Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bette Midler SHADES Kanye West, Calls Him Worse Than Trump!

Bette Midler is on a Twitter ROLL!

First, she goes after Kim Kardashian, and now she’s setting her sights on an even more formidable opponent: Kim’s husband Kanye West.

The Divine Miss M took to Twitter to encourage Kanye to enter the presidential race, citing his unpopularity as an indicator that he could actually win.

Bette Midler tweets to Kanye

Oh, man.

It’s been five hours, and still no response from Kanye. Maybe he couldn’t pay his bill and Verizon cut off his phone service.

But you know it’s just a matter of time before he sees it and the internet turns into a mushroom cloud.

Then again, Kanye has expressed interest in running for president, so you never know.

Bette must’ve enjoyed her little Twitter feud with Kim last week.

It started when the singer responded to a nude selfie Kim posted by tweeting this zinger:

“Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s gonna have to swallow the camera.”

It was a good one, right?

Kim clapped back at her with this tweet:

“@BetteMidler I know it’s past your bedtime but if you’re still up and reading this send nudes #justkidding.”

Today, we learned that Kanye may have been helped Kim craft the below-the-belt comeback, and no one was surprised.

If Kanye loves anything it’s a good Twitter war, and we’re hanging on the edge of our seats to see the fury he is bound to unleash on Bette.