Showing posts with label Midler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midler. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Killer Mike Forgives Bette Midler But Wants Her to Step Up for Black Women

Killer Mike says he can forgive Bette Midler for her racially insensitive and offensive tweet about women, but if she really wants to make up for it … she needs to do more than talk. We got the Atlanta rapper and activist at LAX and asked him –…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Bette Midler Says Women are the "N-Word of the World," Gets Slammed Online

Bette Midler chose to make a point about women in a very provocative way … and people are PISSED about it. Bette tweeted Thursday — in the midst of protests in D.C. by women who strongly oppose the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Geraldo Rivera Defends Matt Lauer, Gets Accused of Groping Bette Midler

Yesterday, NBC announced to the world that Matt Lauer had been fired for sexual misconduct. As the day went on, we learned details of Lauer"s alleged sex toy "gifts," pants-dropping, and luring young NBC employees to his room on work trips.

Geraldo Rivera took to Twitter to leap to Lauer"s defense, calling the news a "flirty business" and questioning if the accusers were just vengeful.

He apologized … but not before video (below) resurfaced of Bette Midler describing Rivera drugging and groping her during the "70s.

Matt lauer geraldo rivera bette midler splitGeraldo rivera hair out of place

Matt Lauer has been a big name in television news for decades. He projected the image of being a fun and slightly awkward dad, which most people find disarming and even endearing.

Unfortunately, public image so often does not reflect who someone really is.

We heard stories about workplace harassment. Accusations that Lauer gave one female colleague the unsolicited "gift" of a sex toy, along with a note describing how he"d like to use it on her.

Allegations that he dropped his pants while alone with a woman, and later chastised her for being repulsed instead of performing a sex act with him.

We heard about his creepy desk button that remotely locks his door. If a stern "knock first" isn"t enough to keep your office as private as you"d like, you are doing things that are not work-related.

There were also stories of a pattern of harassing behavior, particularly on trips for NBC. Allegations that he would find ambitious young women who work for NBC and either invite or lure them to his hotel room.

And Matt Lauer has now been accused of rape. Every part of this is serious.

Geraldo Rivera, who surprises no one by defending creepiness, tweeted out his support for Lauer:

"Sad about @MLauer great guy, highly skilled & empathetic w guests & a real gentleman to my family & me. News is a flirty business & it seems like current epidemic of #SexHarassmentAllegations may be criminalizing courtship & conflating it w predation. What about #GarrisonKeillor?"

The "news is a flirty business" line raised a lot of people"s hackles.

And he refers to Garrison Keillor being fired for sexual misconduct. Interesting that Rivera seems willing to defend Keillor when Keillor himself isn"t arguing with his termination.

Geraldo rivera in sunglasses

In light of further details about Lauer that have come out, Geraldo"s tweet has not aged well.

And neither have the tweets that followed:

"A jerk"s a jerk in dating. #SexHarassment should be confined to situations where superior imposes himself on subordinate who feels unable to complain because of power of perp or feared consequences to victim"s employment. Shouldn"t be used to get even w bad bosses or hated ex"s."

We"re sure that a lot of men would love for sexual harassment to have a narrow definition. Similarly, thieves would love for stealing to stop being a crime on Tuesdays. That"s not how this works.

And, as you saw, he seems to be implying that Lauer"s accusers are just being vengeful.

"Heard well-regarded women in media today suggesting morning shows go to an all-female format. That should be as unacceptably retro as the other way around."

One, there have been countless all-male panels and all-male morning shows and all-male Supreme Courts and all-male Congresses. So no, suggesting that an all-woman one might be good is not sexist.

You"d need centuries or millennia of female supremacy for the books to even be balanced. That"s not what anyone wants — they just want a safe working environment.

Geraldo gets even worse, and alleges that, basically, women should come forward immediately (and face retaliation, lawsuits, and ruined careers) or … just keep quiet, apparently.

"#SexHarassment allegations should require: 1-made in a timely fashion-say w/n 5 yrs. 2-some contemporaneous corroboration, like witnesses, electronic or written communications. W $ settlements in multi-millions slight chance exists some victims are motivated by more than justice."

The classic "financial gain" argument.

"This issue is so red hot right now there is no room for any thought or opinion but hang em high. If News wasn’t (formerly) a flirty biz then how do we explain so many newsroom courtships that have led to happy marriages?"

Ignoring for a moment how dumb that is, Matt Lauer was already married. How wives is one television host supposed to have?

Geraldo rivera picture

As you can imagine,t hat didn"t go over well.

Geraldo actually listened to the responses to his tweets, which was reflected in his apology:

"Reaction to my tweets today on #sexharassment makes clear I didn"t sufficiently explain that this is a horrendous problem, long hidden-Harassers are deviants who deserve what is coming, to them-Often victims are too frightened to come forward in a timely fashion-I humbly apologize."

And that"s honestly a good apology.

(It"s honestly better than Matt Lauer"s apology, which was intensely bland)

However, Geraldo"s apology came after an old video of Bette Midler being interviewed by Barbara Walters made the rounds on Twitter.

