Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lamar Odom: Prostitute Reveals "Suspicious" Details About Overdose

In the weeks since Lamar Odom’s overdose at the Love Ranch brothel, several employees of the establishment have become wrapped up in the scandal.

Some have been accused of supplying Odom with drugs.

Others have quit in protest over what they feel was management’s decision to intentionally place Odom in a dangerous situation with prostitutes who were known for doing drugs with their clients.

One woman who lived and worked at the brothel was so upset by the turn of events that she ran away and was reported missing.

She’s since been found, but she’s far from the only Love Ranch resident to take her leave of the seedy establishment as a direct result of Odom’s near-death experience.

Simone Claire also quit working at Love Ranch shortly after Lamar was hospitalized, and she recently spoke to Radar Online and revealed some surprising new details about the former NBA’s stars time at the brothel.

“None of us wanted to go on vacation that week because we knew he was coming,” Claire says.

“He needed a ride down there and was told he would need to put down a $ 100 deposit. He did, and said ‘I’ll call back when I’m ready to be picked up.’…[The manager] had never picked anyone up before. That was suspicious to us.”

Claire was part of the “lineup” from which Odom chose the two prostitutes who would stay with him for the weekend, and she says he appeared intoxicated from the moment that he arrived.

“He already looked like he was on something,” says Simone. “He looked at me and had the biggest smile on his face.”

Odom wound up choosing Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry, both of whom are reportedly known for excessively “partying” with their clients.

Like some of the other women who work at Love Ranch, Claire believes Odom was encouraged to choose Montag and Cherry as a result of their reputations.