Thursday, March 31, 2016

Leah Messer Loses Custody of Twins, Tries To Hold It Together

Bless the lawyer for trying to make this as painless as possible.

In a preview for Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer learns that she"s lost custody of her twins, Ali and Aleeah to ex-husband, Corey Simms.

“The custodial responsibility had been flipped to the father,” Messer’s lawyer, Lyne Randon explained. “The judge tried to say his goal was to make sure the kids got to school on time.”

The decision was made back in October, and sources told In Touch at the time that "[Corey] was awarded primary custody effective immediately.  Leah only gets the girls on the weekends now.  Leah"s been crying.  She never thought this would happen."

This was the second time Simms took Messer to court for custody of the girls.  The first time was in 2014, after he accused Messer of using drugs (a test later revealed that she was clean).  

Messer did complete a stint in rehab last July, but sources said she was back to her old ways, making the twins late for school more often than not.

"Leah’s really been screwing up since then, so Corey took her back to court,” a source told the tabloid.

“The judge looked at the girls’ school records, which show that they’ve been late for school and made the change in custody.”

Watch the video below to see how Messer took the news.

Leah messer loses custody of twins tries to hold it together