiety means that she’s taking this seriously — maybe a lot more seriously than she was when she found out that she was pregnant last summer.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Khloe Kardashian is Pregnant, and Twitter Has SO MANY FEELINGS

Ten years ago, back when we were first introduced to the concept of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, we thought it would be a lot of stuff about fashion and family shenanigans.

We definitely didn"t think that it would end up being this damn difficult.

But things happen, and right now it"s definitely a task to keep up with these people — especially when pregnancy announcements are dropping left and right!

It wasn"t all that long ago that we found out Kim Kardashian is expecting her third child via surrogate, and it"s just been days since we learned that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

Then, last night, we got the totally unexpected but really delightful news that Khloe Kardashian is pregnant as well!

While the Kylie announcement shocked us, Khloe"s pregnancy just about killed us.

And if you don"t believe us, all you have to do is check out what Twitter is saying about this wild turn of events …


Yes girl yes

Let’s get this out of the way: all the reliable outlets have confirmed the news, so yes, it’s really true! This is actually happening!

2. Help!


Same, actually.

3. Happy Tears!

Happy tears

This really is wonderful news, isn’t it?!

4. Pregnancy Pact

Pregnancy pact

We’re not sure if this Twitter user is referring to just a general pregnancy pact or Pregnancy Pact, one of the greatest Lifetime movies of all time. Either way, solid question.

5. Come On, Kendall!

Come on kendall

What’s the deal, girl?!

6. You Too, Caitlyn!

You too caitlyn

At this point, anything is possible.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Kris Jenner: Quit Hurting My Feelings, You Trolls!

Poor Kris Jenner.

Sure, she has a beautiful home, a loving family, good health, good friends, and millions and millions of dollars.

She’s set for life, as are her children, her grandchildren … who even knows how many generations the Kardashian empire could last?

But despite all of that, she still has to deal with strangers on the internet saying mean things about her.

Is it a fair tradeoff?

It may seem like a dumb question — dealing with dumb comments on Instagram in exchange for fame and fortune? Yeah, that sounds fair

But according to Kris, dealing with those dumb comments is really, really hard.

The woman responsible for unleashing the Kardashians on us all did a podcast with the Hollywood Reporter this week, and she had a whole lot of feelings to share.

“There’s definitely a lot of bullies out there,” Kris complained. “The internet is a crazy place.”

You don’t say!

“There’s a lot of really miserable, unhappy, terrified, angry, bitter, nasty people out there that don’t have jobs or are hopeless or depressed and sad,” she said.

“And they can be a big, fat, important bully by going online and typing a really ugly statement to someone else that they’ve never even met before, that has feelings and a heart.”

“I’m a lot softer than you would imagine,” she added.

It’s a good thing she admitted it, because we never would have guessed the woman who used six negative adjectives in a row to describe people who’ve criticized her is sensitive.

Kris continued on with the anti-bully tirade, saying that “It stings sometimes when somebody says, ‘You’re so fat,’ or ‘You’re too old to be on social media,’ or ‘You look awful in that outfit."”

“Like, such silly, stupid things.”

“You’re going, ‘Really?’ I’ll call up Kim and go, ‘Do I look that bad in that picture? Do I look fat?"”

We’d say there’s a good chance Kris is referring to that recent photo she shared of herself in a bra and leggings promoting that good ol’ Flat Tummy Tea.

You know, the one where everyone slammed her for editing the picture and for daring to pose in such little clothing at 61 years old.

Kris also said that “The most hurtful thing is when people will say, ‘Oh, you’re just managing your kids — you’re getting money from your children’ or your family or whatever.”

“I’m thinking, ‘Well, hell yeah!’ I mean, I’m trying to create a business here, and nobody has their best interest like I do.”

She insisted that “We all love working together and we love our situation. Why don’t you go worry about your own situation and go get a job yourself?”

OK, so there are a few things that need to happen here with Kris.

One, she needs to stop assuming that all Kardashian haters are unemployed. Plenty of hardworking citizens dedicate their free time to K-bashing.

Some people even bash them professionally, which is honestly a pretty sweet gig.

