Thursday, October 29, 2015

Joy-Anna Duggar Turns 18: Family Celebrates on Instagram!

Yet another Duggar is officially ready to leave the compound! (Once she starts courting, that is.)

Yes, Joy-Anna Duggar turned 18 yesterday, and her siblings (at least the ones who are allowed to have social media profiles) gave “Joy-Joy” plenty of loving shout-outs on Instagram.

The photo on the left was posted by Jessa Duggar, along with a caption reading:

“Happy birthday, Joy Joy! Love you so much, and I’m so blessed to have you as my sister! You light up the world around you and bring love and joy everyone you meet! Praying God’s blessings over you in this new year!”

As you can see, from the pic on the right, Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard and baby Israel – all of whom returned to El Salvador for missionary work last week – wished Joy a happy birthday from afar.

It was recently rumored that Joy-Anna would join Jill in El Salvador, and now that she’s 18, the choice is hers to make.

Whatever she does, unlike her older siblings, she won’t have to deal with the constant presence of reality show cameras, which may allow her to have a semi-normal young adulthood.

Well, as normal as possible for a girl who comes from a famous family of 18 siblings.

If you’re not a die-hard Duggar fan, you might now know much about Joy-Anna, but while she’s not as famous as some older siblings, the girl is no shrinking violet.

You might remember her most memorable moment – the viral video in which Joy-Anna squatted 145 pounds while wearing a skirt (per the Duggar dress code).

Allowing Joy-Anna to join her sister in El Salvador would technically be a violation of Duggar rules (Women generally don’t leave the house until they’re married.), but we’re pretty sure the girl can take care of herself.