Monday, October 12, 2015

Bette Midler: Jeremy Bieber is a D--k Who Abandoned His Son!!

Legendary actress Bette Midler is never one to mince words … even when it comes to unexpectedly weighing in on Justin Bieber’s penis.

Or, to be more specific, Bieber’s father’s reaction to the naked photos of Justin and Bieber’s massive junk that hit the Internet last week.

Justin and Bette

The 69-year-old icon weighed in on the controversy with a stinging response to a tweet sent out by the pop singer’s dad, Jeremy Bieber.

“@justinbieber what do you feed that thing,” a proud Jeremy Bieber tweeted on Friday in response to the pictures. “#proud daddy.”

Midler was not laughing. At all. Her Twitter response?

“.@justinbieber dad tweeted he’s proud of his son’s penis size. I think the biggest d–k in this situation is the dad who abandoned his son.”

Oooh, damn. She went there. Jeremy Bieber BURN.

Dumb as Jeremy’s response might be, and suspect as some of his past actions are, to be fair to the guy, he has a good relationship with Justin.

Bieber’s mom, Pattie Mallette, raised him as a single parent, but by all accounts, the young superstar has been pretty tight with his pops for years.

Also, Jeremy’s tweet has since been deleted and Justin’s legal team is far from pleased, threatening action against those who published the pics.

For his part, Justin has been mum on the topic, instead focusing on the release of his new album, Purpose and giving that anaconda some breathing room.