Two, she needs to realize that none of this is that serious.

Three, of course she works hard managing her children — she knows it, and rational people who have observed the family know it.

Four, Kris is a beautiful woman, plastic surgery or not, Photoshop or not, it doesn’t matter.

So what if some kid on Instagram thinks she needs to cover up, or if she comes across some tweet that implies that she’s mostly plastic?

Dang, Kris, just get off the internet for a while and find solace in your 2.3 million dollar bed or whatever.

Life’s just not that bad.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals REAL Feelings Toward Blac Chyna!

Ever since Rob Kardashian began dating Blac Chyna, the acceptance of their relationship by his family has been tepid at best.

And when we say “at best,” we being generous.

While the entire Kardashian-Jenner brood gushes about one another’s milestones and accomplishments all day on social media, not a one of them congratulated Rob on his engagement to Blac nor when the couple announced they were having a baby.

Rob is back to filming Keeping Up With the Kardashians and he’s now on speaking terms with his sisters, but momager Kris Jenner reportedly banned Chyna from appearing on the show this season.

Chyna’s name has, however, come up on a few occasions this year, but thus far, the most positive thing said about her was from Kim, who was just glad her brother was happy.

“I don’t care who he’s dating,” she tells the camera. “I’m just so happy that he’s feeling better about himself.”

But now, in an interview with GQ, Kim reveals her current thoughts on Chyna’s relationship with her brother.

“We’re all on board,” Kim says. “We definitely see that my brother is happy and getting healthy, and whatever gets him to that place, you know, we’re happy for him.” 

“Chyna’s a sweet girl, and I think we all have so many things going on in our lives that we just want my brother to be happy.”

Did she just refer to Chyna as a “sweet girl?”

I mean, Chyna might be just that, but it’s not what I’d expect to come from Kim’s mouth.

“Has there been so many crazy things that happened? Yes,” Kim continued. “Is the whole situation, you know, just…?”

“I think people want to feel like we’re all beefing and have this crazy fight, and we’re really not. I think the drama naturally follows us.”

Oh, Kimmy. The drama follows you all not naturally, but because you ignite a gargantuan floodlight that screams, “HERE! The drama’s HERE!”

In any event, we’re glad to see them bury the hatchet. In fact, sources say Kim and Blac are becoming BFFs again.

Now we’re just waiting for an updated version to that Kim and Blac double belfie.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Leah Messer on Parenting Critics: They Hurt My Feelings!

Monday night’s season premiere of Teen Mom 2 featured a scene that’s drawn a lot of attention to Leah Messer for all the wrong reasons.

The episode shows Leah apparently denying her daughters breakfast as she rushes them off to school.

In addition to claims that Messer is neglecting her daughters by failing to properly feed and clothe them (6-year-old Grace complained that she was cold on the drive in, and blamed Leah for not dressing the girls for the weather.), Teen Mom fans have also fired off harsh tweets at Leah for texting while driving with her kids in the car.

Leah’s response has drawn almost as much criticism as her actions, as she responded to allegations that she’s unfit parent by tweeting that “Grace was being a drama queen.”

Now, Leah is elaborating on her feelings about those on social media who agree with her baby daddies about her lack of parenting skills.

“It does hurt my feelings,” she told a fan. “My girls scream to be with me because I am a GREAT MOM!”

Well, we know from Monday’s episode that they certainly do scream. We’re just not sure if it’s for the reason Leah thinks.

Leah has complained in the past that the show is edited in such a way that it makes her look like a worse mom than she is.

Of course, Corey Simms insists the opposite is true, claiming Teen Mom producers helped Leah hide her drug addiction.

So maybe the truth is somewhere in between, and the series is actually more honest than most reality shows.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kris Jenner Gains Over 70 Lbs! Eats Her Feelings! (Report)

Say what you want about Kris Jenner, but no one deserves this kind of publicity.

Kris Jenner

When the females at Star Magazine were putting this issue together, did they stop and think, “Hmm, body-shaming is not only frowned upon, it’s kind of the most awful thing you can do to a woman.”