In it, Bette describes being drugged and groped by Geraldo Rivera during the 1970s.

Geraldo rivera image

Keep in mind that, way back in 1991, people talked about sexual assault very differently, unfortunately. And that even extended to the victims.

Bette describes:

"Geraldo and his producer came to do an interview with me, in the ‘70s, in the early ‘70s. This was when he was very hot. He and his producer left the crew in the other room, they pushed me into my bathroom, they pushed two poppers under my nose, and proceeded to grope me."

Though Bette doesn"t quite sound like she"s speaking of this as being as serious as it sounds, she does make it clear that this was not consensual:

"I did not offer myself up on the altar of Geraldo Rivera. He was unseemly."

That is a massive understatement.

Neither Bette nor Geraldo have tweeted about this video yet, but here it is. It"s tough to watch:

Geraldo rivera defends matt lauer gets accused of drugging and g

Monday, August 22, 2016

Bette Midler: Will Caitlyn Jenner Go Back to Being Bruce Now?

Bette Midler’s brash, outspoken sense of humor is one of the things her fans love about her, but last night it earned her a heap of criticism on social media.

In a since-deleted tweet, Midler commented on the recent cancelation of Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show, I Am Cait

“Now that @IAmCait has been cancelled, will she go back to being Bruce? Will Kris take him back? Do I smell a re-wedding?” Midler tweeted.

Twitter quickly pounced, with many expressing shock with regard to what they deemed transphobic comments, as Midler has been a friend of the gay community throughout her career:

“Yes, because being transgender is just a phase? What a vile tweet. Will you go back to being irrelevant?” tweeted one user.

“Just shows, you can be as gay-friendly all you want, but to some, transphobia comes so easy. How tired and pathetic,” wrote another.

“I hope @BetteMidler apologizes for her terrible transphobic comments and takes the time to educate herself on trans people’s rights/dignity,” a third follower remarked.

To her credit, Midler quickly apologized in a tweet directed at the Human Rights Campaign:


Interestingly, Midler has a long history of clashing with the Kardashian-Jenner clan on social media.

In the past, she’s criticized Kim for posting nude photos and Kanye West for his notorious ego.

Caitlyn has yet to respond to Midler’s latest salvo.

But you can rest assured that even if he chooses to remain silent, someone in his family will take a shot at Midler soon.

Khloe, this one might be on you.

Bette Midler: Will Caitlyn Jenner Go Back to Being Bruce Now?

Bette Midler’s brash, outspoken sense of humor is one of the things her fans love about her, but last night it earned her a heap of criticism on social media.

In a since-deleted tweet, Midler commented on the recent cancelation of Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show, I Am Cait

“Now that @IAmCait has been cancelled, will she go back to being Bruce? Will Kris take him back? Do I smell a re-wedding?” Midler tweeted.

Twitter quickly pounced, with many expressing shock with regard to what they deemed transphobic comments, as Midler has been a friend of the gay community throughout her career:

“Yes, because being transgender is just a phase? What a vile tweet. Will you go back to being irrelevant?” tweeted one user.

“Just shows, you can be as gay-friendly all you want, but to some, transphobia comes so easy. How tired and pathetic,” wrote another.

“I hope @BetteMidler apologizes for her terrible transphobic comments and takes the time to educate herself on trans people’s rights/dignity,” a third follower remarked.

To her credit, Midler quickly apologized in a tweet directed at the Human Rights Campaign:


Interestingly, Midler has a long history of clashing with the Kardashian-Jenner clan on social media.

In the past, she’s criticized Kim for posting nude photos and Kanye West for his notorious ego.

Caitlyn has yet to respond to Midler’s latest salvo.

But you can rest assured that even if he chooses to remain silent, someone in his family will take a shot at Midler soon.

Khloe, this one might be on you.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Bette Midler Throws More Shade at the Kardashians: What Did She Say Now?

Bette Midler for all the wins, people.

The legendary singer has once again commented on a pressing pop culture topic, this time Tweeting her confusion over the entangled romantic lives of one of her favorite targets:

The Kardashians.

“Rob Kardashian’s engaged to the MOTHER of the child of Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend?” Midler asked last night on Twitter, adding:

“They’ll share a stepchild? Somebody send me a chart!”

The sisters of Rob, of course, are as taken aback by his engagement to Blac Chyna as Midler appears to be.

Midler previously got into a Twitter feud with the reality TV’s most famous clan after she made a quip about the latest Kim Kardashian nude photo.

“If Kim wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s gonna have to swallow the camera,” the Tony winner joked in March.

Midler then tweaked Kim by (sort of) posing nude herself.

Over the past year or so, meanwhile, Midler has thrown shade at the Duggars… and even weighed in on Justin Bieber’s penis.

So Rob and Blac Chyna can at least take comfort in knowing that Midler is an equal opportunity Tweeter.

And also a hilarious one. Never change, Bette Midler!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bette Midler SHADES Kanye West, Calls Him Worse Than Trump!

Bette Midler is on a Twitter ROLL!

First, she goes after Kim Kardashian, and now she’s setting her sights on an even more formidable opponent: Kim’s husband Kanye West.

