Friday, October 30, 2015

Lamar Odom: Off Dialysis, Ready to Leave Hospital?

When Lamar Odom nearly died from a drug overdose earlier this month, his future looked grim to say the least.

With the help of doctors and the support of family and friends, however, Odom has made a stunning recovery, and he may soon be able to leave the hospital for the first time in nearly three weeks.

TMZ is reporting that Odom is off dialysis and may be ready to return home as early as this weekend.

The turnaround is remarkable, as doctors originally believed that Odom would need a kidney transplant.

For the first time since he was hospitalized on October 13, Odom is out of the ICU and staying in a private room. Sources say Khloe Kardashian has been able to leave Lamar’s side, as he’s now able to communicate with hospital staff.

Hospital insiders say Lamar’s room is on a floor devoted to physical therapy and the hard work of improving his motor skills has already begun.

Even though Lamar is doing far better than expected, he’s far from out of the woods and he may never fully regain control of his body.

Though his kidneys were the primary concern over the last few days, Lamar’s brain activity will now be the main focus for doctors.

The extent of the damage remains uncertain, but considering Odom suffered 12 strokes when he overdosed, it’s unlikely that he’ll regain normal brain functioning.

Still, doctors and those in Lamar’s inner circle remain hopeful. There was a time when it looked as though he might never regain consciousness. Now, he might be within days of walking out of the hospital under his own power.