This week’s cover features a back shot of the Kardashian matriarch boarding a ship, with unflattering shots set again at “72-lb weight gain” headline.

“Kris was practically unrecognizable,” an onlooker in St. Barts told the magazine of seeing Jenner and her boyfriend, Corey Gamble over the holidays.

“She gained about 72 lbs. in the second half of 2015.”

The report claims that Jenner recently lost focus after losing weight last summer in an effort to “look better than Caitlyn [Jenner],” going from a 1500-calorie/day diet to 6,000.

“It’s really sad because she was in the best shape of her life last summer,” the source pointed out.

“She had stepped up her workouts and was eating really healthfully, even cutting down on the booze. But she couldn’t keep it up.”

The source said that the stress of Rob Kardashian being hospitalized, Lamar Odom’s health, and Scott Disick’s breakdown have taken its toll on Jenner, whom Star claims is “headed towards a serious crisis.”

Gossip Cop refutes this claim, pointing out how great Jenner looked on January 12th while washing The Bachelor host Chris Harrison’s hair.

We can only assume that the photo was doctored to make Jenner look bigger than she actually is, which is very messed up.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Selena Gomez on Justin Bieber: No Hard Feelings!

Selena Gomez has once again spoken out on Justin Bieber.

With the release of a new album and with a new tour on tap, the 23-year old is trying to close doors on many issues from her past.

Specifically, she’s trying to move far away from her relationship with Bieber.

But it isn’t easy.

“I think people really wanted to see me fail,” Gomez tells Refinery 29 of her history as Bieber’s girlfriend.

“I’d sit down in an interview and get the most harshly asked questions. Of course I got my heart broken. Of course I was pissed about it…. I was so disappointed, because I never wanted my career to be a tabloid story.”

Over the past several weeks, in promoting her new music, Gomez has touched on Bieber in numerous interviews.

She lamented the way websites only focused on her Bieber answers in a previous Q&A. But she also teased that she might one day get back together with him

And why not? The stars are not on bad terms.

“At this point, there is no anger. There’s closure in a very good, healthy way. We’ve seen each other. I’m always encouraging and I am proud of his journey.

“I think people are making it out to be something that is more tragic than it really was. We grew up together. We both made mistakes. That’s it.”

That probably isn’t it.

But as long as Selena is happy at the moment, we are happy for her.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Listen To This: In Touch With His Feelings

Say hello to Trevor Jackson!

If you’re young enough, you probably know him from the Disney Channel. But, much like Drake, this 19 year old has grown up and is giving us a mature sound that is both cool and authentic.

His song Simple As This is equal parts Champagne Papi and Trey Songz.

It’s super sexy and hot!!!

Check it out above!

Then CLICK HERE to listen to more music from Trevor Jackson!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel"s Mean Tweets Get Another LIVE Reading — This Time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Liam Neeson, & Bette Midler Get Their Feelings Hurt!

Some of these are just too funny!

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! we got a second round of Mean Tweets LIVE!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Liam Neeson, AND Bette Midler all came out and read some mean tweets they’ve gotten in the past.

Related: Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy Read Mean Tweets About Climate Change, Evolution, And More!

Not that anyone deserves that kind of hate, but who would send those kinds of things to The Rock and Liam?! Srsly, we bet they could take most people in a fight — and we bet Miz Midler isn’t so bad herself!

Ch-ch-check out the video (below) to see the hate these celebs received!

[Image via ABC.]

Jimmy Kimmel"s Mean Tweets Get Another LIVE Reading — This Time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Liam Neeson, & Bette Midler Get Their Feelings Hurt!

Some of these are just too funny!

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! we got a second round of Mean Tweets LIVE!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Liam Neeson, AND Bette Midler all came out and read some mean tweets they’ve gotten in the past.

Related: Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy Read Mean Tweets About Climate Change, Evolution, And More!

Not that anyone deserves that kind of hate, but who would send those kinds of things to The Rock and Liam?! Srsly, we bet they could take most people in a fight — and we bet Miz Midler isn’t so bad herself!

Ch-ch-check out the video (below) to see the hate these celebs received!

[Image via ABC.]