Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian: I Should Have Forced Scott Disick into Rehab!

Kourtney Kardashian is taking the blame for her troubled ex-boyfriend’s behavior. The 36-year-old mom of three believes she should have forced Scott Disick into rehab sooner.

According to a source, “Kourtney blames herself more than anyone else over the demise of her relationship with Scott.”

“They have always had their problems, but instead of really addressing the issues, they just played out on Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” the source continued.

Remaining in the spotlight and maintaining notoriety is the Kardashians’ main agenda.  As a result, they even exploited Scott’s addiction on the show:

“The show’s ratings were and actually still are more of a priority than Kourtney and Scott’s real life relationship,” the source revealed.

Scott has been in a downward spiral for years. In fact, Scott has a long history of bailing on rehab.  And as he became a household name, he fell deeper into substance abuse.

Had Scott received serious treatment sooner, he may had been able to save his relationship with Kourtney.  Kourtney dumped Scott in July of this year.

“Scott should have been sent to rehab years ago when he and Kourtney still had a chance. Kourtney still beats herself up over this because she feels had their problems been nipped in the bud, she wouldn’t be where she is today, and Scott would be a lot healthier,” the source explained.

In March 2015, Scott checked in a Costa Rican rehab facility.  At the time, he said, “I realize my issues are bigger than me and I’m ready to truly remedy this struggle I continue to battle.”

Twelve hours later, he checked out.

A few weeks ago though, Scott checked into rehab again to undergo treatment for an alcohol addiction. His willingness to receive treatment came after Kourtney offered him an ultimatum: get help or lose your kids.

Thankfully, it looks like Scotts is doing well with this round of treatment.  He is in a program at Cliffside Malibu.  

Rumors even claim he wants to win Kourtney back.  Unfortunately for him, Kourtney is likely done with him. “While she’s encouraging when it comes to his rehab, Kourtney doesn’t want to give Scott false hope in getting back together,” a source dished.

“She feels that she might give Scott mixed signals if she drops everything and visits him, and she’s still on the fence with what to do next in their relationship.”

Kourtney and Scott have three children: Mason, 5, Penelope, 3, and Reign, 10 months.