Saturday, October 31, 2015

Amy Duggar Posts Anna Duggar Selfie, Calls Out Haters

Amy Duggar has Anna Duggar’s back, and isn’t about to take any crap from haters out there who may have negative comments to share.

The newlywed and quasi-rebellious Duggar cousin posted the above pic with Anna, whose husband Josh is currently in sex addiction rehab.

It’s no secret that Amy feels Anna should leave Josh‘s cheating, hypocritical ass for good while he’s in there – she’s implicitly said as much.

She’s not making any comments on the topic right here, but she is showing her support for Team Anna, and telling the haters to watch out.

“Any negative comments will be deleted, just try me,” Amy threatened Instagram followers while posting this snapshot. “She’s beautiful!”

That she is. As is her cousin.

Amy has been open about what she calls her “bad behavior” in the past, but says she waited until marriage with now-husband Dillon King.

The brutally-honest brunette beauty shared, “I have made mistakes in the past, but I can tell you that is something we are waiting on.”

While the Duggars famously encourage hardcore reproduction – see Michelle’s 19 kids, and Anna has four by age 27! – Amy is not rushing in.

“I don’t plan on getting pregnant right after marriage. I want to travel and enjoy not waking up in the middle of the night with a baby,” she said.

Borderline blasphemy.

Meanwhile, Anna continues to recover from her husband’s shocking Ashley Madison cheating scandal, which left her marriage in disarray.

There are reports that Anna sold her house and left Josh Duggar while he toils away at Christian labor camp, but that hasn’t been confirmed.

This week, we reported on family patriarch Jim Bob Duggar buying Josh and Anna a big house as a gift to help keep their marriage intact.

Anna is said to be unimpressed by that obvious, image-saving bribe, however friends caution that she is “considering all options” at this time.