Friday, October 30, 2015

Anna Duggar: Not Impressed By Jim Bob House Bribe!!

Yesterday, we reported on Jim Bob Duggar buying Josh and Anna a house – at considerable expense – to help keep their marriage intact.

How does Josh Duggar’s long-suffering wife feel about this overture?

According to reports, Anna is actually rejecting her father-in-law’s offer (a.k.a. bribe) to help rescue the parents of four and their shattered union.

An insider says she “can’t be bought” … and more power to her!

Jim Bob “is desperate” to keep the 27-year-olds together, and apparently that means buying a 3,800-square foot, $ 345,000 mansion for the pair.

However, what’s important to Anna is “real healing,” not money.

After all Josh has put her through, cheating on Anna Duggar and living a secret online porn life, she’s not about to “put on the happy family show.”

Just so she can live in a big house? Seriously, Jim Bob?!

“He is desperate to keep Josh and Anna’s marriage alive,” a Duggar family source says. “He wants to see them back together, all happy and smiley.”

“But it’s not going to be that easy, not if Anna can help it.”

Not only is she simply unsure if she can commit to Josh at this point, there’s something off-putting about the idea that this would change her mind:

“A big fancy house is not that impressive. Anna has a new sense of self and isn’t going to put on the happy family show just to please her in-laws.”

At the same time, sources say “she is considering her options.”

That includes reconciliation. Family sources insist that reports of Anna leaving Josh Duggar for good are premature … at least for right now.

If she does take her man back, it will be on merit, not “merely cleaning up the image to make the Duggar in-laws happy and TV-presentable again.”

What do you think? Will she take him back? Should she?

We’re gonna go ahead and vote NO for these reasons: