Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chris Brown Blasts Kehlani Parrish After Suicide Attempt

Congratulations, Chris Brown.

You may never sink lower than the time you bludgeoned Rihanna’s face into a bloody mess with your hands… but that doesn’t mean you are gonna stop trying.

On Tuesday, we sadly reported that Kehlani Parrish attempted suicide the day before, as the singer shared a picture of herself in a hospital bed and made reference in a caption to how she had “wanted to leave this Earth.”

She also referenced talk that she had cheated on boyfriend Kyrie Irving, implying that these rumors were the cause for why she had “no wish to see tomorrow.”

Following this near-tragedy, celebrities such as Nick Cannon took to social media in order to send Kehlani their best wishes.

But not Chris Brown.

He took to social media to throw shade at troubled artist.

“There is no attempting suicide,” Brown on Wednesday night. “Stop flexing for the gram. Doing s–t for sympathy so them comments under your pics don’t look so bad.”

And that wasn’t even it for Brown.

“Girls be mad at a n–ga for f–king around wit b–ches but her DMs got more names then the Declaration of Independence,” he wrote, adding for good measure and complete understanding:


Of course you are. You’re Chris Brown.

The only thing you throw more often than shade would be punched aimed at women.

Still not finished, the 26-year-old loser concluded:

“They look like they have stank sex!!!! #KYRIEMVP…

“I’ll be the BIGGEST PIECE OF [poop emoji]. But ima ride for my Homies regardless.

“KYRIE is probably one of the only good guys left. IDGAF!!! The amount of followers I got and the amount of comments are the amounts of f–ks I give.”

Chris Brown, ladies and gentlemen.

To all of you who continue to purchase his music, way to go. You should be proud of yourself.