Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kylie Jenner: I Want Another Tattoo!

Did you know that Kylie Jenner has a tattoo?

You might be wondering how it could have escaped your notice, considering Kylie posts a semi-nude selfie every two hours or so, but if you look closely enough, you can see the tiny heart in the photo on the right. And it seems it may soon have company:

Yes, it seems Kylie wants another tattoo, which is fine, especially since her tastes obviously run toward the nigh-microscopic, but as some folks have pointed out Kylie may be rushing it just a bit. 

After all, Kylie just turned 18 in August. Yes, her heart tattoo is tiny, and her second one will probably follow suit (even if it’s a spade or a diamond. Ha!), but at the rate she’s going, she’ll be rocking full sleeves by the time she’s old enough to drink.

Kylie is already rushing through adulthood in just about every way. (We choose to ignore the rumors that she’s engaged to Tyga, but sadly, they’re all too believable.) Can’t she take her time reaching the “covered in hastily-chosen tattoos” stage?

But what do we know? Maybe Kylie met with her reps, and they agreed that if she wants to keep going viral by showing skin, she better let fans make a Where’s Waldo-like game out of it by covering herself in miniscule ink.