Monday, October 12, 2015

Look Who Just Auditioned for American Idol!

Who says Kanye West doesn"t have a sense of humor?

On Saturday in San Francisco, the rapper appeared before Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr. in order to audition for the 15th and final season of American Idol.

Footage of West singing his 2005 hit “Gold Digger” was shared on Instagram by Kim Kardashian, who accompanied her husband for his pressure-packed audition.

Check out a sneak peek at the performance here and consider yourself spoiler warned: Kanye received a Golden Ticket to Hollywood. Hooray!

He was in the city over the weekend for a fundraiser, headlining an event that featured a Presidential endorsement from Barack Obama

Not a bad 24 hours for Yeezy, huh?

Kanye west auditions for american idol