Thursday, October 29, 2015

Critics Scoff at Donald Trump Push-Ups, Backflip

There was plenty to comment on surrounding the Republican Debate on Wednesday, October 28.

Like Donald Trump bragging about how he shortened the debate from three hours to two hours. Or Marco Rubio positively owning Jeb Bush.

But in order to comment on the debate, it helps to have seen the debate.

And it really helps to wait until the debate airs before offering up any kind of critique.

Jimmy Kimmel Live, however, sent a correspondent out to Hollywood Boulevard for the latest edition of “Lie Witness News” and asked folks to analyze the debate. Hours prior to it taking place.

Despite this fact, many people have many negative things to say about Trump, with one man saying the real estate mogul acted too "boisterous" on stage.

When the interviewer asked a woman what she thought of the Donald “doing pushups instead of a closing argument,” she said it was “horrible” and “over the top.”

It definitely says something about Trump that someone can believe this actually happened, doesn"t it?

What about that (non-existent) “viral clip where Trump did a back flip and said, ‘This is what I’m gonna do to Obama care?"

“I laughed, it was weird," replied a pedestrian.

Another man, meanwhile, was a fan of Trump"s bangs… which, again, were not actually present on the debate stage.

A pair of Australian tourists even claimed to have been in their hotel room watching the debate with a group of friends. We wonder how they pulled that one off.

Did they bring a time machine with them?!?

Critics respond to republican debate without having seen the rep