Friday, October 30, 2015

Billboard Just Made a Blow Job Joke About North West

Look, we’re very familiar with the Kim Kardashian sex tape.

We’re well aware that it’s easy to make fun of its star at all times and Kim Kardashian is absolutely fair game for any X-rated joke you’d wish to make.

Here’s one, for example:

You know how Kim Kardashian has gotten behind waist training as a supposedly legitimate way to lose weight? That’s sort of like how Ray J got behind her in their sex tape!

See? Easy and hilarious.

But that doesn’t mean it’s fair game, or anything that resembles fair game, to sexualize Kim’s daughter, just because her mom often poses naked.

We bring all this up as a segue because Billboard Tweeted a link yesterday to a story about how North West was attending ballet class this week when she told paparazzi members to stop taking pictures of her.

As you can see above, Billboard ran this story along with a photo of North eating a lollipop, writing as a caption to the image:

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

The Tweet has since been taking down, but not before Twitter users slammed Billboard for being “reprehensible” and “disgusting,” among other insults.

Can you blame this criticism?

The magazine did just imply that a toddler likes to give oral sex in the same way her mother does, didn’t it?

If there’s another way to interpret the Tweet posted above, by all means… let’s hear it!