Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lamar Odom Slammed the Kardashians in Suicide Note?

It’s been over two weeks since Lamar Odom nearly died from an overdose at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada, and new details are still emerging about the causes of Odom’s brush with death.

Doctors initially determined that Odom’s overdose was accidental, but new evidence uncovered by Radar Online may indicate that the 35-year-old had intended to take his own life.

The website claims to have obtained a suicide note allegedly written by Lamar just before he lost consciousness.

“To a popular face light skinned, unpopular by demand, dark skinned, olive toned, Mexican or the other of n–gers and everybody put em up!” reads Lamar’s odd, rambling note

“Khloé dumped him and established a new relationship with James Harden, another NBA star. But the Kardashians were still talking about him on their show,” says relationship expert Dr. Gilda Carle, who analyzed the note for Radar..

“‘Unpopular by demand’ is how he felt, and in his confused state it led him to try and take his life.”

Clearly, Dr. Carle is getting a lot of information from a single sentence scribbled by a man who was under the influence of a cocktail of drugs.

Still, it’s interesting that Lamar made a last, seemingly desperate effort to express himself before his brush with death.