Thursday, October 29, 2015

17 Most Hated Women in Hollywood

As previously depicted and explained, there are plenty of female douchebags out there.

But some of these douchebags may still be lovable.

The same cannot be said, however, for the following women. Put simply, they are as unpopular as it gets. Which of these women do you hate the most, though?

Scoll down and then sound off…

1. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth paltrow smirk

Gwyneth Paltrow thinks she is God’s answer to… pretty much everything. The founder of Goop, she fails to realize that not everyone in the world is as rich and as spoiled as she is.

2. LeAnn Rimes

Leann rimes red carpet image

No one likes a home wrecker. And not only did LeAnn Rimes wreck a home when she cheated with Eddie Cibrian, she milked this affair for publicity and money.

3. Katherine Heigl

Katherine heigl photograph

Every woman on the planet loves Shonda Rhimes. And Katherine Heigl made an enemy of Shonda Rhimes when she insulted the Grey’s Anatomy writing staff back in the day. So you do the math.

4. Brandi Glanville

Brandi glanville promo picture

Brandi Glanville has a foul mouth and often engages in inapproriate behavior. She sucks a lot. So, yes, both women to which Eddie Cibrian have been married are on this list.

5. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer love hewitt bikini pic

Is it the large breasts? The ditzy attitude? A combination of both? We may never know, but while men drool over JLH, women want to throw things at her.

6. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian celebrates cosmo

How Kim Kardashian be hated AND have 50 million Instagram followers? It’s a great question. But ask an adult female with more than six brain cells how she feels about Kim and wait for the response.

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