Friday, October 30, 2015

15 Times Justin Bieber Has Promised to Be Better

Justin Bieber has been caught smoking pot.

He"s been arrested for drunk and reckless driving.

He"s peed into a restaurant mop bucket, posed naked on Instagram, thrown eggs at his neighbor"s house and often acted like a self-entitled jerk face.

In other words: Justin Bieber has had a lot to apologize for over the years. Here"s a look at how he"s issues a variety of mea culpas:

1. Time to Get Back Up!

Roast time

“everyday growing and learning. trying to be better. u get knocked down, u get up,” Bieber Tweeted in January 21013 after he was photographed smoking pot.

2. He Really Means It!

He really means it

Dressed Miley Cyrus on SNL, Bieber referenced himself and confirmed that he had, indeed, smoked marijuana, telling viewers:”I also heard he got busted for smoking weed and he’s really sorry about it and people make mistakes and he’s never gonna do it again.”

3. Sorry, POTUS!

Justin bieber pees acts like a moron

In July 2013, Bieber actually reached out to Bill Clinton after a video surfaced of him peeing in a bucket while saying, “F–k Bill Clinton.” The singer later publicized his contrition on Twitter, writing: “@billclinton thanks for taking the time to talk Mr. President. Your words meant a lot. #greatguy.”

4. My Bad, Argentina!

Justin bieber egged

Bieber didn’t mean to disrespect Argentina when he kicked a flag off stage in November 2013. He said of the incident: “I would never do anything to disrespect Argentina……or the people of Argentina or the fans. Im [sic] so sorry for anyone who took my actions the wrong way and I hope you can forgive this mistake.”

5. DU… I’m Sorry

Justin bieber arrest photo

After he was arrested for DUI in January 2014, Bieber once again offered a mea culpa, Tweeting to fans: YOU ARE ALL WORTHY NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS. BE STRONG GOD IS WITH US ALL. MY BELIEBERS CHANGED MY LIFE. I WILL FOREVER BE GRATEFUL.”

6. I Love You, Asia!

Justin bieber in blackwhite

In April 2014, Justin posted a picture of himself at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. It’s a controversial landmark. Oops! “While in Japan I asked my driver to pull over for which I saw a beautiful shrine. I was mislead to think the Shrines were only a place of prayer,” Bieber wrote on Instagram. “To anyone I have offended I am extremely sorry. I love you China and I love you Japan.”

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