Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Bring Me to Life

Many lives were lost, two lives were resurrected and one life may be starting anew as a result of events on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4.

Ready to run all this down?

We’ll start THREE YEARS IN THE FUTURE just to get that over with:

Alaric is the dad to twin girls! There’s no mention of a wife or a mother, just a figure standing in the doorway that scares him and his daughters.

It’s Damon. Alaric says he must be there because someone died. Damon says that will be the case soon if Alaric doesn’t do exactly what he says.


Damon discovers that Oscar has been killed, making up some story to Nora and Mary Louise that he’s gone missing; a story they do not buy and which leads them to kill a Whitemore student every hour until Oscar turns up.

Cue Stefan and Caroline trying to keep an eye on them by making them want to attend a Heaven and Hell college dance.

At the dance, Nora and Mary Louise have it out over how the former has adjusted well to modern times, but the latter is struggling and figuratively smuggling the former.

It’s actually a nice few moments, giving fans insight into this relationship and these characters.

There’s definite potential for the Heretics to end up like The Originals and their presence has already opened up the world of Mystic Falls in a much needed way.

Nora and Mary Louise make up in the end, sharing a slow dance after Stefan and Caroline teamed up to force Nora to siphon away Valerie’s vervain spell.

Stefan can now touch his girlfriend… and touch her he does! They totally have sex.

While this is taking place, Damon takes Oscar to the morgue and Bonnie successfully brings him back to life with The Phoenix Stone, though he seems to have no memory and is REALLY hungry now that he’s alive again.

But Damon does successfully return him to Lily and receive Elena’s coffin in exchange.

Lily gives her son a speech about how he needs to find out who he is without Elena at some point, prompting Damon to drink a lot of wine… write in his journal… and then send Elena’s coffin off with Tyler.

Random, right? But maybe that explains why Damon is in Brooklyn in three years. Perhaps he chose to sleep next to Elena until she wakes up.

Speaking of waking up: we end the episode with Bonnie also using the Stone to bring Jo back to life. It cuts to black as soon as her eyes open.

Whoa there! What will this mean on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 5?

We’ll be tuning in to find out. And you should be heading to TV Fanatic to watch The Vampire Diaries online if you missed any of the action.