The Divine Miss M took to Twitter to encourage Kanye to enter the presidential race, citing his unpopularity as an indicator that he could actually win.

Bette Midler tweets to Kanye

Oh, man.

It’s been five hours, and still no response from Kanye. Maybe he couldn’t pay his bill and Verizon cut off his phone service.

But you know it’s just a matter of time before he sees it and the internet turns into a mushroom cloud.

Then again, Kanye has expressed interest in running for president, so you never know.

Bette must’ve enjoyed her little Twitter feud with Kim last week.

It started when the singer responded to a nude selfie Kim posted by tweeting this zinger:

“Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s gonna have to swallow the camera.”

It was a good one, right?

Kim clapped back at her with this tweet:

“@BetteMidler I know it’s past your bedtime but if you’re still up and reading this send nudes #justkidding.”

Today, we learned that Kanye may have been helped Kim craft the below-the-belt comeback, and no one was surprised.

If Kanye loves anything it’s a good Twitter war, and we’re hanging on the edge of our seats to see the fury he is bound to unleash on Bette.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bette Midler: Kim Kardashian Should Put her Nude Selfie to Good Use!

The Divine Miss M for the win!

Bette Midler has decided to turn lemons into lemonade after receiving not one but two nasty tweets from Kim Kardashian.

It all started when Kardashian posted an old nude selfie to Twitter and Instagram, prompting this amazing response from Midler:

“Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s gonna have to swallow the camera.”

Kardashian shot back.

“@BetteMidler I know it’s past your bedtime but if you’re still up and reading this send nudes #justkidding,” she wrote, then follow it up with another zinger:

“Hey @BetteMidler I really didn’t want to bring up how you sent me a gift awhile back trying to be a fake friend then come at me #dejavu.”

After Midler told the reality star to get over herself and learn to take a joke, she got ready for her nudie.

“@KimKardashian wants me to send her my nudes! I’ll send them right over but the lighting’s bad right now since she threw all that shade!” Midler tweeted.

Midler then challenged Kardashian to put her nudie to good use by donating to her charity, Stages for Success, which works to update old and dysfunctional public school auditoriums for young performers.

“@KimKardashian Put your selfie to work…for a good cause! Donate, RT, I’ll match $ $ 2-1!” Midler tweeted.

Point: Midler.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Bette Midler: Jeremy Bieber is a D--k Who Abandoned His Son!!

Legendary actress Bette Midler is never one to mince words … even when it comes to unexpectedly weighing in on Justin Bieber’s penis.

Or, to be more specific, Bieber’s father’s reaction to the naked photos of Justin and Bieber’s massive junk that hit the Internet last week.

Justin and Bette

The 69-year-old icon weighed in on the controversy with a stinging response to a tweet sent out by the pop singer’s dad, Jeremy Bieber.

“@justinbieber what do you feed that thing,” a proud Jeremy Bieber tweeted on Friday in response to the pictures. “#proud daddy.”

Midler was not laughing. At all. Her Twitter response?

“.@justinbieber dad tweeted he’s proud of his son’s penis size. I think the biggest d–k in this situation is the dad who abandoned his son.”

Oooh, damn. She went there. Jeremy Bieber BURN.

Dumb as Jeremy’s response might be, and suspect as some of his past actions are, to be fair to the guy, he has a good relationship with Justin.

Bieber’s mom, Pattie Mallette, raised him as a single parent, but by all accounts, the young superstar has been pretty tight with his pops for years.

Also, Jeremy’s tweet has since been deleted and Justin’s legal team is far from pleased, threatening action against those who published the pics.

For his part, Justin has been mum on the topic, instead focusing on the release of his new album, Purpose and giving that anaconda some breathing room.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel"s Mean Tweets Get Another LIVE Reading — This Time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Liam Neeson, & Bette Midler Get Their Feelings Hurt!

Some of these are just too funny!

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! we got a second round of Mean Tweets LIVE!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Liam Neeson, AND Bette Midler all came out and read some mean tweets they’ve gotten in the past.

Related: Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy Read Mean Tweets About Climate Change, Evolution, And More!

Not that anyone deserves that kind of hate, but who would send those kinds of things to The Rock and Liam?! Srsly, we bet they could take most people in a fight — and we bet Miz Midler isn’t so bad herself!

Ch-ch-check out the video (below) to see the hate these celebs received!

[Image via ABC.]

Jimmy Kimmel"s Mean Tweets Get Another LIVE Reading — This Time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Liam Neeson, & Bette Midler Get Their Feelings Hurt!

Some of these are just too funny!

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! we got a second round of Mean Tweets LIVE!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Liam Neeson, AND Bette Midler all came out and read some mean tweets they’ve gotten in the past.

Related: Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy Read Mean Tweets About Climate Change, Evolution, And More!

Not that anyone deserves that kind of hate, but who would send those kinds of things to The Rock and Liam?! Srsly, we bet they could take most people in a fight — and we bet Miz Midler isn’t so bad herself!

Ch-ch-check out the video (below) to see the hate these celebs received!

[Image via ABC.]